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State Of Emergency Decree Imposed In Bangkok


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What about health insurances?

Are they valid or not?

And car insurance?

Thanks for any help!


Read your policy - Force Majeure - should wipe out most of your coverage if your insurer so decides ...

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

Since when were you the voice of the "vast majority of foreigners"?

I have tried to show restrain while some members here have voiced their opinions her on TV, But they are so blind... While I personally may not agree with some tactics used by the 'Reds', they however have a valid cause... Thailand is current run by an elietest unelected government. The current government is trying to stamp out the voice of 'democracy'(if that really exists within any polical system worldwide anyway). The current UNELECTED government while pretending to fighting corruption are doing nothing more than stalling on an election so they can best position themsleves for their own selfish interests... So please stop thinking you represent the voice of the 'Vast Majority' You are just sounding like the unelected puppet of the military.

The poor and uneducated of Thailand should be allowed a voice and should be allowed to have their say in who runs their country. Isn't that what democary is supposed to be? The PM and the current unelected puppet government wants to silence anyone not dancing to their tune... this protest has grown beyond being about Thaksin and has some serious issues that the people of Thailand need addressed.

[Now I know I have made a few spelling errors for which I apologise before the TV Keyboard warriors jump on that... I wish ALL here in Thailand a happy songkran and hope that a soloution will be found and that peace and a sense of justice prevails...

i too have been sitting on the side lines watching the post but i really am tired of the "elietest" tag really what does that mean? people who work and make enough to pay taxes so that the 30 baht med program can be funded or the roads and the bad loans that were gifted to the north can be funded? My wife and her family came from nothing, they are far from weathly but they all went to school, put education as a priority and have managed to get well paying jobs which means they pay taxes that support the red shirts and she and her family are angry as hel_l at them and T man. She hates the corruption in her country but she really hates T man and his muppets. I hope that after the night falls the military rolls in with bull dozers and sweeps the streets cleaqr of stages, taxies, motorbikes and the rest of the low lifes who are cruising for a bruising.

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

<deleted>! who appointed you spokesman?

The yellows occupied giv offices for months with no comeback. The reds go in for 10 minutes and a state of emergency is declared.

This obvious inequality is precisely why they are demonstrating and this is one farang that understands.

somo: married to a red shirt wife from Isaan (probably Phrae)? Wait and see... and don't give these red primates too much credit; you may regret afterwards (and that will not even take very long). Please moderate your language. It's true that the vast majority of foreigners are supporting the actual government. Admit this. :)

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

<deleted>! who appointed you spokesman?

The yellows occupied giv offices for months with no comeback. The reds go in for 10 minutes and a state of emergency is declared.

This obvious inequality is precisely why they are demonstrating and this is one farang that understands.

Indeed Jing, I would prefer if you served only to speak for yourself.

Well when someone has 16000+ posts in 3+ years.....well you know

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I agree with JT as well, this was overdue, but I hope that something that I read earlier comes true. I read that at one point the red leaders said that if the military comes in to remove them, the reds will just sit on the ground so that the military will have to carry them out. I hope this is the case, as it will make the police and army's job much easier, and lower the chances of anyone getting hurt.

The reds have made their point, Abhisit tried to work with them, but they weren't willing to compromise at all. It takes two to tango, but the red leaders, (read Thaksin), weren't willing to dance. They have left the government with no other alternative, and in light of the government's lenience over the past few weeks, I'm sure that they will have general support from most reputable countries. I'm sure that the only ones who would condemn it, are the ones that Thaksin has promised to invest in.

This isn't red or yellow, this is maintaining control and stopping a minority extremist group from inciting chaos. Any doctrine of violence, (red or from the past, yellow), should be dealt with by legal means. Clear this up, prosecute, and charge the leaders from this incident, and the one in 2008. (I know that won't happen, and it's the main failing of the current government. The price to pay for including Kasit was too high IMO)

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Is it now legal to take up arms against these insurgents? Even for us civilians that may or may not have access to weapons?

ooh buddy dont we wish,,, unfortunatly i think there gonna have to run out of soilders, police, security guards, toll booth collectors and then girlscouts... in that order before they let us have some fun :)

Ahh so now you want foreigners to get attacked? (very smart) :D

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I agree.. Arrest the bastards. Put them away for the rest of their lives.

And the yellow shirt leaders who SEIZED AN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT too. Oh wait, they're all free and one of the main guys is now Foreign Minister. Its all okay as long as you wear the right color.

are you referring to those that are awaiting their trials, but have a right to work and support themselves and their families? more could be said :)

Awaiting their trials...The word naive comes to mind. I'll give you 100 to 1 that they don't lock up their own Foreign Minister.

No one said anything about whether or not they would lock up their own foreign minister (no need to capitalize a thing) yes they are awaiting their trials, 100 to 1? who cares? Ignorant comes to mind. you obviously missed the point of the post, and therefore your post is pointless. Exposure is everything, i appreciate it. :D

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OMG. Is this civil war?

I need to fly out asap.

haha, this one is really good....

i bet with anyone in a dozen of good beer bottles, that member nunchanart is from some "western" countru (europe/america)... this people are very very brave to get civilians in iraq, or to rob other countries, (also mine a few years ago..) but when their litlle asses just seem to be endangered... these people are ready to sell their own mothers... i do really want to throw up....

well, "bon voyage" my friend, just type here is there a big crowd on the airport, i have also to fly back to europe in some 10 days (unfortunatelly, i would like to stay here, but... 3months passed in a minutes...).

anyhow, i do hope that thai people, all of themare going to be o.k. and hope they are going to find a peaceful solution from this situation.

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

And how would you know"the vast majority" of foreigners support Abbisit? And with confidence? Have you personally polled all foreigners living in thailand? What a dumb post that is

Totally agree !!

There you go , a majority poll.

Unfortunately, it's true... the vast majority supports the actual government and its legality!

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somo: married to a red shirt wife from Isaan (probably Phrae)? Wait and see... and don't give these red primates too much credit; you may regret afterwards (and that will not even take very long). Please moderate your language. It's true that the vast majority of foreigners are supporting the actual government. Admit this. :)

When running out of excuses and lies, we resort to insults such as 'primates' now, are we? Why not try and sink a little lower, I'm sure you could if you try hard enough.

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The reds have played right into Abhisit's hands , to the point that they declare civil war , Abhisit has carried out his duty to the tee and full marks to him , this will just strengthen his chances of leading government for years to come.

10/10 Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva

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In the interest of our survival as foreigners in Thailand, maybe we shoudn't be expressing such strong opinions on the matter, seeing as there is now a SOE...:)

I'm all for freedom of speech, but I don't really think that its prudent for us (as farangs) to take sides in this showdown. We are guests in Thailand, and as such should try to remain uninvolved.

Just my two cents worth... :D

Any democracy that is confident in itself allows immigrants a voice in the politics of the nation in which they have chosen to settle. We don't have a voice here but our opinions are important.

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

You speak for yourself only - with respect - most people I know support the reds

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Also FACT red's have declared on their TV channel another 10000 reds are coming to bangkok tonight, with another 50000 coming before the weekend.

If true, they need to be stopped on the roads and turned back.

As long as the red shirts are Thais, I think they have a right to move around in their own country to wherever they want.

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The reds have played right into Abhisit's hands , to the point that they declare civil war , Abhisit has carried out his duty to the tee and full marks to him , this will just strengthen his chances of leading government for years to come.

10/10 Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva

actually abhisit is most like finished.... :)

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I agree.. Arrest the bastards. Put them away for the rest of their lives.

And the yellow shirt leaders who SEIZED AN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT too. Oh wait, they're all free and one of the main guys is now Foreign Minister. Its all okay as long as you wear the right color.

Why do people keep harping on about history. This is now and the situation involves the Red shirts, not the Yellow shirts. Abhisit was not in power when the Yellow's took the airport.

Cheers, Rick

Hi Rick. Its mass protests inconveniencing many. Its very similar. Its relevant. You don't go to court and tell the judge, "sure I did it, but it was a long time ago. its history. Can't we just forget about it". history is relevant. the fact that they made the guy Foreign Minister is laughable and lower their credibility in dealing with the reds. Really they should have moved in very swiftly against the yellows and the same here with the reds. Then they could say - with a straight face, that the law is the law. This is more like something written by Orwell. The law is the law except when it isn't.

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In practical terms, this means that the military is pre-absolved for any massacres they commit, people may be detained indefinitely without warrant or charges, and all media broadcast and print in the affected areas can be shuttered at a moments notice with no appeal or judicial review.

Anupong got the "get out of jail free" card he wanted before unleashing his dogs. There's no need for a coup, since under the emergency decree the military is in charge of everything. Abhisit and Suthep have now been removed from any effective control of anything.

And for the pollster, you can count this farang out of the vast majority you purport to speak for. The English language press is a farce, parroting undercounts, and expressing the wish of the "vast majority" of Bangkok as well. You obviously haven't seen the enthusiastic support that the Reds have received from the ordinary folks on the street as they pass by. And somehow you missed the Chao Phraya riverbanks and bridges being lined with supporters from Ayuthaya to Krungthep for the flotilla, and the same on Highway 2 from Nong Khai to Korat, leading up to the initial rally. So, go ahead and believe what you read in the Nation and BP.

A big part of the problem is that Bangkok purports to speak for Thailand. The more I see, the more I know it's not true. Concentrating the nations power and wealth into one sinking stinking cesspool guarantees that the battles for control will be fought there. If decentralization had truly been brought to Siam, then most of the issues would not even exist, and your concrete jungle wouldn't be ground zero.

I second this.

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Hopefully, this will end peacefully. It is kinda hard to pick sides, GF's relatives are fiercely Reds but on the other hand, Thaksin was not actually very farang friendly. :)

Military probably will be extremely cautious because most or at least a lot of the soldiers are...country pumpkins supporting reds.

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You speak for yourself only - with respect - most people I know support the reds

You live in Chiang Mai! The many polls I have done are not limited to the insurgent's home base. I am confident I am right about this. How could westerners support an anti-democratic corrupt dictator wannabe like Thaksin.

Edited by Jingthing
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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

And how would you know"the vast majority" of foreigners support Abbisit? And with confidence? Have you personally polled all foreigners living in thailand? What a dumb post that is

Totally agree !!

There you go , a majority poll.

Unfortunately, it's true... the vast majority supports the actual government and its legality!

Rubbish... and so patronising 'good people of Thailand' Jeeze - let the

'good people of Thailand' VOTE

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A declaration of war against the Thai government was stupid. After all the restraint the Thai government has shown, its time to enforce the rule of law and the circus needs to pack up their tents and go home. The people that declared war should be found and put in jail for sedition as they have gone far beyond mere protests.

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

so now u have taken up speaking for the vast majority of farang - well sunshine count me out of your vast majority - would u like to qoute what percentage u claim is the vast majority --- sounds like another yellow shirt supporter - illegal - what part is illegial - the illegal government in place or the reds who just claim equal justice and recognition -

If you cannot see what is illegal in the present situation, I suggest you do not disclose your thoughts. It is just embarrassing. You say redshirts just claim equal justice. Equal for whom? For themselves or the wanted fugitive coward? Whatever it is, it is not for the people of Thailand.

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

+1! Enough is enough- get these mobs off the streets and lock up their leaders for treason! Good riddance!

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