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Domino Effect Feared -- Thai Tourism Already Hit

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1. Unelected non mandate government.

2. An army that ousted the elected Government and supports and is supported by the present Government (junta).

3. A constitution that appears to allow the military to veto any decision!

Probably best if you could confirm your location and timezone!

What a spaceball!

1. False

2. False, there are many factions in the military, including so in the army

3. False


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1. Unelected non mandate government.

2. An army that ousted the elected Government and supports and is supported by the present Government (junta).

3. A constitution that appears to allow the military to veto any decision!

Probably best if you could confirm your location and timezone!

What a spaceball!

1. False

2. False, there are many factions in the military, including so in the army

3. False


Except it's not is it? But ok, easy way to prove: have a general election! Agreed?


what will benefit the kingdom is a government accepted ( not liked or even supported ) by the vast majority of people including the reds and yellows.

and a commitment from the army not to intervene in democratic processes, The army has as his sole responsibility the protection of the country against foreign threats and should not be used against it's own citizens o politicians.

well i know it is complicated and non of the above will happen soon or easy but that is how it should be. Besides the situation seems peacfull and i see no need for tourists to avoid thailand. Mexico, brazil or south africa are a much bigger threath to tourists than thailand.


Tawp have you ever been in thailand? you know where it is? lol

reading your comments seems that only thing you care about is you having your fun in the go gos and elephant sanctuaries etc etc and think that the thais who are concerned about their future ass a nation should stop thinking/struggeling for what they think their county should be like??!!! And this for the sole purpose of accommodating you and your friends who like to come here?

Wake up, the thais are not the miniature figures you photograph or your servants who look after your needs but a people who are trying to establish a society which eventually is supposed to be fairer for every one. In this process the people who already have everything ( and the people close to and dependant on them) are "naturally" trying to keep the status quo.......

This young democracy has the right to get into conflicts with eachother for establishing a better way of doing things, even if that is inconvinient for you and many thais who will see their income decrease :D

And all the fuzzz about mr t many of the reds dont give a shit about him he is just a name , just like musavi in iran is a nobody for the iranian protesters but a name they can use

the spokesman of reds said on aljazeera, that he estimates that about 60% of the reds could be called thaksin supporters the rest do not support thaksin. so could we conclude ( if this is true) that this movement, att best, just uses thaksin ass a excuse?? or do you really believe that they all love him and don't know he really was corrupt etc ( i like the fact that many red spokesmen i have seen change the subject when they are asked about thaksins corruption or self enrichment :) so they know but that is not their biggest concern for now )

we ass foreigners should just wish the thais the best and hope they make the best decisions for their future, even if that means that thailand ass a tourist destination will have some downsides because of rallies or what ever.

Tawp have you ever been in thailand? you know where it is? lol

reading your comments seems that only thing you care about is you having your fun in the go gos and elephant sanctuaries etc etc and think that the thais who are concerned about their future ass a nation should stop thinking/struggeling for what they think their county should be like??!!! And this for the sole purpose of accommodating you and your friends who like to come here?

Wake up, the thais are not the miniature figures you photograph or your servants who look after your needs but a people who are trying to establish a society which eventually is supposed to be fairer for every one. In this process the people who already have everything ( and the people close to and dependant on them) are "naturally" trying to keep the status quo.......

This young democracy has the right to get into conflicts with eachother for establishing a better way of doing things, even if that is inconvinient for you and many thais who will see their income decrease :D

And all the fuzzz about mr t many of the reds dont give a shit about him he is just a name , just like musavi in iran is a nobody for the iranian protesters but a name they can use

the spokesman of reds said on aljazeera, that he estimates that about 60% of the reds could be called thaksin supporters the rest do not support thaksin. so could we conclude ( if this is true) that this movement, att best, just uses thaksin ass a excuse?? or do you really believe that they all love him and don't know he really was corrupt etc ( i like the fact that many red spokesmen i have seen change the subject when they are asked about thaksins corruption or self enrichment :) so they know but that is not their biggest concern for now )

we ass foreigners should just wish the thais the best and hope they make the best decisions for their future, even if that means that thailand ass a tourist destination will have some downsides because of rallies or what ever.

You say Thaksi doesn't mean **** to the reds, which is surprising given that they were throwing buckets of their own blood around while wearing We-Love-Thaksin T-shirts.

Thaksin is more than "a name", as you implied. He is emblazoned onto their T-shirts & base-ball caps & posters, like Michael Jackson fans do. He is their "Peoples' poet", who speaks for them etc. At least Jacko could moonwalk & write songs.

You say "only 60% support him" , well 60% is a majority...... and also it is a greater majority than most politicians enjoy. 60% support is certainly a greater fanbase than any other convicted & on-the-run arch-criminal has got.

You can be a "we ass foreigner" <quote> & talk about the Thais "future ass a nation" <quote> if you like, I'm not going to even joke about that, it is an open goal.

And you also say it is wrong to have 'fun in elephant sanctuaries'. Why? They are there to protect elephants and provide income for Thailand.

And that is what this worrying report, at the top of this thread, was saying ; tourism & export & investment etc. are predicted to suffer because of the Thaksinites.

I saw on AC this morning there was an advert for Thailand saying that the upcoming PPC conference in Bangkok will hopefully finally help to end the "political turbulence" and show the world that Thailand is open for business & is a safe peaceful place to visit for tourists and investors alike. I really hope so.

1. Unelected non mandate government.

2. An army that ousted the elected Government and supports and is supported by the present Government (junta).

3. A constitution that appears to allow the military to veto any decision!

Probably best if you could confirm your location and timezone!

What a spaceball!

1. False

2. False, there are many factions in the military, including so in the army

3. False


Except it's not is it? But ok, easy way to prove: have a general election! Agreed?

Why have another election before the scheduled one?

First, please explain why your half-truths and propaganda lines are 'the truth' instead.

Tawp have you ever been in thailand? you know where it is? lol

reading your comments seems that only thing you care about is you having your fun in the go gos and elephant sanctuaries etc etc and think that the thais who are concerned about their future ass a nation should stop thinking/struggeling for what they think their county should be like??!!! And this for the sole purpose of accommodating you and your friends who like to come here?

No, I have never been to here and do not live here since several years. *yawn*

And you write you read my 'comments' (plural). In this thread? What comments have you then read?

I would think that elephant sanctuaries are a good thing but I have never been to one. Any reason you dislike them? Scared by an elephant as a kid?

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