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What's An Age-appropriate Gift For A Nine-year-old Girl


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Wish to buy a nice gift for a friends 9 going on 10 year old daughter.

For you married women/men with young children here in Thailand what do

think would be a nice gift. Under B2000

A good friend mentioned a Barbie doll with different outfits.

Someone else mentioned a Hello Kitty Sewing machine.

Thanks for your help.

Edited by middlepath
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Why not ask her parents?

Spending 2000 ฿ on a 9 yo looks quite a lot...

( except it's a relative ). Does she have brothers/sisters

you are willing to spend the same amount for a gift?

Aside of this, maybe a watch? Casio, Baby G- Shock etc ?

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A digital camera.

At that age, and recognising that generally speaking, Thai people are relatively creative and artistic and look upon this world with perhaps a more lateral view than the 'linear' style I was brought up with, perhaps for 2,000 baht it is possible to find some sort of low-end yet quality pocket-sized camera that a child can take care of and learn some sort of photographic skills along the way that might see her move into a profession in years to come, and either way, she'll never forget you, whenever she clicks the shutter.

I was inclined to put 500 baht towards a bicycle for a birthday present for a friend's 10 yo son a month ago, and I caught up with her last Sunday and asked her how her son liked his new bike. She told me that he rode it into an oncoming motorbike on the soi and now the bike is wrecked.

Go the camera.


Edited by SeanMoran
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I have usually had my presnts to kids I have known well recieved up until the age of 13 or so anyway and then there is no pleasing them.

I usually give a box or two generally keepable with heaps of paper, pencils, crayons, paints brushes and whatever other craft material I can lay my hands on such as glossy ribbons. With the real little ones I often wrap the pencils seperately as they love unwrapping them.

THrow in a book or or two and they will love you forever.

Seriously I have had these simple gifts better recieved than very expensive presents.

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are they Thai or farang, eitherway i would not go over 500 baht, what ever you buy will be used for a few weeks then in the toy box for the fore seeable future. i always think cash is better then the kids can choose themselves. its the thought that counts. barbie doll, hope its a politically correct brown one with a small chest size. :)

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I got my 6 year old a full suspension Turbo Bicycle for 2650. Real fancy thing it is and not bad qualtiy for the price.

Being a bicycle freak myself, have 4 and ride most days I like the bicycle idea.

Thanks will take all suggestions to heart.

Next week will go to a toy store and look around.

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Get her the new Barbie doll - divorcee Barbie. She comes with Ken's house, car, bank accounts etc. :):D

Seriously, I always give money, having no kids of my own, I'm clueless about what kids want, and they can choose for themselves.

Good luck.

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For relatives, I think money is ok as a gift. For friends or children of friends, I don't think it is appropriate. If you give too little, you are viewed as a cheapskate. If you give too much, you risk making others look like cheapskates or creating some other negative impression. A gift certificate would be more appropriate than cash if they live near a big store like a Tesco.

I like the idea of a doll or bicycle. You could give some clothes, such as a swimming suit or something like that. What is the child's favorite color? A new outfit with her favorite color could go over very big. What I try to look for in a child's gift is something they don't have. If the child has a creative streak, you could try something artsy and craftsy, such as water colors or a bead jewelry kit.

I gave my partner's daughter an iPod as a gift a little while back, and she is of similar age, but that may be more expensive than you had planned. The iPod is only good if the child has a computer or access to a computer to install songs.

You could also offer to buy the cake and ice cream for the birthday party. You could get as extravagant as you want there while still making a big impression and not going overboard.

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Don't come with American Barbie or Kitty crap nor with ipods, phones or other electronic garbage, a bicycle is the coolest give af all, but learn her (how) to maintain it, keep it clean, store it inside, grease the chain etc. If it does not have a ringer get one !

Most kids here don't understand the value of a bicycle and it rots away within months (not the kid but the bike)

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Many girls at that age 9-10 already like to shop.

You could give a gift certificate for a mall in her area.

If she already likes shopping you may have to help her to decide whats good for her. To help her in that I strongly advice you to buy her a pushbike with a basket. Then she can drive it to the next Family Market and buy Papa some Beer. So she can go shopping and is doing something good for the family and her health. :)

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Don't people give kids books anymore? :)


no, but ebooks. Don't know if 2.000 is enough for the down payment. But if OP is thinking to give her presents at her next 15 or so birthdays, he could pay the remaining instalments as the other yearly presents and does not have to worry/ask again.

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Maybe a cheap Bylthe doll?

They LOVE these, even much older girls and women love them too. She will feel really special if you gave her one for sure.


And they have SOOOO many accessories, I got these in Afghanistan, one for wifey and one for her Blythes lol! they are everywhere!


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