jbhh Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 The "inventor" has a youtube channel it seems... one video is about treatment of a malaria patient: http://www.youtube.com/user/mmsstories#p/f/12/_bmKWfq9G3k one could of course argue that this is staged...
RaiBerg Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 Note to admins and mods: it is saddening that links to "miracle cures" lay healers and other looneys are tolerated here. This is a comment regarding my proposal of the so called MMS to get rid of Malaria.... well 'FBN' are you a pharma rep? or just 'weng'??? Are you ready to tour the Thai/Burmese border with me... and you pay me $ 100.- for every Malaria sufferer healed in 3 days or less?? I would aim to reach 100 patients in 1 week - and you can donate the $ 10'000.- for a charity of your choice....
RaiBerg Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 The "inventor" has a youtube channel it seems... one video is about treatment of a malaria patient: http://www.youtube.com/user/mmsstories#p/f/12/_bmKWfq9G3k one could of course argue that this is staged... I have tried MMS when my wife had dengue fever in Chiangmai - - - it was gone in 3 days... physicians at Chiangmai Ram Hospital were speechless.... a good friend of mine has helped people suffering from malaria...he said most were fit within 1 day!!!!!! We have to watch out for snake oil salesman.... but don't let the pharma reps and wengs in this forum fool us....
TerraPosse Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 Note to admins and mods: it is saddening that links to "miracle cures" lay healers and other looneys are tolerated here. This is a comment regarding my proposal of the so called MMS to get rid of Malaria.... well 'FBN' are you a pharma rep? or just 'weng'??? Are you ready to tour the Thai/Burmese border with me... and you pay me $ 100.- for every Malaria sufferer healed in 3 days or less?? I would aim to reach 100 patients in 1 week - and you can donate the $ 10'000.- for a charity of your choice.... Equally you can cure any of those Malaria patient with Quinine. There are no known resistancies to this Malaria drug. It's a bit expensive but will work unless you are already on your way out. So, what is your point? Frankly even without 'researching' this MMS, but anything claiming to cure all sorts of illnesses and ailments would appear highly suspicious to an inquisitive mind...just saying.
manarak Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 Note to admins and mods: it is saddening that links to "miracle cures" lay healers and other looneys are tolerated here. This is a comment regarding my proposal of the so called MMS to get rid of Malaria.... well 'FBN' are you a pharma rep? or just 'weng'??? Are you ready to tour the Thai/Burmese border with me... and you pay me $ 100.- for every Malaria sufferer healed in 3 days or less?? I would aim to reach 100 patients in 1 week - and you can donate the $ 10'000.- for a charity of your choice.... The quote is not from FBN, it comes from one of my posts which have been deleted. Probability for a medicine to heal "almost all ailments" is very low. Many of you looneys promoting "alternative medicines" always whine about being ostracised and censored, and then you try to reverse the logic of proof: you ask people to give it a try, give it a chance, etc. BUT SORRY: it is not the patient's job to "try it out" - it is your job to positively PROVE that it works. It wouldn't be very difficult to provide such proof, especially if the product heals patients within three days? Make an official test, with official test setting, control groups, etc. and control by Notary and 2 international surveillance companies (such as SGS or lawyers), invite doctors (and I mean real doctors from that field of medicine), invite embassy officials and the premises under permanent scrutiny so that no foul play happens. Record the whole test on video tape 24h/24. So... why don't we have any proof? Could it be because there are no more "success stories" than the normal number of spontanous healings, which occur under any circumstances? Generally, if no proof can be provided, it means there is no way to prove the claim, which then is probably untrue. I many "miracle cures" and "miracle healers" are very dangerous, because they extort money from weak persons who fear for their lives. This is a comment regarding my proposal of the so called MMS to get rid of Malaria.... well 'FBN' are you a pharma rep? or just 'weng'??? Are you ready to tour the Thai/Burmese border with me... and you pay me $ 100.- for every Malaria sufferer healed in 3 days or less?? I would aim to reach 100 patients in 1 week - and you can donate the $ 10'000.- for a charity of your choice.... What percentage of Malaria-stricken patients receiving the treatment are healed within 3 days? I guess you know that most patients infected with Malaria Tertiana and Malaria Quartana eventually heal by themselves without any cure? So I am sure you speak about Malaria Tropica? If I had the time, I would take your word and we would tour... You would first have to pay for the whole trip and I would give you 100 USD for each Malaria patient previously diagnosed by a doctor of my choice + official lab results with Malaria that you heal within 3 days and which is then declared Malaria-free after another medical examination by a doctor of my choice + official lab results. This sounds in fact like an ideal story for investigative journalists. Why don't you propose that to some western TV journalists? If you can do what you claim, you'll be the star !!
RaiBerg Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 Note to admins and mods: it is saddening that links to "miracle cures" lay healers and other looneys are tolerated here. This is a comment regarding my proposal of the so called MMS to get rid of Malaria.... well 'FBN' are you a pharma rep? or just 'weng'??? Are you ready to tour the Thai/Burmese border with me... and you pay me $ 100.- for every Malaria sufferer healed in 3 days or less?? I would aim to reach 100 patients in 1 week - and you can donate the $ 10'000.- for a charity of your choice.... The quote is not from FBN, it comes from one of my posts which have been deleted. Probability for a medicine to heal "almost all ailments" is very low. Many of you looneys promoting "alternative medicines" always whine about being ostracised and censored, and then you try to reverse the logic of proof: you ask people to give it a try, give it a chance, etc. BUT SORRY: it is not the patient's job to "try it out" - it is your job to positively PROVE that it works. It wouldn't be very difficult to provide such proof, especially if the product heals patients within three days? Make an official test, with official test setting, control groups, etc. and control by Notary and 2 international surveillance companies (such as SGS or lawyers), invite doctors (and I mean real doctors from that field of medicine), invite embassy officials and the premises under permanent scrutiny so that no foul play happens. Record the whole test on video tape 24h/24. So... why don't we have any proof? Could it be because there are no more "success stories" than the normal number of spontanous healings, which occur under any circumstances? Generally, if no proof can be provided, it means there is no way to prove the claim, which then is probably untrue. I many "miracle cures" and "miracle healers" are very dangerous, because they extort money from weak persons who fear for their lives. This is a comment regarding my proposal of the so called MMS to get rid of Malaria.... well 'FBN' are you a pharma rep? or just 'weng'??? Are you ready to tour the Thai/Burmese border with me... and you pay me $ 100.- for every Malaria sufferer healed in 3 days or less?? I would aim to reach 100 patients in 1 week - and you can donate the $ 10'000.- for a charity of your choice.... What percentage of Malaria-stricken patients receiving the treatment are healed within 3 days? I guess you know that most patients infected with Malaria Tertiana and Malaria Quartana eventually heal by themselves without any cure? So I am sure you speak about Malaria Tropica? If I had the time, I would take your word and we would tour... You would first have to pay for the whole trip and I would give you 100 USD for each Malaria patient previously diagnosed by a doctor of my choice + official lab results with Malaria that you heal within 3 days and which is then declared Malaria-free after another medical examination by a doctor of my choice + official lab results. This sounds in fact like an ideal story for investigative journalists. Why don't you propose that to some western TV journalists? If you can do what you claim, you'll be the star !! I would love to take this tour with you.... test under your conditions....and you pay $ 100.-/person healed..... Hey frankly... I am NOT a medical expert - I was introduced to this sodiumchlorite/lemon juice stuff - and in the beginning I did not like it (snake oil) - but I tried it - and it worked... I gave it to a friend who works often in Africa in Malaria infected areas - and he was happy to help a couple of people getting rid of Malaria - - I am not a healing promoter - I just innocently wanted to contribute my personal experiences on this forum - ..... believe it or not - is up to the educated reader.... in my understanding the sodiumchlorite produces chlorine-dioxid which again produces oxigene in the blood - - - this oxigene is supposed to destroy patogene bacteria, parasites and prevents viruses from growing.... Call the stuff what you want - I am happy about knowing this very inexpensive salt formula.... I personally would, in any case of bacteria infection... (I used it on my infected tooth) virus attacks (I used it against dengue fever)..(and I would recommend it in case of bird/pig or other flues...I would even try it in case of HIV) or parasites... I would use the 5 Baht sodiumchlorite solution...... this are my personal unscientific experiences.... and it is my disclaimer to strongly advise to consult your physician...... BUT DO NOT EXPECT ANY REAL INVESTIGATIVE RESEARCH... the pharma reps don't like it.....
Gimbo Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 Does this mean I'll have to increase my intake of Gin and tonic? i tried that after got malaria in india...didnt work. sh-t it was bad http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaria http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dengue The thing is that for a good old fashioned G&T to work, you have to drink so much of the stiff that Malaria would be the least of your worries :-)
manarak Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 Are you really talking about sodiumchloride? NaCl ? in my understanding the sodiumchlorite produces chlorine-dioxid which again produces oxigene in the blood - - - this oxigene is supposed to destroy patogene bacteria, parasites and prevents viruses from growing.... soo... cure all diseases by eating salt. correct? or is it an injection? BUT DO NOT EXPECT ANY REAL INVESTIGATIVE RESEARCH... the pharma reps don't like it I was sure this line would come. There are enough journalists who are not paid by any pharma company out there.
bendejo Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 The right-wing in the US has used the banning of DDT in their anti-environment diatribe. The Cheney crew got Michael Crichton on their team, and he came out with a paper claiming the great losses to the world that resulted from the banning of it. Depends on how much conjecture you're willing to believe.
exalll Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 dam_n those mozzies.Im surprised there isnt sickle cell in Asia. Sickle cell is in Asia - the Andamanese have it.
David006 Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 interesting thread...a bit off topic but I immediately thought of the movie "Constant Gardener"( from the book by John le Carre.....drug companies & British politics..worth a look..not a true story? but very possible methinks<_<
geriatrickid Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 So let me get this straight, this mms product is touted as a miracle cure, but there are no clinical trials to back up the claim. MMkay. You know if Pfizer came out with a miracle cure and there was no safety data or clinical trials, the lawyers would be all over Pfizer. I bet, that the same people pushing mms in TV would also be ranting on about big pharma. Ok, so let's deal with reality. Here we are with malaria being job 1 for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and a host of national governments along with a large number of reputable health charities. And not one has latched on to mms. Wouldn't it make sense for the Gates foundation to fund the mms distribution instead of mosquito nets, treatment centers etc? Once malaria was beaten, tother diseases could be tackled. As for mms ability to make someone Dengue free in 3 days, that really is a miracle. Strange that there is no evidence to support such a claim. The impact of Dengue continues long after the causative agent has been removed. Patients afflicted continue experiencing aches and pains for months even though they are cured. If the brakbone symptoms disappeared after 3 days, chances are you never had Dengue, but instead had a common cold or a generic infection that cleared on its own. One iof the weaknesses of lab tests is that we often see false positives. That is why multiple tests are undertaken, to be sure. There are no certainties about the claims for mms. I think it is best left for use as a general disinfectant, for which it does work quite well.
witsawakorn Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Does this mean I'll have to increase my intake of Gin and tonic? Not a bad Idea as long as the tonic is Indian tonic water which contains quinine. I contracted Malaria some years ago when travelling/working in Africa despite taking all of the recommended precautions. When the doctors in the UK managed to diagnose me as having got a chloroquine resistant strain of malaria they treated me with Fansidar and Quinine so having some quinine in your system is probably a good thing (as well as being another excuse to get plastered). Taking Fansidar and Quinine cured me within days and 20 years later I have never had a relapse thus disproving the popular myth that people who get malaria suffer relapses for the rest of their lives. If any one suffers from high fever ( I got to 105F) and uncontrollable shakes in their hands I would recommend they get to a hospital for a blood exam quick because doctors can only diagnose malaria when the parasite is in the bloodstream which occurs when you get the shakes
animatic Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 DDT - is a pesticide is it not? - it might kill mosquitoes but it won't have any effect on Malaria.dengue fever and Malaria are completely different diseases and MMS is QUACKERY. MMS works. My wife used it last december on a very sick relative and she recovered in three days. This women in turn treated another woman with constant knee pain and it disappeared after three days. That woman had spent over 100'000 baht on docters without success. My mother uses MMS and it has opened up her nostrils and her memory has improved. if you research the topic better, you will see there are many people with success stories. Well I can only speak from personal experience. I had Dengue last year, hospital confirmed, the hospitals treatment made no change, just a wait it out recommendation and a little pain killer lots of water, wait 3 weeks+. I took MMS and it most DEFINITELY did kick it way way down in a day and a half. When I was fully expecting 2 more weeks in bad shape. I was back for a hospital visit as recommended, and another blood test and they were shocked at the change. Both how I was feeling, how my symptoms manifested. A significant change in a very short time. Blood test noted a 80+ % lowering of Dengue markers. I started 4-5 days after initial bonebreak day, which is VERY well named. And though symptoms lowered as described, they were still there strongly. The change I had from 1.5 days of MMS was quite drastic and if not instant, much faster than expected. It is MISERABLE stuff to swallow/smell, no question not a first resort, but that it it's worst feature based on my first hand knowledge. I am not particularly susceptible to placebo effect with any drugs, and this was MUCH different than that scenario. So take it or leave it. You say quackery. I don't, it's not confirmed by official bodies yet. I agree there should be clinical trials, and all rigors should be applied. I also know from being an investor in a start up medical company (not MMS related) that there are 'vested interests' throwing up serious barriers to their getting fair hearings. Interests that make it as difficult as possible for new things to reach market, that ARE quite effective and CHEAP, but will out compete more 'profitable therapies', thus putting them out of business. I say; "SOME practitioners', have said things they shouldn't have... foolishly. And this has harmed the clinical testing possibilities and general image. But I also say; I have taken it and had it work for me, no doubts or questions, but am not recommending others go that route.
jbhh Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 I think what needs to be noted here is, that the ingredients for mms are abundant, cheap and easy to get for anyone, and you don't have to be a chemist to make the solutions yourself. If you can follow cooking instructions, you can do this yourself as well. No need to buy anything else than what you can get at your local shops. You have to understand the impact such a treatment would have to the world, should it EVER be proven successful in official peer reviewed clinical tests. Loads of charities would not have a reason to exist, Doctors would have less visits by their patients, pharmaceutical companies would lose gigantic profits, etc... it would literally eliminate sources of research funds for peer review and new areas, as most of this money comes from the industry and charity. One also has to wonder why it has never been further studied for a possible cure or treatment of HIV-1 infected people, despite the fact that Chlorine dioxide is USED SINCE DECADES for the sterilization of HIV-1 spiked red blood cells for transfusions.
Sheryl Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Contrary to what many of the posts above imply, "Big Pharma" does not have a stake in malaria tretament and hasnt had for quite a long time. It's a third world disease, no profit in it. The Pharmaceutical industry certainly does exert a lot of influence in many areas of medicine, often with negative consequences for public health, but malaria tretament is not one of them. The present treatment of choice for falciparum malaria in this part of the world is artesunate, derived from artemisin, a specied of wormwood used for centureis in Chinese medicine. It is not produced by "Big Pharma", it is made a handful of local Asian companies and one or two European companies who were essentially begged by WHO et al to assist and are subsidized in doing so, since it is otherwuise a serious money loser. The World Health Organization, Gates Foundation and other non-profit groups have invested heavily in trying to combat malaria, and far from refusing to look at "alternative medicine" supported the research on the age old Chinese herb which led the current crop of first line treatments, and are contionuing to support a wide raneg of ongoing research. Not driven by, or remotely interesting to, "Big Pharma". And also not driven by or interesting to the promotors of the so-called "MMS". Which is neither a miracle nor a supplement; it is basically chlorine bleach taken in a very dilute form. It has not been proven to cure anything when taken internally, although it is an effective topical antiseptic. The "explanations" provided on the various websuites that promote it as to how it works do not make an physiological sense. There is no known mechanism through which, taken internally, it could be expected to have an effect on malaria.
BLUEEYEDTHAI Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 DDT - is a pesticide is it not? - it might kill mosquitoes but it won't have any effect on Malaria.dengue fever and Malaria are completely different diseases and MMS is QUACKERY. Well, maybe sometimes it might pay out to be more attentive in school or to consult a children's encyclicopedia to get some more info. DDT is a pesticide and as such it is used to kill mosquitoes. In the 50s and 60s millions of tons were used worldwide and it was effective in killing the mosquitoes spreading diseases like yellow fever, malaria and others. Once DDT was showing up in the food chain and many species of mosquitoes were starting to get resistent to DDT it was no more used in big quantities. Nowadays there are many much more efficient insecticides available than just DDT. Insecticides like DDT will kill mosquitoes and therefore they will have an effect on malaria and dengue and others. Once the host, the mosquitoes, that are transferring the diseases to humans are killed these diseases have no means of being transferred to people. Dengue fever and Malaria are two different diseases indeed - dengue is a hemorrhagic fever is caused by a virus and malaria is caused by a single cell organism (plasmodium sp.) - BUT both are carried and spread by mosquitoes. Well at least you are completely right with one thing here: MMS is quackery Dear Mr Brainiac, I will try to be OHHHHHHHHHH so polite so as not to offend any of our OHHHHHHH so sensative world wide censors. Mozzies never, ever, became resistant to DDT.What happened was the advent of the tree huggers,you know mr. green jeans and his ilk. Please sir try to keep your facts straight, it was the effect of DDT on other species which led to it's ban.Oh and by the by the UN has just approved the re-introduction of DDt to specifically fight malaria.
BLUEEYEDTHAI Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 DDT it works! Pardon my "French" (excuse moi), but DDT DOES work, and I KNOW that there is a "lot of talk" in the chemist/ government business to re-introduce it, since it IS hazzourdous to parts of the food chain, but (percentage wise) does help more to combat several diseases than it does actually harm people (note the use of the word people here). Anyway, DDT rules! (Trust me on this one) Why would anyone trust someone spouting rubbish? DDT is an extremely dangerous chemical and has demonstrated negative attributes. What part of the chemical structure do you not understand? If it leached into the water supply of Thailand and appeared as runoff around the fish farms, the impact upon Thailand's aquaculture industry would be devastating. There was a long demonstrated list of harmful effects upon humans sufficient to get this substance banned. Do we need more animal species to be killed off to drive the point home. It is a longlasting chemical poison that gives the gift of unintended destruction long after it has been used. The reason I use the term rubbish is that insects evolved to resist DDT. The process is termed selection. Those insects able to survive contact went on to breed and the genetic factor kept getting stronger in successive generations of insects. Unfortunately, in mammals we get a lot of cancers and birth defects before a resistance develops. Why use a dangerous pesticide with proven limitations? The only countries still using DDT are North Korea, China and India. However, people born with birth defects are often disposed of quickly. As well, these are not countries known for their respect of habitat or conservation. You pontificate, oh,so elouqently sir but your facts are not in order
BLUEEYEDTHAI Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 I thought the comments about pests becoming resistant to pesticides were spot on. In California, where I come from, I believe crop loss due to pests is now the same as it was in the 1930's, before the introduction of pesticides. Of course crop losses are the same because in politically correct California,in the politically correct USA, pesticide usage takes a constitutional amendment.
thaiswimmer Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Anyway, DDT rules! (Trust me on this one) I believe you, apart from egg shells of birds, eating the bugs etc... But what scares me is the possibility that the average Thai farmer won't give a dam_n (or know about) the food chain, and it will end up on our plates here in CM!!! Not to mention the Thai rice export damage. sorry for my ignorance but how exactly is malaria contracted? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DDT There is epidemiological evidence (i.e. studies in humans) that DDT causes cancer of the liver, pancreas and breast. There is mixed evidence that it contributes to leukemia, lymphoma and testicular cancer. Be nice if they could invent some form of cloned fish eggs, that could be sprayed by air.. the ones that eat the mossies. Probably way too expensive. There is the sterility inducing methods, can't rememeber how that works, some genetically modified females or similar. dam_n those mozzies. Im surprised there isnt sickle cell in Asia.
BLUEEYEDTHAI Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Note to admins and mods: it is saddening that links to "miracle cures" lay healers and other looneys are tolerated here. This is a comment regarding my proposal of the so called MMS to get rid of Malaria.... well 'FBN' are you a pharma rep? or just 'weng'??? Are you ready to tour the Thai/Burmese border with me... and you pay me $ 100.- for every Malaria sufferer healed in 3 days or less?? I would aim to reach 100 patients in 1 week - and you can donate the $ 10'000.- for a charity of your choice.... I heard that with my bad ear, right on!!!
BLUEEYEDTHAI Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 So let me get this straight, this mms product is touted as a miracle cure, but there are no clinical trials to back up the claim. MMkay. You know if Pfizer came out with a miracle cure and there was no safety data or clinical trials, the lawyers would be all over Pfizer. I bet, that the same people pushing mms in TV would also be ranting on about big pharma.Ok, so let's deal with reality. Here we are with malaria being job 1 for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and a host of national governments along with a large number of reputable health charities. And not one has latched on to mms. Wouldn't it make sense for the Gates foundation to fund the mms distribution instead of mosquito nets, treatment centers etc? Once malaria was beaten, tother diseases could be tackled. As for mms ability to make someone Dengue free in 3 days, that really is a miracle. Strange that there is no evidence to support such a claim. The impact of Dengue continues long after the causative agent has been removed. Patients afflicted continue experiencing aches and pains for months even though they are cured. If the brakbone symptoms disappeared after 3 days, chances are you never had Dengue, but instead had a common cold or a generic infection that cleared on its own. One iof the weaknesses of lab tests is that we often see false positives. That is why multiple tests are undertaken, to be sure. There are no certainties about the claims for mms. I think it is best left for use as a general disinfectant, for which it does work quite well. Now I can run with these thoughts.Thanks for something logical to contemplate
Jay jones Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 I think what needs to be noted here is, that the ingredients for mms are abundant, cheap and easy to get for anyone, and you don't have to be a chemist to make the solutions yourself. If you can follow cooking instructions, you can do this yourself as well. No need to buy anything else than what you can get at your local shops.You have to understand the impact such a treatment would have to the world, should it EVER be proven successful in official peer reviewed clinical tests. Loads of charities would not have a reason to exist, Doctors would have less visits by their patients, pharmaceutical companies would lose gigantic profits, etc... it would literally eliminate sources of research funds for peer review and new areas, as most of this money comes from the industry and charity. One also has to wonder why it has never been further studied for a possible cure or treatment of HIV-1 infected people, despite the fact that Chlorine dioxide is USED SINCE DECADES for the sterilization of HIV-1 spiked red blood cells for transfusions. Contrary to what many of the posts above imply, "Big Pharma" does not have a stake in malaria tretament and hasnt had for quite a long time. It's a third world disease, no profit in it. The Pharmaceutical industry certainly does exert a lot of influence in many areas of medicine, often with negative consequences for public health, but malaria tretament is not one of them.The present treatment of choice for falciparum malaria in this part of the world is artesunate, derived from artemisin, a specied of wormwood used for centureis in Chinese medicine. It is not produced by "Big Pharma", it is made a handful of local Asian companies and one or two European companies who were essentially begged by WHO et al to assist and are subsidized in doing so, since it is otherwuise a serious money loser. The World Health Organization, Gates Foundation and other non-profit groups have invested heavily in trying to combat malaria, and far from refusing to look at "alternative medicine" supported the research on the age old Chinese herb which led the current crop of first line treatments, and are contionuing to support a wide raneg of ongoing research. Not driven by, or remotely interesting to, "Big Pharma". And also not driven by or interesting to the promotors of the so-called "MMS". Which is neither a miracle nor a supplement; it is basically chlorine bleach taken in a very dilute form. It has not been proven to cure anything when taken internally, although it is an effective topical antiseptic. The "explanations" provided on the various websuites that promote it as to how it works do not make an physiological sense. There is no known mechanism through which, taken internally, it could be expected to have an effect on malaria. Far be it for me to - discuss Chinese Herb Medicine. But in looking for a treatment for my dogs bone cancer, I ran across "Sweet Worm Wood" as a Malaria cure and it is being studied as a Cancer Cure. Prostate, Breast- & several others) The washington State University has been doing research and studies, but for the same reason as mentioned above, there is No money in it and little research being done. Google or Wiki - SWEET WORM WOOD. PROTECTING YOURSELF AGAINST MALARIA WITH SWEET WORMWOOD The herb Sweet Wormwood, also known as Qinghaosu in Chinese, is one of approximately 300 species of the family botanically known as Artemisia. Most are very similar in appearance. The Wormwood plant is a bushy, silvery leaved herb that is quite pretty. Its fragrance is pungent, and it has a bitter taste. It is important to know that it is ONLY Artemisia annua that contains the compound Artemisinin, an antimalarial agent.
Richard W Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 dam_n those mozzies.Im surprised there isnt sickle cell in Asia. Sickle cell is in Asia - the Andamanese have it. The corresponding adaptive response in SE Asia is mostly E-type Thalassaemia.
Somrak Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Does this mean I'll have to increase my intake of Gin and tonic? chinin Wather
animatic Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 I think what needs to be noted here is, that the ingredients for mms are abundant, cheap and easy to get for anyone, and you don't have to be a chemist to make the solutions yourself. If you can follow cooking instructions, you can do this yourself as well. No need to buy anything else than what you can get at your local shops.You have to understand the impact such a treatment would have to the world, should it EVER be proven successful in official peer reviewed clinical tests. Loads of charities would not have a reason to exist, Doctors would have less visits by their patients, pharmaceutical companies would lose gigantic profits, etc... it would literally eliminate sources of research funds for peer review and new areas, as most of this money comes from the industry and charity. One also has to wonder why it has never been further studied for a possible cure or treatment of HIV-1 infected people, despite the fact that Chlorine dioxide is USED SINCE DECADES for the sterilization of HIV-1 spiked red blood cells for transfusions. Contrary to what many of the posts above imply, "Big Pharma" does not have a stake in malaria tretament and hasnt had for quite a long time. It's a third world disease, no profit in it. The Pharmaceutical industry certainly does exert a lot of influence in many areas of medicine, often with negative consequences for public health, but malaria tretament is not one of them.The present treatment of choice for falciparum malaria in this part of the world is artesunate, derived from artemisin, a specied of wormwood used for centureis in Chinese medicine. It is not produced by "Big Pharma", it is made a handful of local Asian companies and one or two European companies who were essentially begged by WHO et al to assist and are subsidized in doing so, since it is otherwuise a serious money loser. The World Health Organization, Gates Foundation and other non-profit groups have invested heavily in trying to combat malaria, and far from refusing to look at "alternative medicine" supported the research on the age old Chinese herb which led the current crop of first line treatments, and are contionuing to support a wide raneg of ongoing research. Not driven by, or remotely interesting to, "Big Pharma". And also not driven by or interesting to the promotors of the so-called "MMS". Which is neither a miracle nor a supplement; it is basically chlorine bleach taken in a very dilute form. It has not been proven to cure anything when taken internally, although it is an effective topical antiseptic. The "explanations" provided on the various websuites that promote it as to how it works do not make an physiological sense. There is no known mechanism through which, taken internally, it could be expected to have an effect on malaria. Far be it for me to - discuss Chinese Herb Medicine. But in looking for a treatment for my dogs bone cancer, I ran across "Sweet Worm Wood" as a Malaria cure and it is being studied as a Cancer Cure. Prostate, Breast- & several others) The washington State University has been doing research and studies, but for the same reason as mentioned above, there is No money in it and little research being done. Google or Wiki - SWEET WORM WOOD. PROTECTING YOURSELF AGAINST MALARIA WITH SWEET WORMWOOD The herb Sweet Wormwood, also known as Qinghaosu in Chinese, is one of approximately 300 species of the family botanically known as Artemisia. Most are very similar in appearance. The Wormwood plant is a bushy, silvery leaved herb that is quite pretty. Its fragrance is pungent, and it has a bitter taste. It is important to know that it is ONLY Artemisia annua that contains the compound Artemisinin, an antimalarial agent. So, does anyone know a source of 'Sweet Worm Wood' seeds or plants in Thailand? This sounds like a perfect thing to plant around the house. You can send by PM too.
jbhh Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Contrary to what many of the posts above imply, "Big Pharma" does not have a stake in malaria tretament and hasnt had for quite a long time. It's a third world disease, no profit in it. The Pharmaceutical industry certainly does exert a lot of influence in many areas of medicine, often with negative consequences for public health, but malaria tretament is not one of them.The present treatment of choice for falciparum malaria in this part of the world is artesunate, derived from artemisin, a specied of wormwood used for centureis in Chinese medicine. It is not produced by "Big Pharma", it is made a handful of local Asian companies and one or two European companies who were essentially begged by WHO et al to assist and are subsidized in doing so, since it is otherwuise a serious money loser. The World Health Organization, Gates Foundation and other non-profit groups have invested heavily in trying to combat malaria, and far from refusing to look at "alternative medicine" supported the research on the age old Chinese herb which led the current crop of first line treatments, and are contionuing to support a wide raneg of ongoing research. Not driven by, or remotely interesting to, "Big Pharma". And also not driven by or interesting to the promotors of the so-called "MMS". Which is neither a miracle nor a supplement; it is basically chlorine bleach taken in a very dilute form. It has not been proven to cure anything when taken internally, although it is an effective topical antiseptic. The "explanations" provided on the various websuites that promote it as to how it works do not make an physiological sense. There is no known mechanism through which, taken internally, it could be expected to have an effect on malaria. Anti-malaria pills are not free, and researchers want funds to research with. Chlorine dioxide in combination with a citric acid is not "just bleach", it starts a chemical reaction and the outcome of that is what is said to "do the magic". The more I read about it, I think this particular treatment should be explored further. I provided a link earlier, showing that it is USED SINCE DECADES for the sterilization of HIV-1 spiked red blood cells for transfusions... why has this never been researched further (even the paper suggested further study)? Only after research you can dismiss it as being useless as a treatment for the sick, right? I am not talking about Malaria here, I am talking about HIV. The wormwood thing is indeed interesting and I will further investigate.
Deeral Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 As I said DDt is a pesticide - like many others, it kills insects - but then goes into the food chain. It does not cure or prevent malaria.
Deeral Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Ask yourself why malaria is "third world" if indeed that is what it is.
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