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Dwindling Thai Protesters Bid To Keep Up Spirits


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It is true that thaksin alone cannot be blamed for poor education and lack of development, and it's also true that many past governments who took no action for decades have strong country bases. All seems a little ironic.

Thaksin certainly isn't to blame for it, in the same vane, but he can't take any credit for anything either.

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Please enlighten me..


- the only thing that I can recall is the 30 Baht Hospital SCHEME :)

Please help me here.

The Red's could be viable if they separated themselves from the big "T"

I feel, Letting this Criminal into their midst just weakens their position.

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So Thaksin lied again!!! He told his sheep sorry followers he was in Switzerland.

And Germany.

When lies become your life, it becomes a compulsion to keep the stories straight.

But it's a losing battle too.

the problem is that Thaksin never said something like this. there where report he had said that on his twitter channel or someone from the FM told us where Thaksin is. but these sources you can consider as totally unreliable.

gullible suckers believing everything what they read in The Nation and than getting angry at the issue The Nation gave false information about, instead of questioning The Nation itself.

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It is true that thaksin alone cannot be blamed for poor education and lack of development, and it's also true that many past governments who took no action for decades have strong country bases. All seems a little ironic.

Thaksin certainly isn't to blame for it, in the same vane, but he can't take any credit for anything either.

Maybe so, but he was incharge and could have and should kicked some ars_es so hard that action should have been taken, but unfortunately NO - they were all too busy lining their own pockets and swanning round buying favours and votes for the next election.

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Khattiya Blasts Red Shirts' Leadership

BANGKOK: -- The infamous army specialist 'Seh Daeng' has lashed out at the current Red Shirt leadership, after being banished from the movement.

MajorGeneral Khattiya Sawasdipol, informally known as 'Seh Daeng', made a comment during an interview regarding his being banished from the Red Shirt movement.

Khattiya said that despite the announcement made by the Red Shirt leaders to sever ties with him, he will not abandon the movement, since the fugitive former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has entrusted him with the task of overseeing the safety of the Red Shirt protesters.

Khattiya also lashed out at the Red Shirt leaders for being incompetent, questioning why it took Jatuporn Promphand, a leader of the Red Shirts, 11 years to complete a college bachelor degree.

He claims that he can bring victory to the Red Shirts peacefully within three days, and that it is impossible to win by confronting the military.

Khattiya also pointed out that many protesters, especially women and children, have left the rally because of the recent blood-pouring campaign.

The banned army officer said the current leadership is making a scapegoat out of him because of the failure of the campaign.

He ridiculed the current leadership for never having won a battle, and said they should step down for the next generation of leaders. Khattiya is endorsing Arisman Pongruengrong, Suporn Attawong, and Kwanchai Praipana as the new set of movement leaders.

Khattiya said he has urged many regional Red Shirt leaders to continue fighting while he formulates a new strategy.

Seh Daeng also made a contraversial comment that the Black Hawk helicopter used by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva could crash at any time.

The banned army specialist has been known to make such contraversial comments in the past, which the government has always interpreted as violent threats against important figures in the country.


-- Tan Network 2010-03-18


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Pallop: Red shirts on the verge of being beaten

Gen Pallop Pinmanee, a Pheu Thai Party member, said Thursday that the red-shirt movement was on the verge of losing in the latest battle because the trio leaders lacked effective strategy.

Pallop said the protesters were now rallying on the day-by-day basis without an effective plan or strategy, prompting the people to leave and return home.

"They are now about to be beaten so the leaders will learn their lesson," Pallop said.


-- The Nation 2010-03-18


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So Thaksin lied again!!! He told his sheep sorry followers he was in Switzerland.

And Germany.

When lies become your life, it becomes a compulsion to keep the stories straight.

But it's a losing battle too.

the problem is that Thaksin never said something like this. there where report he had said that on his twitter channel or someone from the FM told us where Thaksin is. but these sources you can consider as totally unreliable.

gullible suckers believing everything what they read in The Nation and than getting angry at the issue The Nation gave false information about, instead of questioning The Nation itself.

I do agree that you cannot trust Thaksin and what he writes on his own twiiter page! He has never been known for telling the truth but in the last 24 months he has gone to telling lies so often that you can only count on him to lie.

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Not with a bang but with a whimper.

Everything was staked on last weekend.

How foolish in retrospect.

The reds are now a beaten force.

Unfortunately, because they are tied to the coat-tails of Thaksin, they can neither criticise him or split from him.

Instead they will break up, arguing as to which one of them is the 'true follower'.

As the ground crumbles beneath their feet, have a little sympathy for the forum apologists for Thaksin.

Poor things.

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Not with a bang but with a whimper.

Everything was staked on last weekend.

How foolish in retrospect.

The reds are now a beaten force.

Unfortunately, because they are tied to the coat-tails of Thaksin, they can neither criticise him or split from him.

Instead they will break up, arguing as to which one of them is the 'true follower'.

As the ground crumbles beneath their feet, have a little sympathy for the forum apologists for Thaksin.

Poor things.

Hey now! How can getting only 15% of their "million" be considered a failure?


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Seh Daeng also made a contraversial comment that the Black Hawk helicopter used by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva could crash at any time.

The banned army specialist has been known to make such contraversial comments in the past, which the government has always interpreted as violent threats against important figures in the country.

I will never understand how this guy can repeatedly make such comments and seemingly not suffer any legal consequences.

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The divisions within the self professed leadership of the Red Shirt Brigade will only serve to weaken them.

A divided house is easily conquered.

Edited by siampolee
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I thought the reds' efforts were done and dusted after their blood pouring exercise on Tuesday. Suddenly last night there were 2 policemen posted outside a palace worker's home on our soi and 40 soldiers piled out of a truck outside Major Ratchayothin this morning. Must be plenty of whispers of possible trouble being made out there somewhere.

As I mentioned on Monday, the soldiers who had been outside Major Ratchayothin for the last 2 weeks were nowhere to be seen on Monday morning when the red shirt convoy passed through. Neither were the police.

Doesn't make an awful lot of sense .. as usual.

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The reds should now move on.

They have proven they are potential force to reckon with in the future and they can do it without the embarrassment of Thaksin.

Elections will not be too far away as the government will consider they have won this round so the reds should be planning for them and really showing what they are capable of.

It is very likely that IF the elections are above board then they, the red faction and who they represent, will probably win so in the interim they need to be focusing on finding and promoting a new figurehead.

New Credible Figurehead, current crop have about done their credibility, with exagerations, libel, primitive ritual cursing, or is all that training for governing the country. ( I liked the TV Chef, )

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New Credible Figurehead, current crop have about done their credibility, with exagerations, libel, primitive ritual cursing, or is all that training for governing the country. ( I liked the TV Chef, )

Yeah! Gordon Ramsay for PM.

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Not with a bang but with a whimper.

Everything was staked on last weekend.

How foolish in retrospect.

The reds are now a beaten force.

Unfortunately, because they are tied to the coat-tails of Thaksin, they can neither criticise him or split from him.

Instead they will break up, arguing as to which one of them is the 'true follower'.

As the ground crumbles beneath their feet, have a little sympathy for the forum apologists for Thaksin.

Poor things.

Hey now! How can getting only 15% of their "million" be considered a failure?


Grading on a Bell Curve... shaped like Jatuporns butt?

No Child Left Behind?

Jakarobs behind, left behind?

Maybe they get their grade from the drivers license bureau?

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The reds should now move on.

They have proven they are potential force to reckon with in the future and they can do it without the embarrassment of Thaksin.

Elections will not be too far away as the government will consider they have won this round so the reds should be planning for them and really showing what they are capable of.

It is very likely that IF the elections are above board then they, the red faction and who they represent, will probably win so in the interim they need to be focusing on finding and promoting a new figurehead.

New Credible Figurehead, current crop have about done their credibility, with exagerations, libel, primitive ritual cursing, or is all that training for governing the country. ( I liked the TV Chef, )

Problem with the reds- they don't have any more credible figurehead because everything's been controlled by Thaksin from day one. He didn't even have a succession plan in place

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New Credible Figurehead, current crop have about done their credibility, with exagerations, libel, primitive ritual cursing, or is all that training for governing the country. ( I liked the TV Chef, )

Yeah! Gordon Ramsay for PM.

Father Ted would be an improvement.

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Its not suprising that the numbers are drifting off home now, especially after the effort involved in that environment.

Nevertheless, an excellent protest with a point well demonstrated to international media.

Well done REDS, (the Rural Electoral Democracy Supporters ).

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Its not suprising that the numbers are drifting off home now, especially after the effort involved in that environment.

Nevertheless, an excellent protest with a point well demonstrated to international media.

Well done REDS, (the Rural Electoral Democracy Supporters ).

Yes, really well done REDS, (the Routed Erratic Defeated Scabs)

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Its not suprising that the numbers are drifting off home now, especially after the effort involved in that environment.

Nevertheless, an excellent protest with a point well demonstrated to international media.

Well done REDS, (the Rural Electoral Democracy Supporters ).

Yes, really well done REDS, (the Routed Erratic Defeated Scabs)

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Its not suprising that the numbers are drifting off home now, especially after the effort involved in that environment.

Nevertheless, an excellent protest with a point well demonstrated to international media.

Well done REDS, (the Rural Electoral Democracy Supporters ).

Yes, really well done REDS, (the Routed Erratic Defeated Scabs)

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Its not suprising that the numbers are drifting off home now, especially after the effort involved in that environment.

Nevertheless, an excellent protest with a point well demonstrated to international media.

Well done REDS, (the Rural Electoral Democracy Supporters ).

Total abject failure of objectives.

You really are a clod.

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Yes, their actions were pathetic, yes, their leader (Thaksin) is pathetic, yes, the three sub-leaders are useless, but...

I would not write them off yet. Songkran i coming up and they'll probably try something new then. Of course, they will fail again, but I'm sure they will try again. :)

If for no other reason, they will try again, in order to keep in the limelight, so they are not forgotten, by the next election. Hopefully, people will be tired of them by then.

They are having a harder time attracting people without paying them. In Chiang Mai Province, (Chiang Dao), they offered people money to go and then asked them to donate it back, so most people refused to go.

So my prediction is, that they will try to keep a small protest site going, until Songkran and that they will open up the money chests again by then, to try to get people back down to Bangkok. Of course, many people will refuse to go, after seeing the pathetic display, over the last couple of weeks.

Thaksin must be boiling over with anger and frustration by now. I'm sure, that we will hear many more crazy statements from him. :D

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The reds are so involved in their own self delusion now that they'll declare victory for everything, even if it is self contradictory. Case in point- some members on the UDD Thailand facebook group were saying that the stock market rose because of them (that they were non-violent) while others went to the SET to have an investigation done on Korn for buying shares. Truly bizarre logic.

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What a joke. The Reds claim to represent a majority of Thais, yet can only muster 10% of the promised attendance in their invasion of Bangkok.

Maybe not a majority at this time, but certainly a plurality as the past elections have shown. We can't change the facts.

Please tell me what the correlation of having 10% of any population to travel several hundred miles with continued escalating rhetoric about police and government actions against them and what ever your point is. I got lost.


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What a joke. The Reds claim to represent a majority of Thais, yet can only muster 10% of the promised attendance in their invasion of Bangkok.

Maybe not a majority at this time, but certainly a plurality as the past elections have shown. We can't change the facts.

Please tell me what the correlation of having 10% of any population to travel several hundred miles with continued escalating rhetoric about police and government actions against them and what ever your point is. I got lost.


Clearly you did get lost.

!0% of the promised numbers turned out, not 10% of the population.

Have a shower.

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What a joke. The Reds claim to represent a majority of Thais, yet can only muster 10% of the promised attendance in their invasion of Bangkok.

Maybe not a majority at this time, but certainly a plurality as the past elections have shown. We can't change the facts.

Please tell me what the correlation of having 10% of any population to travel several hundred miles with continued escalating rhetoric about police and government actions against them and what ever your point is. I got lost.


Clearly you did get lost.

!0% of the promised numbers turned out, not 10% of the population.

Have a shower.

Oh I see! I appologize. My mistake I assumed that you were knowledgeable of set theory. In this case the population is the total number of reds.

What I didn't understand is how this fact relates to anything else. That leap is not explainable.

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What a joke. The Reds claim to represent a majority of Thais, yet can only muster 10% of the promised attendance in their invasion of Bangkok.

Maybe not a majority at this time, but certainly a plurality as the past elections have shown. We can't change the facts.

Please tell me what the correlation of having 10% of any population to travel several hundred miles with continued escalating rhetoric about police and government actions against them and what ever your point is. I got lost.


Clearly you did get lost.

!0% of the promised numbers turned out, not 10% of the population.

Have a shower.

Oh I see! I appologize. My mistake I assumed that you were knowledgeable of set theory. In this case the population is the total number of reds.

What I didn't understand is how this fact relates to anything else. That leap is not explainable.

Nice try primary school man.

Particularly as the million was a made up figure.

Don't buy it.

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What a joke. The Reds claim to represent a majority of Thais, yet can only muster 10% of the promised attendance in their invasion of Bangkok.

Maybe not a majority at this time, but certainly a plurality as the past elections have shown. We can't change the facts.


Good that the red can't change the facts! :D:)

... and it is good, that Taxin and his few friends can not buy all of the poor in the north anymore.

May a first, good step in the direction of taxins defeat!? .

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