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What Is The Hottest Thai Food.


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So we've all heard about the hottest foods, but what about the Cures. I find that drinking lots of liquids to calm the fire makes the meal unenjoyable.

Normally if i am eating a hot dish, a sip of milk here of there, or a bite of cucumber suffices. Any other tips ?


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my husband told me that the reason thai people don't talk during meals is if you slow down it gives the heat a chance to build up. eating dinner with his family is just a series of fast slurping, chewing noises, and then, 5 minutes later, they are done! and then they drink water.

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Sugar water. Generally not cold water since it won't hold the sugar as well. Has something to do with the receptors on your tongue. Anyway, give it a try. Put a couple of packets of sugar in a glass of room temperature water, stir and set where you can get it when your mouth flames.


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my husband told me that the reason thai people don't talk during meals is if you slow down it gives the heat a chance to build up. eating dinner with his family is just a series of fast slurping, chewing noises, and then, 5 minutes later, they are done! and then they drink water.

Whya put themselves through it then. Doesn't sound like a prticulary enjoyable meal.

I know from eating curries that Milk is good to calm the pain because it coates the mouth. But just try getting a pint of milk in a restarant!

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my husband told me that the reason thai people don't talk during meals is if you slow down it gives the heat a chance to build up. eating dinner with his family is just a series of fast slurping, chewing noises, and then, 5 minutes later, they are done! and then they drink water.

Don't know how true that is actually. Was he joking?? :o For my family, meal time is definitely the time to sit down together to talk about our day. If we are having something hot, then we take a little break when it gets too much! heheheh B)B)

I've tried many things to help with the heat. Water is definitely useless but I still drink that anyway. Milk, I have heard, is better. My grandmother used to say, if your tongue is burning from the chilli in your food you should go and wash your face!! heheheh I have no idea how that will work but was made to do it a few times when I was little. Didin't seem to work then! Probably just another old wives' tales.

I've tried eating lots of vegetables. That seems to help. Cucumber is pretty good. My mum made me chew on a mouthful of rice for a while to calm the heat. That seems to work eventually but the first few seconds were still agony!!

Hot food is so addictive!! :D

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i have it on good authority that a mouthful of plain rice will ease the pain if held between the palate and the tongue.

apparently rice is particularly good at absorbing the oils from the chillies that give them their heat.

but after a while you start to look forward to the burning heat of a thai curry, and yes,it is addictive.

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no D80, he wasn't joking, perhaps its a rural thing, a southern thing or just his family. but mealtime at his house is dead silent except for, "pass the cucumbers" etc. took some getting used to as my family does talk during meals. once we got our own house, he got to listen to me talk, and after 14 years of marriage, he will now occasionally throw in a comment!

and yes, I agree, I love the spiciness of thai food, i cannot eat just rice with some bland fried veg. dish. Like I always say, (much to most thai peoples amusement), "if there isn't anything hot it's not delicious". gotta have at least one spicy dish with a meal or what's the point?

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I wouldn't like to see the state of their bogs Plachon!

The flies probaby OD'd a long time ago!


No, not a pleasant sight on a full stomach of heavy duty pla daek-laced tam makheung and kao nieow, but then i'm never in there long enough to really notice much. :oB)

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  • 3 weeks later...
mmmhh hoh mok and khanom jeen :D aroy aroy!!

but I never found it that spicy.

the hottest dish I ever ate was kaeng som in a restaurant on Samui. It was delicious though very hot but I liked it so much I finished the whole big bowl. took me around one hour and i was sweating and constantly wiping my running nose and got concerned looks from other farangs. I still don't know what they put in there, I think it must have been tabasco!! when I ordered it I asked to make it paed maak because I really like spicy and can take a lot but then was really surprised :o

other spicy food I like is nam thok and glassnoodle salad

tabasco is not Hot..

I make my own food at home, and my Teerak teach me, because she is a natural born killer-chef. And i realize that ; just add more chilli.. hehe

for the moment I like to hotten up the Pad kapaw.. yum.. and same with the TOk Ka Gai!! make it hot!

Pad Kapaw Pet Pet Pet Pet!

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One of my favourite snacks is nam prik num. This is made from grilled green chillis, not the tiny little rat shit chillis but the larger pale green fellas. Munch that with pork crackling and a cold beer....awesome!

I'm also the only one in my family who enjoys nam prik meng dar. This one's made using an insect that resembles a giant cockroach. Incredible perfumy taste.

Love it.

Munching those little issan sausages with cabbage and raw green chillis could certainly kill the unwary.

Spicy food is definately addictive. The first mouthfood can send my head spinning.

Extreme Cuisine. icon8.gif

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extreme cuisine in an extreme country...too spicy, too noisy, too smelly, too hot, etc etc - but we love it!!!!!!!! :D

one of my favs is also moo pad kapee with chewing lots of fresh green chilis with it - YUM :o

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eating alots of chillies, is it good or bad for the health? :o

the science say that chilli is good, it also lower your body temperature.

It doesent feel like that, because it feel so hot, but the fact is that it makes the heat drive from your body a bit faster, therefore lower the temperature. I can try to find my source, but its so many years old, and it was in a Science magazine in the early 90s...

dee jung ler--ee

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Like taxexile, I recall reading somewhere that the only way to put out the "fire" is to eat some rice. I have found that the feeling that my mouth, tongue and throat are on fire tends to go away after about 10 minutes or so. Drinking beer or water doesn't help!


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