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Mystery Of Attacks Deepens Despite Thai Truce Talks


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False flag attacks are very popular again these days, look how the Russians just allowed bombs to go off in the subway again. Right next to the headquarters of the almighty secret service FSB. Pearl harbor was a false flag, because they knew what was coming and in a few years it will be undeniable facts that prove that 9/11 was an inside job.

The patterns are always the same, let something go off, by either 'looking the other way' or proactively leading some idiot down the road. Lee Harvey Oswald style would be the latter. With the violence then being shown you justify tighter laws, more checkpoints, more surveillance and more fear, which keeps the sheople controllable.

Much of what's out there is government made or sanctioned.

It's the left right paradigm they want to keep us in, because at the end of the day the rich nobs which run the show (yellow & red) meet the same elites in private and receive their orders. Politics is their chess-board and fun. Who suffers is the public. Like when Americans fund Hitler & Stalin. Divide and conquer. But we are supposed to side with one party and stay dumb and down.


Edited by MellowYellow
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he is violent?

Yes, I believe he is. Although he get's his lackies to do most of the violence for him now.


I couldn't find the one about his speech before the protests started.

r u kidding me?

did you read the entries in the topic?

and is TVF your prime source of information?

you know there is a big discrepancy between the world according to TFV & The Nation and the colourful world and reality outside this narrow minded forum focus.

seh deang is an actor and self promoter for his adventure story books. he is your cool uncle. don't take everything literally. like every thai actor he is overacting. (but not becoming agitated)

on a list of possible suspects he is one of the last.

do you know that his daughter is in the Young PAD Team?

Mazeltov --- please tell that to the people that died from grenade attacks that commenced immediately after Sae Daeng annonced them. Please tell that to the familes of the wounded after he made his most recent announcements.

Then again for someone that claims to know things about the current impasse your questions of who is Sae Daeng and is he violent were just typical disengenuiness.

"the familes of the wounded after he made his most recent announcements." - about what exactly you are talking here?

'the violent red shirt leader Sae Daeng ' - that must be an other than the Seh Deang i know. so my guess is you must have other information. so what is wrong with my question? if your share your information i can maybe rethink my opinion. a recap is also not bad from time to time for a readers.

what makes the question 'who is Sae Daeng' "typical disengenuiness [sic]"?

don't like it because you cannot answer it, cannot give an objective reply and your 'knowledge' is only rumours, fiction, exaggeration and rhetoric? then blame yourself not me.

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The police are surmising retired generals police and army, close to you know who, are behind the bombings to make the government look weak, unable to defend its own buildings. My fear is that they will up the ante and start attacking civilian sites.

All of us living in Bangkok have the same fears, although those responsible could well be the same group that has been aligned with Thaksin right from the beginning.

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The police are surmising retired generals police and army, close to you know who, are behind the bombings to make the government look weak, unable to defend its own buildings. My fear is that they will up the ante and start attacking civilian sites.

All of us living in Bangkok have the same fears, although those responsible could well be the same group that has been aligned with Thaksin right from the beginning.

The group named by police leads back to a few interesting characters. This weekend will be critical for the rally. If that fails maybe the other approach will be intensified and it will be time to worry

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The group named by police leads back to a few interesting characters. This weekend will be critical for the rally. If that fails maybe the other approach will be intensified and it will be time to worry

...many analysts discount ... top soldiers allegedly helped from behind-the-scenes ... Top army commanders are believed to ... Intelligence officials, foreign diplomats and other political analysts who spoke with Asia Times Online all said that they believe ... None of those interviewed, however, provided hard evidence to ... One Bangkok-based diplomat speculated ... Another diplomat tracking developments believes ... said one diplomat, on condition of anonymity ... Other analysts believe ... It's unclear to some diplomats and analysts ... making the email rounds among diplomats and others ... It's thus not clear to some analysts ... Some analysts fear that ...

But at least one recent public opinion poll showed that substantially more Thais believe Abhisit should complete his term rather than yield to the UDD's demands for immediate dissolution, and its not clear that more grenade attacks from either side will change that popular sentiment.

Shawn W Crispin, Asia Times Online

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The group named by police leads back to a few interesting characters. This weekend will be critical for the rally. If that fails maybe the other approach will be intensified and it will be time to worry

...many analysts discount ... top soldiers allegedly helped from behind-the-scenes ... Top army commanders are believed to ... Intelligence officials, foreign diplomats and other political analysts who spoke with Asia Times Online all said that they believe ... None of those interviewed, however, provided hard evidence to ... One Bangkok-based diplomat speculated ... Another diplomat tracking developments believes ... said one diplomat, on condition of anonymity ... Other analysts believe ... It's unclear to some diplomats and analysts ... making the email rounds among diplomats and others ... It's thus not clear to some analysts ... Some analysts fear that ...

But at least one recent public opinion poll showed that substantially more Thais believe Abhisit should complete his term rather than yield to the UDD's demands for immediate dissolution, and its not clear that more grenade attacks from either side will change that popular sentiment.

Shawn W Crispin, Asia Times Online

Crispin's piece is interesting but I wasnt referring to that. The police a day or two ago made a public statement identifying a group who were the main suspects. Of course until after a trial everyone is innocent, unless of course being one of a couple of thousand names on a list a few years ago. However, a statement by the police is going to be based on something. Whether or not it leads to where Crispin thinks it does I have no idea.

By the way I guess we should also condemn all the speculation as to Prem being behind the coup and all the claims of soldiers killing people last Songkhran etc as that is also as highly specualtive (meaning without given evidence) as Crispins piece :)

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