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I was disgusted with USers beguiled by the Flaming Bush who lured them into Bewilderness; by those panting after Palin; by the wingnuts nuttier than Thai Yellow & Red Shirts; and now by the Tea Party movement. Trouble is, this morning I stumbled across the Journal of Democracy article by Robert Putnam, "Bowling Alone." "Bowling Alone" is a metaphor for the civil disengagement of people of my ilk, which Putnam fingers as the real problem. Not that I'm going to change my ways – I am so set in them you could say I'm wearing cement shoes. As for those who are civilly engaged, hug a Red Shirt or Tea Partier for me.

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But Brit, did you like to hug Police and police volunteers not so long time ago? Didn't you??

So now you would like to hug the people going to clash against your beloved BIBs (boys in brown and balds in black)??

I'm confused

:D Put down the sangsom. :)

Britmav is a messenger of LOVE! :)

Hi Brit! Let me know when you in town for the next hugging attacks!


Yeah feel a bit unloved you missed the last pissup Firefan. Where have you been hiding mate?

I was disgusted with USers beguiled by the Flaming Bush who lured them into Bewilderness; by those panting after Palin; by the wingnuts nuttier than Thai Yellow & Red Shirts; and now by the Tea Party movement. Trouble is, this morning I stumbled across the Journal of Democracy article by Robert Putnam, "Bowling Alone." "Bowling Alone" is a metaphor for the civil disengagement of people of my ilk, which Putnam fingers as the real problem. Not that I'm going to change my ways – I am so set in them you could say I'm wearing cement shoes. As for those who are civilly engaged, hug a Red Shirt or Tea Partier for me.

wearing cement shoes I urge you not to go swimming.

I forgot just how many loonies there are skulking around in Thailand and yet managing to post on this forum.

Do acts of love and friendship scare you? Are you more excited by the prospect of bloodied bodies and folks writhing on the ground in pain? Please don't tell me you are one of those Europeans that had an orgasm everytime he was disciplined for being naughty. :D

What you may consider loony has been practiced by many historical figures through our history. Ghandi, Jesus and Mandela. I believe that BritMaveric is a prophet: A prophet of love and his is the message that will heal the nation. Heed his words. Pharaoh did not heed the words of Moses or his brother Aaron and look what happened to Pharaoh. According to the definitive source of information on the subject, Charlton Heston waved a rod and brought down plagues and then finally the Red Sea upon the army of Pharoah. Cecil B. de Mille recorded the events in Panavision!!!!

Great satire :)


I'll hug and support any Red Shirts that publicly states that Thaksin must be removed from having any influence over the campaign.

Britmav is a messenger of LOVE! :D

Hi Brit! Let me know when you in town for the next hugging attacks!


Yeah feel a bit unloved you missed the last pissup Firefan. Where have you been hiding mate?

I know I saw FireFan at an establishment in Patpong some months back but not sure if that was BM with him...seemed to have fun anyway. :)

Hugging red shirts, my speciality. :)

especially the young cute ones. Me too.

Agree after removing the shirt and showering them.

On a serious note: It's an internal Thai affair and we should refrain from taking position except for the fact that each country with similar rotten structures had, has or will have its revolution. Thailand does it just with more than 200 years delay compared to the French for example (and it's not sure that this time it will work). But again, it's their country and I respect all sides.

Now they censor the media and I have my Thai friends complaining. Good opportunity to show them how a proxy server works or even better a tor browser. But Prachatai is down for good, their webboard not yet.

Quick question( before she walk away), can i hug a blue shirt.

Go ahead, maybe she is wearing something red underneath the blue shirt. :)

You where wright it was "red" thats why i huged her NIDNOY


Attempting to get widespread sympathy for the Reds from foreigners is a tough sell. The whole blood pouring incident made foreigners question the sanity of the Red leaders. I don't want to hug any of them, I might get the clap(per).


Well, I am for one up for hugging people.

The hope is they will look like the first one. The reality, based on the crowds I've seen, is they look like the second one. The sadder reality is the ones who have not been exactly friendly, tend to look like the third one. Or the fourth ones. Naturally, the 2nd and third and fourth ones are fake reds.

Which is ironic, as I am seeing most of the fake bits on the first one. NTTAWWT

This fake real thing, sometimes I just wish I was gay, then I wouldn't have to worry about fake or real.

In all honesty, that's the issue. The rank and file simply don't have big enough tit jobs. There is a direct relationship between how hot a bunch of chicks are, and how much straight guys want to sleep with them.

I think that is the most relevant aspect of the reds TV campaign here at the moment.

They should have been showing more chicks. And less Wenggles and Jatuprawn.





I forgot just how many loonies there are skulking around in Thailand and yet managing to post on this forum.

Do acts of love and friendship scare you? Are you more excited by the prospect of bloodied bodies and folks writhing on the ground in pain? Please don't tell me you are one of those Europeans that had an orgasm everytime he was disciplined for being naughty. :)

What you may consider loony has been practiced by many historical figures through our history. Ghandi, Jesus and Mandela. I believe that BritMaveric is a prophet: A prophet of love and his is the message that will heal the nation. Heed his words. Pharaoh did not heed the words of Moses or his brother Aaron and look what happened to Pharaoh. According to the definitive source of information on the subject, Charlton Heston waved a rod and brought down plagues and then finally the Red Sea upon the army of Pharoah. Cecil B. de Mille recorded the events in Panavision!!!!

glad the dog likes you, cos I think that you have taken too much of whatever it is you take to get you through the day.

The red shirts are fantastic!! I have 3 hanging in my wardrobe right now... I will go hug them!!!!

Please remove coat hanger first before you start huging, you could end up with serious eye injury.

Or if have safety glasses wear them first.

Thanks, don't estimate the dangers of huging, please passed this to your 3 shirt and they can communicate with the other red shirts in town.


This farang completely sympathizes with the Reds. Heck, let's stop pretending "the Reds" are a faction. They're the people of Thailand! Their leader won the popular vote before, he would win now if an election were held today -- and better yet, the movement is showing signs that it can survive without him. They're the majority, and their democracy was taken away from them. The US government just chided the Reds for expressing their sentiments "inappropriately." Well, how about giving them the opportunity to express their will appropriately, through free and fair elections? Now that would be a nice change of pace. It's what the people want, and the Yellow Shirts have explicitly stated that democracy is exactly what they fear!

So go ahead and hug a Red. You know you want to.

This farang completely sympathizes with the Reds. Heck, let's stop pretending "the Reds" are a faction. They're the people of Thailand! Their leader won the popular vote before, he would win now if an election were held today -- and better yet, the movement is showing signs that it can survive without him. They're the majority, and their democracy was taken away from them. The US government just chided the Reds for expressing their sentiments "inappropriately." Well, how about giving them the opportunity to express their will appropriately, through free and fair elections? Now that would be a nice change of pace. It's what the people want, and the Yellow Shirts have explicitly stated that democracy is exactly what they fear!

So go ahead and hug a Red. You know you want to.

They are not the people of Thailand. They are a radical political faction led by self exiled fugitive Thaksin who is on record for not caring about democracy. Face facts, your bird won't fly.

^please do not make this a political thread, I think we have enough of those already. This is meant to be a fun and lighthearted. :)

So sorry about, no problem, for you BM I will make the movement.

They are not the people of Thailand. They are a radical political faction led by self exiled fugitive Thaksin who is on record for not caring about democracy. Face facts, your bird won't fly.

(Keeping lighthearted...)

In America, you often hear politicians speak of "minorities."

Here's me: "Who are these 'minorities'?"

Here's the other guy: "Y'know, black people, Hispanics, immigrants, union workers, gays, religious groups, women, the elderly..."

Here's me: "Oh, you mean the majority? The people of the United States of America?

...oh, those 'minorities'" :)

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