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My Mate Ran Over Someone When Drunk


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A mate of mine, who has been known to be an idiot, told me that after a night of drinking, he got in his car to drive home, and ran over someone on rama 4 at about midnight. He thinks it's a cop, but isn't 100% sure. He didn't hang around and took off at speed. After several km, he stopped at a red light after checking his rear view mirrors to make sure that he was not followed. Within a few minutes, 3 motorcycle cops pulled up, one in front, one behind and the other came to his window and motioned for him to wind the window down. They asked for and took his license and told him to follow them, which he did. After a few km and in a mild panic, the chap saw a u-turn exit, took it and raced off home, leaving the cops in his dust. This is more or less the morning after and he has sobered up and realised that the police have his license. I think today he plans to see a lawyer. An idiot, no doubt.

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I hope that some of the posters who accuse Thais of always fleeing the scene of the accident read this thread. I also hope your friend gets this resolved and that the person he hit is OK.

Keep us posted.

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Latest is that he just admitted that he was texting, while driving (is that another crime?) and looked up just as a cop was flagging him down, but, apparently not enought time to swerve far enough out of the way to miss the officer. The bonnet (hood for yanks) is scratched and the wing mirror is knocked off. I hear that he has contacted a lawyer who has offered to talk to the police for a 50k retainer.

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Most of these Thai cops are way too smart to step out into the road to "flag down" motorists.

Are you kidding? My missus nearly ran one down last month that just jumped out and nearly caused a multi car pile up on rama 9. THey do it ALL the time.

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Probably wasn't a good idea posting this information on a public forum with legal proceedings coming up. :)

As it's anonymous (isn't it?) he should be OK, and at least he will get - and has got - some sensible advice amongst the rightful anger directed towards his friend. Also, these stories are useful for everyone to have in the back of their minds - about how not to live and behave here.

If i were his friend I would be very worried, probably to the point of doing a runner. This won't end well for him.

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I hope that some of the posters who accuse Thais of always fleeing the scene of the accident read this thread. I also hope your friend gets this resolved and that the person he hit is OK.

Keep us posted.

where in the post did the op mention his mate was farang?

we are assuming it is :)

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Blame the copper - he shouldn't have been standing in the middle of the road. If that doesnt work then I'm not sure if the reason for hitting him being texting whilst drunk driving is the best line of defence to go with.

You sure there wasn't a red shirt anywhere in the area?

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Yes, he is a yank I am afraid. His theory is that as the coppers didn't draw their guns and batter him senseless when they pulled him over, then he probably didn't kill anyone. This is the lawyer's theory also.

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Your friend must have been pretty drunk to run AFTER giving them his license ! I think he needs to buy some big azzed flippers and start swimming home ! But in reality it's not the crime of the century, just another dumb drunken driving accident. A couple of thousand real dollars and everyone should be happy enough. ..... Don't forget a box of cookies ! LOL ..... It could have been a lot worse, but I guess you can say that about most everything. He should call the police and tell them someone that looked like him stole his wallet and car 3 days ago !

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Most of these Thai cops are way too smart to step out into the road to "flag down" motorists.

Are you kidding? My missus nearly ran one down last month that just jumped out and nearly caused a multi car pile up on rama 9. THey do it ALL the time.

Yeah they do.

Coming back from Hua Hin about a year ago I was barely able to stop in time. Doing all I can to bring the car to a halt and waving the officer out of the way. He just stands there with his hand out. He didn't budge. Think he was blowing a whistle. Yeah I remember perfectly. Helmet, sunglasses, whistle with his hand out.

Just another hazard of LOS. (I guess in reality it happens everywhere)

"Police intentionally impede progress of your motor vehicle without regard to your ability to avoid hitting them."

Of course, hope this situation works out well for all involved.

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tosser haha.

the police do have a habit here though of just walking out, I had to throw on my anchors on Sunday on Lad Phrao when two walked right in front of me, they didn't even want me, they wanted a bike coming up behind me, the bike was so far back though he managed to just turn off the road and away from them. Luckily I have abs and stopped about a foot short of the idiots.

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Hope this all turns out nicely in the end. Your friend must be bricking himself, unless he has deep pockets and a questionable morality.

I'll bet my bottom dollar it would have been cheaper to stop at the scene and apologise and offer to take him to hospital and then maybe to dinner... on soi 4... and then... well you get the idea... :)

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Blame the copper - he shouldn't have been standing in the middle of the road. If that doesnt work then I'm not sure if the reason for hitting him being texting whilst drunk driving is the best line of defence to go with.

You sure there wasn't a red shirt anywhere in the area?

Your first paragraph is not correct.

The law, basically in any country, povides that people should not step out in front of coming vehicles, if the vehicle has the right of way, however just as meaningful in the law, is the duty of care, to not hit someone / something that is in your path whilst driving, regardless of who has the right of way.

Edited by scorecard
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There is two ways of dealing with this.

1. Face up to what happened and expect to spend a lot of money and or jail time.

2. As mentioned in an earlier post get out, never come back.

Your friends conscience should be making the decision.

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Most of these Thai cops are way too smart to step out into the road to "flag down" motorists.

Are they, l had one do exactly that, in the fast lane of a dual carriageway,I stopped and everything else behind was swerving in all directions, and just to tell me about my seat belt. The guy had good eyes though. :)

Yep it reminds me of those Saudi Camels. The dumb ones venture onto the road. The smart ones live to breed. Darwinian selection.

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