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I have never been able to understand why most of the Farang on TV are such fervent supporters of the Bangkok elite

Maybe because we held/hold down good jobs and are not of the same ilk as some who come over here and shag around around in the bars, have an ex bargirl girlfriend, is an ECC language school teacher who is feeding his whoring habit by working for 220bht an hour and has been here all of 5 minutes and knows it all?

Just a thought!

Excuse me, but I hold down a decent job, have a good education , and have a nice bank account. I find the bangkok crowd loathsome. Many think they are so very important with their crappy university diplomas that are the equivalent of a 2nd tier former east bloc vocational school. It is incredibly gauche to engage in overt ostentatious displays of "money". If they are that fing important, why do they have to show it? It's just not done. Very bad form. I can wipe my ass with some of their alleged wealth and yet they carry on as if they were the bees knees. Gimme a break.

My friend told me something last night that whether true or not is humbling. The little finance whiz, shocked me.

We cannot choose where we come from, but we can choose to have a good life. The mother of the King was from the people. She was not "Royal". If a woman like that could become the mother of our King, then we can become better people.

The point he was making is that one should not judge based upon humble origins, but should look to what can be. It's something the venom spitting haters should consider.

I have never been able to understand why most of the Farang on TV are such fervent supporters of the Bangkok elite

Maybe because we held/hold down good jobs and are not of the same ilk as some who come over here and shag around around in the bars, have an ex bargirl girlfriend, is an ECC language school teacher who is feeding his whoring habit by working for 220bht an hour and has been here all of 5 minutes and knows it all?

Just a thought!

I rest my case again

What the hel_l has that got to do with supporting what the Bangkok elite want.You tar everybody with the same feather then moan when somebody puts you into the snob slot.


this post confirms what i say about MOST farangs in Bangkok,such a terrible view of decent retirees,and other workers in smaller wages.When i was working in uk i was earning over 50k a year and thats why i retired early,when can you retire sonshine

First of all, I DON'T moan if someone wants to put me in the as you call it 'snob slot'

Secondly i find it funny that your trying to "out" us 'snobs' but you still find it necessary to tell all how much you earned in the uk!!!???? and thats how you managed to retire early.

Thirdly your 'when can you retire sonshine?' comment isnt a tad snobish?

I think we need to distinguish between the Red LEADERSHIP, who are Thaksin's cronies; and the mass of rural poor who are the Red foot soldiers.

I despise Thaksin and all his henchmen for taking an already extremely corrupt system of government and increasing the level of corruption by an order of magnitude - not to mention inflaming the south and extra judicially disposing of 2500 ALLEGED drug dealers/personal enemies of local police. Equally, I despise them for holding Thailand to ransom in a bid to get a very vindictive and totally amoral convicted criminal off the hook and back on the gravy train.

The rural poor by contrast have a load of legitimate gripes against the ruling class in Bangkok - not to mention rural middlemen like rice millers who always pay farmers bottom dollar even when the market price is high. Unfortunately, the poor are very badly educated (and whose fault is that?...). As a result, once Thaksin threw a few scraps their way, 30 baht health care, OTOP, loans etc; these people thought he was all things bright and beautiful. Why? Nobody else had ever done anything like this for them, and they were not able to recognise it as a marketing ploy (from a marketing man par excellence) for Thaksin's intended rerun of the Marcos years in the Philippines.

So, in summary, a plague on both Thaksin and the wealthy exploiters. Now, please can we have an honourable leader to make the case for the rural poor. Sadly, I'm not holding my breath.

Here,here,Bravo! You're young but,yet so wise :)

I think we need to distinguish between the Red LEADERSHIP, who are Thaksin's cronies; and the mass of rural poor who are the Red foot soldiers.

I despise Thaksin and all his henchmen for taking an already extremely corrupt system of government and increasing the level of corruption by an order of magnitude - not to mention inflaming the south and extra judicially disposing of 2500 ALLEGED drug dealers/personal enemies of local police. Equally, I despise them for holding Thailand to ransom in a bid to get a very vindictive and totally amoral convicted criminal off the hook and back on the gravy train.

The rural poor by contrast have a load of legitimate gripes against the ruling class in Bangkok - not to mention rural middlemen like rice millers who always pay farmers bottom dollar even when the market price is high. Unfortunately, the poor are very badly educated (and whose fault is that?...). As a result, once Thaksin threw a few scraps their way, 30 baht health care, OTOP, loans etc; these people thought he was all things bright and beautiful. Why? Nobody else had ever done anything like this for them, and they were not able to recognise it as a marketing ploy (from a marketing man par excellence) for Thaksin's intended rerun of the Marcos years in the Philippines.

So, in summary, a plague on both Thaksin and the wealthy exploiters. Now, please can we have an honourable leader to make the case for the rural poor. Sadly, I'm not holding my breath.

Spot on !

Excuse me, but I hold down a decent job, have a good education , and have a nice bank account. I find the bangkok crowd loathsome. Many think they are so very important with their crappy university diplomas that are the equivalent of a 2nd tier former east bloc vocational school. It is incredibly gauche to engage in overt ostentatious displays of "money". If they are that fing important, why do they have to show it? It's just not done. Very bad form. I can wipe my ass with some of their alleged wealth and yet they carry on as if they were the bees knees. Gimme a break.

My friend told me something last night that whether true or not is humbling. The little finance whiz, shocked me.

We cannot choose where we come from, but we can choose to have a good life. The mother of the King was from the people. She was not "Royal". If a woman like that could become the mother of our King, then we can become better people.

The point he was making is that one should not judge based upon humble origins, but should look to what can be. It's something the venom spitting haters should consider.

The people I find truly loathsome are the Thaksin apologists who constantly try and frame the red miscreants as an honest group of people who are here simply because they have been dealt injustices in their lives. That may be true, but it is not the guiding purpose of their mission, and to the best of my knowledge, there is not a single poster who spits venom on the reds because they look down and disparage the poor.

You can set up and knock down all the straw men you want if you think that makes you morally superior, but the truth is your support of the reds is equivalent to the support of Thaksin. A man that brutally oppressed millions of Thai people for his own nefarious purposes. *ALL* the reds support Thaksin. Find me a single group of reds that vocally denounce the demagogue, and I will grant you your moral superiority. People hate what the reds stand for, which is selfishness and hypocrisy. They do not hate the reds themselves, although I understand it makes it easier for you to discount those of us with integrity and decency by creating such an unreasonable representation.

The simple fact is, as long as the reds hold the rest of the country in contempt by refusing to recognize the mammoth injustices Thaksin inflicted on them, they have zero hope of convincing the struggling Bangkokians who were oppressed under that dictator to treat them with anything other than that same contempt.

No, 2 wrongs do not make a right, but as long as the reds continue wielding Thaksin as a weapon they are dangerous and they are my enemy. They mean to do me more harm by bringing that sadistic square faced cretin back. It is simple defense. Denounce the dictator, and then we can talk. I do not disparage the rural Thais, but I spit venom on the red cause.

When the red cause no longer includes Thaksin I will be more receptive.

Thaksin is evil.

That is something all the Thaksin apologists should consider.

I have never been able to understand why most of the Farang on TV are such fervent supporters of the Bangkok elite

Maybe because we held/hold down good jobs and are not of the same ilk as some who come over here and shag around around in the bars, have an ex bargirl girlfriend, is an ECC language school teacher who is feeding his whoring habit by working for 220bht an hour and has been here all of 5 minutes and knows it all?

Just a thought!

I have lived and worked in Thailand since 1987, I am paid in GBP and at the current exchange rate I earn around 800,000:00 per month, I consider that a good job and I have held it for 23 years .However that has nothing to do with me not understand why the majority of Farang on TV supporting the Bangkok elite

I have never been able to understand why most of the Farang on TV are such fervent supporters of the Bangkok elite

Maybe because we held/hold down good jobs and are not of the same ilk as some who come over here and shag around around in the bars, have an ex bargirl girlfriend, is an ECC language school teacher who is feeding his whoring habit by working for 220bht an hour and has been here all of 5 minutes and knows it all?

Just a thought!

Excuse me, but I hold down a decent job, have a good education , and have a nice bank account. I find the bangkok crowd loathsome. Many think they are so very important with their crappy university diplomas that are the equivalent of a 2nd tier former east bloc vocational school. It is incredibly gauche to engage in overt ostentatious displays of "money". If they are that fing important, why do they have to show it? It's just not done. Very bad form. I can wipe my ass with some of their alleged wealth and yet they carry on as if they were the bees knees. Gimme a break.

My friend told me something last night that whether true or not is humbling. The little finance whiz, shocked me.

We cannot choose where we come from, but we can choose to have a good life. The mother of the King was from the people. She was not "Royal". If a woman like that could become the mother of our King, then we can become better people.

The point he was making is that one should not judge based upon humble origins, but should look to what can be. It's something the venom spitting haters should consider.

My friend,if you are ever in Pattaya,that supposed shithole,let me buy you a drink.Thats a realy honest Opinion of Bangkok farang who knows the truth.

well done,and hope this tells many on here what it is like to be living/working in Bangkok as a farang,you can get sucked into this elitism on a meager wage

me not understand why the majority of Farang on TV supporting the Bangkok elite

You are mistaken. I do not know any farangs who support the Bangkok elite. That is a straw man. I know many people who are terrified of the return of Thaksin and the current government coalition are the only people who can protect us from that evil daemon.

I no more support the Bangkok elite than any other elite, but I welcome their protection from Thaksin, which is a fate much, much worse.

I have never been able to understand why most of the Farang on TV are such fervent supporters of the Bangkok elite

Maybe because we held/hold down good jobs and are not of the same ilk as some who come over here and shag around around in the bars, have an ex bargirl girlfriend, is an ECC language school teacher who is feeding his whoring habit by working for 220bht an hour and has been here all of 5 minutes and knows it all?

Just a thought!

Another great post.

Wow you are on a good wage,but still have humility,i like that.I wish,in time,people like whistleblower realises about Bangkok,and mixes with decent people,like yourself.I did not realise there are a few realy good guys there

I have lived and worked in Thailand since 1987, I am paid in GBP and at the current exchange rate I earn around 800,000:00 per month, I consider that a good job and I have held it for 23 years .However that has nothing to do with me not understand why the majority of Farang on TV supporting the Bangkok elite

I have lived and worked in Thailand since 1987, I am paid in GBP and at the current exchange rate I earn around 800,000:00 per month, I consider that a good job

Yeah I consider 800000 quid a month pretty good too. :)

me not understand why the majority of Farang on TV supporting the Bangkok elite

You are mistaken. I do not know any farangs who support the Bangkok elite. That is a straw man. I know many people who are terrified of the return of Thaksin and the current government coalition are the only people who can protect us from that evil daemon.

I no more support the Bangkok elite than any other elite, but I welcome their protection from Thaksin, which is a fate much, much worse.

Even though i dont like Thaksin,why should he be a threat to farangs ?????????/


Pet theory:

Those married to Northern women: Issan, CM etc.. more tolerant of Reds because wifey is..

Those farang living in democrat land (beach area, the posh islands ect, and of course Bangkok, are swayed by the dem wife)

Although Pattaya, and beach resort areas may of course have the 'red light' vote... :)


So to those of you in purple dem land... stop whinging! A few grenades never hurt anybody!

Those in red lands!! Pass the sangsom, lets party!*actually, we have had about 9? grenade attacks here in CM over the last few weeks... it's getting rather tedious.. please stop it. Thanks.

me not understand why the majority of Farang on TV supporting the Bangkok elite

You are mistaken. I do not know any farangs who support the Bangkok elite. That is a straw man. I know many people who are terrified of the return of Thaksin and the current government coalition are the only people who can protect us from that evil daemon.

I no more support the Bangkok elite than any other elite, but I welcome their protection from Thaksin, which is a fate much, much worse.

Even though i dont like Thaksin,why should he be a threat to farangs ?????????/

If you worked in the telecom industry you wouldn't ask such a question. I lost my job and nearly lost everything because of his unscrupulous corruption and duplicitous illegal deals which drove everyone else out of business. The telecom industry has always been rife with corruption, but he drove it to obscene levels. He is a threat to anyone working in Bangkok anywhere. You need only look at Cambodia for a picture of what Thailand would be like under Thaksin. There would be no competition nor freedom to do anything in any industry that he has decided he wants to personally control.

Eventually, that would be all of them.

Be very, very afraid of that man. He is the devil himself.

This thread is trolls-ville. The OP is a flame. Suggest people IGNORE it. I know I will.

Hmmm odd since you do much the same Jing, should we ignore your topics? :)

Here here :D That's why he is on my ignore list

Mine too. But he gets a response with some people who then quote his posts, so then you still get to read the stuff. :D

I have never been able to understand why most of the Farang on TV are such fervent supporters of the Bangkok elite

Maybe because we held/hold down good jobs and are not of the same ilk as some who come over here and shag around around in the bars, have an ex bargirl girlfriend, is an ECC language school teacher who is feeding his whoring habit by working for 220bht an hour and has been here all of 5 minutes and knows it all?

Just a thought!

I rest my case again

What the hel_l has that got to do with supporting what the Bangkok elite want.You tar everybody with the same feather then moan when somebody puts you into the snob slot.


this post confirms what i say about MOST farangs in Bangkok,such a terrible view of decent retirees,and other workers in smaller wages.When i was working in uk i was earning over 50k a year and thats why i retired early,when can you retire sonshine

LOL, yeah that's pretty isn't it. :) I wonder if that condition has a name, the need to incessantly put down everyone and everything he disagrees with.

it really annoys me when you see a demonstration in say London where thousands of heavily armed police are beating, gassing and electrocuting the crap out of unarmed people who are just demonstrating

My mate's a policeman and said he rarely needed a shower after duty on a demo considering the amount of people who are " just out demonstrating " covering him in gobs of phlegm. Usually accompanied by the little witticism of " I've got AIDS! "

And the loudest one ( after being dragged off by a snatch squad) protesting about police brutality to anyone who would listen was one little charmer who informed my mate that " I hope your c#nt wife dies of cancer!" and throwing menstrual blood at the front line of cops.

Are all protesters like this? Of course not. But the concept of a large gathering solely consisting of a bunch of hippies singing " Kumbaya" as the bulls on parade representing " The Man " knock seven shades out of everybody in reach is laughable.

I have never been able to understand why most of the Farang on TV are such fervent supporters of the Bangkok elite

Maybe because we held/hold down good jobs and are not of the same ilk as some who come over here and shag around around in the bars, have an ex bargirl girlfriend, is an ECC language school teacher who is feeding his whoring habit by working for 220bht an hour and has been here all of 5 minutes and knows it all?

Just a thought!

I rest my case again

What the hel_l has that got to do with supporting what the Bangkok elite want.You tar everybody with the same feather then moan when somebody puts you into the snob slot.


this post confirms what i say about MOST farangs in Bangkok,such a terrible view of decent retirees,and other workers in smaller wages.When i was working in uk i was earning over 50k a year and thats why i retired early,when can you retire sonshine

LOL, yeah that's pretty isn't it. :) I wonder if that condition has a name, the need to incessantly put down everyone and everything he disagrees with.

I try very hard to not get involved with these Bangkok boys but it rears its ugly head again.I get sick to death of listening to

my gf is CHINESE/thai

My gf very educated

Issan ladies are all darkskinned with no educatiom

Issan ladies are thieves

blah blah blah

Where do these farangs come from and why do they get up my skin so much,as i was glad to get out of uk Suburbia with the <deleted> heighbours

blah blah blah

Pet theory:

Those married to Northern women: Issan, CM etc.. more tolerant of Reds because wifey is..

Those farang living in democrat land (beach area, the posh islands ect, and of course Bangkok, are swayed by the dem wife)

Possibly; for sure people in the North are more likely to come in contact with red leaning people, wives/girlfriends or otherwise.

My wife however is pretty solid Democrat even though she's from Chiang Mai. I think she voted for that lot every time, until the coup at least.


Sorry. Just my little joke. If it was 800000 quid a month I'd be up for some of that even of it was as "soap dropper" in an American Maximum Security Penitentiary shower.

Pet theory:

Those married to Northern women: Issan, CM etc.. more tolerant of Reds because wifey is..

Those farang living in democrat land (beach area, the posh islands ect, and of course Bangkok, are swayed by the dem wife)

Possibly; for sure people in the North are more likely to come in contact with red leaning people, wives/girlfriends or otherwise.

My wife however is pretty solid Democrat even though she's from Chiang Mai. I think she voted for that lot every time, until the coup at least.

My gf does not vote as she thinks all parties are corrupt,and she lived in Bangkok for a few years,and loves it,mainly because she had no contact with farangs on thaivisa lol

I support the red shirts

Yeh Martin, me too..................i wonder what would happen if any Brit or European govt behaved like these ruling bastards are today. One law for them and their supporters and another for the rest.

I have never been able to understand why most of the Farang on TV are such fervent supporters of the Bangkok elite

Maybe because we held/hold down good jobs and are not of the same ilk as some who come over here and shag around around in the bars, have an ex bargirl girlfriend, is an ECC language school teacher who is feeding his whoring habit by working for 220bht an hour and has been here all of 5 minutes and knows it all?

Just a thought!

Why keep a lady happy,he might be gay :D

I have lived and worked in Thailand since 1987, I am paid in GBP and at the current exchange rate I earn around 800,000:00 per month, I consider that a good job and I have held it for 23 years .However that has nothing to do with me not understand why the majority of Farang on TV supporting the Bangkok elite

WHY are you telling us what you earn (salary). What one earth has that got to do with the subject. Sorry but you have lost me there. Keep reading "hey, l'm from the states and rich" but whats your excuse. Farang money has nothing to do with anything except keep a lady happy. :)


To sum it up when you use fear to intimidate your opponent or other side it is terrorism.

As much argument against the yellows they did not bomb or beat up the opposition party. Or shoot people. Or commit any other violence against the reds.

So whether you agree with any colored party, it is much easier to be against the group that spouses violence. I do not believe any foreigners want a civil war so lets keep the peace. We all have people we care about living in Thailand and avoiding violence is my preference.

Pet theory:

Those married to Northern women: Issan, CM etc.. more tolerant of Reds because wifey is..

Those farang living in democrat land (beach area, the posh islands ect, and of course Bangkok, are swayed by the dem wife)

Possibly; for sure people in the North are more likely to come in contact with red leaning people, wives/girlfriends or otherwise.

My wife however is pretty solid Democrat even though she's from Chiang Mai. I think she voted for that lot every time, until the coup at least.

My gf does not vote as she thinks all parties are corrupt,and she lived in Bangkok for a few years,and loves it,mainly because she had no contact with farangs on thaivisa lol

probably to busy spending your 50k a year retirement fund!! lived in bkk and loves it? she still lives here or she did? where r u living on your fat pension anyway?

I think we need to distinguish between the Red LEADERSHIP, who are Thaksin's cronies; and the mass of rural poor who are the Red foot soldiers.

I despise Thaksin and all his henchmen for taking an already extremely corrupt system of government and increasing the level of corruption by an order of magnitude - not to mention inflaming the south and extra judicially disposing of 2500 ALLEGED drug dealers/personal enemies of local police. Equally, I despise them for holding Thailand to ransom in a bid to get a very vindictive and totally amoral convicted criminal off the hook and back on the gravy train.

The rural poor by contrast have a load of legitimate gripes against the ruling class in Bangkok - not to mention rural middlemen like rice millers who always pay farmers bottom dollar even when the market price is high. Unfortunately, the poor are very badly educated (and whose fault is that?...). As a result, once Thaksin threw a few scraps their way, 30 baht health care, OTOP, loans etc; these people thought he was all things bright and beautiful. Why? Nobody else had ever done anything like this for them, and they were not able to recognise it as a marketing ploy (from a marketing man par excellence) for Thaksin's intended rerun of the Marcos years in the Philippines.

So, in summary, a plague on both Thaksin and the wealthy exploiters. Now, please can we have an honourable leader to make the case for the rural poor. Sadly, I'm not holding my breath.

Well said. I agree 100%

Just for the record most of my family and their friends in Issan are now starting to see through Thaksin's "marketing"

What annoy's me the most that when he was originally elected to power Thaksin had the mandate and the ability to reform Thailand for the better of all, and he just abused that privilege.

If the Red leaders had a mandate and in that mandate they promised to allow Farangs much more favourable visa regulations, land ownership, the right to vote etc etc etc, you'd probably all be wearing redshirts yourselves. smile.gif

You'd have to teach em to read and write first before they could write a mandate!!!!

"The 'authorities' of the world are far too quick to use violence in solving all their problems, it really annoys me when you see a demonstration in say London where thousands of heavily armed police are beating, gassing and electrocuting the crap out of unarmed people who are just demonstrating"

Cant recall any gassing or electrocuting in any demonstraters in London,would you care to name


1 post referring to some unknown tashits deleted.

What on earth are "unknown tashits"?

I presume the Poster meant: "TACIT" (implied,silent,understood)


Have you read some of the rather hilarious political ramblings on here by the usual suspects? A lot of the hatred of the red shirts comes from the anti-Thaksin stuff. The reason why quite a few of the geriatric farang crowd hate Thaksin is because he passed some laws that were perceived as anti-farang back in the day and I suppose old bitter persecution complex grudges last forever in those circles.

Suffice to say farang expats are probably the last source you want to go to get the serious lowdown on national politics.

Some guys are just bored and if it's much more difficult to be anti-PAD because there are certain other "highly positioned" individuals involved that can really give you a bad day in Thailand.

1 post referring to some unknown tashits deleted.

What on earth are "unknown tashits"?

I presume the Poster meant: "TACIT" (implied,silent,understood)

I suspect that someone was actually turning Taksin's name into a swearword.

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