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Possible Assassination Attempt On PM Abhisit?


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It looks like the DAAD Red Shirts targeted the Goverment on the same basis of the short lived 1992 regime of the Army backed General Suchinda Kraprayoon who was an unelected Prime Minister. There was much bloodshed and loss of life. Perhaps the Red Shirts got their military confrontation and blood tipping idea from this.

The attempted Assassination theory from the Government side is also interesting. Thaksin Shinawatra waived stories around as his popularitiy wained with accusations that a "dark person" was trying to kill him. With Thaksin, a master of spin this appeared to be less of substance and more of sympathy seeking something he continues to do whenever the occasion arises.

One can never really be sure of anything given the sheer volume of rumour.

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I do not believe one second that there would be an assassination attempt on the PM. Desperate elements within the government are simply looking for sympathy. This is not uncommon in dictatorships. It would not hold any substance as murdering this man would not change a thing. There are others that really hold power and would make more sense to get rid of. The fact that the red shirts have not resorted to destructive action says enough. The yellow shirts had no trouble shooting on people from under a portrait on passerby. They had no trouble to hide hundreds of kilo's of explosives in the government house compound, they were the ones who paralyzed the country by making "fun", according FM Kasit on the airport by screwing hundreds of people out of a job both foreign and local.

If anyone has visited the government house during their occupation they know that their guards were under the influence of drugs and heavily armed. If there is an attempt it will come from his owns ranks not from the reds. The reds are always associated with Thaksin maybe it is time to read the latest article of Giles Ungpakorn, another man screwed out of his job for speaking out.


Dude, are U for real? Do you LIVE in Thailand or just a has been tourist? It is easy to hire anyone in Thailand to kill off someone... could be your jealous girlfriend hiring a motorbike guy for 5000 baht to knock you off to the mofia taking care of "business". And you think Toxin (sp) was legitimate???? Either you are writing up sarcasm or not very intelligent.


Yea, I thought this was a very strange post too... :)

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I do not believe one second that there would be an assassination attempt on the PM. Desperate elements within the government are simply looking for sympathy. This is not uncommon in dictatorships. It would not hold any substance as murdering this man would not change a thing. There are others that really hold power and would make more sense to get rid of. The fact that the red shirts have not resorted to destructive action says enough. The yellow shirts had no trouble shooting on people from under a portrait on passerby. They had no trouble to hide hundreds of kilo's of explosives in the government house compound, they were the ones who paralyzed the country by making "fun", according FM Kasit on the airport by screwing hundreds of people out of a job both foreign and local.

If anyone has visited the government house during their occupation they know that their guards were under the influence of drugs and heavily armed. If there is an attempt it will come from his owns ranks not from the reds. The reds are always associated with Thaksin maybe it is time to read the latest article of Giles Ungpakorn, another man screwed out of his job for speaking out.

Dude do you even know what you are saying? where do you get this stuff, guards on drugs...ha ha

Also You speak as if the reds did nothing wrong. Where you here back in April last year? roads were closed, train station shut down people getting beat up shot and killed all by the red shirts. Wake up!!! Also where do you get that the current prime minster is a dictator? He did not cease office he was elected, not by a general election but by a house election.

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The lead in "Assassination Attempt..." leads to a title "Possible Assassination Attempt..." leads to a report about possible plots. Really, ThaiVisa, this is irresponsible scaremongering of the first order.

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I think that the Prime Minister has been more than fair with the Sua Daeng over the past week. Personally I would not have put up with what has been going on. I think that he deserves a lot of credit for allowing the Red Shirts to express their opinions and to bring their protest to Bangkok. He has shown a lot of patience.

I agree and he is doing the right thing, If he tries any force there will be a backlash which will cause violence to erupt and then the red shirts will have what they want. Im sure it's hard to keep a cool head when they make a personal attack at his house, but it's good he is remaining calm and just waiting for the red shirts to get tired and give up. From the amount of people or should I say lack of people that showed up this past weekend it is obvious they are loosing steam. give it a little more time and it will be over.

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Intelligence warns of assassination attempts against PM

BANGKOK: –- Intelligence reports have warned of possible attempts to assassinate the prime minister.

Ohhh Intelligence reports :D ..... this is like United States of America all over again, "Sadam has weapons of mass destruction".


he did bro! and the 4th largest military. make your words sweet in case you have to eat them. why not keep it on topic too?

Actually, you just brought it off topic. His comparison was very very very on topic ... you now have changed the topic.

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What! why is the title assassination attempt?

true there is not much in the topic about the atcuall supposed assination attempt. its just gerneral opinums

Obviously a Headline Grabber though technically not incorrect (I think) if there was even a plot just being discussed.

I would imagine if people were making plans to kill him they could be arrested for attempting assination ... I don't think you actually need to fire a bullet and miss for it to be an attempt but with all that said it certainly was a misleading headline especially since there doesn't seem to be one specific mention of any attempt less any plot or even a suspected group let alone person involved.

Edited by johndpoole
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Dr. Taksin was a very nice, intelligent man before he became wealthy. I know because my best friend was his asst. police comissioner when Dr. Taksin was Lt. Col. Police Comissioner. Dr. Taksin was considerate, kind, and thoughtful. He married Potjamarn and suddenly had money, real money come into his life. It changed him. As with many people, the pursuit of money became the game; not how much you have. He could now afford to rub shoulders with big shot politicos, who, recognizing talent when they saw it, promoted him. He put a good face forward and was quick to learn, and he advanced quickly.

When you play the money game, you keep score by how much you have and by how fast you make it. Dr. Taksin began counting his money; obsessively. The sickness of Greed affected/ infected him. More and more it became the driving force in his life to the point he couldn't see himself as others were beginning to see him. Many voted for him because he was sucessful and very rich, thinking that his craving was surely satiated by having a billion US dollars in a country as poor as Thailand (it would take many lifetimes to spend it all). They didn't know about his 'sickness' of Greed.

When he had his power taken from him, he, rightly or wrongly, took it personally. Remember, he is a very good man striken with Greed. He does not see his Greed though; only the offence against a 'good' man. He has spent the last four years worrying about his lost money, his lost pride, his lost 'face', and his lost status. This constand worrying and dwelling on his loss and plotting how to regain everything has taken it's toll on him as witnessed by his obvious decline from video to video and statement to statement. He has many clingers-on who encourage the worst parts of his nature for their own selfish game.

In the end, he is just a good man gone off the track and it has happened to better men than him. Don't hate him for having human failings but don't trust him to ever become the kind, considerate, and thoughtful man he once was.

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The lead in "Assassination Attempt..." leads to a title "Possible Assassination Attempt..." leads to a report about possible plots. Really, ThaiVisa, this is irresponsible scaremongering of the first order.

Bottom line: it's a profit driven company and more eyes, more click equal more Baht.

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I think that the Prime Minister has been more than fair with the Sua Daeng over the past week. Personally I would not have put up with what has been going on. I think that he deserves a lot of credit for allowing the Red Shirts to express their opinions and to bring their protest to Bangkok. He has shown a lot of patience.

I agree and he is doing the right thing, If he tries any force there will be a backlash which will cause violence to erupt and then the red shirts will have what they want. Im sure it's hard to keep a cool head when they make a personal attack at his house, but it's good he is remaining calm and just waiting for the red shirts to get tired and give up. From the amount of people or should I say lack of people that showed up this past weekend it is obvious they are loosing steam. give it a little more time and it will be over.

I agree but disagree. Showing restraint is great and allowing demonstrations and "agreeing" to allow them to parade (block roads) is fine. But when you allow them to run road blocks or throw blood then you are setting a tone that says they are in control and have no respect for rules and laws. When this happens, you can only expect the boundries to be pushed even further. Many problems in Thailand occur because of a lack of consequences. Police and Gov't have to draw a line somewhere be it infants riding on motorccyles in their parent's arms or throwing blood (hazardous material) on the President's residence. At some point somebody has to say this is unacceptable and hold offenders responsible.

But I am very suspicious that the Red's fight has mostly left them. I really don't see Thaksin being able to lead as he has shown himself to be a nut job and I think there are just a few hardcore senior members holding things together because they likely are benefiting monetarily from keeping things going. So, in this case things may die out because their heart is not into it and any terrible (violent) acts would likely send most all of the Red's back home since their heart is really not into this. The current PM is not a monster, Thakisn is clearly insane and convicted criminal on the run (he is never coming back in power) and I believe the current PM is making some strides to help the people in the north so the only real thing to protests is for democracy in the sense of an election and the PM has, as I understand, set a time table for this.

So, what really do they have to be so enraged about that they would want to resort to violence when the result, even if the gov't was toppled, would not benefit them any time in the near future and in all likelyhood hurt them for a considerably longer time as the entire Thai system would be in turmoil for the next 6-months.

From what I see, the moderates are being heard now and their best bet is to make sure they are heard a little more and see if any changes occur.

Edited by johndpoole
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All the excitiement over this headline aside there has to be some concern for the health of the PM considering the repeated playing of the fake but usefully inciteful tape and the rally as people get more and more frustrated. Also Arisaman's latest about drawing blodd form the head of the PM is worrying. Both of these acts from a movement that claims it is peaceful in intent!

And I'll say it again, if (god forbid) PT won an election then their paymaster would of course assign the ministerial portfolios, (the boss orders, the boss doesn't discuss), with perhaps the following result:

- Thaksin - PM, President for life, CEO, and Dictator (multi-skilling), with legislation that he is above the law and has first bite at all contracts, and with immediate 5 level jump in rank for all shin family in the police, the military, etc.

- Arisman - Minister for Finance

- Veera - Minister of Interior, therefore also in charge of the police

- Jatuporn - Minister of Foreign Affairs

- Weng - Minister of Health, but with quick serious fighting with sudarat

- Sae daeng -Minister of Defence (he's fallen out with UDD but not with thaksin)

- Noppadon - Justice Minister (totally lacking in any degree whatever of ethics or morals, would have no hesitation to put legislation before parliament to pardon the paymaster and declare him the president for life, and reverse the ban on the 250 of so vote buyers, in fact he's probbaly got the documents already prepared.

- Jakrabob - Government spokesman and in Charge of state media - personally ensures that all reports have positive spin for the paymaster, telling untruths totally OK (quite some orator - but needs to be spanked everyday for his 'run-on' mouth.

- Chavalit - Has to be rewarded, so perhaps a new ministry of voodoo to keep his wife busy.

- Sanoh - Well got to give him something to help close the ranks on Alpine golf ??

- Chalerm - naah, no longer needed and probably too difficult to control him and his thug sons

and more. Frightening, frightening, frightening, failed state on the horizon.

Well done as this gives us a clear picture of what we would get if the Redshirts were to have their way. The Reds also need to consider that something like the above would be the direct consequence and outcome of their incessant campaigning.

Ugly indeed.

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Please note the preface; 'I suspect.'

Also the media gets it's feed from some source,

ideally 3 sources corroborating each other,

and then adds an editorial slant.

"I read the paper ever day and believe every word it says."


And old saw, because some actually do that.

Would I be surprised if there was attempts on Abhisits life?

Not in the least, and even less surprised if Suthep was targeted.

Sad state of affairs.

Wow 3 sources! With all that corroboration we must then conclude that Thaksin us a magician. Earlier the Nation reported that Thaksin was in Cambodia (the PM's secretary gota a call from Dubai) , somewhere in Europe, then in Germany, finally in Montenegro.

Let's face it! There was no news it was all speculation and rumor as here "I suspect".

//deleted by Admin //

Live by the Sword;Die by the sword!

Take away all the casinos belonging the Bloodsuckers of Chalerm and Chavalit Ilk.

That shuts down the moneyline to Mister Toxin.

Note to Admin

This is why I replied as I did.

Wouldn't you now agree with my observation?

Never saw it, but sounds like it was just a deleted flame at me...

Nothing lost by this.

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I doubt anyone is surprised some groups want to kill the PM.

I would be surprised if the news was that no group did...

Indeed. But now it has gone to another whole new level since there possibly are plots which are credible enough to make to news(I guess so)

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All the excitiement over this headline aside there has to be some concern for the health of the PM considering the repeated playing of the fake but usefully inciteful tape and the rally as people get more and more frustrated. Also Arisaman's latest about drawing blodd form the head of the PM is worrying. Both of these acts from a movement that claims it is peaceful in intent!

And I'll say it again, if (god forbid) PT won an election then their paymaster would of course assign the ministerial portfolios, (the boss orders, the boss doesn't discuss), with perhaps the following result:

- Thaksin - PM, President for life, CEO, and Dictator (multi-skilling), with legislation that he is above the law and has first bite at all contracts, and with immediate 5 level jump in rank for all shin family in the police, the military, etc.

- Arisman - Minister for Finance

- Veera - Minister of Interior, therefore also in charge of the police

- Jatuporn - Minister of Foreign Affairs

- Weng - Minister of Health, but with quick serious fighting with sudarat

- Sae daeng -Minister of Defence (he's fallen out with UDD but not with thaksin)

- Noppadon - Justice Minister (totally lacking in any degree whatever of ethics or morals, would have no hesitation to put legislation before parliament to pardon the paymaster and declare him the president for life, and reverse the ban on the 250 of so vote buyers, in fact he's probbaly got the documents already prepared.

- Jakrabob - Government spokesman and in Charge of state media - personally ensures that all reports have positive spin for the paymaster, telling untruths totally OK (quite some orator - but needs to be spanked everyday for his 'run-on' mouth.

- Chavalit - Has to be rewarded, so perhaps a new ministry of voodoo to keep his wife busy.

- Sanoh - Well got to give him something to help close the ranks on Alpine golf ??

- Chalerm - naah, no longer needed and probably too difficult to control him and his thug sons

and more. Frightening, frightening, frightening, failed state on the horizon.

Well done as this gives us a clear picture of what we would get if the Redshirts were to have their way. The Reds also need to consider that something like the above would be the direct consequence and outcome of their incessant campaigning.

Ugly indeed.

What a crock! You call this crap interesting?

Totally unwarranted and with no evidence to back up such a premature and speculative.

If you want to make wild guesses, I suggest Las Vegas. At least there you will suffer the pain of being parted with your money.

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All the excitiement over this headline aside there has to be some concern for the health of the PM considering the repeated playing of the fake but usefully inciteful tape and the rally as people get more and more frustrated. Also Arisaman's latest about drawing blodd form the head of the PM is worrying. Both of these acts from a movement that claims it is peaceful in intent!

And I'll say it again, if (god forbid) PT won an election then their paymaster would of course assign the ministerial portfolios, (the boss orders, the boss doesn't discuss), with perhaps the following result:

- Thaksin - PM, President for life, CEO, and Dictator (multi-skilling), with legislation that he is above the law and has first bite at all contracts, and with immediate 5 level jump in rank for all shin family in the police, the military, etc.

- Arisman - Minister for Finance

- Veera - Minister of Interior, therefore also in charge of the police

- Jatuporn - Minister of Foreign Affairs

- Weng - Minister of Health, but with quick serious fighting with sudarat

- Sae daeng -Minister of Defence (he's fallen out with UDD but not with thaksin)

- Noppadon - Justice Minister (totally lacking in any degree whatever of ethics or morals, would have no hesitation to put legislation before parliament to pardon the paymaster and declare him the president for life, and reverse the ban on the 250 of so vote buyers, in fact he's probbaly got the documents already prepared.

- Jakrabob - Government spokesman and in Charge of state media - personally ensures that all reports have positive spin for the paymaster, telling untruths totally OK (quite some orator - but needs to be spanked everyday for his 'run-on' mouth.

- Chavalit - Has to be rewarded, so perhaps a new ministry of voodoo to keep his wife busy.

- Sanoh - Well got to give him something to help close the ranks on Alpine golf ??

- Chalerm - naah, no longer needed and probably too difficult to control him and his thug sons

and more. Frightening, frightening, frightening, failed state on the horizon.

Well done as this gives us a clear picture of what we would get if the Redshirts were to have their way. The Reds also need to consider that something like the above would be the direct consequence and outcome of their incessant campaigning.

Ugly indeed.

What a crock! You call this crap interesting?

Totally unwarranted and with no evidence to back up such a premature and speculative.

If you want to make wild guesses, I suggest Las Vegas. At least there you will suffer the pain of being parted with your money.

Ummm why is this at all unwarranted? Who else would he use? He must keep control of the people mentioned and cabinet positions are what go to the folks that get you into office. Who does he have that is useful? If he loses the people mentioned he loses his power-base.

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All the excitiement over this headline aside there has to be some concern for the health of the PM considering the repeated playing of the fake but usefully inciteful tape and the rally as people get more and more frustrated. Also Arisaman's latest about drawing blodd form the head of the PM is worrying. Both of these acts from a movement that claims it is peaceful in intent!

And I'll say it again, if (god forbid) PT won an election then their paymaster would of course assign the ministerial portfolios, (the boss orders, the boss doesn't discuss), with perhaps the following result:

- Thaksin - PM, President for life, CEO, and Dictator (multi-skilling), with legislation that he is above the law and has first bite at all contracts, and with immediate 5 level jump in rank for all shin family in the police, the military, etc.

- Arisman - Minister for Finance

- Veera - Minister of Interior, therefore also in charge of the police

- Jatuporn - Minister of Foreign Affairs

- Weng - Minister of Health, but with quick serious fighting with sudarat

- Sae daeng -Minister of Defence (he's fallen out with UDD but not with thaksin)

- Noppadon - Justice Minister (totally lacking in any degree whatever of ethics or morals, would have no hesitation to put legislation before parliament to pardon the paymaster and declare him the president for life, and reverse the ban on the 250 of so vote buyers, in fact he's probbaly got the documents already prepared.

- Jakrabob - Government spokesman and in Charge of state media - personally ensures that all reports have positive spin for the paymaster, telling untruths totally OK (quite some orator - but needs to be spanked everyday for his 'run-on' mouth.

- Chavalit - Has to be rewarded, so perhaps a new ministry of voodoo to keep his wife busy.

- Sanoh - Well got to give him something to help close the ranks on Alpine golf ??

- Chalerm - naah, no longer needed and probably too difficult to control him and his thug sons

and more. Frightening, frightening, frightening, failed state on the horizon.

Well done as this gives us a clear picture of what we would get if the Redshirts were to have their way. The Reds also need to consider that something like the above would be the direct consequence and outcome of their incessant campaigning.

Ugly indeed.

What a crock! You call this crap interesting?

Red inclined members are always telling us what a sure thing it is come the next election for Thaksin's proxy party to sweep to success, so why wouldn't people speculate on and want to consider who who would make up the cabinet?

All those that scorecard mentioned have been at the forefront of Thaksin's fight against justice, so why wouldn't they be rewarded should the time come? They are not fighting for Thaksin out of the good of their hearts after all. Thaksin is notching up quite a debt with these people that will have to be repaid at some stage.

Edited by rixalex
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All the excitiement over this headline aside there has to be some concern for the health of the PM considering the repeated playing of the fake but usefully inciteful tape and the rally as people get more and more frustrated. Also Arisaman's latest about drawing blodd form the head of the PM is worrying. Both of these acts from a movement that claims it is peaceful in intent!

And I'll say it again, if (god forbid) PT won an election then their paymaster would of course assign the ministerial portfolios, (the boss orders, the boss doesn't discuss), with perhaps the following result:

- Thaksin - PM, President for life, CEO, and Dictator (multi-skilling), with legislation that he is above the law and has first bite at all contracts, and with immediate 5 level jump in rank for all shin family in the police, the military, etc.

- Arisman - Minister for Finance

- Veera - Minister of Interior, therefore also in charge of the police

- Jatuporn - Minister of Foreign Affairs

- Weng - Minister of Health, but with quick serious fighting with sudarat

- Sae daeng -Minister of Defence (he's fallen out with UDD but not with thaksin)

- Noppadon - Justice Minister (totally lacking in any degree whatever of ethics or morals, would have no hesitation to put legislation before parliament to pardon the paymaster and declare him the president for life, and reverse the ban on the 250 of so vote buyers, in fact he's probbaly got the documents already prepared.

- Jakrabob - Government spokesman and in Charge of state media - personally ensures that all reports have positive spin for the paymaster, telling untruths totally OK (quite some orator - but needs to be spanked everyday for his 'run-on' mouth.

- Chavalit - Has to be rewarded, so perhaps a new ministry of voodoo to keep his wife busy.

- Sanoh - Well got to give him something to help close the ranks on Alpine golf ??

- Chalerm - naah, no longer needed and probably too difficult to control him and his thug sons

and more. Frightening, frightening, frightening, failed state on the horizon.

Well done as this gives us a clear picture of what we would get if the Redshirts were to have their way. The Reds also need to consider that something like the above would be the direct consequence and outcome of their incessant campaigning.

Ugly indeed.

What a crock! You call this crap interesting?

Totally unwarranted and with no evidence to back up such a premature and speculative.

If you want to make wild guesses, I suggest Las Vegas. At least there you will suffer the pain of being parted with your money.

You can criticize, that's your right.

It's also true that intelligent people think ahead, anticipate, plan.

But let me ask you a question. If (repeat if) the above line up did appear, what would be your reaction?

Edited by scorecard
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I doubt anyone is surprised some groups want to kill the PM.

I would be surprised if the news was that no group did...

Indeed. But now it has gone to another whole new level since there possibly are plots which are credible enough to make to news(I guess so)

Well Thaksin has made a misguided attempt to assassinate Abhisit's character, so anything is possible. It's about time Thaksin was brought to justice and stand trial for his crimes. I think the whole world is sick of hearing of this guy and his distant war on Thailand. Be a man Thaksin, return and face the music.

Cheers, Rick

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Red shirts threaten to hound PM everywhere

BANGKOK: -- Natthawut Saikua, a red-shirt leader, Thursday vowed to lead protesters to hound Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva no matter where he goes.

"Now, the red-shirt people are on alert. If there is a report that the prime minister attends the House meeting today, we will go there to besiege Parliament to submit our demand directly to him," Natthawut said.

"We will do the same if the prime minister goes into the Government House but we will not break in. We will follow him no matter where he goes."


-- The Nation 2010-03-18


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Red shirts threaten to hound PM everywhere

BANGKOK: -- Natthawut Saikua, a red-shirt leader, Thursday vowed to lead protesters to hound Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva no matter where he goes.

"Now, the red-shirt people are on alert. If there is a report that the prime minister attends the House meeting today, we will go there to besiege Parliament to submit our demand directly to him," Natthawut said.

"We will do the same if the prime minister goes into the Government House but we will not break in. We will follow him no matter where he goes."


-- The Nation 2010-03-18


Why is this story posted in a thread about an alleged plot to assassinate the prime minister? I haven't seen any official announcement linking the red-shirt demonstrators to any alleged plot, so why is TV making the linkage? Do they know something the official media doesn't know?

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'Mr Satit admitted that negotiating with the core leaders of the UDD has become more difficult as they have started to be in conflict with each other'.

This is the scary bit. What are they in conflict about? There never seems to be much detail in these reports. Now that the flock have returned home maybe the hard liners are plotting something radical. Lets hope not.

Cheers, Rick

When was he in negotiations with the Core Leaders?

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