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State Of Emergency Decree Imposed In Bangkok


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To think that all that would be needed is for the "people in power" to accept the decision of the majority vote of the PEOPLE in a new election!! Then there would be a "true Democracy" in Thailand!!

Power to the People...... :)

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However, this endeavor has not been successful. The rally has led to a violation of the law and the Constitution and has caused great inconvenience for the people, the economy, and foreign confidence in Thailand.

Nothing like the county's prime minister painting a picture to the newsrooms and lowering foreign confidence even further ...


I think if nothing else, if Anupong doesn't act, a lot of people who had no idea at all will start to realise that in reality the PM is not actually running the army.

That in itself will be quite an eye opener for a lot of people and will cause quite a bit of head scratching.

Well the truth is the PM does not actually run the army - it's completely independent. One of the major problem's that Thailand has IMHO.

aint that the truth...

Even in countries like the UK or US, the political head of state does not "actually run the army" and they are "completely independent" - what happens there, as here, is that the government allocates a budget for running the army and the army then uses it to maintain what they need. As for it's independence, the government in all the countries named, simply pass objectives to the army command, and the route by which they achieve them is up to the army command.

If that involves attacking or entering another country, that has to be sanctioned by government first. If it involves (genuinely) using combat force against the country's own citizens then that too has to be directly or indirectly authorised by government - we're not talking about 1978 or 1992 here, nor are we talking about open insurgency like the Rhodesian Mau Maus or Idi Amin's rise to power in Uganda, we're talking about potential mob riots as a political tool - remember those in France 3 years ago, or the UK race riots 12-13 years ago? They were extremely violent (on the protestors part) but the police and army didn't set up Rorkes Drift style massacre firing lines. I don't believe the Thais will either - I think it'll be water cannons and "noise cannons" allowing snatch squads to get through the crowds and grab the ringleaders - as demonstrated so often and so effectively in the UK (where Abhisit was educated).

Remember too that a declaration of war can be rhetorical and jargonistic - have you never reacted to an event yourself, declaring "I'm going to kill so-and-so"? Did you then go do it? Have you never had a dispute with someone where you've said (aloud or to yourself), "right, that it's, it's war"? I suspect the reporting of the quote has over dramatised and emphasised more than was intended - remember Gandhi led a war of peace during the last days of the British Raj - public disobedience and protest can work if it continues long enough.

My main concern comes from an accumulation of events - a month ago, we were all discussing the potential armed and radical factions within the red shirts - thus far, they've not been seen on the streets, and the one million person rally was far short in numbers - does that mean the armed factions were held in reserve well away from Bangkok? Or, were they just propaganda and inventions to pressure the government? If not, will they materialise en-masse with guns blazing at the first sign of violence against the red horde? Is this a possible reason Abhisit has played the peace card for so long? Does he know something the rest of us don't?


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Also FACT red's have declared on their TV channel another 10000 reds are coming to bangkok tonight, with another 50000 coming before the weekend.

If true, they need to be stopped on the roads and turned back.

As long as the red shirts are Thais, I think they have a right to move around in their own country to wherever they want.

in groups of no more than 5 maybe ok, but 10000 or 50000,,,,,, don't think so......

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In practical terms, this means that the military is pre-absolved for any massacres they commit, people may be detained indefinitely without warrant or charges, and all media broadcast and print in the affected areas can be shuttered at a moments notice with no appeal or judicial review.

Anupong got the "get out of jail free" card he wanted before unleashing his dogs. There's no need for a coup, since under the emergency decree the military is in charge of everything. Abhisit and Suthep have now been removed from any effective control of anything.

And for the pollster, you can count this farang out of the vast majority you purport to speak for. The English language press is a farce, parroting undercounts, and expressing the wish of the "vast majority" of Bangkok as well. You obviously haven't seen the enthusiastic support that the Reds have received from the ordinary folks on the street as they pass by. And somehow you missed the Chao Phraya riverbanks and bridges being lined with supporters from Ayuthaya to Krungthep for the flotilla, and the same on Highway 2 from Nong Khai to Korat, leading up to the initial rally. So, go ahead and believe what you read in the Nation and BP.

A big part of the problem is that Bangkok purports to speak for Thailand. The more I see, the more I know it's not true. Concentrating the nations power and wealth into one sinking stinking cesspool guarantees that the battles for control will be fought there. If decentralization had truly been brought to Siam, then most of the issues would not even exist, and your concrete jungle wouldn't be ground zero.

I second this.

agreed 100% - typical is that stupid rich kid in BKK driving his Porche into the crowd - know doubt his BKK Daddy bought it for him - such a world away from the poor farmers who really need the help - its pathetic

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Why do people keep harping on about history. This is now and the situation involves the Red shirts, not the Yellow shirts. Abhisit was not in power when the Yellow's took the airport.

Cheers, Rick

No, but he was brought into power with the help of the yellow shirts, and as a "thank you" made the yellow shirt Kasit his Foreign Minister. Makes sense?

He was brought into power, by way of a coalition Government when Mr Thaksin's party was over, due to election rigging. Now it makes sense.

Cheers, Rick

The truth is, Thaksin's obvious massive corruption destroyed him.

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yes that what words are for Oh Great One - an insurgency means armed uprising:

An insurgency is an armed rebellion against a constituted authority - quote

This is not an armed uprising dude - so your choice is inappropriate and wrong

You are wrong. The word FITS and I encourage everyone to start using it. That is truth about what happened today.

Main Entry: 1in·sur·gent

Pronunciation: \-jənt\

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin insurgent-, insurgens, present participle of insurgere to rise up, from in- + surgere to rise — more at surge

Date: 1765

1 : a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially : a rebel not recognized as a belligerent


Edited by Jingthing
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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

What do you consider "the vast Majority of foreigners" ? I guess you think people sould not have a say in how their country is run. Why don't you go back to ................ what ever country you are from.

Based on MANY polls over many months here, the hub of foreigner in Thailand communication, there have been CONSISTENT results of about 2/3 being opposed to the red shirt revolutionaries, and 1/3 being in favor of the insurgents. Insurgent is the correct word. They have declared WAR.

What kind of war???

I mean the word war is so overused now. Even Liverpool vs. Manchester United games here are advertised as "Red War" but nobody starts shooting or killing people. Rhetoric at most as of now. Civil war is not around the corner until the army splits into different factions.

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Dude -- get this straight.

I am not pro yellow. I am anti-red.

The Abhisit government is 100 percent legal and freely elected under the laws of Thailand. You want elections? Fine. WAIT for them, an angry mob is not the answer. Neither is declaring war on the government.

Excuse I must have been asleep.. What election was Abhisit and his cronnies elected in??? Did the world and myslef miss something?????

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

<deleted>! who appointed you spokesman?

The yellows occupied giv offices for months with no comeback. The reds go in for 10 minutes and a state of emergency is declared.

This obvious inequality is precisely why they are demonstrating and this is one farang that understands.

Indeed Jing, I would prefer if you served only to speak for yourself.

Well when someone has 16000+ posts in 3+ years.....well you know

Ahhh Deez you beat me to it, 16,000 posts in 3 years says a lot about the person. Sad Bas tard comes to mind immediately.

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Thank you very much! : )
Will it be dangerous to go extend visas tomorrow? >>;

Don't worry. Everything will be almost as normal here in BKK.

You may only face some delay due to trafic on some routes.


Do you actually trust what this guy says?? How the hel_l does he know. Yeah, he "may" be right ... then again the visa office may well be closed. Anyone who makes a prediction at this point is delusional.

Personally I don't favor the reds or the yellows ... I just want them to work it out without violence. But I do think the reds are being played a fool by Thaksin who is perfectly willing to have Thai's kill each other so he can return to power and again rip off the Thai people for billions of baht.

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Also FACT red's have declared on their TV channel another 10000 reds are coming to bangkok tonight, with another 50000 coming before the weekend.

If true, they need to be stopped on the roads and turned back.

As long as the red shirts are Thais, I think they have a right to move around in their own country to wherever they want.

in groups of no more than 5 maybe ok, but 10000 or 50000,,,,,, don't think so......

I doubt there's 10,000 or 50,000 sitting in the back of a single pickup truck, so they should be fine.

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Dude -- get this straight.

I am not pro yellow. I am anti-red.

The Abhisit government is 100 percent legal and freely elected under the laws of Thailand. You want elections? Fine. WAIT for them, an angry mob is not the answer. Neither is declaring war on the government.

Excuse I must have been asleep.. What election was Abhisit and his cronnies elected in??? Did the world and myslef miss something?????

I'm afraid you did miss lots' of things. Do a research and comeback to share with us.

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Wait and see what is going to happen

If Bwalker info is confirmed, Abhisit has lost a major support. The Royal Thai Army will not move in the direction he want...

All i can say it was quoted by a daughter of a royal whilst she was visiting isaan, and was quoted on tv.

Also FACT red's have declared on their TV channel another 10000 reds are coming to bangkok tonight, with another 50000 coming before the weekend.

Also at least of 36% of all yellow supporters have turned to support the red cause.

What a vivid sense of imagination you have :)

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Dude -- get this straight.

I am not pro yellow. I am anti-red.

The Abhisit government is 100 percent legal and freely elected under the laws of Thailand. You want elections? Fine. WAIT for them, an angry mob is not the answer. Neither is declaring war on the government.

Too late - your hero has already promised early elections - he has lost already he just doesn't know it yet

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The reds have played right into Abhisit's hands , to the point that they declare civil war , Abhisit has carried out his duty to the tee and full marks to him , this will just strengthen his chances of leading government for years to come.

10/10 Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva

actually abhisit is most like finished.... :)

What a lot of BS Britt he won't be finished who do suggest would replace him ?

I sure there are several candidates right now, looking to see if they have the numbers.

His numbers for support after all this would have only increased.

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What kind of war???

I mean the word war is so overused now. Even Liverpool vs. Manchester United games here are advertised as "Red War" but nobody starts shooting or killing people. Rhetoric at most as of now. Civil war is not around the corner until the army splits into different factions.

Yeah, why hasn't the government declared a state of emergency in the last Liverpool vs. Manchester United "red war" game? Another example of double standards.


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I doubt there's 10,000 or 50,000 sitting in the back of a single pickup truck,

I dunno mate when you see some of those 2 tiered ones taking the construction lads back to Bangkok after Songkran....

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Dude -- get this straight.

I am not pro yellow. I am anti-red.

The Abhisit government is 100 percent legal and freely elected under the laws of Thailand. You want elections? Fine. WAIT for them, an angry mob is not the answer. Neither is declaring war on the government.

Excuse I must have been asleep.. What election was Abhisit and his cronnies elected in??? Did the world and myslef miss something?????

your are sure reading the wrong papers --- i cant recall ever reading that the present govt was duly elected -- they are there with the help of the army following a coup - u forget that part - and then the court banned all member of the present govt because they were taksins boys --- so if u are going to qoute facts - make sure the ones u quote are correct - and not pro yellow - sure sounds like it me and =- and the vast majority ahaaa

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My thai wife said that a member of a certain family was on TV high up the food ladder, can't mention names on here as you would get banned.

She was quoted in saying that abhisit should desolve parliment immediately for the sake of the country and for the people to stop a major civil war from imploding.

She was also quoted saying that abhisit was only thinking about himself and not about the problems that this is going to cause. She also quoted that if all the poor people stopped working for a month, the elite in Bangkok would have big problems, as its the poor who feed the elite.

So "you wife" says all thi so it must be true, Your "wife " has an opinion , no more no less , NO FACTS

My Thai wife is really hot under the collar and says

Then go home and stop working

It is the reds that declared war, the Government have been way to calm for way to long

Thailand belongs to Thais not the west

Nobody is making the red shirts stay

but we are poor Thais and we have bills to pay, so let us live our lives with freedom

She also says she came to Bkk to make money to send home to her family

Not one poor Red Shirt offered her a job

It is the so call well off in Thailand that hire the people from the North

and it the well to do people in Bkk that allows her to send money home to her family

So all you Farang please go to the back seats

you can have your thoughts but this is about our country and if you don't like it


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I agree.. Arrest the bastards. Put them away for the rest of their lives.

And the yellow shirt leaders who SEIZED AN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT too. Oh wait, they're all free and one of the main guys is now Foreign Minister. Its all okay as long as you wear the right color.

Why do people keep harping on about history. This is now and the situation involves the Red shirts, not the Yellow shirts. Abhisit was not in power when the Yellow's took the airport.

Cheers, Rick

Hi Rick. Its mass protests inconveniencing many. Its very similar. Its relevant. You don't go to court and tell the judge, "sure I did it, but it was a long time ago. its history. Can't we just forget about it". history is relevant. the fact that they made the guy Foreign Minister is laughable and lower their credibility in dealing with the reds. Really they should have moved in very swiftly against the yellows and the same here with the reds. Then they could say - with a straight face, that the law is the law. This is more like something written by Orwell. The law is the law except when it isn't.

Hi Chiangmaithai. I do not condone what the Yellow shirts did, but the weak Government did nothing to help the situation. The issue at the moment involves the Reds and that is what this thread is about?

Cheers, Rick

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

<deleted>! who appointed you spokesman?

The yellows occupied giv offices for months with no comeback. The reds go in for 10 minutes and a state of emergency is declared.

This obvious inequality is precisely why they are demonstrating and this is one farang that understands.

somo: married to a red shirt wife from Isaan (probably Phrae)? Wait and see... and don't give these red primates too much credit; you may regret afterwards (and that will not even take very long). Please moderate your language. It's true that the vast majority of foreigners are supporting the actual government. Admit this. :)

Another disgustingly prejudiced spokesman who elected himself. Bit like the goverment! No mandate no credibility.

The word primates implies you think that perhaps they are not human but maybe apes. Shame on you!!

Perhaps you think some form af racial segregation would be the solution?

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Total set back for thailand no one is winning but the hidden agenda is the military that they see civilian not ready for being a ruler...Abhisit has lost the control of the government as you can he doesnt even know how to act and only waiting instruction from their top level...only time will tell thailand will become autocracy(one ruler) state or democracy (many)state

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They were mentioning thankyou to people who have been donating funds to help the red people to buy food etc.

The list of supporters include TOT, Siam Commercial Bank, a more thai companies, foreigners from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, USA, Australia, UK, France, Germany and many more. Read the list out for over 30 mins thanking the world to help them fight for their rights.

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aint that the truth...

Even in countries like the UK or US, the political head of state does not "actually run the army" and they are "completely independent" - what happens there, as here, is that the government allocates a budget for running the army and the army then uses it to maintain what they need. As for it's independence, the government in all the countries named, simply pass objectives to the army command, and the route by which they achieve them is up to the army command.

If that involves attacking or entering another country, that has to be sanctioned by government first. If it involves (genuinely) using combat force against the country's own citizens then that too has to be directly or indirectly authorised by government - we're not talking about 1978 or 1992 here, nor are we talking about open insurgency like the Rhodesian Mau Maus or Idi Amin's rise to power in Uganda, we're talking about potential mob riots as a political tool - remember those in France 3 years ago, or the UK race riots 12-13 years ago? They were extremely violent (on the protestors part) but the police and army didn't set up Rorkes Drift style massacre firing lines. I don't believe the Thais will either - I think it'll be water cannons and "noise cannons" allowing snatch squads to get through the crowds and grab the ringleaders - as demonstrated so often and so effectively in the UK (where Abhisit was educated).

Remember too that a declaration of war can be rhetorical and jargonistic - have you never reacted to an event yourself, declaring "I'm going to kill so-and-so"? Did you then go do it? Have you never had a dispute with someone where you've said (aloud or to yourself), "right, that it's, it's war"? I suspect the reporting of the quote has over dramatised and emphasised more than was intended - remember Gandhi led a war of peace during the last days of the British Raj - public disobedience and protest can work if it continues long enough.

My main concern comes from an accumulation of events - a month ago, we were all discussing the potential armed and radical factions within the red shirts - thus far, they've not been seen on the streets, and the one million person rally was far short in numbers - does that mean the armed factions were held in reserve well away from Bangkok? Or, were they just propaganda and inventions to pressure the government? If not, will they materialise en-masse with guns blazing at the first sign of violence against the red horde? Is this a possible reason Abhisit has played the peace card for so long? Does he know something the rest of us don't?




The reason why Abhisit has not moved for so long , and the army wont move in my opinion , comes from much higher up.

Am sure you know what i mean . Sure there are some violent clowns in the red shirt movement leadership but the vast majority

of the red shirts protesters , the rank and file , are peaceful farmers .

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Dude, capslock! :)

I doubt there are any "yellows" on this board. I will admit that it is dominated by an anti-red sentiment, (which I think has become understandable), but I doubt that there are many who liked what the yellows did, or think that Kasit was a good choice.

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yes that what words are for Oh Great One - an insurgency means armed uprising:

An insurgency is an armed rebellion against a constituted authority - quote

This is not an armed uprising dude - so your choice is inappropriate and wrong

You are wrong. The word FITS and I encourage everyone to start using it. That is truth about what happened today.

Main Entry: 1in·sur·gent

Pronunciation: \-jənt\

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin insurgent-, insurgens, present participle of insurgere to rise up, from in- + surgere to rise — more at surge

Date: 1765

1 : a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially : a rebel not recognized as a belligerent


absolute nonsense and everyone will recognise it - same as your 'majority of farangs' rant - I wont bother to counter as it's blatantly obvious they are not insurgents

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