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Thaksin Will Benefit As Any Other Thai: Jatuporn

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when taksin was outed. they had elections twice and the yellow still were not happy cause all the priministers were realtives of taksin.

<snip for brevity>

I wasn't aware that the late-PM Samak was a relative of former-PM Thaksin ? When did "the yellow" claim this ? :)

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If this guy has been accused of rape why isn't he suing the accuser for deformation? Maybe doesn't want to open that can of worms?

Right. Rape is more often not reported than reported - for obvious reasons. When it is mentioned, it's rarely done for manipulative reasons. .....and often, after a claim of rape is mentioned, it's withdrawn for any number of reasons - threats from the rapist, hush money, extreme apologies from the rapist, etc.

So, viewed from a statistical perspective, if a man, particularly a man of political stature, is publicly accused of rape, it's very likely true. And, to answer Bagwan's Q: Yes, if he was innocent of the charges, he would immediately want to set things straight. I know I would, if I were falsely accused of such a crime.

when taksin was outed. they had elections twice and the yellow still were not happy cause all the priministers were realtives of taksin.

<snip for brevity>

I wasn't aware that the late-PM Samak was a relative of former-PM Thaksin ? When did "the yellow" claim this ? :)

Actually ... maybe BigC can also point out when "they had elections twice" after Thaksin was outed?

We want the country to return to normal, so that people can go anywhere in the nation to campaign and propose their policies. I've always said the red shirts would never interfere in election campaigns, and anyone doing that does not belong to us.

So will they publicly denounce Chiang Mai 51 anytime soon?

... Not taking your mum's phone calls. I'd hardly call that despicable and shameful.

It goes much further than that, completely abandoning a 91 year-old woman that gave birth to you both financially and emotionally would not normally pass muster within this culture or most other world cultures.

Perhaps you do not know his family situation? He could be estranged from his mum and family.

Ah, the Prodigal Son won't return...calls

I turned 21 in prison doing life without parole

Mom tried raise me better, momma tried, momma tried

Momma tried to raise me better but her pleadings I denied.

I have only me to blame cause momma tried.

Jatupron seems estranged from much of the human gene pool.

But why quible.


Actually she comes from Surrathani which is probobally the staunchest Demorcrat province in Thailand, and also where Sutep is MP for.

The rest of the family could be in serious danger if they didn't denounce him. It's highly possible they are in regular contact, but he has advised his family to pretend they have no contact for pure safety reasons......

On the other hand it's just as likely this pond life has embaressed the family so much that he is too shamed to face them. If so what a spineless individual he is, 91, no contact for 5 years, if true she will die with a broken heart. Afterall mothers love their sons no matter what they do.

Both seems equally likely scenarios to me.......


What Jatuporn didnt point out isa that the only reason for this push nopw was it timed exactly with Thaksin's assets being seized (now pending acceptance of an appeal). If the reds and allied feudal ammat in the PTP (wonder why they never ever metnion these ammat) are so powerful at the ballot box they only have to wait up to 18 months maximum and likely less. There was no need to take the chance now on soemthing that could actually damage their reputation. No party and allies anywhere in the world would take such a risk if they though tthey could easily winertainly stand a good chance. The only explanation fo rthe timing of the current gig is Thaksin. Oddly enough everyone in Thailand knows this inspite of what the like sof Jatuporn say, and rememebr he has been caught lying many times already. Hey even red shirt supporters will tell you the timing of this demo is about Thaksin if they know you well enough to talk to. Shame the red shirt leadership let the aspirations and desires of their movement down so badley. Still maybe one day the grassroots people will realise they will have to revert back to leaders of their own rather than parachuted in Thaksinistas with no ideals and no real care for any poor person. So there lay be good come from this yet.


Thaksin will benefit as any other Thai, says Jatuporn, except that none of the rest of them will get $1.4 Billion, from the tax-payers of Thailand, perhaps ? :)

Yes, so do I. For example, they could ask him about the despicable and shameful manner in which he treats his own mother and also if he ever plans to return to Surat Thani to address the rape allegations against him.

Details? (A link is fine)



http://www.bahtsold.com/news?id=1501 (3rd article)



These links do not go any way towards providing a factual basis for the slanderous/defamatory statements.

You need to understand Thai law to appreciate the term accusation. Facts? - no need - just fill in a police report and then the ball starts to roll -

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