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If You Were A Kiwi Lady Journalist?


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It has to be appealing to a NZ audience. It has to be sensational. It should have either drugs, sex or rock and roll or preferably all three. Oh, yeah I forgot, violence is always good.

1st choice. I would write about Kiwi men’s girlfriends, Thai boyfriends.

2nd choice. Kiwi success stories in Thailand. Or. Kiwi failure stories in Thailand. You could cover this with one guy.

3rd choice. Spring and winter love stories.

4th choice. Kiwi gays who have found happiness in Thailand or unhappiness.

5th choice. Kiwi guys who have a Thai Chinese wife and are blissfully content living in Thailand.

6th choice. Kiwi women who dance at Nana plaza.

Oh by the way, I am not picking on Kiwi’s. You could put any countries name in the title.

It just so happens I emailed the ladies news agency and told them to check out this thread for some good ideas because we are all tired of the same old go go girls gone bad stories. Please keep in mind that there are many stories in Thailand that are impossible to cover because of danger, legality or boredom.

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It just so happens I emailed the ladies news agency and told them to check out this thread for some good ideas because we are all tired of the same old go go girls gone bad stories.

Speak for yourself. :D

I actually have an interesting idea for a story, but I think I should email the news station directly. I would probably start a riot on here. :)

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Underaged sex slaves in the brothels for local men would be a worthwhile topic, but very few journalists are brave enough to tackle it. :)

I don't think it has anything to do with being brave, it's just a matter of incompetence, and/or it not being worth the effort, money wise. You get all the outrage just showing an pot-bellied middle aged Farang with a young looking Thai woman, and that's dead easy to get on camera; 2 days shooting and you're done. Investigating some of the excesses would actually take effort, for little gain.

Call me a cynic, but this is exactly what happens when it comes to 'jounalism', including from alleged quality news sources.

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Are there any sheep in Thailand?


Maybe they eat the sheep,

A tourist visiting NZ saw a farmer with a sheep in a paddock, the tourist stopped and asked are you shearing? The farmer said with an angry look, NAH GET YOUR OWN!

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Underaged sex slaves in the brothels for local men would be a worthwhile topic, but very few journalists are brave enough to tackle it. :)

I don't think it has anything to do with being brave, it's just a matter of incompetence, and/or it not being worth the effort, money wise. You get all the outrage just showing an pot-bellied middle aged Farang with a young looking Thai woman, and that's dead easy to get on camera; 2 days shooting and you're done. Investigating some of the excesses would actually take effort, for little gain.

Call me a cynic, but this is exactly what happens when it comes to 'jounalism', including from alleged quality news sources.

I agree with both you and Ulysses. REAL journalism takes effort and time. And, usually for very little reward. Jumping on the "sex sells" bandwagon is just being a parasite living off the avails of the problem... whatever it is.

Go after the Thai police who are getting payoffs to turn the other way while the Mafia run the slimey brothels for Thais. Go after the people bringing young Cambodian and Laos children into Thailand for sex slavery. But, that WOULD be dangerous business and not fit into the 3 day journalist expose plans.

It is like the North American drug problem. The law makers don't REALLY want to stop it. They are too busy living off the problem... in an indirect way. They could stop 80% of the drug problem by making it all legal... just as the alcohol related crime went away after American prohibition ended. Let the druggies kill themselves in any fashion they choose. We've got a population problem in the world anyway and there's no need to protect those that want to kill themselves slowly.

The money saved chasing criminals would be much better served helping people GET OFF DRUGS. Those that want to stay on drugs should be allowed to do so. Education for children at an early age is a much better idea.

Amsterdam has a legal and long running prostitution red light district... but I don't see journalists flocking to Holland to do an expose.

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Thai men keeping girl slaves, Amsterdam brothels etc etc . . .

I fail to see why some people her find it so frightening and even offensive that a western reporter is going to do a story in Thailand . . . about her countrymen. Not about Thai on Thai nor Dutch on Dutch or whatever.

I have no details about what exactly she will do, nor does anyone know what the outcome will be . . . but many here are exhibiting quite a knee-jerk reaction to this.

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Thai men keeping girl slaves, Amsterdam brothels etc etc . . .

I fail to see why some people her find it so frightening and even offensive that a western reporter is going to do a story in Thailand . . . about her countrymen. Not about Thai on Thai nor Dutch on Dutch or whatever.

I have no details about what exactly she will do, nor does anyone know what the outcome will be . . . but many here are exhibiting quite a knee-jerk reaction to this.

It's not frightening. But, it IS invasive of someone's privacy. Journalists in this field (sex journalism) continually twist the facts for their own agenda. Doing so could harm an innocent person. That could include the women who were photographed without their consent as well as some innocent man who popped in for a beer. As many people pointed out, if you follow ANYONE around with a hidden camera long enough then eventually an unflattering picture will be taken. Then, if that picture is used in the media and taken out of context, then it COULD harm an innocent person. It is simple as that. It might be as simple as a picture of a person who is NOT where they are supposed to be. There might not be any legally wrong doing, but if a man said he was going to Bangkok on business and was seen in Pattaya instead, then that might harm a man's relationship or his career.

Personally, I don't care what people think of me, (and that's why I don't hide behind an internet pseudonym) but there certainly are a lot of people who have made totally wrong assumptions of me. That tells me that the ones who make those wrong assumptions really are the twits. I don't make any judgements of anyone's character unless they've personally harmed to me. And, there's more than a few of those.

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