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Bangkok Traffic Police Preparing For A Tough Saturday


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Chaos planned for Bangkok tomorrow

“The red-shirts have won the hearts of people worldwide as the anti-government rally over the past week has been peaceful as we said it would be”, he said.


-- thaivisa.com 2010-03-19


World wide? :)

Analysts outside the country do not have an anti-Thaksin take on things like foreigners here seem to:


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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


Denigrating "class" comments and attitudes like this are one of the reasons they are participating in non-violent protest.

It's a pity that ThaiVisa tolerates this kind of insulting talk, but it seems anything can be said about the Red Shirts, including veiled threats of violence directed toward them. :)

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Chaos planned for Bangkok tomorrow

“The red-shirts have won the hearts of people worldwide as the anti-government rally over the past week has been peaceful as we said it would be”, he said.


-- thaivisa.com 2010-03-19


World wide? :)

Analysts outside the country do not have an anti-Thaksin take on things like foreigners here seem to:


Well that line has been trotted out a few times on TV. Obviously all the farang newspapers and journals are in the pocket of Thaksin.

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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


They might be angry you have a business that generates 100,000 baht in a week while they labor in rice fields for 300 baht a day.

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Whether mass transport, like underground trains and the BTS service should also be disrupted, is being discussed among DAAD leaders.

Now if they disrupt these services, the Reds might not have to worry about the Army/Police doing violence to them... they would have to worry about the Bangkok Residents doing violence to them!

This would be the best case secnerio, not the military or the cops but Thai citizens themselves standing up against terrorisim and fighting back against these bastards. Drive by shootings, mobs tearing to peices the redshirts. So ravenous should be the red shirt carnage that the military should have to come in and arrest the remaining redshirts and bus them back up to their chili farms in whatdaphukaburi somewere so they can make it out of Krung Thep alive.
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ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.............. In most countries demonstrations have to be announced and approved ahead of time....... Don't they need to advise when it will start and end?????? Seems like that would be a reasonable request to make of any organized demonstration and that it not disrupt the general public too.......... I think it is time to advertise that the streets will ALL be subject to a periodic cleaning, Then bring out the WATER CANONS and if they decide to clean the particular street where the red shirts are............. Tuff sh*t.......... Most of them could probably use a shower anyway, altough I think that most of their "dirt" is on their insides, and a shower won't help........ Strictly in my own opinion, however..........

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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


They might be angry you have a business that generates 100,000 baht in a week while they labor in rice fields for 300 baht a day.

I say that sounds like a personal problem.
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"The disruption is needed because middleclass people like Bangkok residents are naturally reluctant to express themselves, unless their lives are affected," the source explained.

Right that's it I want to express myself. I'm gonna chuck yellow paint (cause i can't find yellow blood) all over them there reds and tell them to "go home" (in more colourful terms). I assume that's the sort of act self expression the reds are expecting as our lives are disprupted.

In truth I think the vast majority of Thai won't even express themeselves very much even if their lives are affected.

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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


Denigrating "class" comments and attitudes like this are one of the reasons they are participating in non-violent protest.

It's a pity that ThaiVisa tolerates this kind of insulting talk, but it seems anything can be said about the Red Shirts, including veiled threats of violence directed toward them. :)

Didn't the Reds just announce a 'class' war? It would seem that WAERTH has already declared which side he is on...

But WISteve does make a good point - lets keep the insults (Red, Yellow, Green Brown or Blue) out of it - thanks!

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Looks like we will be reading more propergandah; a lot of siding with the pro-fascists news papers here. I haven't read anything that has a balance to it. Why is there not more balance say from the Bangkok Pundit, New Mandala, Thai Crisis.

When overseas press comment there is more siding with the actions of the red shirts, and the fact the way the present Govt took power. The current leader appears from the outside of his country as a puppet master, immersed in manufacturing the truth. Hey now don't go shooting the messanger as these are how reports are here in OZ on what is happening there.

I think it was one of the papers that go unreported on this site that said there was a lot of business opportunities to be aware of in Thailand due to current tension.

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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


They might be angry you have a business that generates 100,000 baht in a week while they labor in rice fields for 300 baht a day.

Wow! I didnt realise they got paid so much in the fields.

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ttwhy are so many of the responses here so predictable? So much schoolyard "so there" type comments. Or, how this affects MY business...how dare they?

Why not deal with issue? Should the Reds simply wait for an election they will win and then wait for the military to try another coup when they don't like the legislation the Reds introduce? Should they simply sit, resigned, under a palm tree and let nature take its course? or are people not allowed to attempt some means of taking control of their own lives, even if it causes hardships to others in the meantime (like holding up the traffic (more than usual) in Bkk?

What do posters to this thread think the Reds should do? Presumably the answer witll be "they should shut up and go home and let me get on with making some beer money".

But these Thaivisa threads are always interesting to read, to see how much sheer ignorance and selfishness there exists out there. It is a good wake-up call for someone like me who tends to think that education etc in the Western world is inherently progressive in its effects.


The answer to your question is obviously "YES!" then they will have a mandate to introduce laws they want, and the military will be seen to be in the wrong if they interfere. On a previous thread, a red supporter guesstimated 100+ supporters for every protester in BKK. Accepting that wildly optimistic multiplier gives them less than 17% of the population, with no right to force their views on the majority, or to disrupt their lives.

Khun James would like us to be polite, but when I try to translate "go forth into the world and multiply" into Thai, it comes out sounding very much like "eff off"

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To me the article in post number 17 sounds like the reds are covering their asses over their planned disruption spots for tomorrow's rally. "No, really! It wasn't us! It was ISOC dressed up to LOOK like us! Honest!" This way, they can cause the chaos that they have admitted that they want, and blame it on the government.

Since the government wouldn't tell them what is was planning in parliament yesterday, the reds have now decided to tell us what they are planning. Therefore, please be careful everyone, and avoid the following areas of red chaos:

-the Stock Exchange of Thailand

-the office of Sino Thai Engineering and Construction on Sukhumvit Soi 21

-Bangkok’s Grand Palace

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ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.............. In most countries demonstrations have to be announced and approved ahead of time....... Don't they need to advise when it will start and end?????? Seems like that would be a reasonable request to make of any organized demonstration and that it not disrupt the general public too.......... I think it is time to advertise that the streets will ALL be subject to a periodic cleaning, Then bring out the WATER CANONS and if they decide to clean the particular street where the red shirts are............. Tuff sh*t.......... Most of them could probably use a shower anyway, altough I think that most of their "dirt" is on their insides, and a shower won't help........ Strictly in my own opinion, however..........

what an idiot. This guy must have been living in Chile when Pinochet brought out the water cannon and conveniently dropped a few thousand Chilean "reds" from aircraft over the ocean.

Is that what he wants here?

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Chaos planned for Bangkok tomorrow

“The red-shirts have won the hearts of people worldwide as the anti-government rally over the past week has been peaceful as we said it would be”, he said.


-- thaivisa.com 2010-03-19


World wide? :D

Yeah, Thailand has become a worldwide joke. Back home, in Canada, people just think that these guys are bizarre, throwing their own blood all over. Friends from the Filipines told me today, that Thailand has become the laughing stock of the poplulation there and people are joking about being careful not to wear the wrong shirt, or my might get shot. :)

Goes back to the old saying, I guess, "Tell big enough lies and somebody will believe them".

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Sino Thai is largely owned by family members of former acting Thai Prime Minister Chaovarat Chanweerakul, Thailand’s current Minister of the Interior.

Sino Thai also seems to win large government contracts - eg the 15 Billion baht contract for the BTS extension last year. But just because it's owner is the Minister of the Interior that doesn't indicate any nepotism or underhand dealings as the Dems wouldn't do that . . . unlike the evil Thaksin who's friends benefited from his time in power.

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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


Is it really necessary to insult people. Surely you must be capable to express you unhappiness in a civil tongue.

Please try it. People will respond in a like manner.

I didn't find the original poster's tone insulting at all but your condescending one certainly is, Miss Manners. :) How about some sympathy for someone whose business has been hurt by this fiasco?

"hilbillies visiting town"

"Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter."

I'm not quite sure to make of your conclusions. They don't seem the reflect the words of the OP. See the quotes above.

Certainly we have to have sympathy for all who are hurt for any reason. That means we have to have sympathy, as well, for the plurality of Thai voters who were disenfranchised when their will was ignored in the last election.

All of that does not justify name calling and insults.

Regards, my friend.

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100,000 baht lost... versus the billions claimed to have been fleeced from the country's coffers by the first politician that got caught. Billions that allegedly he either banked or handed out to HIS own inner circle, family and friends and not to the usual line up of Bangkok elites that are now sucking real hard and real noisily on the other guys tit.

It's quite ugly to hear these resident farangs squealing like the pigs they appear to be living amidst... or maybe aspire to live amongst?

It's very ugly to see them using the same derogatory terms towards the ordinary citizens who actually care about their country's and children's future and have more of real vested interest than any farang working, mongering or retired in Thailand.

What you are laughing off as some half-arsed attempt to garner public sympathy and shake up the average Bangkokians myopic view of the good life and Thailand's political future is actually the start of something much greater. It's a shame that you decry your chosen hosts efforts to make a better life for ALL.

Forget about the inconveniences of the airport closures by the yellows or the more recent ravings of Thaksin-inspired reds. That's all history and now completely irrelevant compared to the calls for much needed social changes that are building now.

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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


Denigrating "class" comments and attitudes like this are one of the reasons they are participating in non-violent protest.

It's a pity that ThaiVisa tolerates this kind of insulting talk, but it seems anything can be said about the Red Shirts, including veiled threats of violence directed toward them. :D

Ohh dear, the almighty SENIOR thai visa member is back on his soap box & we should all take heed :) .

You are certainly having alot of beef on the forum lately steve, it seems your really not that happy here. Is the term 'hillbilly' really that offensive. Don't you think that people affected financially by endless protesting have a right to be angry, or in your world, would they be better off waiting to the protests are over then starting their very own protests about the protest? :D

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ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.............. In most countries demonstrations have to be announced and approved ahead of time....... Don't they need to advise when it will start and end?????? Seems like that would be a reasonable request to make of any organized demonstration and that it not disrupt the general public too.......... I think it is time to advertise that the streets will ALL be subject to a periodic cleaning, Then bring out the WATER CANONS and if they decide to clean the particular street where the red shirts are............. Tuff sh*t.......... Most of them could probably use a shower anyway, altough I think that most of their "dirt" is on their insides, and a shower won't help........ Strictly in my own opinion, however..........

what an idiot. This guy must have been living in Chile when Pinochet brought out the water cannon and conveniently dropped a few thousand Chilean "reds" from aircraft over the ocean.

Is that what he wants here?

Besides the suggestion of using water cannon, what similarities do you see between Pinochet's military dictatorship and the current thai government? The only reds that have disappeared are those who have grown tired of this farce and gone home. The only shots fired were AT the military, who responded with wry humour.

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Any chance TV re-activates the great daily read only news updates about what is going on in BKK regarding the red shirts demo?


I was going to ask the same thing. Come on WEBFACT, stop lounging around and get back to work! :)

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Any chance TV re-activates the great daily read only news updates about what is going on in BKK regarding the red shirts demo?


I second that. I'm getting tired of wading though all the childish squabbling. Read only news updates were great, for those who don't want to read all the other stuff. How about it Webfact and George? Thanks.

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The Read only News threads will be making a come back when there is enough news and/or important events to warrent it - it was a resounding success and we will be using the same format again in the future

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Time for Bangkok to turn the other cheek. The Red shirts have clearly lost already so why not be good humoured in victory. It would have been far more than any 100,000 baht loss, and potentially far longer lasting, if the Reds had really been able to make a decent showing.

I agree and hope that happens........maybe just a big yawn will do it.

If they do shut down major economic zones...........well.............somebody might conclude it is time to do something about it.

But maybe if they are ignored (hard to ignore if you are stopping traffic) things might calm down.

I wonder if they realize that there is something called "voting" in Thailand.

They likely have the numbers to put any person they so desire into office during the next round of legal elections.

If, at that time, they put a wanted criminal in office, forget Thailand as a tourists destination, economic investment destination, etc.

IMHO, there are way too many holes in this boat to keep it afloat no matter what happens.

Just too many bad decisions over the past decade.

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The Read only News threads will be making a come back when there is enough news and/or important events to warrent it - it was a resounding success and we will be using the same format again in the future

But hopefully without the unsubstantiated and unattributable posts.

"Resounding success".... hmmmmm.

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Any chance TV re-activates the great daily read only news updates about what is going on in BKK regarding the red shirts demo?


That sounds like an excellent idea.

I would suggest this time that posts to it should be allowed from legitimate news outlets only. They should be accountable to all readers of the outlets.

Before it started to get to the point where it did contain articles from legitimate media but then mods and who knows else started giving opinions and guesses, not new facts. We could do without these opinions and guess in a closed news forum.

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Whether mass transport, like underground trains and the BTS service should also be disrupted, is being discussed among DAAD leaders.

Now if they disrupt these services, the Reds might not have to worry about the Army/Police doing violence to them... they would have to worry about the Bangkok Residents doing violence to them!

This would be the best case secnerio, not the military or the cops but Thai citizens themselves standing up against terrorisim and fighting back against these bastards. Drive by shootings, mobs tearing to peices the redshirts. So ravenous should be the red shirt carnage that the military should have to come in and arrest the remaining redshirts and bus them back up to their chili farms in whatdaphukaburi somewere so they can make it out of Krung Thep alive.

lol ,,im with you on that one, maybe a little "escape from bangkok" style street justice is whats needed for these guys and gals and a little boycotting of northern goods and services....

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