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5 Things Every Woman Should Do Alone


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Found an interesting site called Jezebel with some interesting women's blogs.

So, 5 things women should do alone from time to time?

1. dine out--not just a meal alone but a good meal in a nice restaurant. splurge

2. Movies:

3.. Rock shows or other live performances (opera in a pinch)

4. Travel

5. Road trips

I have done all of the above except for a solo road trip (ie get in your car and go somewhere rather far away).

Any of the women have something different to add?

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I have done four of the above,

Dining out - no problem, when i am hungry and cant be bothered cooking, they actually serve a one person fondue here!!

Movies - I prefer to go on my own, no silly comments from the seat beside me

Rock shows - I had two tickets to see Simply Red at Motreux, went on my own, lost the cost of one ticket

Travel - the worst was going to meet my mum, sister and brother in Mombasa, I had to sit there for five hours on my own in the heat and surrounded by men who wanted to take me to my hotel with a bit of a tip. Also lost my suitcase there.

Road trips - none, apart from the time i hitched from my parents house to down town Geneva (wow) and the guy was playing the Greatest Hits of Abba and the cassette broke half way through Mamma Mia... I giggled.

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Wholeheartedly agree with all, as have done all and is great.

Might add under the travel option to stop and stay in a luxurious hotel by yourself for some relaxing and pampering time. I have done that from time to time on the way home from work and it is calming and cleansing to do nothing but swan about like a princess even if for just 24 hours. While posh hotels are great with your other half and when you are on a holiday/business doing things, just stopping and enjoying the hotel facilities and surrounds by yourself is liberating and relaxing at the same time. Being able to read a good book in a gigantic bathtub and sleep in those fabulous posh hotel beds with lovely soft sheets (and get to sleep across the WHOLE bed) - heaven.

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I guess personal safety would always be an issue with women. Men are so much luckier with that issue and most of us don't even give it much thought. I guess a lot would depend on where someone lives. There certainly ARE places where even men might not feel safe.

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Dine out alone is bliss especially in Thailand where serveral bowls of food are all placed on the table and then everyone starts to use their spoons to not only select their food but put in in their mouths as well and then back into the communial food.

Movies alone, geat, no interruptions.

Rock shows, way to go, just recently went to the AC/DC concert in Perth on my own and got to enjoy every minute.

Travel, prefer solo, don't have to worry about what others want to do, all I need now is 3 rows of plane seats to myself, so I don't have to smell or hear adjacent passengers.

Road trips alone, again the way to go, having driven around Australia 3 times and east to West about 8, on my own, pull up when you want to, eat when you want to etc etc

Being a woman is'nt an issue really if you use common sense.

But I guess for anyone doing anything alone, you need to be comfortable with your own self. Some people just need to be flapping their gums all the time and wouldn't enjoy doing things solo.

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Dine out alone is bliss especially in Thailand where serveral bowls of food are all placed on the table and then everyone starts to use their spoons to not only select their food but put in in their mouths as well and then back into the communial food.

Movies alone, geat, no interruptions.

Rock shows, way to go, just recently went to the AC/DC concert in Perth on my own and got to enjoy every minute.

Travel, prefer solo, don't have to worry about what others want to do, all I need now is 3 rows of plane seats to myself, so I don't have to smell or hear adjacent passengers.

Road trips alone, again the way to go, having driven around Australia 3 times and east to West about 8, on my own, pull up when you want to, eat when you want to etc etc

Being a woman is'nt an issue really if you use common sense.

But I guess for anyone doing anything alone, you need to be comfortable with your own self. Some people just need to be flapping their gums all the time and wouldn't enjoy doing things solo.

I kinda figured you were that kind of gal. My younger sister traveled all over the globe alone, researching for her 4 best seller cookbooks. she was in Afghanistan when the Ruskies were pulling out. You can google her name... Leslie Forbes

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Dining out alone is good but its nice to have a place where there's lots of foot traffic to observe. So when by myself find I often go for location rather than food etc.

Movies alone are normally the ones I remember! Still remember going to a movie by myself in Townsville Aust. in the middle of a solo roadtrip to the back of beyond.

Live performances if something comes along but not top of my list for things to do especially alone. But would happily go if no one else wanted to attend the same performance.

Travel alone is great and have done it often to many places. I hate spending half the day discussing with others what to do. Like getting up early and doing my own thing. Meet much more interesting people when you are on your own too.

Road trips on your own, great. Have done Australia, some of Europe and some of Canada. Truth be it, would rather be on a horse, but slows you down a bit.

Would add on solo camping trip and hiking trip. Can't be beaten for the ultimate solo experience.

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It's great to see so many of us confident adventurous women managing things. Of course true and trusted friends are always pleasant company but it's nice to have a choice.

Ian I will google up your sister's name, hopefully there will be something there with some good stories.

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I don't think I would go camping alone. Sortta scary.

Funny you should say that, Patsycat. Camping would be your least scary place... unless you were camping in grizzly country while having your period. For some reason that triggers male bears in a negative way. There have been more than a few incidents to back that up. Weirdo men who prey on women very seldom camp. They have far better places to "hunt". Most males who camp are of the White Knight in shining armour types. The only problem an attractive woman might face is running into TOO MANY WHITE KNIGHTS wanting to "protect" them!

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You've got that wrong, Naam. It is much more fun to shop with a female friend. You mean, leave the man at home while the woman goes shopping.


That's the truth, sbk. On one of my infrequent visits to the huge Airport Plaza mall in Chiang Mai I tried counting the number of shops related to women in comparison to shops that have the OCCASIONAL item for men. I finally gave up when it reached 103 shops related entirely to women as compared to 4 shops with men's items.

case rests. :D

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Nothing wrong with that. Most men do not grasp the fine art of shopping :)

Anyway, ladies. back to things you should do alone. I think far too often women (and I include myself in this) don't treat themselves. I know that I often feel that its a waste of money to do frivolous things that pamper myself. So, I've never had a manicure, never had a pedicure and the only time I had a facial was because my sister gave me a spa treatment for my birthday.

I think the dining alone one was misconstrued. Its not about eating alone, its about treating yourself to a nice meal in a good restaurant. And learning to enjoy it.

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So true about not treating yourself. I have found that men have far more hobbies than women (sporting, recreational) & so that is their form of treating themselves yet when a women goes to the salon or buys herself something frivolous she feels guilty about it. Yesterday we had a night out & I decided to go to the local salon beforehand for a trim & have my hair washed & dried. Only 40 minutes & 200 baht & I felt great sitting in the chair having someone tend to me. I must remember to do it more often :)

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You've got that wrong, Naam. It is much more fun to shop with a female friend. You mean, leave the man at home while the woman goes shopping.

sorry, i was not specific enough. i meant of course the same like you, i.e. "without her man" :)

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my check list:

dining out - tick

movie - tick

concerts/performances - tick

travelling - tick

road trips - does this mean driving yourself only? or would jumping on and off buses/train/ferries around the country count? and if yes, how is it different to traveling above?

now my own list of things I PREFER doing alone:

Shopping!! (yes I prefer to go shopping by myself! besides I find there will always be random strangers more than happy to give their opinions :D)

Cafes - for nice chocolate drinks and cakes!

football games on TV (the guys talk too much while watching games :) but if live in stadium then definitely better with friends)

a spa & massage

a day at the beach

a day at art galleries

an outdoor symphony/moonlight movie

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I'm with you Mig, as I find i am more productive if i shop alone. i can usually get in, get out and have an armful of items if i am alone.

I don't enjoy dining alone, but I do enjoy the occasional splurge with a friend.

Have traveled alone for 3 months and really loved it. In fact, i was rarely alone!

Movies - yeah, i can do that alone, but if i am going to the cinema, i prefer to go with a friend. Then I dont feel so silly walking out red eyed at the end (as usually happens at ANY movie...god, I saw the last half hour of Marley and Me the other day and thought i was going to vomit i was crying so hard).

Gym - prefer alone. For sure.

Spa - prefer alone as i hate the jabbering that some friends insist on when getting massaged.

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Movies - yeah, i can do that alone, but if i am going to the cinema, i prefer to go with a friend. Then I dont feel so silly walking out red eyed at the end (as usually happens at ANY movie...god, I saw the last half hour of Marley and Me the other day and thought i was going to vomit i was crying so hard).


You ain't alone on that score, Donna. :D I'm a guy and I get weepy eyed at some well done movies. In fact I went to my first movie ever in Thailand the other day and had a few tears in my eyes as I could identify with the problem the young boy had with his father. It's hard being a "man" sometimes. :D

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Those are good.

The road trip I would not try on my own.

I like shopping alone!!!! I enjoy it with a friend, but i think I prefer to shop alone. However, my daughter is a lot of fun to take shopping with me. Maybe because she knows I always buy her something too. She does give me honest opinions.

Practicing yoga alone is also nice.

I just have to add that shopping with a man who loves watching you shopping (and buying you whatever you like) is Super!

It IS great to "treat" ourselves

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Nothing wrong with that. Most men do not grasp the fine art of shopping :)

Anyway, ladies. back to things you should do alone. I think far too often women (and I include myself in this) don't treat themselves. I know that I often feel that its a waste of money to do frivolous things that pamper myself. So, I've never had a manicure, never had a pedicure and the only time I had a facial was because my sister gave me a spa treatment for my birthday.

I think the dining alone one was misconstrued. Its not about eating alone, its about treating yourself to a nice meal in a good restaurant. And learning to enjoy it.

Actually it is men that have turned shopping into an fine art. Figuring out what they need before hand, driving to the appropriate store, walking directly to the store and buying exactly what the went for, walking away minutes after entering the store. Plenty of time left in the day for more valuable pursuits. It doesn't get better than that

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