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State Of Emergency Decree Imposed In Bangkok


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Typical i finally sort out my job and flight and arrive in Bangkok on 26/04 and theres a state of emergency declared :) Thaksins got a lot to answer for!!!

Don't woryy, I arrived in Thailand 2 weeks before Taksin was kicked out, and I'm still here, still alive.

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Dude -- get this straight.

I am not pro yellow. I am anti-red.

The Abhisit government is 100 percent legal and freely elected under the laws of Thailand. You want elections? Fine. WAIT for them, an angry mob is not the answer. Neither is declaring war on the government.

Excuse I must have been asleep.. What election was Abhisit and his cronnies elected in??? Did the world and myslef miss something?????

They were all voted in as MP's at the last general election. It's then up to the MP's to form a group or group of groups large enough to have something called a majority. If a majority group is formed they get to choose the Prime Minister and the rest of the Government. Didn't you learn this in primary school like everyone else ?

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OMG. Is this civil war?

I need to fly out asap.

there is a rumour that the airport is next stop by red shirts to test how the government will handle the red shirts from the yellow shirts differently - the latter of whom you remember for seizing the airport and got away for free.......and without penalties whatsoever......blah,blah,blah. :)

Edited by sealy
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Typical i finally sort out my job and flight and arrive in Bangkok on 26/04 and theres a state of emergency declared :) Thaksins got a lot to answer for!!!

I'm afraid you'll still have to go to work.

It'll just take you a lot longer to get to the office and don't wear red......

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Dude -- get this straight.

I am not pro yellow. I am anti-red.

The Abhisit government is 100 percent legal and freely elected under the laws of Thailand. You want elections? Fine. WAIT for them, an angry mob is not the answer. Neither is declaring war on the government.

Maybe your the guy that knows what changes to the constitution is absolutely required before another election can be held.

If I was an incumbent I'd codify the process for installing this government.

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My Thai wife is really hot under the collar and says

Then go home and stop working

It is the reds that declared war, the Government have been way to calm for way to long

Thailand belongs to Thais not the west

Nobody is making the red shirts stay

but we are poor Thais and we have bills to pay, so let us live our lives with freedom

She also says she came to Bkk to make money to send home to her family

Not one poor Red Shirt offered her a job

It is the so call well off in Thailand that hire the people from the North

and it the well to do people in Bkk that allows her to send money home to her family

So all you Farang please go to the back seats

you can have your thoughts but this is about our country and if you don't like it


That logic is awesome. I will try to keep it short, so ..basically no red shirt offered her a job because most of the red shirts are not in a position to offer jobs. They're employed rather than employers. And the "well to do people" offered her a job, sure. But how much? I see people working in 7-Eleven all month for what...6,000 or 7,000 Baht? Sure you can claim that they don't need more or that they can live from it. But there's a difference between able to live from it and the ability to do better.

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

Thai Facebook -no house dissolution site


216,342 members and counting........

Thanks for that, just approaching 218,000 as I logged out

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your are sure reading the wrong papers --- i cant recall ever reading that the present govt was duly elected -- they are there with the help of the army following a coup - u forget that part - and then the court banned all member of the present govt because they were taksins boys --- so if u are going to qoute facts - make sure the ones u quote are correct - and not pro yellow - sure sounds like it me and =- and the vast majority ahaaa

And if you wanna talk facts, no PM was ever elected by the people, MP's are elected by the people and then the MP's choose who will be the PM by parliamentary vote.

And just for your information, the coup ousted a caretaker PM who failed to call an election within the allotted time. They gave power back to the people and called a General Election about a year later, where PPP managed to cobble together a coalition government after failing to get a suitable majority to take power themselves. The Courts found the PPP leaders guilty of vote buying and banned them from politics, after which PTP was formed, but the Democrat party managed to get a big enough coalition together to take the government.

So maybe its you who are reading the wrong papers and need to check up on your facts :)

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

Thai Facebook -no house dissolution site


216,342 members and counting........

Thanks for that, just approaching 218,000 as I logged out

I hope the Abhisit government won't count Facebook members towards their results in the next election. :):D

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so, when's the baht gonna start falling???

Don't be so selfish. Lives are on the line now. This is no joke. Thank Thaksin for this mess. He was willing to destroy his own country for his money and power greed.

Not so fast there Mr or Mrs Jingthing, this all started with the bullies that lead the Coup against a democratically elected government and installed their own puppets after a second democractically elected government was forced out also. Most people in Thailand(The Thai's it's their country) want to have an elected government by the people. If this is to be a democracy that is the only way it has to be.
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And they would be closed because....?

Sorry, I'm pretty much in the dark here. :) I just hope they won't be closed.

Thank you very much! : )
Will it be dangerous to go extend visas tomorrow? >>;

Don't worry. Everything will be almost as normal here in BKK.

You may only face some delay due to trafic on some routes.


Do you actually trust what this guy says?? How the hel_l does he know. Yeah, he "may" be right ... then again the visa office may well be closed. Anyone who makes a prediction at this point is delusional.

Personally I don't favor the reds or the yellows ... I just want them to work it out without violence. But I do think the reds are being played a fool by Thaksin who is perfectly willing to have Thai's kill each other so he can return to power and again rip off the Thai people for billions of baht.

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The poll question of this morning on Bangkok Post show very well what foreigner think about riots and red shirts.

Send them home, also with force if requested...

Yes, not all BP readers are farangs... true... as 100.000 or 1 ml red shirts are not representative of 60ml Thais...

I agree also, time is over, time to send them home and in the prisons who break the democracy Laws.

If Thailand need to stay in the present.

Don't need to be a fine politic analist to understand that this Government is however regularly in charge, not because our farang opinion but because Thai Constitution and Thai Law.

I always afraid by people who try to do his business going agaist the Courts who condamned them... too easy...

Protester is someone who use all the lawful way to show hid disappoint or disagreement. Gandhi was a peaceful man, nothing to do with these people.

Of course Yellow done wrong also, but this cannot be a license for to do the same or worst in the present days. Not at all.

Someone who enter in the Parliament House wearing weapont (a stone or a rifle is not important) is not a protester, is a BANDIT.

And as a bandit have to be treated.

I hope no blood will flow, but is not possible to allow similar things.

Not if this Country want to live in the present time.

My 5 cents.

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To think that all that would be needed is for the "people in power" to accept the decision of the majority vote of the PEOPLE in a new election!! Then there would be a "true Democracy" in Thailand!!

Power to the People...... :)

What planet are you from

The government have already agreed to these terms

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

How do you know that the vast, or even majority of aliens support the geordie boy? If he had a shred of honor he would call elections now. Demonstrating peacefully is not 'anarchic'

Edited by davelec
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your are sure reading the wrong papers --- i cant recall ever reading that the present govt was duly elected -- they are there with the help of the army following a coup - u forget that part - and then the court banned all member of the present govt because they were taksins boys --- so if u are going to qoute facts - make sure the ones u quote are correct - and not pro yellow - sure sounds like it me and =- and the vast majority ahaaa

You cannot recall the last election? Or the two previous PM's? Samak and Somchai?

Or that the court only banned a few executive members, but that the majority are NOT banned, from PPP, and went on to form several different parties?

What facts is it you know? You got the above ones wrong...

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i too have been sitting on the side lines watching the post but i really am tired of the "elietest" tag really what does that mean? people who work and make enough to pay taxes so that the 30 baht med program can be funded or the roads and the bad loans that were gifted to the north can be funded? My wife and her family came from nothing, they are far from weathly but they all went to school, put education as a priority and have managed to get well paying jobs which means they pay taxes that support the red shirts and she and her family are angry as hel_l at them and T man. She hates the corruption in her country but she really hates T man and his muppets. I hope that after the night falls the military rolls in with bull dozers and sweeps the streets cleaqr of stages, taxies, motorbikes and the rest of the low lifes who are cruising for a bruising.

Bravo! Well said! Much the same sentiment amongst my Thai in-laws who come from very humble roots as farmers in Korat but worked hard to send their 3 children to school and university so that they could get good jobs and contribute to the development of their country. They are shaking their heads in dismay and disgust as many of their underachieving (lazy?) Isaan neighbors happily sell their votes and don red shirts for a couple hundred baht a day with the naive assumption that if they can bring Taksin back he'll put more money in their pockets. If the reds prevail NOTHING will improve and it will be a sad day for Thailand as the country takes one more step backwards into the khlong.

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yes that what words are for Oh Great One - an insurgency means armed uprising:

An insurgency is an armed rebellion against a constituted authority - quote

This is not an armed uprising dude - so your choice is inappropriate and wrong

You are wrong. The word FITS and I encourage everyone to start using it. That is truth about what happened today.

Main Entry: 1in·sur·gent

Pronunciation: \-jənt\

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin insurgent-, insurgens, present participle of insurgere to rise up, from in- + surgere to rise — more at surge

Date: 1765

1 : a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially : a rebel not recognized as a belligerent


absolute nonsense and everyone will recognise it - same as your 'majority of farangs' rant - I wont bother to counter as it's blatantly obvious they are not insurgents

I would suggest that the definition fits precisely the recent actions of the Red Shirts in BKK, so who is dribbling nonsense.

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

What do you consider "the vast Majority of foreigners" ? I guess you think people sould not have a say in how their country is run. Why don't you go back to ................ what ever country you are from.

Based on MANY polls over many months here, the hub of foreigner in Thailand communication, there have been CONSISTENT results of about 2/3 being opposed to the red shirt revolutionaries, and 1/3 being in favor of the insurgents. Insurgent is the correct word. They have declared WAR.

a simple adjective would correct the statement - informed, thinking, intelligent......... take your pick!

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RARELY DO I POST LIKE THIS...I am a "back seat" member but.....It really astounds me that all you guys get so excited over something you have absolutley no control over.

You don't have a say, you have an opinion but its worthless, do you think the Prime Minister checks out Thai Visa before he makes decsions (oh what do the farangs think I should do) Get real

You get yourselves involved in stressful confrontations with each other...and for what??? :) Does it make you feel superior ???

Internet Warriors is all you are.

I've seen it all before having been a member for 6 years, and have always distanced myself from political threads.

But ask me about a good plumber in CM and I will galdly tell you :D

Me, I watch it on the tele and read the posted pages which don't allow comments, because YOUR comments are irrelevant, beacuse YOU can't change anything.......there is naff all I can do about it either, though I have my OPINION..which is worthless too...I suggest some of you guys chill out and except ..your opinion is worth jack shit here.

Goodnight :D

We will wake up...to what we wake up too :D

But if you wanna carry on feel free.....you'll find me in the football forum

Edited by ThaiPauly
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I have tried to show restrain while some members here have voiced their opinions her on TV, But they are so blind... While I personally may not agree with some tactics used by the 'Reds', they however have a valid cause... Thailand is current run by an elietest unelected government. The current government is trying to stamp out the voice of 'democracy'(if that really exists within any polical system worldwide anyway). The current UNELECTED government while pretending to fighting corruption are doing nothing more than stalling on an election so they can best position themsleves for their own selfish interests... So please stop thinking you represent the voice of the 'Vast Majority' You are just sounding like the unelected puppet of the military. [/left]
The poor and uneducated of Thailand should be allowed a voice and should be allowed to have their say in who runs their country. Isn't that what democary is supposed to be? The PM and the current unelected puppet government wants to silence anyone not dancing to their tune... this protest has grown beyond being about Thaksin and has some serious issues that the people of Thailand need addressed.

[Now I know I have made a few spelling errors for which I apologise before the TV Keyboard warriors jump on that... I wish ALL here in Thailand a happy songkran and hope that a soloution will be found and that peace and a sense of justice prevails...

You should have stuck with the restraint mode, this mumbo jumbo of half truths and senseless babbling really don't have basis in what really is going on here. You might want to learn a lot more about what is going on now. vs. what when on when the savior Thaksin was in power and once you see the differences you can come back and retract your above post.. thanks.

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I can't find a quote about "Redshirts declare war on the government" anywhere but here. Before we all start flying off the handle, what is the source of this quote and which Redshirt leader said it?

If this is a quote from Arisman or Sae Dang, it's just more hot air.



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Hey JingThing with that last comment your really proof that what you are: an ignorant Farang.

This is a legal government? Chosen? You must be up for brain surgery !

Please present proof that it is not a legal government.

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Let me break it down for the Americans out there. The Red shirts are like hill billies from the Ozarks and Appalachians. Poor, not well educated and a bit marginalized by the rest of the country. They idolize a corrupt billionaire named Bernie Madoff, they thinks he's the cat's ass. Bernie is in jail for his misdeeds but sees these rubes as his ticket to freedom and the restoration of his ill gotten fortune. He tries to enlist the help of a million of these fine folks, but through bribery and angry rhetoric he only manages to get 50,000 to participate in his scheme. He has them march on Washington, he even puts gas in their pickups so they can make the journey. They occupy the streets of the nation's capitol. They piss on the sidewalks and make a nuisance of themselves. They loiter and block intersections and hang out at the Lincoln memorial. They hope by doing this that Obama will not only pardon Bernie, but that he'll declare him the new President. Sounds insane doesn't it? What about the other 300 million or so citizens? Shouldn't they get a say? No, all that matters is that Bernie Madoff gets rich and powerful once more. And when he does his protesters can go back to moonshining and marrying their cousins.

And that in a nutshell is what it is like to live in Thailand these days.

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In practical terms, this means that the military is pre-absolved for any massacres they commit, people may be detained indefinitely without warrant or charges, and all media broadcast and print in the affected areas can be shuttered at a moments notice with no appeal or judicial review.

Anupong got the "get out of jail free" card he wanted before unleashing his dogs. There's no need for a coup, since under the emergency decree the military is in charge of everything. Abhisit and Suthep have now been removed from any effective control of anything.

And for the pollster, you can count this farang out of the vast majority you purport to speak for. The English language press is a farce, parroting undercounts, and expressing the wish of the "vast majority" of Bangkok as well. You obviously haven't seen the enthusiastic support that the Reds have received from the ordinary folks on the street as they pass by. And somehow you missed the Chao Phraya riverbanks and bridges being lined with supporters from Ayuthaya to Krungthep for the flotilla, and the same on Highway 2 from Nong Khai to Korat, leading up to the initial rally. So, go ahead and believe what you read in the Nation and BP.

A big part of the problem is that Bangkok purports to speak for Thailand. The more I see, the more I know it's not true. Concentrating the nations power and wealth into one sinking stinking cesspool guarantees that the battles for control will be fought there. If decentralization had truly been brought to Siam, then most of the issues would not even exist, and your concrete jungle wouldn't be ground zero.

I second this.

agreed 100% - typical is that stupid rich kid in BKK driving his Porche into the crowd - know doubt his BKK Daddy bought it for him - such a world away from the poor farmers who really need the help - its pathetic

Excuse me I know at least 3 people who live in the far North of Thailand that own Mercedes Benz cars

Since when does the car you drive make you a bad person

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Thank you very much! : )
Will it be dangerous to go extend visas tomorrow? >>;

Don't worry. Everything will be almost as normal here in BKK.

You may only face some delay due to trafic on some routes.


Do you actually trust what this guy says?? How the hel_l does he know. Yeah, he "may" be right ... then again the visa office may well be closed. Anyone who makes a prediction at this point is delusional.

The question was if it will be dangerous..

And it certainly won't be!!!!

Yes there may be problems with trafic and Imm may even close if the reds move in again as they did yesterday. But there is no danger for anybody.

Just stay away from the sites where the demostrations take place.


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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

How do you know that the vast, or even majority of aliens support the geordie boy? If he had a shred of honor he would call elections now. Demonstrating peacefully is not 'anarchic'

I refer you to post 231# by ozzieman05

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