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Wwe Comming To Thailand


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Hehe they were full contact mma fighters with impressive records before the fake wrestling, they used that base to become TV stars in a show.

eh? isn't that what i said?

the point i was making was that if people think these wrestlers are just roid heads the fact that 2 of them went on to be very successful in the UFC would suggest otherwise...

i never said they took their WWE "skills" into mma...

although it's fake, these guys are no mugs. most of them have a serious wrestling (proper) background
Edited by c411um
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I'd like to see one of them body slam you & then we'll ask you if it's fake.

Powerderpuff I'm going to break this to you as gently as possible.

There is no Father Christmas/Santa Clause

Bar stuard No Santa , you will tell me no Easter bunnys next. :)

"Shut-up.... shut-up.... shut-up" What the hel_l are you saying?

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I'd like to see one of them body slam you & then we'll ask you if it's fake.

Great entertainment for 14 year old boys. It teaches them that bullies are the good guys and those that can't stand up to them are whimps. It teaches them that life is all about acting where nothing is real.

No question the WWE ACTORS are tough and athletic. No question that it takes split second timing or someone is going to get killed. No question that the pain is real and the ACTORS have to live on pain killer pills just to survive. All pain killer pills give people who take them constipation. Then they have to take more pills to shit properly. The pumped up women look like charicatures of something out of a science fiction movie. Not one of them has any femininity. If that is your thing then go for it.

I won't even go into the steroid thing.

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Let’s face it! Whether you’re a fan of WWE or not there’s no getting away from its popularity. When it’s done well it can be madly amusing, I’m not a fan but I can appreciate the skill, training and rehearsals involved in doing what they do, getting it wrong is going to hurt. Equally when it’s done badly, it’s well funny, like when they forget what there support to say or do, Ha ha, bone heads! WWE reminds me of an old UK TV soap opera, anyone remember, “Crossroads”. I wouldn’t call them sportsmen by any stretch of the imagination, there entertainers, that’s all, they know the outcome before they get in the ring, or not, as the case may be.

So! If you’re a fan…Good for you, enjoy, but If you think it all real, Ha, ha, ha!

PS: Mullets (hair cut) are So not cool

PPS: Nor are Budgie smugglers

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I'd like to see one of them body slam you & then we'll ask you if it's fake.

Powerderpuff I'm going to break this to you as gently as possible.

There is no Father Christmas/Santa Clause

Now thats hilarious hehehehehehehe

Must admit though i do believe in the tooth fairy,as i had some money left under my pillow many years ago and the fairy had taken the tooth too

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What no! Im the guy who thinks only rednecks enjoy this <deleted>. :) Im not American either. But I'm a thaiboxer and thinking that Thaiboxing would beat a man twice your weight if they sit on you is foolish. If its a straight thaiboxing match then the size advantage is nullified and a small Thai guy can rape a bigger opponenent assuming he has superior skill. Thaiboxing has no defence for floor grappling though and if you outwiegh them and get them down you can easily control them. I know what Im talking about, if you want to pretend Im a fan of gay fake wrestling you go right ahead.

Strange word you used there


A thai boxer kicked in the nuts hard would probably go down ,if he no nut guard on.

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What no! Im the guy who thinks only rednecks enjoy this <deleted>. :) Im not American either. But I'm a thaiboxer and thinking that Thaiboxing would beat a man twice your weight if they sit on you is foolish. If its a straight thaiboxing match then the size advantage is nullified and a small Thai guy can rape a bigger opponenent assuming he has superior skill. Thaiboxing has no defence for floor grappling though and if you outwiegh them and get them down you can easily control them. I know what Im talking about, if you want to pretend Im a fan of gay fake wrestling you go right ahead.

Strange word you used there


A thai boxer kicked in the nuts hard would probably go down ,if he no nut guard on.

Getting "raped" is younger generation lingo for getting defeated handily and easily.

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I didn't know that they had that many trailer parks here in the Realm to bring in a big enough crowd for it. :D

Pleaze, don't tell me NASCAR is next?

brilliant. :):D

Best post you've made all day GK


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They can move this to the family and children forum

I have never been but i think it is entertainment, i went to an indoor football (soccer) match and the best part of that was the music. WWE is entertainment with a massive production and my guess is it is more fun than watching the back street boys. just mo

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Yes, the outcomes are known for 99% of the time.

The other 1% may be for the broken bones or career ending injuries which these guys risk when they get in the ring.

To the OP, have a good time, it's pure entertainment and a good show.

To the detractors, what you see is reality, the moves are real, and these guys do not earn the type of money they earn because they have no skills.

The skills are used in a controlled way, kinda like the stuntmen on the movies that are also not real, but entertaining nevertheless, or do you also not like movies ?

If a guy of nearly 7 Feet Tall and 350 Lbs used these skills against an untrained member of joe public, they would do some serious serious damage, that is why they have to use these skills against other very skilled men and these skills have to be used in a controlled manner otherwise there would be deaths at every event, that would lead to a ban on the events and prevent the top WWE guys earning in 6 months what most of you guys will never earn in a lifetime.

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Yes, the outcomes are known for 99% of the time.

The other 1% may be for the broken bones or career ending injuries which these guys risk when they get in the ring.

To the OP, have a good time, it's pure entertainment and a good show.

To the detractors, what you see is reality, the moves are real, and these guys do not earn the type of money they earn because they have no skills.

The skills are used in a controlled way, kinda like the stuntmen on the movies that are also not real, but entertaining nevertheless, or do you also not like movies ?

If a guy of nearly 7 Feet Tall and 350 Lbs used these skills against an untrained member of joe public, they would do some serious serious damage, that is why they have to use these skills against other very skilled men and these skills have to be used in a controlled manner otherwise there would be deaths at every event, that would lead to a ban on the events and prevent the top WWE guys earning in 6 months what most of you guys will never earn in a lifetime.

WWE guys earning in 6 months what most of you guys will never earn in a lifetime

How do you know?

Second they doing this job average about 6 years, many of us till 55 years old that is average 33 years income.

I bet with you many going to make more money in my 33 years than the average WWE entertainer in there 6 years.

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I bet with you many going to make more money in my 33 years than the average WWE entertainer in there 6 years.

I didn't say the average WWE entertainer, I said the Top guys.

A top guy like Triple H , Steve Austin, Undertaker etc, can probably make a lot of money, this post was not directed at you personally, also it was not directed at a Teacher earning 30,000 Baht per month, it was an example of the potential some of the top guys have for making big money.

And the very Top Dog, Vincent McMahon, CEO and the major shareholder, a Billionaire according to Forbes Magazine.

The top guys do very well, as I'm sure you do too.

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