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My Mate Ran Over Someone When Drunk


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If the car was registered at his current address the cops would've been round there before sunrise and beaten and arrested your "mate", MATE!!! His only hope is that the car was registered somewhere else (and hopefully not in his name) giving him time to get as far away from the filthy 'kok as possible and closer to the Khmer border and freedom. Otherwise he will end up envying the character he hit.

But then again, this whole saga might be total bulls***.

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How did he get away from motorcycle cops in a car in Bangkok?

I don't care how fast your car is and how slow the motorcycles, there is traffic, then traffic lights, then they could radio in to the cops at each junction to look for his car.

I'm not asking in case I have to do it myself in the future. I'm genuinely puzzled

Doesn't seem possible

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Probably wasn't a good idea posting this information on a public forum with legal proceedings coming up. :)

Yes, possible a nomination for the 'Darwin Award' for his efforts.....although his mate is a more likely canadate for a win in this cateogry.

Your friend must have been pretty drunk to run AFTER giving them his license ! I think he needs to buy some big azzed flippers and start swimming home ! But in reality it's not the crime of the century, just another dumb drunken driving accident. A couple of thousand real dollars and everyone should be happy enough. ..... Don't forget a box of cookies ! LOL ..... It could have been a lot worse, but I guess you can say that about most everything. He should call the police and tell them someone that looked like him stole his wallet and car 3 days ago !

Poor advice. So are you also suggesting that when he committs another crime of reporting the car and wallet stolen, that he should also suggest his face was also stolen.....you seem to be forgetting that the police that stopped him have seen his STUPID face at the drivers wheel.

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If I were him I would leave the country immediately.

That is the point. Do the police communicate with customs? Will he be allowed to leave?

Well, its quite easy to put an airport alert on someone, so theres a chance he could be stopped at the airport. Then again, the Police did a fairly ordinary job of aprehending him after the accident, so he could slip away.

Morally, he should hand himself in to the police, hand over a heap of cash and do a bit of time in the lockup thinking about how stupid he is.

Has anybody bothered seeing if the Policeman he ran down is okay?

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If the car was registered at his current address the cops would've been round there before sunrise and beaten and arrested your "mate", MATE!!! His only hope is that the car was registered somewhere else (and hopefully not in his name) giving him time to get as far away from the filthy 'kok as possible and closer to the Khmer border and freedom. Otherwise he will end up envying the character he hit.

But then again, this whole saga might be total bulls***.

License was registered at his old work address. He has since changed jobs.

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How did he get away from motorcycle cops in a car in Bangkok?

I don't care how fast your car is and how slow the motorcycles, there is traffic, then traffic lights, then they could radio in to the cops at each junction to look for his car.

I'm not asking in case I have to do it myself in the future. I'm genuinely puzzled

Doesn't seem possible

He was driving a new Civic. Those pissy little Thai bikes had no chance once he got out of their sight, turned a few corners.

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If I were him I would leave the country immediately.

That is the point. Do the police communicate with customs? Will he be allowed to leave?

I don't think customs will give a dam_n as we all walk through customs without getting stopped, immigration on the other hand we all get stopped.

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If I were him I would leave the country immediately.

That is the point. Do the police communicate with customs? Will he be allowed to leave?

Why should customs care ??.....unless of course he intends to smuggle himself out of Thailand in a crate..... :)

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Probably wasn't a good idea posting this information on a public forum with legal proceedings coming up. :)

Yes, possible a nomination for the 'Darwin Award' for his efforts.....although his mate is a more likely canadate for a win in this cateogry.

Your friend must have been pretty drunk to run AFTER giving them his license ! I think he needs to buy some big azzed flippers and start swimming home ! But in reality it's not the crime of the century, just another dumb drunken driving accident. A couple of thousand real dollars and everyone should be happy enough. ..... Don't forget a box of cookies ! LOL ..... It could have been a lot worse, but I guess you can say that about most everything. He should call the police and tell them someone that looked like him stole his wallet and car 3 days ago !

Poor advice. So are you also suggesting that when he committs another crime of reporting the car and wallet stolen, that he should also suggest his face was also stolen.....you seem to be forgetting that the police that stopped him have seen his STUPID face at the drivers wheel.

Can't you tell a joke when you see one ? ROFL

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How did he get away from motorcycle cops in a car in Bangkok?

I don't care how fast your car is and how slow the motorcycles, there is traffic, then traffic lights, then they could radio in to the cops at each junction to look for his car.

I'm not asking in case I have to do it myself in the future. I'm genuinely puzzled

Doesn't seem possible

He was driving a new Civic. Those pissy little Thai bikes had no chance once he got out of their sight, turned a few corners.

Unlikely to the extreme. Possibly however the Thai cops knew they had his license so they can find him again easily enough.

But erm.. let me get this straight: after being drunk enough to run over someone, he then speeds off, still drunk, at the highest possible speed? Was he trying to kill even more people? And, amidst all this you find time to complain about pissy little Thai bikes? Something is wrong here.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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also i think some perspective here, when you say in the heading that he ran over someone, this appears to not be the case if the mirror was also damaged. He has hit someone in his car no doubt, but I don't think he has run over them. Chances are the injuries will be slight considering the guy must have been able to alert his colleagues and give car description etc.

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Is he an English Teacher? Backpacker? high powered Exec?

How much clout does he have?

Assuming it was his Civic and He drove it to his home. Fair to say, he's probably "tommy trucked" by now anyway.

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How did he get away from motorcycle cops in a car in Bangkok?

I don't care how fast your car is and how slow the motorcycles, there is traffic, then traffic lights, then they could radio in to the cops at each junction to look for his car.

I'm not asking in case I have to do it myself in the future. I'm genuinely puzzled

Doesn't seem possible

He was driving a new Civic. Those pissy little Thai bikes had no chance once he got out of their sight, turned a few corners.

Unlikely to the extreme. Possibly however the Thai cops knew they had his license so they can find him again easily enough.

But erm.. let me get this straight: after being drunk enough to run over someone, he then speeds off, still drunk, at the highest possible speed? Was he trying to kill even more people? And, amidst all this you find time to complain about pissy little Thai bikes? Something is wrong here.

He was drunk, texting, looked up and saw the copper metres away. Thump. Reckon that was enough to sober him up.

Sorry, I am compaining? What thread are you reading? Mate, if you want an argument go somewhere else. I am just talking about what happened.

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also i think some perspective here, when you say in the heading that he ran over someone, this appears to not be the case if the mirror was also damaged. He has hit someone in his car no doubt, but I don't think he has run over them. Chances are the injuries will be slight considering the guy must have been able to alert his colleagues and give car description etc.

I have seen the car. There is a scratch on the bonnet leading up to the wing mirror...or more importantly, where the wing mirror was. No blood or anything so not a major impact no.

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Is he an English Teacher? Backpacker? high powered Exec?

How much clout does he have?

Assuming it was his Civic and He drove it to his home. Fair to say, he's probably "tommy trucked" by now anyway.

He is not a teacher. The car is a company car. He is a medium level exec. Thai missus and kid. Not realy connected. I have a mate who's family are police so I might ring him for advise.

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also i think some perspective here, when you say in the heading that he ran over someone, this appears to not be the case if the mirror was also damaged. He has hit someone in his car no doubt, but I don't think he has run over them. Chances are the injuries will be slight considering the guy must have been able to alert his colleagues and give car description etc.

I have seen the car. There is a scratch on the bonnet leading up to the wing mirror...or more importantly, where the wing mirror was. No blood or anything so not a major impact no.

so he has rolled onto the bonnet and rolled off into the mirror, or the car has side swiped him. He should have just stopped and dealt with it, he can't even deny knowledge of it now after doing his second runner.

My advice would be to get a representative to go to the police station, preferably a lawyer, see how the ground lays before he surfaces himself.

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Funny story.

Alan Shore and Denny crane with the help of 3 'God Almighties' from Rev Sharpton might help your pal.

Or he could say a friend who is at large now, borrowed his car for a night out. the friend also borrowed his license.

Or as its a Honda, he should say the went into automatic acceleration.

Myself, I prefer being run over by something of more quality.

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even though he has behaved like a fooh khing eeeeejot, my sympathies to your mate. I hope he comes through it ok. I imagine jails are filled with normal people who happened to get caught during one of their more stupid moments.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

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On a cautionary note, considering how stupid this guy has been and how much trouble he is in, I would be careful that you don't find yourself an accessory after the fact, assuming that such a thing exists in law here. He needs to be dealing with a well-qualified- and probably very expensive- LAWYER from now on. If he's not running for the airport right now, that's pretty much his only sane choice.

No sympathy though- in a country where public transportation is so easily available, no excuse for anyone to be driving drunk (I also imagine that as the story comes out, your friend's company is going to be less than amused for one of their vehicles to have been involved in this incident). No excuse for not paying attention to the road (especially in a country with roads like this!)- and running after giving up his license really takes the cake. They would be right to make an especially harsh example of your friend. He'll be extremely lucky if he only winds up shelling out millions of baht and avoids jail time.

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I hate advocating something illegal, but if I were your friend, I'd be on my way to some obscure Cambodian border crossing area where I would either cross or stay in a hotel on the Thai side pending some idea of the amount of trouble.

Drunk or sober; texting or not texting, hitting a policeman is rather serious.

He should face the music, but it would be a good idea to know what tune is being played. If it's the death march, then cross the border (maybe not legally). Stay very far away from the airport.

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