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Setting Up A Thai Trust For Child Support Of Step Kid

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A friend is seperating and I suggested some kind of Trust fund for his step son. The mother is a total waste of space who doesn't care for him onelitle bit, I believe that currently 3000b a month goes to some family friend who looks after him. Si it posible in Thailand to put for example 100,000b into a cheap trust and it pay the family looking after the kid each month. Is it just easier to put the money into the bank of the step farther and it monthly do a direct deposit? I think that number one is the kid, I am suggesting a trust fund so if he stops paying it is covered fro a few years anyway. What would be the administration carges for somthing like this? Does anyone have a better idea?


Do you really think whoever looks after him will not waste this money? That would be by biggest worry. Its a sad hard world and the greedy/selfish seem to rule in Thailand


Prob will waste the money, but the mother refuses to care for her own kid, she is pregnant with another one apparently, she is a total cow to put it bluntly. The people looking after the kid do it to make money in my opinion, but I think it's in the kids best interest if the farlang sets up a trust account for the kid, at least trying to give him 4 or 5 years of care. I am trying to encourage this. The mum will blow it in a week if she gets her hands on it.


A bit of a shame really, but we are not here to fix Thailand one must remember. A Trust account for the kid would have been the best solution, but will work on option B, just less sure that the kid will have the funds in years down the track with option B. Maybe be easiest for internet banking to be set up as well. Thanks for your reply.


Just thinking aloud - then passing on without deeper thought.

Open two bank accounts, one in the donor'sname (with Internet access) and one in the child's name. Arrange for a monthly standing order of 3000 baht to be transferred into the child's account. The child might suddenly become very popular but no guantee that the money will be spent on improving his lot.

There are some very good children's charities managed by overseas organisations that take in youngsters, house, clothe, feed and educate them until they are 18 years. I contributed to one in Chiang Mai for several years before settling in Thailand and received regular updates on the child's progress and wellbeing.


3,000 baht a month for rearing a child....?

are you guys serious....?

confound it... กดเ้่าสว เ้่าส

that is not even enough to buy quality milk powder for a month....

it is so very sad that you would treat your own child, boy or girl, in such a heartless way....

baby formula is more expensive ounze by ounze when compared with adult meal....

come on.... you surely can do better than that for a faultless new born....

but if 70 euro or 100 usd a month.... is the best that you can spare.... the child and the caring family is accordingly blessed....


3,000 baht a month for rearing a child....?

are you guys serious....?

confound it... กดเ้่าสว เ้่าส

that is not even enough to buy quality milk powder for a month....

it is so very sad that you would treat your own child, boy or girl, in such a heartless way....

baby formula is more expensive ounze by ounze when compared with adult meal....

come on.... you surely can do better than that for a faultless new born....

but if 70 euro or 100 usd a month.... is the best that you can spare.... the child and the caring family is accordingly blessed....

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