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Thaksin Rejects Peace Effort.... Wtf ?!

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Prime Minister joins members of National Human Rights Commission on Thursday at the 11th Infantry Regiment to discuss proposal to hold peace talks between the government and red shirt protesters to end the political impasse

<deleted> a political impasse ??? Seems I missed an important part of the news... They mean they recognise a less-then-1%-of-the-population who are troublemakers as part of the political establishment ?

Peacetalks with a criminal on the run ? :)

I knew Lao Kao can make people crazy and there are doubts about Beer Chang and Sangsom, it's known that carbon dioxide causes serious brain poisoning, but it's getting worse !


We know who has been calling the shots all along.

The reds, their leaders, PT, etc., keep clamoring about the elite and the poor servants. Have any of them looked into a mirror lately? They are all servants for a criminal elitist on the run. I'm still not convinced any of this protesting is really about democracy at all. As long as Thaksin is calling the shots, it's all about him and nothing more.

We know who has been calling the shots all along.

The reds, their leaders, PT, etc., keep clamoring about the elite and the poor servants. Have any of them looked into a mirror lately? They are all servants for a criminal elitist on the run. I'm still not convinced any of this protesting is really about democracy at all. As long as Thaksin is calling the shots, it's all about him and nothing more.

Yeah agree, and I guess the scary thing is that 'watching in the mirror' (confrontation) is what they will avoid for any price and thats something anchored in the society very, very strong. E.g. when you point someone on his mistake (that e.g. in traffic almost killed you) he gets angry at YOU. Confrontation is a very light inflammable thing here, they never learned how to handle some normal situations and cover everything with 'smiles' and 'maipenrais'. While we westerners learned to transform confrontation into positive adjustments and improvements, so not here. Still not understand what happened with the great Thailand I choosed to live in 12 years ago, it's gone. And fear for the future of this country, seriously. Preparing to leave this year.


The government gains by at least looking like they are interested in promoting peace, but of course Thaksin won't agree, unless the talks are on his terms. He has said before that he demands:

- A full pardon

- All of his money back

- Dissolution of the government, with snap elections

- A full pardon for the 111 (or was it 109?) TRT politicians

- A return to the 1997 Constitution (which is much freer in its interpretation of vote buying and graft)

And maybe other stuff that I've forgotten. He might as well ask them to build a 300 foot gold statue of him at the mouth of the Chao Praya as well. :)

- A full pardon

- All of his money back

- Dissolution of the government, with snap elections

- A full pardon for the 111 (or was it 109?) TRT politicians

- A return to the 1997 Constitution (which is much freer in its interpretation of vote buying and graft)


We know who has been calling the shots all along.

The reds, their leaders, PT, etc., keep clamoring about the elite and the poor servants. Have any of them looked into a mirror lately? They are all servants for a criminal elitist on the run. I'm still not convinced any of this protesting is really about democracy at all. As long as Thaksin is calling the shots, it's all about him and nothing more.

I like to know what Mr. T has promised to PT. Also how stupid PT must be that he still thinks Mr. T. can deliver his promises.

He should se the signs. Mr. T, is building and creating resident in Montenegro since he already suspect he can never come back to Thailand but too arrogant to admit

What do the reds have to offer in compromise? That they will stop hurling toxic body fluids if they get their way?

Compromise? They have offered zero, zil, nada for a compromise.

They did ask that the government to stop slandering them, of course, not even a compromise for their own malicious speeches which PM Abhishit is suing them for.

Nothing but a bunch of clowns.

What do the reds have to offer in compromise? That they will stop hurling toxic body fluids if they get their way?

Compromise? They have offered zero, zil, nada for a compromise.

They did ask that the government to stop slandering them, of course, not even a compromise for their own malicious speeches which PM Abhishit is suing them for.

Nothing but a bunch of clowns.

What they have to offer is what the PM has claimed to be striving for: national reconciliation, peace and harmony. It'll happen sooner or later, one way or the other I think. What you see right now is just jostling for position.

What do the reds have to offer in compromise? That they will stop hurling toxic body fluids if they get their way?

Compromise? They have offered zero, zil, nada for a compromise.

They did ask that the government to stop slandering them, of course, not even a compromise for their own malicious speeches which PM Abhishit is suing them for.

Nothing but a bunch of clowns.

This goes must further then just clownesk behaviour, messing around with human blood even by monks... they suddenly start showing very evil sides of themselves... scary.

It's so pervert what they doing and way beyond 'normal' hooliganism. Though most are just little red sheep who follow the masters orders, so they better find something more drastic then 'peace agreements', when His Honourable Mr. T eventually would accept a 'peace agreement' and stops his sick terror the current gov will suffer total moral faillure and guess even looses it's last legitimacy to stay in 'power'. As long as gov let reds play freely and disturb the countries peace just on behalf of T, T will win attention, strategy and momentum.

When all effort keeps going to surviving and staying in power and not even time for efficient reigning a country what future to expect ?

Without reds and yellows power struggle already so much to improve ! Funny or better sad sad to know how things function the same on whatever level.

If I would be president I would form two football teams, the reds and the yellows, build a beautiful stadium for them called The Peace And Progress Stadium and suddenly they would remember they both are Thais and have so much fun together and laugh about the insane times when they hated eachother.

Or this might continue for years, if not actively then slumbering.

Peace and harmony are good things, but it takes two to tango, baby.

Agreed. :)

Thaksin maybe had the start of a compromise way out here, and he's too stubborn to see it. Hope the people mediating continue in their efforts, Thailand needs healing.

The yellow shirts / PAD also need to realise that the old ways will be swept aside, sooner rather than later, and it's much better for the country to do it peacefully, than risk the reds turning to terrorism / violence, due to frustration.

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