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Falling Out With Thai Friends...

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Shhhh...  Thomas is reading.


for some reason I found that bloody funny Scamp, I dont usually actually start laughing when I read something on here but that done it. Maybe its all the T.Merton bashing of late I keep seeing, or maybe the character of T. Merton himself.

Good to have a few characters on a forum, come on Tommy.

I'm glad I finally got a positive reaction from you today. :D

As for TM, I thought he would have got stuck into this as he, like myself, is an ass*ole who is forever being bashed and flamed.

On a more serious note, would be interesting to hear from some more Thai's also.

The true fool (I do prefer that term to the English habit of ascribing parts of the genitalia to one), provocative though we may be, never starts a fight and only joins one if we are getting paid.

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Who is this scampster fella? Regardless of what went on, who the ###### is he to lecture his 'friends' wife in their own home? Surely the concern should be his relationship with the husband as much as the wife.This has got sod all to do with Thailand and more to do with some smart arse who needs to learn there is a time for talking and a time for listening.

Everyone is capable of holding a grudge often exhibited in many different ways.Get real , stop analysing and life will become much more enjoyable.

Who is this Pie Boy????

Let me tell you something, I am complete and total a*shole when I want to be, but don't twist and distort the little information I've given as an example.

This post is based on previous minor fall out's with Thai's also, weather it be me or them in the wrong and over the most trival things sometimes... I can't give an example because you'll pounce on that instead of concentrating on the topic.

The reason this is silly is because you will translate the information in the way that it suits you.

I'm not on here to justify my actions, and the fact that at one time I had said "Jeff really doesn't like it when you swear, it doesn't sound very nice" does not make it the drunken and rude lecture you have it as in your head, though maybe this is how it was seen by Aum and being a Thai in a foreign environment she may have taken this the wrong way and been too sensitive, or perhaps she takes criticism very badly - Either way, they are both traits that I posess and I was making that point as a friend.

Please for goodness sake just join in the debate sensibly like most people have done, including a couple of Thai posters.

Maybe it's you who has a grudge against me, in which case go to Bedlam and start a Gentleman Scamp critique thread and all your fellow flamers can use my past posts and open hearted comments against me.

It's fine if you don't like me but if you're going to comment in somebody's thread, at least answer the question and comment on the question, not the poster - especially if you don't know them.

Mr Scamp, your OP provided enough info for me to form an opinion, which you did not like.I did not twist or distort but simply digested and responded.Such is life.Why would I not like you? Why would you care?

As for the original question I would cross referance my original post and candidly admit that I do not know if 'Thais are natural grudge bearers' any more than I do if Europeans are natural grudge bearers.

No grudges Mr Scamp just simple observations.

Now how many post before I can join bedlam?

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Do you not agree with any criticism about you because they dont know the depths of the great Scamps problems and mind, is that why you accept no criticism from me or the girl in question? :o

You're not alone. To me - a friend - he said "if you have nothing nice to say then please don't say anything"

So, he doesn't accept any negative comments from a friend either. :D

Last night I was invited upstairs to drink with the Thai staff of the local pub/Thai restaurant after they had finished work and after a couple of drinks they revealed that they didn't like Aum after I'd said we'd fallen out.

They didn't think I was racist and I didn't think they were.

Just like good old days. When you fell out with someone, you would go tell the whole world about it. Surely, there must be someone who didn't like that person? Were you trying to convince yourself it's all other people's faults? When we fell out before, you ran to a person who I obviously had a problem with and b*tched about me. What were you trying to do, Scampy?

  I think really not mentioning it all would have been the best bet.  If her hubby dont like it, let him sort it out, he married her.

To insult someone while you are staying at their house though as their guest is a big no no though.

That sums it all up. It's their business. Stay out of it.

Oops. Sorry. I think... I'm not posting anything nice, am I? :D

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Who is this Pie Boy????

A person with a laughably scant 200 posts, O Illustrified One.

He has been removed to the bowels of the premises and told to type out another fourteen million posts, at which time he will be permitted to debate with you again.

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From my experience it's the other way around.  Farang tend to hold "grudges" much longer than Thai.  It has a lot to do with the "mai pen rai" attitude that is inbred within Thais.

They are much more pragmatic w/regard to social situations than Farang can ever hope to be.

I believe it to be the exact opposite. Sure everything will appear to be okay on the surface. Sure they will say mai pen rai and flash the famous smile. But deep down inside it takes a long time to truly forgive.

Just because its a Buddhist country doesn't mean that everyone is deep in blissful meditation and deep contemplation. Its a fuc#ing violent, harsh culture. Its just not shown on the surface as in the West.

Fair enough but what I'm saying from personal experience of having had several crews of Thai's working for me in all kinds of difficult situations plus, being married to the same one for >25 years now, they tend to blow-off shit Farang don't.

Oversimplifications of it being a Buddhist-inspired country ain't what I'm talking about... :o

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Scamp, just a question: Is there anywhere in the world you can go that you don't hold a grudge or whinge about people not understanding you or your great writing skills or take care of you when your skint or all the other bs that seems to go on in YOUR life?

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Not to aim at any post...

I call a spade a spade.

I call a ###### a ######.

Simple as that.

Being a friend doesn't make one God or above any rules.

BTW; good question, Kringle.

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Scamp, just a question: Is there anywhere in the world you can go that you don't hold a grudge or whinge about people not understanding you or your great writing skills or take care of you when your skint or all the other bs that seems to go on in YOUR life?

Most unjust - he doesn't fall out with people any more or less than anyone else. He just writes about it - in a way that I, at least find entertaining.

The people who sprint to read his posts, eg Thomas, Lovely Cutie...then bash him, are revealing more about their own schadenfreude and insecurities.

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How long have you known him, Moog? I've known him for quite some time. And amazingly, I never bashed him before. One can only take so much, man.

And by the way, I do need to keep an eye on all his posts to make sure he's not airing MY personal life without a permission.. again.

And again, I just say it as it is.

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Well, who here hasn't been a bad house guest?

We all have been ! We never think we are, (but we are!)

Returning home, yet with no particular place to go, and having to survive on being diplomatic in situations staying with friends - who are nesting- is a tall order

*Thomas is reading this - and its about 6 am on a sunday morning back in the UK - cripes.

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A few years ago a friend of mine who I used to work with found a very young girl newly employed in a short time bar. At the time she appeared to be quite pleasant to all. He felt sorry for her and moved her into his home in Thailand. I at the time was very single and enjoyed the pleasures of life. She was quite a pretty girl and seemed to get on with most people, but not me. I had a string of girls, basically a different girl every time she saw me. The hostility towards me started, it seemed to be her new quest. I think I made things worse by the fact that I completely ignored it and would sometimes go to their home with a new girl and she would be asked to make dinner for myself and the lady.

She would come into a room say hello to everyone accept me, and glare at me sideways when she thought no one was looking. But of course they were looking. It was a source of amusement to all the fact that she had taken such a dislike to me for no apparent reason. I went off to work on a job in a different country and my friend followed shortly after that. The only way this girl could contact her boyfriend was to call my phone and ask to speak to him, probably this first time we had ever spoken.

On returning to LOS everything was back to normal, but by now I had a permanent girlfriend. I could see her at the starting block trying to tell my new partner that I was a complete tart, but the new girlfriend never gave her the opportunity; as she already new that I was and did not want to hear it from her. This again made her even worse and she became hostile to my new lady, soon to become my wife. We again ignored it and would enter a room full of friends and the ladies would talk to my wife in preference to my friend’s girlfriend which again made matters worse. By this time it had been going on for over two years and was all getting a bit out of hand.

My friend who is still my friend asked me to break the ice with his girlfriend and speak to her. I agreed as he was my friend, but in my heart of hearts new it would all be futile and of course I was right. My attempt to befriend this girl blow up in my face and I was given a tirade of abuse in a room full of people. I was accused of everything in a hysterical burst (Som num na) my friend and I agreed not to attempt that again and we both pulled my wife off his girlfriend.

My friends relationship ended quite recently when she moved out of the house and into the house of a younger guy (who I believe was also a bit of a tart in his time). She also removed a 100K in baht from his bank account, leaving him a bit short for a while.

Footnote: My wife and I are quite friendly with my friend’s new girlfriend.

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Scamp, just a question: Is there anywhere in the world you can go that you don't hold a grudge or whinge about people not understanding you or your great writing skills or take care of you when your skint or all the other bs that seems to go on in YOUR life?

Most unjust - he doesn't fall out with people any more or less than anyone else. He just writes about it - in a way that I, at least find entertaining.

The people who sprint to read his posts, eg Thomas, Lovely Cutie...then bash him, are revealing more about their own schadenfreude and insecurities.

Stupid puerile, pranky postings from you is one thing, Moog, but slanderous cr*p, like the above is worse than pathetic.

1. You find the postings where I have bashed Scamp.

2. Are you party to the content of PMs between me and Scamp?

3. Do you know anything at all about my relationship with Scamp?

You know sweet F.A.

Keep me out of any attempts to defend yourself.

If anything, hiding behind me and Lovely Cutie, displays your schadenfreude and insecurities.

You repeat this little game and you are going to have to defend it to the mods.

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Well, who here hasn't been a bad house guest?

We all have been ! We never think we are, (but we are!)

The one million bucks questions are...

How often?

And how long?

Do you know what I'm talking about, Moog?


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it seems wherever this scamp person goes , or even posts , he sows the seeds of discontent.

now we have a double episode of coronation street starting right here on thai visa.

with hard man mike baldwin moog , retired teacher ken barlow merton and nang itchaa bette lynch loverly cutie clawing at each other. scamp can be the unsettled garage mechanic who always pisses people off down the pub.

great stuff. :o

keep it going.

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it seems wherever this scamp person goes , or even posts , he sows the seeds of discontent.

now we have a double episode of coronation street starting right here on thai visa.

with hard man mike baldwin moog , retired teacher ken barlow merton and nang itchaa bette lynch loverly cutie clawing at each other. scamp can be the unsettled garage mechanic who always pisses people off down the pub.

great stuff. :o

keep it going.

I had LC as a bit of an Ena Sharples person myself.... :D:D

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I think a lot of people are being unfair to the Scamp.

Yes, sometimes he comes across as "wetter than a Haddock's bathing costume".

Yes, his florid writing style is enough to "make a maggot gag",

but, he is never boring and I think Thaivisa would be the poorer without him.

Just my two cents worth.

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I think a lot of people are being unfair to the Scamp.

I guess you just need to have at least one misadventure with the man to understand where I'm coming from. One should be enough as it's usually huge. :o

Consider yourself lucky for not fully understanding it. :D

Scampy; one more time, man. You really need to grow up. You seriously do. Before you lose other good friends. You've had so many good friends around to help you out over the years. Wanna lose them?

My ex once said no one wants to be around anyone who's full of negative energy. Think about it.

I've given it a very serious thought. And I've changed. For the better.

One can only take so much, man.

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I think a lot of people are being unfair to the Scamp.

Consider yourself lucky for not fully understanding it. :o

Maybe I don't understand, but if you have personal issues with him, maybe you should use the PM function rather than pouring oil onto the flames by posting.

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