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Don't panic.

Yet anyway.

It does appear that bird flu is a real risk of becoming an international pandemic, and if this occurs, Thailand will be in the epicenter.

Don't you think it makes sense at this point to try to get some Tamiflu, the only drug treatment available for bird flu?

If the pandemic hits, the western countries will not be shipping any to Asia (they will need all of it and more for themselves) and I would also presume international travel might be severely restricted (if you think you might like to fly back to the west, maybe you will not be welcome).

So, does anyone know if you can buy Tamiflu in Thailand today, and if so, where?

I understand the cost for a course of treatment is about 100 dollars US.

There is of course, a political issue with all of this.

Thailand is stockpiling Tamiflu to a certain extant and it should be available to those who need it.

However, there will not be enough should the time come.

So, do you think you as a foreigner are going to be at the head of the queue for the Tamiflu? I wouldn't bet on it.


I had my local pharmacy in Pattaya try everywhere with no luck,he said he tried all the suppliers in Bangkok.

Does not mean its not around,but its gonna be hard to find.


Hmmm. Just as I suspected.

That sounds like it is kind of not around if it is that hard to find.

Maybe the government is stockpiling it???; which I really wouldn't blame them if they did.

For those travelling to the west, you might want to consider getting a prescription for it while there with the reason being quite obvious if you live in Asia.

Up to you.

BTW: I know people really don't want to think about this and that is very understandable, but I kind of think it is more important than baht bus fares.

The sky is falling!

(Always wanted to say that.)


Sensible idea, like pretty much everything, it is available on the net:



Most scientists say it's a matter of when, not if. Still, mai pen rai, que sera sera, etc..Just as likely to be hit by a car tommorow, what do you do, stay in bed in an oxygen tent for the rest of your life like Howard Hughes?!

However, of course you should look when crossing the road, and Tamiflu was mentioned as the best available drug to combat flu in Scientific American.


No, this situation is absolutely nothing like the risk or being hit by a car tomorrow, which of course is always a risk, but you have to live your life. You are grossly misjudging the relative risks.

The bird flu virus has already shown it can pass human to human. Apparantly 50 to 100 million people died in the 1918 flu pandemic, and a modern pandemic would probably be much more severe due to increased world population. That is an awful lot of car accidents.

BTW, frankly that tamiflu site you mentioned looks VERY dodgy. No contact address whatsoever.


US braces for flu pandemic

Friday, 27 May , 2005, 08:03

Washington: US health authorities are taking urgent precautions against a 'flu pandemic' that experts warned could erupt at any time and claim tens of thousands of lives.

Top health officials warned that the United States was ill-prepared to counter a pandemic which could come from a mutation of the bird flu H5N1 that has badly hit Asia.

Their warnings came as European researchers are also warned this week that hundreds of millions could die around the globe if a mutated bird flu, helped by jet travel and open borders, emerges and sweeps the world.

Saw a program yesterday,1 in 5 people in Asia could get infected,at least governments are taking it seriously.


I've been seriously thinking about buying some myself. To that end, I inquired at three pharmacies in Bangkok and was told [by all 3] that I could find it only at the hospital pharmacies [they were speaking of Bangkok, mind you].

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