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I am not personally a believer in the paranormal by any stretch of the imagination , so with that out of the way , here's my question . I have a friend who over the years has come to firmly believe that the is cursed . This curse is related to every thing he does with all his home computers ( One desktop PC , One netbook , and One laptop ) and their peripherals . He seem's to be in a constant daily battle with computer related problems to a point where its causing him a real life stressful situation . The problems he's had and constantly having are just too many to list , and as some one who seems not to have too many computer related problems, the amount that he does get , to me seem to be boarding on the abnormal . So I would like to ask you guy's the following questions

1. Can you relate in any way to my friends statement that he is actually cursed when it comes to using his computers

2. If you were in the same situation as my cursed friend , how would you deal with it

3. If you consider that you personally don't have too many computer related problems , what do you put that down to

4. What advice would give my cursed friend , to lift and remove the curse

your comments and thoughts on my friends cursed situation are most welcome, and just to add . To my friend this situation is real and not imaginary



I often say that some people should never have a computer and you friend sounds like one of them I get asked by someone who often has a problem, then when I try to explain he doesn't listen and clicks randomly everywhere. Clicks anything that can be clicked, no thought to the consequences etc, then wonders why he has viruses, programs not working, files missing.


There may be reasons for what you call a "curse":

1. Purchase only low quality cheap equipment

2. not protect your computer in a correct way

3. use only non-legit (hacked) software.

to 1. invites hardware problems

to 2. puts a welcome sign on your connetion for bad guys to come in

to 3. causes a lot of software problems.



I have many Cursed things given to me,Mainly because i do not believe In Curses, I have a Book that was suppose to be cursed Its called the Devil and his works, My Thai wife is superstitious but are not most Thais , Just look towards yourself for the problems, or your friends in your case.


I would advise your friend to enroll on some sort of computer course, as often it is user error, not bad equipment....oh bu**er, there goes mine again, just about to crash.....


Been there and done that, so I can relate to your friends stress.

When a decent connection was finally installed in our ampher (only about 1 year ago!), I went beserk, downloading everything and anything I thought would be useful or watchable. Big surprise! Within a couple of weeks I was running to my tech support in the city on a regular basis to clean out my system of all the viruses I was being hit with. I was very stressed as I had antivirus software but they were still getting through.

These guys backed up my files, formated HD and reinstalled my software, installed avast! antivirus which can be had free for the home version, and malwarebytes anti mal/spyware software. These two used together now seem to catch everything that tries to get into my system. All for 300 baht a time.

I also changed my browsing and downloading habits scanning everything before opening and not using malicious sites (as advised by avast!). Just these little changes have led to a much less stressful time using my computer, and I still get everything I want off the net but take a lot more care about where I get it from. I haven't had problems now for months.

If I was your friend, I would take my comps to a good shop, have them backed up, cleaned out and re-installed, and start again with good antivirus/anti malware. I would also advise him to look at his browsing and downloading habits, and his personal security habits (scanning files after download, regular sytem scans etc).

If all of that doesn't work and the problems persist then maybe it's time to take the units to the temple and have them exorcised! :)


1. No such thing as a cursed computer.

2. Learn how to maintain a computer properly or find someone who is computer literate to help me out. Many people know how to use a computer but most don't know how to take care of one.

3. I am computer literate. I take care of my computer. I don't install junk software. I keep my computer updated.

4. Advice...if the computer is junk, get a new or better one. Sometimes hardware goes bad so you have to replace it. Like most products, sooner or later you will have to get a new one.

Extra: How is the electricity in your friend's house? Most Thai homes have many electrical problems since they were built stupidly.


Thanks Guy's for the comments, my friend's desktop PC is several years old , its been to the computer repair shop numerous times to be re formatted , and HDD replacement. the netbook has all so been re formatted several times due to the curse, the laptop is fairly new , but has all ready had a problem with the OS installation , and currently has a problem where by if you type some thing on the key board , it shows on the screen with all jumbled up text , this all so is happening with an external keyboard. my friends is all so having constant problems with his printer , a few days ago it was working fine, and yesterday my friend went and purchased some photo grade copy papers , when he tried to print the photo on the new photo paper , the printer would not work. The desktop PC is supplied by a UPS unit, which my friend also has a problem with ( a rancid smell coming from the unit ).

The curse continues :)


Get rid of all the apps and junk he doesn't need. Get someone to clean up his computer and configure it for him (updates, syncs, security etc). If that doesn't work, get rid of them all and buy an iPAD. If he breaks that, its time to give up. If you aren't computer literate, learning to maintain a computer can be a real battle.

Edit: He wouldn't happen to be pathological about buying the cheapest grade junk he can find, would he? Because when you factor in the cost and time associated with bottom of the barrel grade stuff, it really isn't worth it.


"What advice would give my cursed friend , to lift and remove the curse"

use his toes on the keyboard and not his fingers? 1271089-1280034-1379.jpg

and currently has a problem where by if you type some thing on the key board , it shows on the screen with all jumbled up text , this all so is happening with an external keyboard.

Jumbled up text?? Try pressing CTRL + Left SHIFT together to revert to normal text.



Quick remedy - get rid of the pirated Windows that is likely on those computers and install either a real Windows or some flavour of Linux. Keeps the nasties out (viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, scareware) and prevents a whole lot of problems that those pull along with them.

As long as your friend does only regular things like Office stuff, surfing the net, e-mail etc and is not into gaming, CAD or other "special" applications i highly recommend Linux - no viruses or other nasties, hence no need to keep an anti-virus software up-to-date all the time, plus it asks a password before installing anything, he will think twice before committing.

Bad smell from UPS? Open it, remove dead jingjok, close it, continue (worked for me, no idea how it got in there in first place).

Best regards.....



Most of the people with cursed computers are the same people who think they can improve things by fiddling with them. They "TRY" many things and then blame the computer because it has problems.

I know this from experience because I was a fiddler and caused myself many problems. I have finally learned NOT to do anything without enough research to have a good idea of what the action will do. It's amazing how well my computer runs now.


I suggested removing the mouse and every key except the right cursor button from a friend's computer, I would visit him once a day and change the power point presentation of images from news sites, Thai visa etc. It seemed to be the only solution to his problem, installing bright ideas after returning from the bar didn't help.


So lets see if ive got this right - How to remove the computer curse

1. Don't install pirated software

2. Don't buy low quality cheap equipment

3. Enroll on some sort of computer course

4. Learn how to maintain a computer properly

5. Keep your computer software updated.

6. Install guenuine software to keeps the nasties out ( viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, scareware)

7. Don't fiddle with things without doing enough research to have a good idea of what the action will do

8 .Change your browsing and downloading habits and scan everything before opening .

9. Keep away from the Naughty web sites

10. Think Twice - Click Once

Have I missed any thing ? :)

So lets see if ive got this right - How to remove the computer curse

1. Don't install pirated software

2. Don't buy low quality cheap equipment

3. Enroll on some sort of computer course

4. Learn how to maintain a computer properly

5. Keep your computer software updated.

6. Install guenuine software to keeps the nasties out ( viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, scareware)

7. Don't fiddle with things without doing enough research to have a good idea of what the action will do

8 .Change your browsing and downloading habits and scan everything before opening .

9. Keep away from the Naughty web sites

10. Think Twice - Click Once

Have I missed any thing ? :)

Yes Virgin menstrual blood lifts curses.

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