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Got this letter in the mail from TrueVisions today, saying they would be adding a couple of new channels to their Silver Package lineup starting April 1, and cutting the price from 750 per month to 590 per month.

One of the announced changes is adding TrueSport 6, which they talk about offering international football matches (read "soccer") and other sporting events... That, and a 24-hour Thai film channel (why not???) and a Korean series channel and some reality series...

Frankly, I don't care what they do as long as they don't mess with the ASN (All Sports Network) that carries NFL football and NCAA basketball and other sports...

There's no mention of them dropping any channels except for replacing National Geographic Adventure... And they're saying they're cutting the monthly price from 750 baht to 590 baht... True is cutting the price of their cable programming??? A bit hard to believe.... Wonder if they're more going on that's not being said...

And if they're doing that with the Silver Package, what about the Gold and Platinum packages????

See the letter True mailed below....



Is that the same widespread Thai marketing concept that dictates that when business is bad and you have no customers, you need to raise the prices in order to (in someone's mind) make more money???? :)


mmm, the price is being lowered, so no, it's not the same.

However the concept you mention is not uniquely Thai. In certain circumstances where a niche market exists, it makes perfect sense to charge a premium price to a smaller group of customers. Apple have been doing it very successfully for years.



Hopefully, this is the start of a general migration to the pricing policies of other cable / satellite operators, like Astro.

They make it easy to buy what YOU want, not what THEY want. Check here.


In the long run, True's revenue would increase substantially. The average subscriber's monthly revenue may decrease, but they would have thousands of additional new subs who don't currently subscribe because the current packages are not attractive. An Astro like offering would allow users to choose - and pay for - exactly what they want.

With many new channels including HD on the way, here's hoping the OP's note is a wave of the future.


I switched to TRUE silver and found it better than gold and much cheaper. It has some really great old films on MGM and TCM. I am not interested in soccer so the only thing it lacks is the BBC or CNN however it does give you Blomberg for financial news. I certainly will not miss the corny adventures of the dreary people in National Geographic Adventure who seem to think they are doing something special. good riddence.

With many new channels including HD on the way, here's hoping the OP's note is a wave of the future.

Strangely enough, then got my TrueVisions magazine in the mail today with the cover screaming about "TrueVisions HD" and "First Time in Thailand..."

The article and info inside are all in Thai, but they appear to be now advertising a True Sport HD channel (111) and an HBO HD channel (112), if you have the appropriate TV and sign up for a True HD cable box receiver...

The pricing implications of this, I can't make out from their info...

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