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Looking To Purchase Wild Boar

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I recently acquired some land in my country Vietnam. I am interested in breeding wild boars. Im looking for anybody who can help me purchase a number of wild boars from the farms in thailand. And prices and all that would be nice to. Pm me if you can hook it up

:) thanks

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Look at your costs vs return from the meat, we have pigs (50% wild) within the farming side of the family. They have not bred and just make good eating for the family (I posted a write up in the Issan forum last July.) they are a cost - not profit making. Even raising in Asia don't get sentimental about free range etc. reared in easy to clean concrete pens will maximize weight and reduce disease. Vet bills being a big expense after food and death of stock.

Look at value added products from the meat and if you can slaughter yourself (no experience of the laws - but we do our own for family consumption here), if you can market Italian or Spanish dry sausage there will be a an expat community that exists in the greater region. You will be getting more money per kilo than for live weight (58 Baht last year?) and being preserved food stuffs transport costs are less too.


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I've edited the thread title to pre-empt the inevitable :)

I love wild boar, used to get sausages in Italy, delish :D

I agree, wild boar is very tasty... The few times I had it I recall the ham steaks were excellent. (Wild boar from Mississippi)

I would prefer wild boar of a domestic pig any day.

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thanks for the edit crossby

thanks everybody for your input

but i really have my own busines agenda for these guys

im trying to be a breeder and dropping them all over independent farms to raise.

and i just come around when theyre ready to be slaughteres and i cut them a percent.

My currently connection to the wild boars is himself bringing the boars from thailand over to here.

He has lately been giving me very expensive deals as he knows the real wild boars usually came from thailand or laos or cambodia along time ago.

im simply inquiring about locations for farms just some destinations i can make some purchases off

as im travelling from a far way

But even if i cant learn anything here im probably going to just fly to thailand solo and ask and look around. but its gonna be tough since i do not know thailand language.

any help would be very greatly appreciated.

oh btw do thailand citizens use or know english?

ive never been to thailand so i ask]]:)

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just out of teensy weensy curiousity, has anyone taken in to consideration that there is a difference between growing your own and moving livestock from place to place: vaccinations (anthrax, burcellosis, dont what else swine get but if it was goats, i woiuld be leary w/o knowing my sources -- and i eat everthing and anything w/o fear ) ; also, here people do this with sheep; however, the person that is the final owner personally inspects, provides advice, vetereinary, etc for the livestock... for instance, people will buy 50head of lambs, raise them to slaughter age in pens, they calculate how much loss there will be (due to stress, crowding, feeding trough problems) how many will reach slaughter age and how much the supplier wants to buy them back--



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teh term wild is also genetic make up... a domesticated animal is one that has been bred in captivity for several generations and actually is dependant upon or is genetically programmed to want to be around people (not as pets but hanging around camps of people etc.)

wild species are just that. even after being captured, and even after having babies/pups being bottle fed, the animal is still a wild animal in captivity. the wild boar, even if bred in pens, still has a darker meat, a bad personality, probabily hardier, can survive on its own, and is distinclty different then its domesticated counterparts. hardiness and disease resistance or susceptability will be different also as will reactions to drugs/anasthesias, stress, breeding...

whole different ball game.


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thanks for the reply guys

but i really want to buy a couple hundred and put on my lands

can you guys from thailand specifically send me some links to thailand classified ads?

they should be around 80 dollars american for one right? ive heard as cheap as 25 the little piglets

guys im planning a trip here to your country and i dont know the language or area

so its really important if you guys could help me with the locations

so i can map out my list for when i leave


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I will use land or boat if necessary. I have been told its possible to drive from vietnam to thailand or get somewhat close.

let me ask another question

what are my chances of successfully obtaining a pretty medium amount of these wild boars in thailand?

hows the wild boar situation over in laos or cambodia anyone? better worse?

since its more close and im a bit weary of these thailand warnings and stuff.

OH btw can anyone send me a link explaining the countries long history of civic blood shed?

i really am clueless to the situation in thailand.

thank you

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