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Redshirt Protesters Force Immigration Bureau HQ To Close

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What on earth are the govt/police/anybody with any authority doing right now!?

No announcements, no press meetings, no warnings, nothing. It's a joke it got to this stage.

That's not a good sign, closing down Immigration would have affected a lot of falangs trying to get an extension before tomorrows holiday. I'm not sure the Red Shirts would deliberately be targeting foreigners by this action, but a major inconvenience nonetheless.

Make no mistake"The Red Hordes" DON'T like the falangs and that's the chinese japanese.indian and all Not Thais inclusive the longnoses.

More or less ,thats always been the norm,very racist the lot.

hmmmm if I remember correct it was the yellow shirts and Abhisits ppl which made all Airports in Thailand shut down.....let me know when I am wrong, but whats the difference in red and yellow shirt rallies yet?

Abhisit came to power after weeks of rallies in Bkk, if this is Thaistyle so be it but same rights for everybody then.

Guess we will see much more red shirts when Songkran starts

I'd go look back over some older news threads if i were you, Abhisit was very outspoken and against the Airport closure... its very well documented.

But just so you can understand it, i will spell it out for you "The Democrat Party is not the same thing as PAD" - infact PAD have since set up their own political party - New Politics Party or something like that (i'm not 100% on the name, im sure someone will correct me if i am wrong) - Not that i think PAD will get much support as a Political party.

I'm sure he was completely against the airport closure. That's why he made Kasit, one of the PAD leaders, his Foreign Minister. And Abhisit's father serves on the board of 2 companies that financed the PAD airport seizure.

THANKS @ Rainman.....but that was not in FOX news I guess :)

Why are some here scared that the PAD will inflict the relationships to foreigners (or farangs)? Its business as usual.

Somebody wrote he looses money since the red protesters are on the streets....let me tell you, there were a lot of people loosing money too when the airports closed and the tourists stayed away from Thailand for a while.....and yes I do also pay Taxes here.

I am not pro Taksin but like I always say, at least he did something for the poor....and btw. EVERY POLITICIAN is filling its pockets here!

Maybe someone will let me know what Abhisit has achived so far since he came to power?

I doubt that Siam Paragon being closed will affect the tourists that much. Every time I'm in Siam Paragon, I see maybe 30-40 Thais per 1 foreigner. And while I agree that the working class "red shirt" Thais do work there, I'm also sure that the 30-40 "high class" Thais per foreigner will also return whenever the red shirts leave to buy whatever they wanted to buy when it was closed. Or they will just go to another shopping center elsewhere in the city which is open and also owned by the same group, so it's not really money lost. If you've been to The Mall Bangkapi this past weekend, you'll notice there's about twice as many people there as usually.

From what I've read of your posts can't say I care at all for your tone or politics, but in the interest of being balanced my family and I were in Seacon Square yesterday and it was at least twice a busy as it normally would be on a Sunday line ups for everything my wife said it was the first time ever she had to queue up to have her hair cut... the open spaces were simply covered with people it was quite a sight and the increased traffic..... fun all the way round

For the shoppers it isnt that much of an incovenience as they can go elsewhere. The people who suffer most are those runnign small busiensses and those on daily wages who are lsoing monety they cant afford to lose. It is always the poor that end up suffering.

A justified reaction is coming very soon. That, or a coup. The impatience is understandable but Abhisit had to wait to show the country just how destructive and anti-democratic the red shirts are. If he moved too early, it would have backfired.

Democracy in Thailand?Nobody here about it.

These iddiots are going to far it is time they were charged and arrested. This is getting rediculous. i have no problem with rallies, even sit ins to a certain extent but disruption of the country is going to far how is cowtowing to a few tens of thousands of radical terrorist protesters democracy ot of a country of 60 some million.

The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

What is the law, when Mr. T. enters a country with his passport from Montenegro?

The dam_n defecation will sooner or later contact the rotating oscillator. When it does I think we will be seeing lots of red soaked red shirts. I am surprised at just how restrained the government has been but at what cost? They all want their rights but no one is apparently willing to step up and take responsibility. Government offices being shut down people unable to get to their jobs, others just staying home giving up on fighting the traffic gridlock. I wonder how close we are to seeing martial law imposed?

Just thinking out loud here and if the mods consider this out of bounds, feel free to remove or edit it.

Ahhhh...poor little foreigner...tsk tsk..you want mommy to breast-feed you?

What Thailand need is a REAL ELECTION.

Funny to read how a lot of retired old men, angry americans with their terrorist laws and Abisit fans seemes to think this is just something that has to be stopped - so they can go on doing - what ever. Some times you have to stand up for what is right, and I think this will take along time, but a military government is not a good idea - would you like that in your respective native countries - NO WAY!

If you old military freaks want this, why don't you move your gear to Burma!


^^ To answer the legal question. A citizen of a country can enter using a passport from another country but the individual remains a citizen of the country and is subject to the law.


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Arisman, Kwanchai, Suporn (E-saan Rambo) leading the attack.

All criminals, deserve to sit in jail due to the incidents at Pattaya and many other issues.

This is getting worse as they are getting desperate. Well, how nice was the period under the military government, quiet, and life went on as normal!

Funny my wife said more or less the same thing last night, enough with the proxy governments and so forth just let the Generals rule openly oddly enough she said that right after she expressed happiness we are moving to the West soon she has had all she can take of her own country.. can't say I blame her watching the actions and inactions of late

It seems saddly this idea is spreading. listening to my Thai wife talking to her 2 friends on Saturday night she surprised me with

"Hope the army take over soon so we can live peaceably again"

Yes..live nice and peaceful in an oppressive, unelected/unofficial gov't in power...mmmm yes peaceful..mmmm

You can see the idea behind this approach, when the yellows took the airports, it had worldwide coverage, plus effected tourism in a big way, this in turn hit the pockets of the working classes, the ones the yellows don't give a hoot about, so it was effective. The reds obviously think the same approach will work for them, they've been nice as pie to the Bangkokians, apologising for the inconvenience, etc. Now they're blocking Malls, tourist areas, and now the immigration bureau, but don't they realise, causing problems for the tourism industry will have a long lasting effect on their (the working classes) pockets. The Royalists and elite don't give a dam_n if they never see another tourist in Thailand, remember the national anthem translated says "Thailand is for Thai people" they don't need our pittance, they're way to wealthy, and they'd rather we stopped giving money to their poor because we're upsetting the balance of their class--driven society.

I doubt that Siam Paragon being closed will affect the tourists that much. Every time I'm in Siam Paragon, I see maybe 30-40 Thais per 1 foreigner. And while I agree that the working class "red shirt" Thais do work there, I'm also sure that the 30-40 "high class" Thais per foreigner will also return whenever the red shirts leave to buy whatever they wanted to buy when it was closed. Or they will just go to another shopping center elsewhere in the city which is open and also owned by the same group, so it's not really money lost. If you've been to The Mall Bangkapi this past weekend, you'll notice there's about twice as many people there as usually.

Approximately 40- 50% of the Paragon revenues are from tourists.

Please tell Major to sell movie tickets from Sunday next week when the theatres reopen. Obviously, since they run at 100% seat sales some weekends, people will be quite happy to pay for the tickets they got to use when the cinemas were shut. Major have told me people who watch films at Paragon don't go to another cinema and watch there for a few reasons:

- type of seating

- preference

- the fact that Sat and Sun are their biggest days so they tend to run full in multiple theatres right across their system; they have a limited resource to sell - you can't pack 3 people into 1 seat (well most of the time)

For goodness sake, the place is shut. It has a significant financial effect. Whether we agree or not on the reasons and legitimacy of shutting it, there is little point in trying to pretend it doesnt have a financial effect.

it does.

Arisman, Kwanchai, Suporn (E-saan Rambo) leading the attack.

All criminals, deserve to sit in jail due to the incidents at Pattaya and many other issues.

This is getting worse as they are getting desperate. Well, how nice was the period under the military government, quiet, and life went on as normal!

Funny my wife said more or less the same thing last night, enough with the proxy governments and so forth just let the Generals rule openly oddly enough she said that right after she expressed happiness we are moving to the West soon she has had all she can take of her own country.. can't say I blame her watching the actions and inactions of late

It seems saddly this idea is spreading. listening to my Thai wife talking to her 2 friends on Saturday night she surprised me with

"Hope the army take over soon so we can live peaceably again"

Yes..live nice and peaceful in an oppressive, unelected/unofficial gov't in power...mmmm yes peaceful..mmmm


What a very good post.I like it, make sense; I agree 100%

What Thailand need is a REAL ELECTION.

Funny to read how a lot of retired old men, angry americans with their terrorist laws and Abisit fans seemes to think this is just something that has to be stopped - so they can go on doing - what ever. Some times you have to stand up for what is right, and I think this will take along time, but a military government is not a good idea - would you like that in your respective native countries - NO WAY!

If you old military freaks want this, why don't you move your gear to Burma!

What a very good post.I like it, make sense; I agree 100%
What Thailand need is a REAL ELECTION.

Funny to read how a lot of retired old men, angry americans with their terrorist laws and Abisit fans seemes to think this is just something that has to be stopped - so they can go on doing - what ever. Some times you have to stand up for what is right, and I think this will take along time, but a military government is not a good idea - would you like that in your respective native countries - NO WAY!

If you old military freaks want this, why don't you move your gear to Burma!

Excellent..it's good to see someone using their brain and simple common sense! Hats off to you sir/madam!

Look, jdinasia the twister, is back!

Surely the PAD have reported to the police the next day, but they have been free ever since and their court cases basically "frozen", just like the "donation" case against the Democrat party. It's not going anywhere. People want justice. And if people don't get justice, these things happen. How about we get rid of the double standards? I'm sure that will improve things a lot.

Like there was no double standards under thaksin...yeah right. thaksin has done nothing but robbing thailand blind and put the poor in awe with smoke and mirrors.

Jatuporn and his thugs want nothing but bringing back a dictator to further their own agendas... they dont care about the poor, they dont care about justice, they care about elections just to whitewash thaksin and give him an amnesty ...

and dont get me started on rubbish like the 30 baht healthcare or the 1997 crisis recovery because anyone with more that one braincell knows that it is the chuan government who did all the work for recovery and that the 30 baht healthcare cannot be paid for .... well it could have been sustainable if thaksin did not evade taxes on the shincorps sale to themasek... 12 billion baht of taxes would have done the trick. and needless to say that thaksin would still be in power.

Please post your proof of this

is is it just your opinion

The law is know through out the western world to be slow as legal lawyers can appeal cases to drag them out

Now the red shirts would never do this would they

not my opinion, just a fact , you just need to read the newspapers from 1997 onwards which i did ( I also recommend the book THAILAND CHRONICLES the bangkok post news archive)

for the rest of what you wrote , sorry, i cant even understand what you try to say.

That's not a good sign, closing down Immigration would have affected a lot of falangs trying to get an extension before tomorrows holiday. I'm not sure the Red Shirts would deliberately be targeting foreigners by this action, but a major inconvenience nonetheless.

Right. I'm one of them. I fly out on Wednesday and tried to get a re entry today. just sent my form in by email, but what chance is there that the office will be open then? They could re-open at the airport but I doubt it'll happen.

You guys crack me up, you all sound like you're in support of this government, do you not know the way they came to power. Perhaps you side with them cos you think this is elite versus lower classes (and as you are all so high class, you think you should take sides with the elite). Thailand was ruled by the King of Thailand until 1932, when the Royal house was overthrown by a military coup, and a democracy was formed, Until 1946, (when the present King took the thrown) the king had little to no power. The present King with the royal courtiers were able to push political buttons again, and shortly after had full control of the country again albeit in the guise of a democratically elected government. In 2001 they finally lost to a party that they had no control over (a real democracy) his name was Taksin. The Royalists and the elite decided it was best to leave it run its course (4yrs) and they would regain control, but it didn't happen and 2005 Taksin took a second term. So out came the knives and the mighty power of the elite was seen with the Military generals on side, and later the highest judges in the land. They crushed Taksin and all his cronies. Yes the charges against Taksin are real, yes he is a thief, no he should never be allowed to practice politics again, but this government was not fairly elected.

Many of the red shirts just want a fair election, and will happily accept the next PM, most are not pro Taksin, most even like Abasit, but he must be elected fairly.

Really if you think you're up there with the elite you are almost definitely dreaming, 10m-20m in the bank doesn't do it, we're working class to these guys, and we're not fit to clean their shoes, let alone run a country (reference to Taksin and his cronies)

Oh and by-the-way, Taksin was not the first corrupt polititian to run this country, they've been corrupt from the start. Keep the working classes working and as much money in my pocket as possible (hey - that should be their party slogan)

the way they came to power? lets see ....

thai rak thai is disbanded for electoral fraud, they morph into PPP samak is elected with massive vote buying , abhisit came second in number of votes , samak is demoted for a technicality , thy put somchai in his place , then PPP is disbanded for another electoral fraud ..... you won the election? The runner up abhisit .....

its like sports win a gold medal by doping , you get caught and disqualified , the runner up gets the medal .... sorry for simplifying but you have to use simple images for simple minds...

Samak was ousted for getting paid in cooking shows not for electoral fraud as far as i know :)

re read what i wrote....where did i say samak was ousted for electoral fraud?

What Thailand need is a REAL ELECTION.

Funny to read how a lot of retired old men, angry americans with their terrorist laws and Abisit fans seemes to think this is just something that has to be stopped - so they can go on doing - what ever. Some times you have to stand up for what is right, and I think this will take along time, but a military government is not a good idea - would you like that in your respective native countries - NO WAY!

If you old military freaks want this, why don't you move your gear to Burma!

I just have to applaud you a second time....not often do I see or read someone who can see through the lazy,apathetic, foreign type whining and complaining, here. As long as they can sleep, eat, drink and have sex when they fancy..life is great. Interrupt that...ohhh boy!! That is the only time these particular fat-cats open their big mouths! Go to Burma..better yet go back to your OPPRESSIVE REGIMES!

What a very good post.I like it, make sense; I agree 100%
What Thailand need is a REAL ELECTION.

Funny to read how a lot of retired old men, angry americans with their terrorist laws and Abisit fans seemes to think this is just something that has to be stopped - so they can go on doing - what ever. Some times you have to stand up for what is right, and I think this will take along time, but a military government is not a good idea - would you like that in your respective native countries - NO WAY!

If you old military freaks want this, why don't you move your gear to Burma!

Excellent..it's good to see someone using their brain and simple common sense! Hats off to you sir/madam!

While this is military backed or liked government, this is not a military government!

there is a huge difference between the 2.

Are there any generals in the current gov who are ministers?

Is current PM a an officer in the army? or an ex officer?

Its all well and good to sit there and point fingers with vivid imagination, but facts are facts

What a very good post.I like it, make sense; I agree 100%
What Thailand need is a REAL ELECTION.

Funny to read how a lot of retired old men, angry americans with their terrorist laws and Abisit fans seemes to think this is just something that has to be stopped - so they can go on doing - what ever. Some times you have to stand up for what is right, and I think this will take along time, but a military government is not a good idea - would you like that in your respective native countries - NO WAY!

If you old military freaks want this, why don't you move your gear to Burma!

Excellent..it's good to see someone using their brain and simple common sense! Hats off to you sir/madam!

Yes - totally agree, as do all the red-shirts, what is Abhisit affraid of, any western power would have stepped asside by now or at least set a date for General elections.

If a kid was constantly in your face in the play-ground, "you can't beat me in a race, you're too slow, you're no good" How should you respond, well we know what most Americans would say "Punch him in the mouth/Nuke him", but most of us would let him have his moment, in a fair race. If the kid wins, you just say"Quite right you were faster than me well done", and if you win, "Now can we just get on with our own business now - as I've beaten you fair'n'square"

You guys crack me up, you all sound like you're in support of this government, do you not know the way they came to power. Perhaps you side with them cos you think this is elite versus lower classes (and as you are all so high class, you think you should take sides with the elite). Thailand was ruled by the King of Thailand until 1932, when the Royal house was overthrown by a military coup, and a democracy was formed, Until 1946, (when the present King took the thrown) the king had little to no power. The present King with the royal courtiers were able to push political buttons again, and shortly after had full control of the country again albeit in the guise of a democratically elected government. In 2001 they finally lost to a party that they had no control over (a real democracy) his name was Taksin. The Royalists and the elite decided it was best to leave it run its course (4yrs) and they would regain control, but it didn't happen and 2005 Taksin took a second term. So out came the knives and the mighty power of the elite was seen with the Military generals on side, and later the highest judges in the land. They crushed Taksin and all his cronies. Yes the charges against Taksin are real, yes he is a thief, no he should never be allowed to practice politics again, but this government was not fairly elected.

Many of the red shirts just want a fair election, and will happily accept the next PM, most are not pro Taksin, most even like Abasit, but he must be elected fairly.

Really if you think you're up there with the elite you are almost definitely dreaming, 10m-20m in the bank doesn't do it, we're working class to these guys, and we're not fit to clean their shoes, let alone run a country (reference to Taksin and his cronies)

Oh and by-the-way, Taksin was not the first corrupt polititian to run this country, they've been corrupt from the start. Keep the working classes working and as much money in my pocket as possible (hey - that should be their party slogan)

the way they came to power? lets see ....

thai rak thai is disbanded for electoral fraud, they morph into PPP samak is elected with massive vote buying , abhisit came second in number of votes , samak is demoted for a technicality , thy put somchai in his place , then PPP is disbanded for another electoral fraud ..... you won the election? The runner up abhisit .....

its like sports win a gold medal by doping , you get caught and disqualified , the runner up gets the medal .... sorry for simplifying but you have to use simple images for simple minds...

Samak was ousted for getting paid in cooking shows not for electoral fraud as far as i know :)

re read what i wrote....where did i say samak was ousted for electoral fraud?

Alright , yes , i misread

A justified reaction is coming very soon. That, or a coup. The impatience is understandable but Abhisit had to wait to show the country just how destructive and anti-democratic the red shirts are. If he moved too early, it would have backfired.

Yes push is coming to shove.

A fairly obvious Red trajectory after Abhisit's reasonable concessions were blown off.

Sadly so this was their only course to take after 'not getting their way.'

I foresee another of the Thaksin Red mistakes playing out.

They have made so many the last 4 years or so,

why expect them to suddenly sprout brains and common sense.

Approximately 40- 50% of the Paragon revenues are from tourists.


For goodness sake, the place is shut. It has a significant financial effect. Whether we agree or not on the reasons and legitimacy of shutting it, there is little point in trying to pretend it doesnt have a financial effect.

it does.

Any sources for the above? Whenever I'm there, which is often, I never see more than 10-20% obvious foreigners, and part of these are probably expats, not tourists. Due to Thailand's high import duties, and it's reputation for fakes, many tourists would rather purchase their branded goods or clothing back home. About the only place I see anywhere near that percentage of farangs is the outrageously priced IMAX at Paragon.

Also, Paragon closing might be a bit paranoid. Sure, access by car is problematic from the east side by when isn't it.... And I didn't go to check but I don't think the main protests extends that far.

You're right on the second point, the last 3 days probably cost more in terms of lost sales than the 3 weeks of protests before.

hmmmm if I remember correct it was the yellow shirts and Abhisits ppl which made all Airports in Thailand shut down.....let me know when I am wrong, but whats the difference in red and yellow shirt rallies yet?

Abhisit came to power after weeks of rallies in Bkk, if this is Thaistyle so be it but same rights for everybody then.

Guess we will see much more red shirts when Songkran starts

I'd go look back over some older news threads if i were you, Abhisit was very outspoken and against the Airport closure... its very well documented.

But just so you can understand it, i will spell it out for you "The Democrat Party is not the same thing as PAD" - infact PAD have since set up their own political party - New Politics Party or something like that (i'm not 100% on the name, im sure someone will correct me if i am wrong) - Not that i think PAD will get much support as a Political party.

I'm sure he was completely against the airport closure. That's why he made Kasit, one of the PAD leaders, his Foreign Minister. And Abhisit's father serves on the board of 2 companies that financed the PAD airport seizure.

THANKS @ Rainman.....but that was not in FOX news I guess :)

Why are some here scared that the PAD will inflict the relationships to foreigners (or farangs)? Its business as usual.

Somebody wrote he looses money since the red protesters are on the streets....let me tell you, there were a lot of people loosing money too when the airports closed and the tourists stayed away from Thailand for a while.....and yes I do also pay Taxes here.

I am not pro Taksin but like I always say, at least he did something for the poor....and btw. EVERY POLITICIAN is filling its pockets here!

Maybe someone will let me know what Abhisit has achived so far since he came to power?

please make me a list of what thaksin did REALLY for the poor , not just promises and i will take it down point by point. ohhh and i m sorry but during the airport closure which didnt last as long as the 3 weeks we had with the reds sofar .... our business didnt suffer that much because foreigners were not affraid of being implicated in violent events.....

I dont like the Yellow , i dont like the reds but its a no brainer that the red are doing way more harm to thailand than the yellow did ... also although i have respect for abhisit , i think suthep is a gangster and the red should ask his removal as well as his cronnies instead of demanding the government to step down .... don t forget that abhisit didnt have real choice for the ministers .... they were imposed to him .... at the contrary all the previous governments gave ministerial positions to the highest bidders .... read moosoon country and the land of Karma and you will maybe have a better insight into thai politics.

hooooo and what about the free education for 15 years for all that abhisit passed ? oohh yeah i forgot education not important .... on the other hand abhisit s so busy repelling attacks from the reds that he doesnt have much time to do his job ....

I guess that the reds again will donate some blood, but this time in the non-clinical way.

If the government continue to allow the red shirts to violate the laws, they might as well step down and let the population vote for a new government.

I guess that the reds want the government to take action against them, this is what it is all about. They need to have a reason to justify their actions. Just my opinion

These iddiots are going to far it is time they were charged and arrested. This is getting rediculous. i have no problem with rallies, even sit ins to a certain extent but disruption of the country is going to far how is cowtowing to a few tens of thousands of radical terrorist protesters democracy ot of a country of 60 some million.

The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

It looks as if you like the way democracy works, as long as it doesn't affect your circles. But would you like Thailand to be like Burma. Or are you just another angry american..?

"Angry American"? Do I detect a little racism here perhaps? Why not angry German, Aussi, Brit, Itilian, Greek, ect? Shame on you my friend.

Uh... 'American' is not a race it is a nationality,

so the word would be jingosim.

Arisman, Kwanchai, Suporn (E-saan Rambo) leading the attack.

All criminals, deserve to sit in jail due to the incidents at Pattaya and many other issues.

This is getting worse as they are getting desperate. Well, how nice was the period under the military government, quiet, and life went on as normal!

Do the yellow shirt criminals deserve to be in jail for laying siege to the airport?

Why not they did the deeds. If convicted for doing them.

Arisman, Kwanchai, Suporn (E-saan Rambo) leading the attack.

All criminals, deserve to sit in jail due to the incidents at Pattaya and many other issues.

This is getting worse as they are getting desperate. Well, how nice was the period under the military government, quiet, and life went on as normal!

Funny my wife said more or less the same thing last night, enough with the proxy governments and so forth just let the Generals rule openly oddly enough she said that right after she expressed happiness we are moving to the West soon she has had all she can take of her own country.. can't say I blame her watching the actions and inactions of late

It seems saddly this idea is spreading. listening to my Thai wife talking to her 2 friends on Saturday night she surprised me with

"Hope the army take over soon so we can live peaceably again"

Yes..live nice and peaceful in an oppressive, unelected/unofficial gov't in power...mmmm yes peaceful..mmmm

oppressive government hahahahh TRT government was oppressive yes . this government doesnt musle the press let red shirts express their voices , dont abduct lawyers, and don t kill innocents.

unelected? errrr the government was elected the same way somchai was ....

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