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Thaksin Passes The Point Of No Return : Anand

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Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra posted a message on his Twitter page Wednesday afternoon that he is not well and needed an injection.

He posted the message at 3:45 pm on www.thaksinlive.com , saying: "Today, I received an injection from my doctor so that I will be able to talk to you, my people, sooner. Please accept my apology that I became ill during this crucial moment. Please be strong and united."


-- The Nation 24/03/2010


hmm, not sure what he's up too. Millions of people are not well because of Mr Thaksin and his thugs.

Or maybe he's radiant like the case we saw in the UK where one got killed by Russians spiking radiant material in his drink?

Well if he becomes phosphorescent , he''ll get a few more converts :D

Well then, perhaps he can come back in a useful role after all. As a fuel rod in Thailand's first nuclear power station.


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His analysis of Thaksin's position whilst interesting and in the main fairly accurate is one thing. The propaganda nearing the end of the article ,however, is disappointing! An independent kingdom for nearly 800 years... What utter nonsense. Continually cultivating this myth only highlights how weak the position of the political classes truly is!

Thailand has been conquered many times over the past 800 years albeit they would have everyone believe otherwise.

There are many wonderful people in the realm but the majority have only their own selfish interests at heart.

I have lived and worked for several years in Indonesia and whilst they are overwhelmingly Muslim the average Indonesian would leave the average Thai for dead in terms of honesty, integrity and almost every other facet of life that we causcasians hold dear.

Thailand has never contributed one single thing on the world stage "if you take out jasmin rice and the oldest profession in the world"

Thai's in general (the majority of the lower classes if you will) are totally ignorant of any of the worlds histories.

The average Thai cannot show you on a map where most provinces in Thailand are, let alone where Burma, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia are.

Until Thailand developes an education system that educates it's people as to how they fit into the world's demographics, and how the rest of the developed world see them they will go nowhere.

Why is it that it is so difficult to get a visa for a Thai women to enter any developed country compared to the passport holders of countries of the 1st world (and other 3rd world countries)

Why is it that 50% of the photographs and telephone numbers pasted in the phone boxes on Edgeware Road of the girls selling their flesh are Thai's. And Edgeware Road is but one example.

Thailand is like a soccer team or rugby team who "think" that they can win but do not have the moral fortitude of going on to the field knowing that they can win.

Do you think that Manny Pacquiao goes into the ring thinking he can beat his opponent.

When Manny Pacquiao goes into the ring he knows that he is going to beat his oppponent

IMO most Thais, including the “lo so ’s”, know all Thai provinces and very little Thais, including the “hi so ’s”, know anything outside Thailand.

I have travelled in Indonesia too and the least I can say is that they are the least typical Muslims I have ever seen.

I think, as to honesty, there is no difference between the average Thai and the average Indonesian.

I've just been told by my wife that her family in the country is being told, by the red tv channel(whatver that is) that villagers are being told they will receive B500,000 if thaksin returns to thailand, they all believe it too <snip>

The lies are becoming a joke but the villagers still believe everything the red channel is spouting, worrying.

Thaksin has passed the point of no return in my eyes.

Before talking more bu**sh** you should look once to People’s Television (channel 4 on Sophon; channel 20 on TMN).

Then you will see that Buddhist abbots and monks support the cause of the underprivileged, the same way many bishops and priests did, often at the risk of their own life.

Today it is exactly 30 years ago that Monsignor Óscar Romero was assassinated in San Salvador (El Salvador).

It's not bullsh*t it came from our family in the country. I can't see the point of your post.

The point of his post is that red apologists claim monopoly rights in speaking for the rural masses.

When someone like yourself comes along and does not parrot the red line, but provides an interesting observation which contradicts what they are saying, the reds are incandescent with rage.

And lash out.

I've just been told by my wife that her family in the country is being told, by the red tv channel(whatver that is) that villagers are being told they will receive B500,000 if thaksin returns to thailand, they all believe it too <snip>

The lies are becoming a joke but the villagers still believe everything the red channel is spouting, worrying.

Thaksin has passed the point of no return in my eyes.

Before talking more bu**sh** you should look once to People's Television (channel 4 on Sophon; channel 20 on TMN).

Then you will see that Buddhist abbots and monks support the cause of the underprivileged, the same way many bishops and priests did, often at the risk of their own life.

Today it is exactly 30 years ago that Monsignor Óscar Romero was assassinated in San Salvador (El Salvador).

It's not bullsh*t it came from our family in the country. I can't see the point of your post.

I have seen with my very own eyes the Buddhist abbots and monks who blessed and encouraged the protesters.

Although Anand is a nice and sensible man, we should not forget that he has been appointed two times by the establishment after a coup to be an interim prime minister. It is therefore understandable that Anand do not seem to understand how the majority of Thai people think about Thaksin. Anand is part of the establishment and as such biased.

Yes i agree . But he is not slotted to become next PM (unless i am missing something) , nor that he wants to be anyway .

The class war issue is reminiscent of some marxist slogan , that have only appeared in red shirt parlance because

someone told them (guess who) . Most of the reds shirts own land (even if small plots ) , those ppl are not marxists

You will note that his comment on Thaksin are very measured . In doing so he implicitely aknowledge that Thaksin

has done good for the poor . Of course it could be businessmen solidarity ...

Except on the issue of Thaksin calling for sedition which is not acceptable in his views well thats understandable ,

he is not negative .

On Abhisit so far he dont consider him as a prime mover and seem a bit disapointed

On the whole he strikes me as someone above politics that wants to unite rather then divide , yet someone that

demand efficiency in running the country

Although Anand is a nice and sensible man, we should not forget that he has been appointed two times by the establishment after a coup to be an interim prime minister. It is therefore understandable that Anand do not seem to understand how the majority of Thai people think about Thaksin. Anand is part of the establishment and as such biased.

Believe it or not. Anand was appointed against his will, talking about the second interims term.

I've just been told by my wife that her family in the country is being told, by the red tv channel(whatver that is) that villagers are being told they will receive B500,000 if thaksin returns to thailand, they all believe it too <snip>

The lies are becoming a joke but the villagers still believe everything the red channel is spouting, worrying.

Thaksin has passed the point of no return in my eyes.

Before talking more bu**sh** you should look once to People's Television (channel 4 on Sophon; channel 20 on TMN).

Then you will see that Buddhist abbots and monks support the cause of the underprivileged, the same way many bishops and priests did, often at the risk of their own life.

Today it is exactly 30 years ago that Monsignor Óscar Romero was assassinated in San Salvador (El Salvador).

It's not bullsh*t it came from our family in the country. I can't see the point of your post.

I have seen with my very own eyes the Buddhist abbots and monks who blessed and encouraged the protesters.

No doubt you will have concluded that your hero Thaksin's money laundering and similar criminal financial activities are similarly blessed.

Although Anand is a nice and sensible man, we should not forget that he has been appointed two times by the establishment after a coup to be an interim prime minister. It is therefore understandable that Anand do not seem to understand how the majority of Thai people think about Thaksin. Anand is part of the establishment and as such biased.

I also wish to remind you that he has opposed the military top brass .

My favortie quote in this
... Despite the UDD's and Thaksin's criticisms and calls for "true democracy",

Anand believes that Thailand will continue to muddle through with its particular brand of democracy,

which he describes loosely as an "ad-hocracy" where politicians improvise and "roll with the punches".

Now THAT is a quotable little bit. :D

Yesssss, he coined the word, and we can turn it into a household phrase. I like it. :)

Although Anand is a nice and sensible man, we should not forget that he has been appointed two times by the establishment after a coup to be an interim prime minister. It is therefore understandable that Anand do not seem to understand how the majority of Thai people think about Thaksin. Anand is part of the establishment and as such biased.

I also wish to remind you that he has opposed the military top brass .

...and got dragged to court for this.

Although Anand is a nice and sensible man, we should not forget that he has been appointed two times by the establishment after a coup to be an interim prime minister. It is therefore understandable that Anand do not seem to understand how the majority of Thai people think about Thaksin. Anand is part of the establishment and as such biased.

I also wish to remind you that he has opposed the military top brass .

...and got dragged to court for this.

yes :)

He would say that....

From the same article....

Anand Panyarachun epitomizes the ammataya, or aristocratic elite

better them than the redshirts led by Chalerm and Chavalit.

Well it's true that many people, by some criteria, could be considered elite. Some consider chalerm, jatuporn, chavalit and other red shirt sympathizers, as elite by some criteria.

Some years ago I was standing very close to Khun Anand when he was making a presentation at a quite large gathering at the Hyatt hotel.

The microphone / loud speakers started to play up. He quickly left the stage and walked over to two young technicians standing at the side and politely asked them to try to resolve the problem.

After a couple of minutes he sat on the floor with the tehnicians and asked them politely "do you do need any other equipment etc.?"

After a couple of minutes more he walked over to a buffet table and got two glasses of Pepsi and gave it to the young technicians.

A few minutes later it was all resolved. The young technicians tried to disappear but he wouldn't let them go. He said to the crowd, "I'd like to introduce my new friends who have saved the day", then he asked them to introduce themselves to the crowd, he stepped back and by hand gestures made them speak, and then he politely thanked them for taking care of the problem and waied to them. The crowd loved it.

I have also met Khun Anand in other circumstances. He is a wise, sincere, humble, and very balanced man. When he speaks the room goes silent, people listen. He also encourages others to talk, regardless of their 'rank', he listens well and asks further valid and valuable questions and listens.

Thailand (any country) could do with more leaders like this.

My favortie quote in this
... Despite the UDD's and Thaksin's criticisms and calls for "true democracy",

Anand believes that Thailand will continue to muddle through with its particular brand of democracy,

which he describes loosely as an "ad-hocracy" where politicians improvise and "roll with the punches".

Now THAT is a quotable little bit. :D

Yesssss, he coined the word, and we can turn it into a household phrase. I like it. :)

Its a measure of his belief in the british system , where he was educated .

On that one i feel that this system is a bit too civilised for the unruly thais .

They like to protest a lot ... LOL

Well they get the other extreme , a coup , when things goes out of hand

Anand's administration proved a more hard-working one that those of his predecessors.[10] The administration worked on its task of implementing a long list of much-needed reforms. Its emphasis on education, public health, exports, agriculture, industry, environment and improvement in living conditions, met with widespread approval. In a Bangkok poll in late July, 1991, 61 percent of respondents felt that the Anand government was more honest than previous administrations.[17]

Wish they can find a PM like him . Problem is those top notch ppl are business ppl not at all interested in political power , (whats the salary of a PM compared to a CEO if the PM is honest ? ) and he was a reluctant PM .

In any case if a PM is a business-man and mix it with the search for political power its catastrophic as the case of Mr T has prooven

Its a case of confused loyalties . either you serve the ppl or you serve your business

Well all your yelling succinctly makes the point

that Abhisit is the breath of fresh air long awaited for.

There is no such thing as a clean environment for ANY Thai PM

but putting a decent hard working and relatively honest one in,

and letting him juggle the chainsaws of personalities and interests

to the best possible conclusion for all Thais is the most we can generally hope for.

Anand was installed under even less propitious circumstances than Abhisit.

but his rep this far down the line from his term as PM seems well done and well thought of.

Abhisit minus the Thaksin Albatross would be a different ballgame altogether.

Although Anand is a nice and sensible man, we should not forget that he has been appointed two times by the establishment after a coup to be an interim prime minister. It is therefore understandable that Anand do not seem to understand how the majority of Thai people think about Thaksin. Anand is part of the establishment and as such biased.

So your saying that 'because he was appointed two times he therefore doesn't understand how the majority of Thai people think about thaksin'.

What total rubbish. Where's the specific logic in this? There isn't any!

'Majority' - I'll never agree with that.

I'll say again, many people would could consider chalerm, chavalit and even jatuporn as elite / establishment. So, to extend your logic, one would assume you are saying that jatuporn, chavalit, and chalerm don't understand why some people like thaksin.

I say again your post is total rubbish.

Ask a few people about Khun Anand's attitude to the very large numbers of employees inside the company he was associated with for many years, as a senior executive.

They will tell you he was always concerned for employees welfare, he regularly talked with all staff at all levels, and listened to them, and he displayed again and again that he well understood their concerns / their background, their lack of opportunities, etc.

Anand's administration proved a more hard-working one that those of his predecessors.[10] The administration worked on its task of implementing a long list of much-needed reforms. Its emphasis on education, public health, exports, agriculture, industry, environment and improvement in living conditions, met with widespread approval. In a Bangkok poll in late July, 1991, 61 percent of respondents felt that the Anand government was more honest than previous administrations.[17]

Wish they can find a PM like him . Problem is those top notch ppl are business ppl not at all interested in political power , (whats the salary of a PM compared to a CEO if the PM is honest ? ) and he was a reluctant PM .

In any case if a PM is a business-man and mix it with the search for political power its catastrophic as the case of Mr T has prooven

Its a case of confused loyalties . either you serve the ppl or you serve your business

Well all your yelling succinctly makes the point

that Abhisit is the breath of fresh air long awaited for.

There is no such thing as a clean environment for ANY Thai PM

but putting a decent hard working and relatively honest one in,

and letting him juggle the chainsaws of personalities and interests

to the best possible conclusion for all Thais is the most we can generally hope for.

Anand was installed under even less propitious circumstances than Abhisit.

but his rep this far down the line from his term as PM seems well done and well thought of.

Abhisit minus the Thaksin Albatross would be a different ballgame altogether.

Well said Animatic!!!

Anand's administration proved a more hard-working one that those of his predecessors.[10] The administration worked on its task of implementing a long list of much-needed reforms. Its emphasis on education, public health, exports, agriculture, industry, environment and improvement in living conditions, met with widespread approval. In a Bangkok poll in late July, 1991, 61 percent of respondents felt that the Anand government was more honest than previous administrations.[17]

Wish they can find a PM like him . Problem is those top notch ppl are business ppl not at all interested in political power , (whats the salary of a PM compared to a CEO if the PM is honest ? ) and he was a reluctant PM .

In any case if a PM is a business-man and mix it with the search for political power its catastrophic as the case of Mr T has prooven

Its a case of confused loyalties . either you serve the ppl or you serve your business

Well all your yelling succinctly makes the point

that Abhisit is the breath of fresh air long awaited for.

There is no such thing as a clean environment for ANY Thai PM

but putting a decent hard working and relatively honest one in,

and letting him juggle the chainsaws of personalities and interests

to the best possible conclusion for all Thais is the most we can generally hope for.

Anand was installed under even less propitious circumstances than Abhisit.

but his rep this far down the line from his term as PM seems well done and well thought of.

Abhisit minus the Thaksin Albatross would be a different ballgame altogether.

Abhisit should actually draw from K Anand who had the guts to go against the top brass. I remember as if it were yesterday, he cut down on military spending and placed them back into their role as they have chosen by oath first.

Abhisit is more a character of one step forward and two steps back and this continuously. He really feeds himself from what the top brass gives him and bows to any of their demands.

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra posted a message on his Twitter page Wednesday afternoon that he is not well and needed an injection.

He posted the message at 3:45 pm on www.thaksinlive.com , saying: "Today, I received an injection from my doctor so that I will be able to talk to you, my people, sooner. Please accept my apology that I became ill during this crucial moment. Please be strong and united."


-- The Nation 24/03/2010


hmm, not sure what he's up too. Millions of people are not well because of Mr Thaksin and his thugs.

Or maybe he's radiant like the case we saw in the UK where one got killed by Russians spiking radiant material in his drink?

Well if he becomes phosphorescent , he''ll get a few more converts :)

Well then, perhaps he can come back in a useful role after all. As a fuel rod in Thailand's first nuclear power station.

Or maybe just some aging katoeys rod,

since he acts like such a Dick and his plans are never really working....

Plus he will get plenty of 'beef injections'.


In any case if a PM is a business-man and mix it with the search for political power its catastrophic as the case of Mr T has prooven

Its a case of confused loyalties . either you serve the ppl or you serve your business [/size][/sup]

I was here in Thailand when Anand was the PM (twice) and i was here for many years before that.

I can confirm, Anand and his other appointed minters of the various ministries worked very hard, very focused and they tried hard to attend to the items which desperately needed attention and were factors which were important to improve quality of life etc across the board, and set the stage for the future.

Here's some other points:

- Many of the other ministers in Anand's cabinet were astute high achieving businessmen, and some others. They took off their business hats completely and focused on the needs of Thailand. None of them have even been accused of doing even the slighest thing that was smelly.

- There are many capable, sincere, and honest people in Thailand today and there always has been, and many of them are very sincere and want to contribute to the development of Thailand. But the unfortunate downside is that they will not allow themselves (for obvious reasons) to be associated with the leeches and thugs (read thieves) who make up the majority of the parties and have done for decades.

- In fact when Anand had to step down, after elections were held, he was asked why he didn't continue. His answer was very straight forward and was so direct that he shocked many people, he said something like 'I would need to be a member of a party and I simply do not wish to join the unsavoury gangs (my words) that we call political parties'.

- I can't agree that business men becoming politicians is (always) catestrophic. This statement is too black and white.

Do agree with most of the analysis concerning Thaksin. however it is a dynamic situation which may evolve as the Pandora box is open... going to tough days....

one thing is for sure. with no taksin the country will get more poor and taxes will go up.

Do agree with most of the analysis concerning Thaksin. however it is a dynamic situation which may evolve as the Pandora box is open... going to tough days....

one thing is for sure. with no taksin the country will get more poor and taxes will go up.

Why do you say that?

Abhisit should actually draw from K Anand who had the guts to go against the top brass. I remember as if it were yesterday, he cut down on military spending and placed them back into their role as they have chosen by oath first.

Abhisit is more a character of one step forward and two steps back and this continuously. He really feeds himself from what the top brass gives him and bows to any of their demands.

A couple of specific examples of this would help your argument - do you have any?

From the article, it is easy to see why Anand is one of the most respected figures in Thai society. Clear, levelheaded, direct, open, and polite. Everything that Thaksin is not. We need more of him, and less of PTP/new money elite idiots.

You're right SomTumTiger: there isn't any politician who has better analysis on politics actually than Anand. He also was former PM when the Military had taken over the Chatichai government in 1992 (Gen. Kraprayoon). Anand did a perfect job! To every Thai's surprise and well being.

And I believe him: Taksin has finished: forever... He has indeed reached the point of no return, especially when he became rude towards the actual Government who retains calm, maturity and strictly remains in self-control. The "red revolution" system is bleeding to death for lack of funds (everything coming from the red shirt corner is financed by Taksin). Give them a couple of weeks more for their weekly Saturday-protest in the streets of Bangkok which inevitably will incite discontent and dislike amongst the Bangkokians to be disturbed for weeks long on their Saturday afternoon shopping day, and the case is over, closed and soon forgotten... Back to normal and Taksin, please lick your wounds! You have tried hard but populism is not the good solution to get your power again! Your beloved followers are running out of money and so are you!

This will be another dark chapter of Thai politics. The Taksin-era... a school example for the world to make clear to politicians not to rely on populism for getting on to power. These promises you made, you however can never fulfil... and you knew it right from the start! :D:)

Do agree with most of the analysis concerning Thaksin. however it is a dynamic situation which may evolve as the Pandora box is open... going to tough days....

one thing is for sure. with no taksin the country will get more poor and taxes will go up.

Why do you say that?

Fully correct: this is sheer nonsense, not documented in any way... like today's journalism!

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