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Where Will Thaksin End Up - Literally?


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so how many nationality does he have now? thought that he had a nicaraguan passport a couple of years back. Man, this is a mess than need to be cleared up fast.

Thaksin is not acting in the nation's best interest, with advising Cambodian government and all, is that what an ex-PM should be doing? Personally I'ld rather have him behind bars, or as of his recent statements- in a padded room.

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I am sure that with some help Thaksin could get a U.K. visa again and then he could be domiciled in ''The Rampton Hotel.''

The tailor at ''The Rampton Hotel'' does a nice line in made to measure jackets with arms that go behind ones back and the buttons and the straps for the jacket are at the back too.

Delightfully exclusive high security accommodation.

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The Nation seems to cling to whatever sells papers or gets a response on Thai Visa - whatever the truth of the article maybe.

It is probable once Thaksin dissapears off the scene for good the Nation will probably need to close its doors as they will have nothing to report.


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The Nation seems to cling to whatever sells papers or gets a response on Thai Visa - whatever the truth of the article maybe.

It is probable once Thaksin dissapears off the scene for good the Nation will probably need to close its doors as they will have nothing to report.



Nation’ Seeks Font Size Big Enough For Final, Final Showdown To End All Showdowns Headline


Flaming Issue: This May Not Be True But We'll Report It Anyway

I do wonder if the editors from the Nation read NottheNation. Seems they feel they are in competition sometimes.

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After last weekend Thaksin's end is up - literally.

Even Mugabe of Zimbabwe is holding on to power.

Thaksin's end - or his new beginning - might be where he is popular.

The whole game of competitive politics is about popularity. He is still enjoying a fare share of it.

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Where will Thaksin end up - literally?

First ditch of the eighth circle of hel_l is my guess.

You may wish for that but let Thai elections confirm.

He can't legally run, your point is moot.

He can be an illegal puppetmaster,

but you saw where that got him and Thailand before.

Popularity is not the same thing as being able to run a country.

Ad Carabo is very popular too, but you don't seem him attempting to be PM.

He's too much of a regular guy to need this B.S. in his life.

A large ego stroked by a PR machine is not a qualification for running a nation.

Edited by animatic
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Where will Thaksin end up - literally?

First ditch of the eighth circle of hel_l is my guess.

You may wish for that but let Thai elections confirm.

He can't legally run, your point is moot.

He can be an illegal puppetmaster,

but you saw where that got him and Thailand before.

Popularity is not the same thing as being able to run a country.

Ad Carabo is very popular too, but you don't seem him attempting to be PM.

He's too much of a regular guy to need this B.S. in his life.

A large ego stroked by a PR machine is not a qualification for running a nation.

He ran the country, better than anyone, with him they saw their best days past 1997.

After him they have seen military (who deposed him) and unrests, not while he was in power.

Again, why not let Thai people decide in elections?

Let Thai people reject him (or his proxies).

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You may wish for that but let Thai elections confirm.

He can't legally run, your point is moot.

He can be an illegal puppetmaster,

but you saw where that got him and Thailand before.

Popularity is not the same thing as being able to run a country.

Ad Carabo is very popular too, but you don't seem him attempting to be PM.

He's too much of a regular guy to need this B.S. in his life.

A large ego stroked by a PR machine is not a qualification for running a nation.

He ran the country, better than anyone, with him they saw their best days past 1997.

After him they have seen military (who deposed him) and unrests, not while he was in power.

Again, why not let Thai people decide in elections?

Let Thai people reject him (or his proxies).

He benefited from the cyclical upturn after the Asian Tiger crash.

Good luck on his part. Good management is another issue entirely.

He managed by fiat and listened to no one, but a few financial cronies,

he ignored ministry advice and forced through schemes to profit himself,

and his backers, at super high cost to the nation and YOUR childrens futures.

And he started lame and ill considered projects for political expedience,

aimed at the poor, but extraordinarily badly planned, based on existing ideas,

but without consideration of how to make them sustainable, just the initial

Public Relations gambit, and sold it to the country side as his gift to them.

If only that gift were a true gift, and not a con-job, much as he still tries to con us all...

How you can think he was some great manger is creditable to his great sense of advertising,

but not at all to his basic management skills. If he had no sweetheart deal monopolies

and the power to control corruption, he would not be the mega rich man he is.

The Thai people can decide in 2011 as it mandated by election laws.

Meanwhile we see Thaksin try the 3rd rebranding of the Red Shirt movement

since this last incarnation has failed miserably and embarrassingly too... from bad management...

And todays idea, you need not be reed to join... 'Ah there's a relief'... (insert sarcasm smilie)

He's rebranding it without a color so we can never tell who is who any more.

He can pretend the numbers are much higher if not EVERYONE is dressed in red anymore.

Stealth propaganda!

Sure he was a better manager than Chavalit, the great brain,

but then again he was working for Chavalits government when the '97 crash happened...

He was there when it crashed, didn't lose because he had nice insider info about Chavalit

lieing about the currancy devaluation on Friday and then devaluing it on Tuesday,

and then rode the tide back up and took credit it.

But that's not good management that's just good Public Relations.

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I am sure that with some help Thaksin could get a U.K. visa again and then he could be domiciled in ''The Rampton Hotel.''

The tailor at ''The Rampton Hotel'' does a nice line in made to measure jackets with arms that go behind ones back and the buttons and the straps for the jacket are at the back too.

Delightfully exclusive high security accommodation.

Soory to dissapoint, but no straight jackets at Rampton these days - but they do have nice seclusion areas. The nearest thing you will see to a Straight-jacket these days are the body belts that are used within the Prison System, and they are not used that often as the whole procedure is highly regulated.

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I read yesterday that Thaksin had been granted Montenegrin Citizenship, if this is true, surely he can never even dream about being PM again......... he's now a Farang and I am pretty sure the constitution wouldn't allow that. :D

Oh-ho... O00ooweeEE Now everything will cost twice as much.


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Indeed! ... from my observation of "all this" ... He appears to be an outright ... actual ... EGO-MANIAC ... completely out of control ... and VERY GREEDY ... a man willing to watch many of "his people" die ... If that is what it takes to regain his position ... his power ... more money ... his "face" ... etc.

NOT A GOOD MAN IN MY BOOK ... I do not care if he "did some good things" such as healthcare ... same trick as the Democratic party in my home country ... the Party "for the little people" ... yah right!!! ... Thaksin is a sick but very smart man ... he created a "Democratic Party" by convincing many he can help everyone economically ... especially the poor ... he simply gained a large following ... with typical political BS ...

And most Americans ... are wise enough ... that we simply do not trust our Government ... we are torn by 2 powerful parties ... often throwing mud at one another ...

We know that "big money" families ... (central banks) ... and "big money corporations" ... run the world ... but they do not have full control of "the people" ...

"True Democracy" does work ... the people all have a vote ... AND CAPITALISM WORKS ... not a perfect system ... no a perfect country (taxes are out of control) ... but still the "best dam_n country in the World" ... (just too dam_n expensive ... and no jobs for someone like me ... so I chose to start teaching English in Asia 4 years ago) ...

I think ((removed)).. and O.J. Simpson ... should share a cell together ...

Would be interesting to see which EGO-MANIAC would kill the other first?

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Govt at a loss now Thaksin 'back in Dubai'

The government's request to have Thaksin Shinawatra denied haven in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) seems to have failed completely, with the fugitive former premier reportedly arriving back in Dubai yesterday from Montenegro. Thaksin announced via Twitter that he was back in his residence in Dubai.

"Hello, I would like to send my best wishes from Dubai. I hope democracy and justice will return to the Thai society so that the country will have peace and all Thais can smile at one another," he posted in the message.



Published on March 20, 2010


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Maybe he's back in Dubai. If it's him saying so, then it's not proof, as everything the man says are lies. However, if he's there, it's under one of two conditions set by UAE government.

A. Pack up and leave soon.

B. Ok, you can stay because you're a big spender with a large entourage, but put a lid on speaking out and trying to stir up trouble in Thailand.

My guess is A. because he's likely got investments in Dubai, which is fast approaching financial basket case status (both Dubai and Thaksin).

His ace in the hole residence options are China or Burma. Both are non-democratic, and both like big spenders and both countries have no qualms about being chummy with despots.

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I read yesterday that Thaksin had been granted Montenegrin Citizenship, if this is true, surely he can never even dream about being PM again......... he's now a Farang and I am pretty sure the constitution wouldn't allow that.


Why the current one was British for the 1st 25 years of his life

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Maybe he's back in Dubai. If it's him saying so, then it's not proof, as everything the man says are lies. However, if he's there, it's under one of two conditions set by UAE government.

A. Pack up and leave soon.

B. Ok, you can stay because you're a big spender with a large entourage, but put a lid on speaking out and trying to stir up trouble in Thailand.

My guess is A. because he's likely got investments in Dubai, which is fast approaching financial basket case status (both Dubai and Thaksin).

His ace in the hole residence options are China or Burma. Both are non-democratic, and both like big spenders and both countries have no qualms about being chummy with despots.

Or option 3 - Dubai doesnt care what the regime in Thailand thinks. :)

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Ah Montenegro - the black mountain and its capital Podmahon.

Now the refuge of all the scandiks who were scared away by the redshirst.

Monty offers all the benefits of Pattaya at half the price and includes courteous english speaking taxi drivers, lovely cheap wine and cheese, excellent food and cheap hose.

Very low crime rate as LBs are forbidden

temperate climate, friendly people and no Kong Power airport thugs or bent immigration

As that famous song goes by Robbie Williams http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/robbiewilli...ndmymonkey.html

There was me and my monkey

have been made very welcome here

btw president Vujonovi is in noway related to Mark


:):D :D

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Has anyone, apart from the press, actually claimed that Taksin was expelled or kicked out of UAE?

I've only recall hearing he was 'requested to leave', and the only denial was 'not expelled'. It seems nobody is lying about what happened, but to the press there still seems some confusion.

He was requested to leave - and if he didn't? What then? Surely whether the words used were blunt or mealy mouthed the message is the same. Rearrange the following words into a well known phrase or saying. Off <deleted>.

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