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Possible Assassination Attempt On PM Abhisit?


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Misleading headline. Very dissapointing TV

What is misleading in the headline?

"Possible Assassination Attempt On PM Abhisit?, Reports on a plot to assassinate the premier"

Do I miss something?

The original title did not include the word 'possible

Cheers, Rick

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Misleading headline. Very dissapointing TV

What is misleading in the headline?

"Possible Assassination Attempt On PM Abhisit?, Reports on a plot to assassinate the premier"

Do I miss something?

Clearly, hes jumped the gun and hasnt read the title properly.....theres an '?' after the word Abhisit. (changes everything). :)

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Is Suthep & his spin machine working the night-shift?

Whoever is posting these headlines needs to be slapped. You can't write:

"Possible Assassination Attempt On PM Abhisit?, Reports on a plot to assassinate the premier"

There was not even a "possible" assassination attempt. An attempt is an effort to kill someone. A plot is not an attempt. This is what happens when you have novices posting news stories. And this site is run by novices.

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Misleading headline. Very dissapointing TV

What is misleading in the headline?

"Possible Assassination Attempt On PM Abhisit?, Reports on a plot to assassinate the premier"

Do I miss something?

Clearly, hes jumped the gun and hasnt read the title properly.....theres an '?' after the word Abhisit. (changes everything). :)

The question mark changes NOTHING. Why not just play it straight? "Plot to assassinate Abhisit Uncovered" would do.

And what I got in my email said: "Assassination Attempt On PM Abhisit"

The question mark and the word "possible" added AFTER THE FACT doesn't make it any less misleading and is a poor attempt to drive people to this site. And the emoticon you use is even more insulting and not cute. Grow up.

Edited by snaggletooth
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Is Suthep & his spin machine working the night-shift?

Whoever is posting these headlines needs to be slapped. You can't write:

"Possible Assassination Attempt On PM Abhisit?, Reports on a plot to assassinate the premier"

There was not even a "possible" assassination attempt. An attempt is an effort to kill someone. A plot is not an attempt. This is what happens when you have novices posting news stories. And this site is run by novices.

The answer was given earlier in the thread. The original title was a quote of an MCOT rss feed.

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Misleading headline. Very dissapointing TV

What is misleading in the headline?

"Possible Assassination Attempt On PM Abhisit?, Reports on a plot to assassinate the premier"

Do I miss something?

Clearly, hes jumped the gun and hasnt read the title properly.....theres an '?' after the word Abhisit. (changes everything). :)

The question mark changes NOTHING. Why not just play it straight? "Plot to assassinate Abhisit Uncovered" would do.

And what I got in my email said: "Assassination Attempt On PM Abhisit"

The question mark and the word "possible" added AFTER THE FACT doesn't make it any less misleading and is a poor attempt to drive people to this site. And the emoticon you use is even more insulting and not cute. Grow up.

:D Unsubscribe :D

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Misleading headline. Very dissapointing TV

What is misleading in the headline?

"Possible Assassination Attempt On PM Abhisit?, Reports on a plot to assassinate the premier"

Do I miss something?

maybe.... how you get to this topic?

notification by email?

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Is Suthep & his spin machine working the night-shift?

Whoever is posting these headlines needs to be slapped. You can't write:

"Possible Assassination Attempt On PM Abhisit?, Reports on a plot to assassinate the premier"

There was not even a "possible" assassination attempt. An attempt is an effort to kill someone. A plot is not an attempt. This is what happens when you have novices posting news stories. And this site is run by novices.

I got this in our newsfeed from MCOT (National News Agency) and I personally set the original headline:

18:37 "Metropolitan police confirm report of assassination attempt on PM Abhisit"

Please note that Thaivisa is not writing the news on this topic, we are only reporting what we get.



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The Prime Minister should flee to England & buy a football team.

One already did (but you and I know that :) ).

We also know that no respectably democratic government of the world will allow Thaksin entry for any number of reasons, his anti-democratic 'credentials' being one, and his use of any country that will admit him as the base of his treasonous activities against his own country being another of the many reasons.

Thaksin instead is reduced to his actual comfort level of being welcomed by dictators, tyrants, authoritarians, emirs and primiers such as Hun Sen, for whom the former Thai Thaksin now cheerfully works as an economic advisor (read: whore) against his own country.

And now Thaksin raises the temperature by his revealingly mad statements from the distant abroad that the PM of Thailand is a Hitler. There were something like 44 assassination attempts against Hitler during his mad reign over the Third Reich. I'm beginning to think Thaksin himself would love to make such claims of a perceived self-martydom so long as any and all attempts against him would be unsuccessful, but that one such attempt against the incumbent Thai PM would be realized.

This Thaksin only becomes ever more vile and spewing ever more bile.

The government is responding well, credibly and commendably in the face of the lunatic in the distant abroad. Would that his Redshirt followers be able to see and recognize this and at long last give up the ghost.

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haha its called a double entendre - your english ?
Class struggle?

Have to say that both sides' tactics are showing absolutely no class in this conflict at all.

all very tawdry.

the minister was talking about the Class Strugle, as two different, opposing classess in the society (the rulling class and the working class), do fight each other.

it's not about "class" as a synonym of "quality".

words have many different meanings

And you are obviously "American" from somewhere south of Canada and north of Mexico - specified so as not to insult the remainder of those two continents, nor the residents therein who do know how to use English correctly.

your = possessive pronoun - as in the property of the person causing "you" to be the first three letters of that pronoun.

you're = the abbreviated form of a personal pronoun and the present tense of the verb "to be".

I suggest you learn to use them correctly whenever to attempt to write humour or sarcasm, otherwise your intent is destroyed or lost due to poor grammar.

And geography lessons for you. Since when were Canada and Mexico continents? Do they teach geography on whatever islet you're from?

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please note that Thaivisa is a discussion platform, and we disseminate news, but is not a news agency.

now, shall we revert back to discussing the topic at hand, rather than the service that Thaivisa provides? if you have feedback about the forum, please do so in forum support section :)

if you have issues /concerns about moderation - write to support.

cheers :D

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would they be the same people, who tried to "assassinate" him a year ago, around songkran, in an empty car?

or those who missed sondhi with 180 bullets?

all looks like a cheap set up to make martyrs from themselves and to boost own popularity

"The minister also said the society will not support the claim by fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra that the red-shirt protest is a class struggle."

ups minister, don't mention a class struggle - when it really starts, you won't be able to stop it. A large part military and police will be against you, defending their own class interestes, which contradict yours and the rulling elite

Get real man

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I don't think this is bunk at all. Taksin seems very desperate at this point. His followers are using pathetic techniques here, and I don't believe a man educated in the west is going to fall for or be intimidated by some witchcraft BS. I think the blood should be considered a bio hazard, i would find it hard to believe there is no law about body parts not being dealt with properly, or even used as a weapon. I think legal action should be taken and embarrassment to the country needs to end. The assassination plot is more than likely real and probably has been in the planning stage for two years now. I say end it, send a message, sanctions against any country that harbors this fugitive trash, and charge him with treason and prosecute to the full extent of the law and be done with it. enough is enough, just do it by the books, it certainly can be done. :)

Well said

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Thai society is fed with gossiping and not reading so much therefore any one imagination is galopping though not a necessity to report all gossips without knowing the origin and being sure it is wort it. Any one has a huge imagination to distort all truth and few keep a proper common sense. Thank you to add to the Government files that presently can be congratulated for its soft but firm maitrise of the situation. First time I see the Goverment , the Army, the Police, the Bangkokians united without much individual sticking their heads out. Let's hope it is a turning point in the Thaksin saga and new postive days for the Thai country.

Thaksin is out and with less of his Capital available to nurse his ambitions.

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Class struggle?

the minister was talking about the Class Strugle, as two different, opposing classess in the society (the rulling class and the working class), do fight each other.

it's not about "class" as a synonym of "quality".

words have many different meanings

And you are obviously "American" from somewhere south of Canada and north of Mexico - specified so as not to insult the remainder of those two continents, nor the residents therein who do know how to use English correctly.

your = possessive pronoun - as in the property of the person causing "you" to be the first three letters of that pronoun.

you're = the abbreviated form of a personal pronoun and the present tense of the verb "to be".

I suggest you learn to use them correctly whenever to attempt to write humour or sarcasm, otherwise your intent is destroyed or lost due to poor grammar.

And geography lessons for you. Since when were Canada and Mexico continents? Do they teach geography on whatever islet you're from?

Speaking of words having different meanings..........



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I do not believe one second that there would be an assassination attempt on the PM. Desperate elements within the government are simply looking for sympathy. This is not uncommon in dictatorships. It would not hold any substance as murdering this man would not change a thing. There are others that really hold power and would make more sense to get rid of. The fact that the red shirts have not resorted to destructive action says enough. The yellow shirts had no trouble shooting on people from under a portrait on passerby. They had no trouble to hide hundreds of kilo's of explosives in the government house compound, they were the ones who paralyzed the country by making "fun", according FM Kasit on the airport by screwing hundreds of people out of a job both foreign and local.

If anyone has visited the government house during their occupation they know that their guards were under the influence of drugs and heavily armed. If there is an attempt it will come from his owns ranks not from the reds. The reds are always associated with Thaksin maybe it is time to read the latest article of Giles Ungpakorn, another man screwed out of his job for speaking out.

what a crock of bullshit

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I wonder if all those knocking this bit of information are equally critical of the faked taping used repeatedly on the red stage and the unproven claim that Prem was behind the coup? Some consistency is needed if hypocricy is to be avoided. As usual on here it is support your side and believe everything they say while disbelieving anything the other lot say. Ho Hum

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would they be the same people, who tried to "assassinate" him a year ago, around songkran, in an empty car?

or those who missed sondhi with 180 bullets?

all looks like a cheap set up to make martyrs from themselves and to boost own popularity

"The minister also said the society will not support the claim by fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra that the red-shirt protest is a class struggle."

ups minister, don't mention a class struggle - when it really starts, you won't be able to stop it. A large part military and police will be against you, defending their own class interestes, which contradict yours and the rulling elite

Goodnight, take your meds. :)

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would they be the same people, who tried to "assassinate" him a year ago, around songkran, in an empty car?

or those who missed sondhi with 180 bullets?

all looks like a cheap set up to make martyrs from themselves and to boost own popularity

"The minister also said the society will not support the claim by fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra that the red-shirt protest is a class struggle."

ups minister, don't mention a class struggle - when it really starts, you won't be able to stop it. A large part military and police will be against you, defending their own class interestes, which contradict yours and the rulling elite

So someone who in his post clearly indicates he believes in a couple of totally unproven conspiracy theories is outraged by what he regards as an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory. Kind of double standardy surely......

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Thai Visa MAKES news in Thailand - literally


OKAY I LIKE subscribing to TV news reports BUT could you PLEASE follow some BASIC STANDARDS????????????????/

headline - assasination attempt NOT

Header confirms reports of assasination attempt NOT

A Better headline Government has no "Suspects" in "Suspected" Assassinanation Plot on the PM


Again, I like my Subscription of the NEWS headlines, and won't cancel it, but if it wants to be a legitimate NEWS source, report the NEWS don't fabricate NEWS with misleading headlines.

The RULE is, the headline should have just enough accurate info to let the reader decide if they want to wade into the details, NOT a dishonest catch phrase which makes the story seem like it is WORTH reading.

Of course, most of us would want to hear the details of an assasination attempt and who was arrested, and/or who was claiming responsibilty. This was NOT the case.

As an example of a GREAT headline was the one about the PM surrounding himself with men of a certain sexual persuasion.

That headline 'beautifully' allowed me to decide not to click on the story, though maybe tonight I will read it over for a laugh.

"Gay Toga Parties in PM's office" would be an example of a misleading head line.

Have some STANDARDS pullllease!!!!!!!!!

>>> Edit, I see now Iam not the only VALUED TV subscriber who is unhappy with a worse than National Enquirer misleading headline.

We only want you to be BETTER than that!!!

Edited by eggomaniac
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IMHO, it must be the RED; because the YELLOW are the good guys.

Welcome to Thailand! How long have you been here? Since yesterday?

Ohh dear, your back, thought your holiday might of been a bit longer than that. :)

I was going to go on holiday, you're right. But then Thaksin offered me 2000 Baht to drive my pickup truck full of farmers who shouldn't even be allowed to vote to the nearest internet shop and ..well, here I am :D

Sounds about right for our resident Savant. :D Off to Vegas per chance? :D

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So there are unconfirmed threats upon the life of the prime minister, no known actual attempts on his life.

And ThaiVisa ran with it before they knew the facts, sending SMS and e-mail alerts to all their subscribers. :D

This is not the first instance of this happening.

You obviously haven't spent a lot of time in Thailand then. With Thaksin it was almost daily :)

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would they be the same people, who tried to "assassinate" him a year ago, around songkran, in an empty car?

or those who missed sondhi with 180 bullets?

all looks like a cheap set up to make martyrs from themselves and to boost own popularity

"The minister also said the society will not support the claim by fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra that the red-shirt protest is a class struggle."

ups minister, don't mention a class struggle - when it really starts, you won't be able to stop it. A large part military and police will be against you, defending their own class interestes, which contradict yours and the rulling elite

So someone who in his post clearly indicates he believes in a couple of totally unproven conspiracy theories is outraged by what he regards as an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory. Kind of double standardy surely......

Let me explain. You have heard of color blind and rose colored glasses?

In Thailand 20% of the population are red blind and 10% are yellow blind.

The problem this 30% dominates 100% of the politcal outcomes.

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