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Options To Get Thai Wife A Working Visa To Australia

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We have been married over a year now and been together for nearly 2. Most of our time has been spent in Thailand but she has gone to Australia on a 3 month holiday visa before we were married. We would like to get her to Australia with the option to work and stay longer term than just the holiday visa.

The main problem I can see is my employment or lack of. I make money via the internet in way that I don't really want to get into. However I have not had a 'real' job for sometime or even regular deposits to my bank account ( I withdraw funds when i need them). I'd really like to know any ways she can get to Australia that don't have too much to do with me sponsering her financially or that the oz embassy wont look into my finances/job too much.

Also as a side anyone know of what it takes to get her a holiday visa but with no restrictions (as in can apply for another visa whilst in Australia on a holiday visa).

Any help greatly appreciated.


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In regards to your income, the tax dept don't really care where it comes from so long as they get a slice of it, we had an old family friend who was a SP bookmaker (illegal), when the fitzgerald inquiry came to Queensland he was the only guy out of his group of mates that never went to Jail, Why?, because on his tax return every year he declared the cash from SP bookmaking as other income and paid tax on it. The others did not and all went to jail for varying stretches due to tax evasion.

Unless She is skilled and can get in on a 457 visa, I think you may have troubles and of recent times with unemployment rising in OZ they seem to have cracked right down on that type of Visa.

PM Bridge and ask Him, it might cost you a few bucks for advice but I am sure it will be money well spent.

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We have been married over a year now and been together for nearly 2. Most of our time has been spent in Thailand but she has gone to Australia on a 3 month holiday visa before we were married. We would like to get her to Australia with the option to work and stay longer term than just the holiday visa.

The main problem I can see is my employment or lack of. I make money via the internet in way that I don't really want to get into. However I have not had a 'real' job for sometime or even regular deposits to my bank account ( I withdraw funds when i need them). I'd really like to know any ways she can get to Australia that don't have too much to do with me sponsering her financially or that the oz embassy wont look into my finances/job too much.

Also as a side anyone know of what it takes to get her a holiday visa but with no restrictions (as in can apply for another visa whilst in Australia on a holiday visa).

Any help greatly appreciated.


There are no visitor visas that will allow her to work......unless she qualifies for the Working Holiday visa for people between 18 and 30 yo.

Here are the eligibility requirements;

•are aged 18 to 30 years (inclusive) on the date you apply

•hold a Thai passport

•meet educational requirements

•have functional English

•have a letter of support from your government

•are not accompanied by dependent children

•have not previously entered Australia on a Working Holiday (417) or Work and Holiday (462) visa

•meet character, health and evidence of funds requirements.

I take it you are not looking at her migrating to Oz?

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Thanks for the replys guys. Been talking with some agencies in Bangkok today. They seem to think the best way is for me and my parents to both be sponsors.

Bburns, yes i was looking into that visa the other day. The agencies I asked about this didn't seem to know anything about it.

She is under 30 and has a university degree, i'm a little unsure how fluent in english she would need to be, however. Sounded like a decent option to me i'll probably look into it some more.


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Also was asking the agency guys about the restrictions on the holiday visa, but they didn't seem to understand. I'm curious about this because a guy I talked with last month in Australia was saying his wife got a 6 month holiday visa with no restrictions, this allowed her to apply for a spouse visa in Australia and sounds like it would be much less trouble going for it in Australia and it would give me time to try and get back into employment which would help with her visa application.

Haven't read much about this sort of thing on the internet though, mabye quite rare.

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Also was asking the agency guys about the restrictions on the holiday visa, but they didn't seem to understand. I'm curious about this because a guy I talked with last month in Australia was saying his wife got a 6 month holiday visa with no restrictions, this allowed her to apply for a spouse visa in Australia and sounds like it would be much less trouble going for it in Australia and it would give me time to try and get back into employment which would help with her visa application.

Haven't read much about this sort of thing on the internet though, mabye quite rare.

When someone applies for tourist visa, on the form are 3 boxes for 3, 6 and 12 months.....the applicant ticks the box to indicate which one they want.....however it is up to the Embassy what length of visa will be eventually given. It is not unusual for the 6 and 12 month not to have the No further stay restriction on them, the 12 month is a multi entry visa allowing for 3 month stays over a 12 month period and therefore does carry that restriction. However neither of these visas will allow the applicant to work in Oz.

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Thanks for the replys guys. Been talking with some agencies in Bangkok today. They seem to think the best way is for me and my parents to both be sponsors.

Bburns, yes i was looking into that visa the other day. The agencies I asked about this didn't seem to know anything about it.

She is under 30 and has a university degree, i'm a little unsure how fluent in english she would need to be, however. Sounded like a decent option to me i'll probably look into it some more.


The info you need is all on the Immigration website.

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