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Red Shirts Plan Intensified Protest In Bangkok : Saturday

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We all forget that during the TAKSIN administration, you would not be able to sit here typing and making any political comments and posted them on the internet.

:) Give me a break....

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Hi All.

It is way past time for this government to get seriously tough with the Redshirts. Can anyone old enough see the present behaviour of Thaksin and the late William Joyce for those who dont know , he was hanged after WW2 for Treason for broadcasting daily on behalf of the Nazi's.Is that what Thaksin is doing now?, I hope he suffers the same fate as William Joyce for Treason and Treachery against Thailand.


You wrote:

"But then again I could be wrong."

Yes I believe you are wrong. I grew up in a poor farmer in Surin province. We still farm rice. I believe the RED suppoters are misled and being lied to. I don't blame them for coming to the protest. I don't believe they "LOVE" Taksin unconditionaly. They love "MONEY".

I never believed in his(Taksin) policies and agendas since the beginning. The problem with ESAN people is that they don't have a source to back up what they hear. They tend to listen and believe in the rumors. Gossip is a part of their life.

You wrote: "They work hard and earn very little. Who can look around and not see the obvious suffering of the majority of the Thai people? The economic and social inequities are staggering. The injustice is overwhelming. The poorer classes have a right to feel abused and humiliated and angry. It is only natural for them to demand improvements. They haven't had the benefit of an industrial age or labor unions, not in any real sense."

IT's true, but everybody works hard, not just "They". Thailand is a developing country. It is impossible to make believe that the government will make everyone have equal living conditions. You have to know that living expense in the countryside is much lower than in the city. My family lives on $2 dollars/day. We live comfortably and happilly. We cannot blame others for the succeses in their lives. I believe every concerns and problems they have should start at the local government and their MP. How many of the MP from the provinces, specially from the THAI FOR THAI party are really working for their constituencies? These people are the benefitiaries of THAKSIN wealth. They are now sore losers because they are in an "opposition" party. They have no more money to put in their pockets( corruption). It is them who started all of this RED movement and lies and problems.

In my village, I have seen that the rural people have been recieving so many benefits from current government in the last year or so. They low the social security fund to people who reach 60, instead of 65. Haddicap people now eligible for govetment fund. Local govetment (O-BO-TO) seems to work better and getting into helping sove the problem in the community more. Farmers recieve some subsidy from the governement. All the villages in my county now have all concrete pavement streets. The government has spread a lot of powers and resposibility to local and county govt. They seem to be doing very well. Unlike during Taksin, the villagers tended to pile up debt and debt and debt, never ending.

We all forget that during the TAKSIN administration, you would not be able to sit here typing and making any political comments and posted them on the internet. Everything is filtered and censored. Your freedom of speech and freedom of expression are only in your heads. There would not be any "equal" treatment and "equal" opportunity under his rules. He and his party's agendas and policies are "Communist" like agendas. I cannot wait for him to be arrested and dissapears. Then, Thailand will be in peace.

From the NATION today, it reports that

"THE NATION: Today's first time that Thaksin invariably compares himself to Bin Laden."

Is that a joke? Time for the government to issue an arrest warrants to all the RED leaders and Taksin. They are a Nation Security risk and the terrorists.

Thanks for the insightful post SurinLa.

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