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Lots of comment about the effects of weed but when considering what company you would like to keep ...


Trouble is you cant really keep company with an older long term smoker anyway,

A lot are schitzophrenic, social phobias, paranoia issues, cant function in society, and generally confined to their bedrooms..


Yeah man I know what you mean.

Never eat spaghetti on a first date.

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.9 grams of marijuana for 500 baht?

They mentioned it was dried marijuana. wow the most dangerous kind. What a danger to the community.

my main concern is he was silly enough to pay that much money for such little weed :)

Got to feel silly on a 500 Baht deal. He must be a plonker not to have paid his way....

If one wants to partake, best never to do so from a street dealer, especially in a foreign country.

Not that I would ever condone breaking the law in Thailand but this is good advice. :)

Fortunately, more and more people are going back to commonsense and rationality on the subject of cannabis policy.

Unfortunately I don't believe this matters at all. Certainly not in this poor bloke's case.

Likely he will be fined and deported as its a tiny amount even in Thailand.

Lots of comment about the effects of weed but when considering what company you would like to keep ...


This is a very old and wrong argument used by drug addicts to justify their addiction. We are so much better than people who drink alcohol, that my friend, is druggie bullsh*t. You are participating in an illegal activity with a drug that causes all sorts of problems with the addicts such as insomnia and depression to name just 2.If this drug is so good for people why hasnt it been legalized? Are countries all over the world wrong? and why are my friends so addicted to this unsociable drug if its non addictive?

No offence intended but just curious. Why do you have so many druggie friends if they are so degenerate from their drug use?

Many of the people posting here live in places where nene tenths of a gram won't get you a ticket much less a trip to the jail. Even here in Texas, that once sentenced a man to life in prison for two seeds, anything 28.4 grams or less will only get you a summons to appear in court. The police in Thailand sometimes use laws to get 'tea' money.

I think the Australian had the bad luck to be stopped by volunteer, brown-noser looking to make points with his department. Still, anyone who takes chances should be ready to face the consequences.

Umm 0.9 grams..? Thats about half a teenth..! Must be the smallest bust ever..

Why didnt he just give the coppers 10,000 and be done with it..?

Hey, have you ever tried to bribe a farang? :)

Hahaha....this old Geezer, Assistant Sheriff, is just funny. Where did they pull him out from?

His grave, by the looks of him. :D


As usual, at the slightest possibility of sexual-related intertextuality, my sick mind runs off with me. As I saw the words Bangkok Hilton I suddenly started to think of Paris Hilton and her rather overrated (i have been told) video One Night in Paris (Hilton).

How would the spoof One Night in Bangkok (Hilton) turn out for our by now so besung hero, Mr Beaver?


Well the Police are stepping up their drug enforcement,perhaps someone should tell the the Bangkok police that cover the soi 3 area... On any given night there are 200 - 300 black Nigerians selling anything and everything in full view of the public.Hawking their wares in blantant fashion with no regard for the law.It is my understanding that 80% of these people are here illegally, yet they continue to sell drugs openly and apparently without any interference from the Police...the fact is that it is a disgrace,Thai girls are being hooked into drugs and forced into prostitution by these dogs..Thai Government,"WAKE UP",Thai Police,"WAKE UP"..If these drug peddlers want to stay in Thailand give them what they want,let's say 20 years of free room and board at the Bangkok Hilton


Anyway, 0.9g. whooopdeedoo. I'm all for busting druggies chops, but I think this guy rates a priority of 0.00001 whilst the thugs renting jet skis and driving tuktuks are at large.

200 - 300 black Nigerians?

Is there any other kind?

Well, according to Gene Coon (and yes that's his name) there could be people that look like this;

Mr. Bele, pictured here is the Police Commissioner of Cheron.

Lots of comment about the effects of weed but when considering what company you would like to keep ...


This is a very old and wrong argument used by drug addicts to justify their addiction. We are so much better than people who drink alcohol, that my friend, is druggie bullsh*t. You are participating in an illegal activity with a drug that causes all sorts of problems with the addicts such as insomnia and depression to name just 2.If this drug is so good for people why hasnt it been legalized? Are countries all over the world wrong? and why are my friends so addicted to this unsociable drug if its non addictive?

No offence intended but just curious. Why do you have so many druggie friends if they are so degenerate from their drug use?

Many of the people posting here live in places where nene tenths of a gram won't get you a ticket much less a trip to the jail. Even here in Texas, that once sentenced a man to life in prison for two seeds, anything 28.4 grams or less will only get you a summons to appear in court. The police in Thailand sometimes use laws to get 'tea' money.

I think the Australian had the bad luck to be stopped by volunteer, brown-noser looking to make points with his department. Still, anyone who takes chances should be ready to face the consequences.

To address the person you're quoting, marijuana causes insomnia and depression but alcohol doesn't? I think you may have your drugs confused. Marijuana is even used to treat insomnia in states and countries that prescribe medical marijuana and is not even classified as a depressant (while alcohol is). And as a counter question, if alcohol is so bad for you (and addictive) why haven't we had a real prohibition world wide?

The answer has a lot more to do with profit and political influence than it does with logic and medical science.


I know that Wannabe a cop............sureley you guys from the UK recognise him.

He is the Morrisons supermarket trolly wally attendent Skunthorpe on his 2 week (millionare for a day) Thai holiday. Cant wait to get back & give him a good kicking!

Shame about the Dude though. Just looking for a relaxing holiday. I do hope things wortk out ok for him.

What a total load of Bo##*cks!!!!! :)


You get a medal in Amsterdam with this amount of drugs.

In Thailand maybe they will fine him when he has to come in court over 2 years... :)

I wouldn't touch cannabis in Thailand since I'm aware of the absurd drug laws.

But I'm still aware that they're absurd. A reasonable man cannot walk by the hundreds of beer bars and people getting zonked out of their minds with alcohol, and think that is fine. While at the same time, think that any use at all of the scientifically much less harmful substance -- cannabis -- should be punished in the league of somebody committing a real crime.

Fortunately, more and more people are going back to commonsense and rationality on the subject of cannabis policy.

Scientifically much less harmful than alcohol!!!!!! wow you druggies really are into self dellsion arent you. A moderate to small amount of alcohol is good for you excessive amounts are not but with ganga even a small amount is potentially harmful that is why it is an illegal drug. Have all of the Governments around the world got the science wrong while you have it right?

Lots of comment about the effects of weed but when considering what company you would like to keep ...


This is a very old and wrong argument used by drug addicts to justify their addiction. We are so much better than people who drink alcohol, that my friend, is druggie bullsh*t. You are participating in an illegal activity with a drug that causes all sorts of problems with the addicts such as insomnia and depression to name just 2.If this drug is so good for people why hasnt it been legalized? Are countries all over the world wrong? and why are my friends so addicted to this unsociable drug if its non addictive?

No offence intended but just curious. Why do you have so many druggie friends if they are so degenerate from their drug use?

Many of the people posting here live in places where nene tenths of a gram won't get you a ticket much less a trip to the jail. Even here in Texas, that once sentenced a man to life in prison for two seeds, anything 28.4 grams or less will only get you a summons to appear in court. The police in Thailand sometimes use laws to get 'tea' money.

I think the Australian had the bad luck to be stopped by volunteer, brown-noser looking to make points with his department. Still, anyone who takes chances should be ready to face the consequences.

In answer to your question my friends are great people when not taking drugs thats why I like them. If they were all drunk I am sure they would also be crap company.

I wouldn't touch cannabis in Thailand since I'm aware of the absurd drug laws.

But I'm still aware that they're absurd. A reasonable man cannot walk by the hundreds of beer bars and people getting zonked out of their minds with alcohol, and think that is fine. While at the same time, think that any use at all of the scientifically much less harmful substance -- cannabis -- should be punished in the league of somebody committing a real crime.

Fortunately, more and more people are going back to commonsense and rationality on the subject of cannabis policy.

Scientifically much less harmful than alcohol!!!!!! wow you druggies really are into self dellsion arent you. A moderate to small amount of alcohol is good for you excessive amounts are not but with ganga even a small amount is potentially harmful that is why it is an illegal drug. Have all of the Governments around the world got the science wrong while you have it right?

Scientifically yes! Why don't you get your facts straight before making more nonsensical arguments. A small amount is potentially harmful? :) You work for the FDA? Most of the western world has either decriminalized ganga or is working towards decriminalization including the US where it is slowly being passed from state to state. Even Obama wants all trivial cannabis infractions out of the fededal court system which he has successfully been able to do since taking office.

We are talking about a guy on holiday who made a stupid mistake attempting to purchase a trivial amount of weed in a country who still has severe draconian drug laws. Keep in mind that not everyone who may partake in a little "herbal recreation" is a "druggie" anymore than a person slamming back a few beers is an alcoholic.


Couple of thoughts...

U.S. jails are way over-full and they're building more at an alarming rate BECAUSE PERSONS CONVICTED OF SIMPLE POSSESSION CHARGES ARE GETTING JAIL TIME LINKY Lets not be hypocritical here. There's a big majority in middle america that are not down with the loosening of marijuana laws...

Me and my cadre of friends have all been habitual (addicted) marijuana users since our early/mid teens. We are successful, professional people with families and responsibilities... subjectively we seem to have succeeded better in life, love and enlightenment than our coke and alcohol using (addicted) friends... BTW none of us have gone crazy, switched to meth, beat our wives, or lost our fortunes... go figure!!

Does anyone else think that "Richard (Dick) Beaver" sounds like an interesting pseudonym for someone not in possession of a passport? Although the beaver is Canada's national animal there are only 21 "Beaver" families listed in the Toronto phone book (out of 2.5 million listings)... Sounds like a grift to me...

Scientifically much less harmful than alcohol!!!!!! wow you druggies really are into self dellsion arent you. A moderate to small amount of alcohol is good for you excessive amounts are not but with ganga even a small amount is potentially harmful that is why it is an illegal drug. Have all of the Governments around the world got the science wrong while you have it right?

Slightly off topic, but I thought the only reason hemp was made illegal was because DuPont invented synthetic fibre and wanted hemp taken off the market globally.

Millions of people in South Asia and the Middle East consume weed or hashish daily and it doesn't seem to make any more problems in their societies than the consumption of alcohol in the West does, possibly less.

Still, the guy should have known better than to do drugs in Thailand.

'turn over a new leaf right away' he was :)

At least in jail he will know his name in the shower....here beaver

This is from a serious source, who’s the white and who’s the yellow guy? Any information will be confidential. Please call; 911 immediately.


I wouldn't touch cannabis in Thailand since I'm aware of the absurd drug laws.

But I'm still aware that they're absurd. A reasonable man cannot walk by the hundreds of beer bars and people getting zonked out of their minds with alcohol, and think that is fine. While at the same time, think that any use at all of the scientifically much less harmful substance -- cannabis -- should be punished in the league of somebody committing a real crime.

Fortunately, more and more people are going back to commonsense and rationality on the subject of cannabis policy.

Scientifically much less harmful than alcohol!!!!!! wow you druggies really are into self dellsion arent you. A moderate to small amount of alcohol is good for you excessive amounts are not but with ganga even a small amount is potentially harmful that is why it is an illegal drug. Have all of the Governments around the world got the science wrong while you have it right?

Scientifically yes! Why don't you get your facts straight before making more nonsensical arguments. A small amount is potentially harmful? :D You work for the FDA? Most of the western world has either decriminalized ganga or is working towards decriminalization including the US where it is slowly being passed from state to state. Even Obama wants all trivial cannabis infractions out of the fededal court system which he has successfully been able to do since taking office.

We are talking about a guy on holiday who made a stupid mistake attempting to purchase a trivial amount of weed in a country who still has severe draconian drug laws. Keep in mind that not everyone who may partake in a little "herbal recreation" is a "druggie" anymore than a person slamming back a few beers is an alcoholic.

Why don't you get your facts straight, most of the west has NOT decriminalized Cannabis, including the good ole USA, Australia, Europe, Canada etc etc because it is a dangerous drug. A weed is an unwanted plant that grows in a field of crops you are referring to Marijuana a drug which is illegal worldwide.......Derrrrrr I wonder why?.................... :) Must be because its good for you! Thailand has got it right on the laws on this one, don't do the crime if you cant take the time.


Excuse me gents....But.......isnt Pristitution illegal in Thailand too? No matter what amount...hahahaha Dont get caught doing that in Pattaya!

If police in Holland find 0.9 grams of herb in your pocket they will laugh and ask you if you need some more then at least then you can roll a decent joint...

Nothing wrong with pot especially the Thai one :) but This Is Thailand and Herbal Beaver is not very clever to walk around with a even a useless crumb of the holy herb in his pocket.

However Herbal Beaver should be send home with a warning: 'we truly apologize for the caused inconvenience, but this is Thailand and, like America and many other countries we believe that councious people are a possible threat to the government, so we kindly request you to leave the country, thank you for your understanding'

Taking this as a crime is rediculous ofcourse and boss in own brain !

I'm always amazed that pot heads think that ganga is not a drug and that they don't realize when they are addicted to it. I speak from personal experience as many friends of mine (mostly Americans) smoke it .As a non user I can tell you Ganga smokers are boring company and I am glad the drug is illegal. I don't think these pot heads realize that it is serious for them if they are caught in possesion of it in Thailand. There must be better ways to enjoy yourself in Thailand than turning yourself into a half wit by getting "stoned."

You speak from personal experience but then go on to sight your experiences of others who smoke it. BIZZARE!!! Maybe your friends are just dopes and it has nothing to do with the dope.

Scientifically much less harmful than alcohol!!!!!! wow you druggies really are into self dellsion arent you. A moderate to small amount of alcohol is good for you excessive amounts are not but with ganga even a small amount is potentially harmful that is why it is an illegal drug. Have all of the Governments around the world got the science wrong while you have it right?

Slightly off topic, but I thought the only reason hemp was made illegal was because DuPont invented synthetic fibre and wanted hemp taken off the market globally.

Millions of people in South Asia and the Middle East consume weed or hashish daily and it doesn't seem to make any more problems in their societies than the consumption of alcohol in the West does, possibly less.

Still, the guy should have known better than to do drugs in Thailand.

How many people get into fights, beat their wives, do harm to themselves..... when drunk as compared to stoned? Alcohol accidents kill many people (usually not the drinker) but people who smoke weed tend to just chill out and not look for fights or feel like becoming a speed racer behind the wheel. I have up weed a long time ago because it made me start to feel paranoid as opposed to happy but i continue to drink on occassion. ANYBODY who says weed causes more harm to people than alcohol is simply ignorant of facts. The only problem with weed is it is illegal and not sold and taxed.

I wouldn't touch cannabis in Thailand since I'm aware of the absurd drug laws.

But I'm still aware that they're absurd. A reasonable man cannot walk by the hundreds of beer bars and people getting zonked out of their minds with alcohol, and think that is fine. While at the same time, think that any use at all of the scientifically much less harmful substance -- cannabis -- should be punished in the league of somebody committing a real crime.

Fortunately, more and more people are going back to commonsense and rationality on the subject of cannabis policy.

Scientifically much less harmful than alcohol!!!!!! wow you druggies really are into self dellsion arent you. A moderate to small amount of alcohol is good for you excessive amounts are not but with ganga even a small amount is potentially harmful that is why it is an illegal drug. Have all of the Governments around the world got the science wrong while you have it right?

Scientifically yes! Why don't you get your facts straight before making more nonsensical arguments. A small amount is potentially harmful? :D You work for the FDA? Most of the western world has either decriminalized ganga or is working towards decriminalization including the US where it is slowly being passed from state to state. Even Obama wants all trivial cannabis infractions out of the fededal court system which he has successfully been able to do since taking office.

We are talking about a guy on holiday who made a stupid mistake attempting to purchase a trivial amount of weed in a country who still has severe draconian drug laws. Keep in mind that not everyone who may partake in a little "herbal recreation" is a "druggie" anymore than a person slamming back a few beers is an alcoholic.

Why don't you get your facts straight, most of the west has NOT decriminalized Cannabis, including the good ole USA, Australia, Europe, Canada etc etc because it is a dangerous drug. A weed is an unwanted plant that grows in a field of crops you are referring to Marijuana a drug which is illegal worldwide.......Derrrrrr I wonder why?.................... :) Must be because its good for you! Thailand has got it right on the laws on this one, don't do the crime if you cant take the time.

Actually get your facts right ... it is becoming decriminilzed in the US and MANY states you can buy it at a store simply with a doctor note which could be written for anything from cancer to help one relax. And the majority of states where it is technically still illegal it simply results in a ticket (no attest) if the amount is small (under 28 grams) and your are not dealing. You can smoke weed in public in most parts of California without the only question be asked by police (if they even care to ask) is if you have a doctor's note.

Fact after fact is out there that having weed illegal is bad for society, creates criminals by sending these folks to jail with real criminals and putting a blemish on their record but it creates jobs for prison guards and private prisons as well as prison construction and it is political taboo because of all the old rich fuddy duddy drinkers who will ream their gov't reps for decriminilizing it.

Stop trying getting facts from 50-year old films such as "Refer Madness" that was designed to go after minorities in the US. The film shows how how crazed weed smokers rape women and other crimes that we know are more attributed to alcohol use.

Again, I no longer smoke weed but do drink but I am just not an idiot to the facts.

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