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On The Road With Seekers And Other Dharma Bums

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dharma bums? ain't that the title of the Kerouac book featuring him an' Japhy Ryder (Gary Snyder) trampin' around No Cal fer a bit? Japhy in the nud_e with just boots on and runnin' thru the woods whooping and hollerin'...

Kerouac wanted to get sum ham an' eggs...an' said that Japhy gave him 'a dark look' when he disagreed with the ham an' eggs proposal...

I useta be one ob dem on the road types 40 years ago an' Kerouac was my hero...

come across another sentient being in de road and say 'what do y'think that your're doing... ?' there was a bhikku outside of MacKenzie in BC about 40 years ago with a bag of seconals; he gave me a handful and just said to enjoy meself then disappeared...he was a dharma bum...later watched the sun go down over the lake high on reds an' thanked my good fortune...

I was seeking enlightenment at the time and was a bum...interject the necessary...


I was in a liquor store in the area of the 60's riots in Pasadena when a negro approached and said 'say, man...yew wanna buy sum rayyyyds?'

he was a bhikku albeit inadvertent...with my mate we considered his approach but politely turned him down as we already had 4 racks of 6 and were just about to get on the road to Monterey...hitchhiking, of course...

two long haired ragamuffins in the early morning sunlight onna crisp November California morning traipsing down highway 101 somewhere near Salinas to the tune from a harmonica...absolutely indelible...and to establish forever dharma bum status...

Bhikkhu is the Pali name for a monk ordained into the Buddha Sassana ...not a term to be used lightly.

in Kerouac's terminology the term refers to a seeker of enlightenment...and, as we are speaking of 'dharma bums' I thought maybe appropriate to the discussion...

no disrespect intended...


I understood that you were not intending to show disrespect.

I would hardly call a hippy taking drugs as being on the path to enlightenment though.....more like breaking the fifth precept.

Distorted mind states are not the same as insights.

Being fooled by false things rather than the truth would tend to be my take on any weird experiences whilst high on drugs.


I wouldn't think that Kerouac could be described as a hippy; he famously condemned them in 1969 before his death...

drugs, sex and alcohol merely serve to remove one from the mundane...psychedelic drugs, however assist in achieving other states of reality and I never viewed them as a recreational substance...

but, lets not get pedantic, just like with other ways of devotion most supposed buddhist adherents would be disqualified if strict 'quality control' was imposed...it's ritual and it's significance that makes any religion what it is...just like european roman catholics condemn indigenous religion in latin america I'm sure that a strict tibetan buddhist would condemn what passes for buddhism in Thailand...

the beat generation and their adaptation of buddhism into their literature I'm sure wouldn't impress anyone that was knowledgeable of the religion either in Thailand or Tibet...literature is entertainment, let's not forget...


to illustrate there is a story...

I was getting my shoes shined in a plazuela in central Bolivia about 0730 one Thursday morning after a night of drinking...I saw a lot of people going into the local church there and I followed as I was curious...

I stood in the back and watched; they were neighborhood folks seeking small salvation or maybe just good luck...their faces said it all; I had previously condemned religion as a delusion for the ignorant but I then realized that to ignore other people's faith is to cut yerself off from their reality and to lose understanding...

I doubt that the mass would have been approved by the Vatican as there were references to various saints that I had never heard of...didn't matter as I returned home with a new understanding...faith has power...

and it's personal and it don't matter who approves or not...

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