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House Dissolution Won't End Conflict : Anand

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Abhisit did explain the road map during the negotiations. It's just that everyone here is focussing on the date - 9 months or 15 days.

The Road map is not only amendment to Charter, content must be negotiated and not imposed and may comprise for example: immediate social measures within an emergency Budget, main decisions concerning infrastructure investment postponed after Elections (Main Budget frozen), decentralisation organisation (elected Governors, Regional decision making assemblies, regional budget),....

That was also discussed briefly during the negotiations. Discussions between ALL groups, not just reds and government. Referendum for the people to accept it. Then elections.

It hasn't been discussed further because the reds are not negotiating.

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The only way to solve the crisis is to bow down to the wishes of the ruling class.

Everybody go home.

Stop protesting.

Abhisit, Sondhi, the generals, they all have your best interests at heart.

Nothing to see here. It was all a big misunderstanding.

Or both sides could start acting like adults and discuss the real issues...

I ceased to believe it when her salary so rapidly went from 4000 to 8000 baht per month working for a wealthy Bangkok family.

Sorry to be cynical, but does anyone else have any anecdotal evidence of such increases in essentially minimum wage earnings?

Maybe she worked extra hours. It could be that she started just cleaning, and moved on to cooking, and then to nannying.

Rather than just disbelieving anything that doesn't suit your opinion, why don't you ask for more information?

I did ask if anyone else had any evidence.

I have worked for several companies that employ thousands, in factories and I cannot remember seeing salaries rise that fast. I have a very close family friend who started work for a Big 4 accountancy firm in Bangkok having graduated overseas and her starting was 16k. Her raise this year was 500 baht per month, and they don't recognise out of hours strictly for overtime at all.

With overtime, feasibleish, although to get that high starting from minimum, would probably mean that her benevolent Bangkok family were breaking the monthly hour limits.

I know plenty of farangs with maids that get paid about that much (8K). Cooking breakfast in the morning. Cleaning etc during the day. Cooking dinner in the evening. 5 or 6 days a week or other days off depending on what's happening.

A rise from 4K to 8K is easily explainable if she started only doing cleaning (20 hrs/week), and then moved on to doing everything.

The only way to solve the crisis is to bow down to the wishes of the ruling class.

Everybody go home.

Stop protesting.

Abhisit, Sondhi, the generals, they all have your best interests at heart.

Nothing to see here. It was all a big misunderstanding.

Or both sides could start acting like adults and discuss the real issues...

The reds don't want to discuss the issues. They want government dissolution.

They don't care about the issues. They want to get Thaksin back.

If they cared about the issues, they would be negotiating.


"Prior to disbanding the House, it is necessary to prepare the groundwork so that the next election results will be acceptable to the majority of people, Anand said"

And that groundwork can be laid within three months. Where there is a will, there is a way. But the will is lacking for entirely self-serving reasons.

"Meanwhile, NHRC secretary-general Chuchai Suphawong said the road map to resolve the conflict as advised by former premier Chavalit had four points"

If incorporated within solutions, these four points have merit.

"......it might be construed as a double standard because other satellite television stations of certain political leanings are still allowed to operate"

IT MIGHT BE CONSTRUED.........There is no "MIGHT" about it, but just add it to the litany of double-standards. When you have so many, what does one more matter. And you wonder why the Red Shirts are up in arms?....Wonder no more!

"The timing for dissolution of Parliament is not important if |all sides are sincere to find a solution, he said, adding that |he deems it necessary to complete the charter rewrite before going |to the polls, otherwise the voting outcome might not be acceptable to all sides."

Yeah, it is very important. When one side is adhering to a self-serving timeline to buy time..........At this particular time, TIMING IS EVERYTHING

I ceased to believe it when her salary so rapidly went from 4000 to 8000 baht per month working for a wealthy Bangkok family.

Sorry to be cynical, but does anyone else have any anecdotal evidence of such increases in essentially minimum wage earnings?

Maybe she worked extra hours. It could be that she started just cleaning, and moved on to cooking, and then to nannying.

Rather than just disbelieving anything that doesn't suit your opinion, why don't you ask for more information?

I have been trying to get my Thai wife interested in giving a Thai comment for some time and normally it is "My Thai Wife Says" see my many posts over the last year, today she rings me at work crying, as the article or words have already been deleted I have no idea what you guys said to her

She is political 0, just wants to say to red shirts there is a better way than risking your loives, she is not on the Governments side in fact she says it is only a matter of time before the North and its numbers will take Government.

OFF TOPIC .......no way

she is agreeing with the topic and says their is a better way

Even though I feel it is not your business, the wife started off as a waitress

2 years later she was in charge of all the girls in the place

I guess she got this by hard work which we all should

You think she is lucky, she on he other hand says I am cheap Charlie not give her any money she must make her self

He posting was on topic when she says

House dissolution will not end the conflict

But try to work hard maybe with only a little money at the start but you can work your way up the ladder

And education will see her part of Thailand have a say in Government

You all seem to forget Taskin started of as a failed business man and a policeman

worked hard, and became a Billionaire

He also came from her part of the world

Not hard to believe Taskin, but hard to believe her

Yes this is an English talking site, but we are still guests in her country

I ceased to believe it when her salary so rapidly went from 4000 to 8000 baht per month working for a wealthy Bangkok family.

Sorry to be cynical, but does anyone else have any anecdotal evidence of such increases in essentially minimum wage earnings?

Maybe she worked extra hours. It could be that she started just cleaning, and moved on to cooking, and then to nannying.

Rather than just disbelieving anything that doesn't suit your opinion, why don't you ask for more information?

I did ask if anyone else had any evidence.

I have worked for several companies that employ thousands, in factories and I cannot remember seeing salaries rise that fast. I have a very close family friend who started work for a Big 4 accountancy firm in Bangkok having graduated overseas and her starting was 16k. Her raise this year was 500 baht per month, and they don't recognise out of hours strictly for overtime at all.

With overtime, feasibleish, although to get that high starting from minimum, would probably mean that her benevolent Bangkok family were breaking the monthly hour limits.

I know plenty of farangs with maids that get paid about that much (8K). Cooking breakfast in the morning. Cleaning etc during the day. Cooking dinner in the evening. 5 or 6 days a week or other days off depending on what's happening.

A rise from 4K to 8K is easily explainable if she started only doing cleaning (20 hrs/week), and then moved on to doing everything.


I've never had a live in maid.


Imagine if all the red shirts who are causing all the problems got up and did what I and many of my friends have done how much money would be flowing back to Udon

Wake up my brothers and sisters of Udon you are being used, this is not about our people, this is about a select few who are using you for their own financial gain.Protesting, violence, is not the way to a better Udon

Nice try Ozzieman

Your attempts at authorship are to be admired, but misrepresenting fiction as being non-fiction is not.

Give our intelligence some credit.


Thaksin worked hard at .. ehem.. forming relationships with MPs whilst he was in the police, MP's who subsequently oversaw the granting of a mobile telecoms commission to him...

I ceased to believe it when her salary so rapidly went from 4000 to 8000 baht per month working for a wealthy Bangkok family.

Sorry to be cynical, but does anyone else have any anecdotal evidence of such increases in essentially minimum wage earnings?

Maybe she worked extra hours. It could be that she started just cleaning, and moved on to cooking, and then to nannying.

Rather than just disbelieving anything that doesn't suit your opinion, why don't you ask for more information?

I have been trying to get my Thai wife interested in giving a Thai comment for some time and normally it is "My Thai Wife Says" see my many posts over the last year, today she rings me at work crying, as the article or words have already been deleted I have no idea what you guys said to her

She is political 0, just wants to say to red shirts there is a better way than risking your loives, she is not on the Governments side in fact she says it is only a matter of time before the North and its numbers will take Government.

OFF TOPIC .......no way

she is agreeing with the topic and says their is a better way

Even though I feel it is not your business, the wife started off as a waitress

2 years later she was in charge of all the girls in the place

I guess she got this by hard work which we all should

You think she is lucky, she on he other hand says I am cheap Charlie not give her any money she must make her self

He posting was on topic when she says

House dissolution will not end the conflict

But try to work hard maybe with only a little money at the start but you can work your way up the ladder

And education will see her part of Thailand have a say in Government

You all seem to forget Taskin started of as a failed business man and a policeman

worked hard, and became a Billionaire

He also came from her part of the world

Not hard to believe Taskin, but hard to believe her

Yes this is an English talking site, but we are still guests in her country

Aside from the fact that Thaksin's family itself wasn't the poverty stricken country type anyway and I don't think he ever did a job for 4k per month in his entire life. I guess in those days, downtown Chiangmai must have felt like the outback. LOL.

I wouldn't hold Thaksin up as a great example. If I had enough wonga to get the government to grant me an effective monopoly on mobile telephones, I would have been a billionaire by now too. That one has been discussed ad nauseum.

Oh the hazy days of 25k baht for a basic phone at 1usd=25 baht, and don't even think of bringing one in from overseas for 10k in those days because it wouldn't work.

Imagine if all the red shirts who are causing all the problems got up and did what I and many of my friends have done how much money would be flowing back to Udon

Wake up my brothers and sisters of Udon you are being used, this is not about our people, this is about a select few who are using you for their own financial gain.Protesting, violence, is not the way to a better Udon

Nice try Ozzieman

Your attempts at authorship are to be admired, but misrepresenting fiction as being non-fiction is not.

Give our intelligence some credit.

Your eternal bias with other members that a Thai can not do well or think, and if a Thai calls for thinking from their fellow Thai, to try other ways to get a say in Thailand must be non-fiction, then maybe the few Farangs that really love this country is just not enough.

If the Red Shirts truly wanted democracy, they would form their own political party and run in local and provincial elections and then on the national level. But that's not want they want and not what they are able to do, because they know that on a national level they don't stand a chance.

They already have their own party. I think you'll find many of the red shirt leaders are current or formers members of the PPP/PTP.

Its the simple fact they keep winning the elections that causes the problem.

They have won every election for over a decade now, but the Elite Yellow hate that.

The Elite Yellow have used a coup, court judgements, dissolutions of parties and all sorts to try to prevent Democracy.

Some people have no idea about Thai politics, how can anyone suggest the Reds make their own party.......... ?? The Reds represent the TRT/PPP/PTP which has won every election for over a DECADE, but which the Yellow Elite hate and whom the Yellow Elite keep using their undemocratic power to kick out.

Elections tomorrow, next month, June or July...... bring it on !!!!!!!

If the Red Shirts truly wanted democracy, they would form their own political party and run in local and provincial elections and then on the national level. But that's not want they want and not what they are able to do, because they know that on a national level they don't stand a chance.

They already have their own party. I think you'll find many of the red shirt leaders are current or formers members of the PPP/PTP.

Its the simple fact they keep winning the elections that causes the problem.

They have won every election for over a decade now, but the Elite Yellow hate that.

The Elite Yellow have used a coup, court judgements, dissolutions of parties and all sorts to try to prevent Democracy.

Some people have no idea about Thai politics, how can anyone suggest the Reds make their own party.......... ?? The Reds represent the TRT/PPP/PTP which has won every election for over a DECADE, but which the Yellow Elite hate and whom the Yellow Elite keep using their undemocratic power to kick out.

Elections tomorrow, next month, June or July...... bring it on !!!!!!!

Pardon me? The courts ruled on evidence placed before them. They had nothing to do with your so called "elites" (a group that must certainly include Thaksin).


House Dissolution is the best way to solve this problem.

Dissolve the House.

Call for elections in 2 to 3 months.

Have International Observers in Thailand to verify the election !!!!!!!!!

(You can note the Coup appointed government / Elite refused at the last election to have International Observers in any active role. It was likely due to the pressure they put on PPP with spy squads and "education by the Army" programmes in rural areas).

The "Elite" Yellows would also attempt to prevent IO's coming in for any new election, its not in their interest to have free and fair elections AS THE PEOPLE would chose something that the Elite do not want.... again.

If the Red Shirts truly wanted democracy, they would form their own political party and run in local and provincial elections and then on the national level. But that's not want they want and not what they are able to do, because they know that on a national level they don't stand a chance.

They already have their own party. I think you'll find many of the red shirt leaders are current or formers members of the PPP/PTP.

Its the simple fact they keep winning the elections that causes the problem.

They have won every election for over a decade now, but the Elite Yellow hate that.

The Elite Yellow have used a coup, court judgements, dissolutions of parties and all sorts to try to prevent Democracy.

Some people have no idea about Thai politics, how can anyone suggest the Reds make their own party.......... ?? The Reds represent the TRT/PPP/PTP which has won every election for over a DECADE, but which the Yellow Elite hate and whom the Yellow Elite keep using their undemocratic power to kick out.

Elections tomorrow, next month, June or July...... bring it on !!!!!!!

Pardon me? The courts ruled on evidence placed before them. They had nothing to do with your so called "elites" (a group that must certainly include Thaksin).

Do you mean the coup changed top judiciary, who had evidence given them from the coup appointed Election Commission, who had evidence gathered by paid for "spy squads" ? The same EC who did not bother it appears to gather all the evidence and submit it about the Democrats, leaving the courts the simple decision to Red the PPP and Yellow the Democrats based on "what they saw".

Its very easy to manipulate the process at the bottom to make it very simple and "legal" to make the decisions needed at the top.

If the Red Shirts truly wanted democracy, they would form their own political party and run in local and provincial elections and then on the national level. But that's not want they want and not what they are able to do, because they know that on a national level they don't stand a chance.

They already have their own party. I think you'll find many of the red shirt leaders are current or formers members of the PPP/PTP.

Its the simple fact they keep winning the elections that causes the problem.

They have won every election for over a decade now, but the Elite Yellow hate that.

The Elite Yellow have used a coup, court judgements, dissolutions of parties and all sorts to try to prevent Democracy.

Some people have no idea about Thai politics, how can anyone suggest the Reds make their own party.......... ?? The Reds represent the TRT/PPP/PTP which has won every election for over a DECADE, but which the Yellow Elite hate and whom the Yellow Elite keep using their undemocratic power to kick out.

Elections tomorrow, next month, June or July...... bring it on !!!!!!!

They didn't win the 2006 elections. That was invalidated because Thaksin bought parties to run against him.

They didn't win the 2007 elections. They had to use the smaller parties to form a coalition.

If they had elections now and everyone voted the same way, they wouldn't win those elections, because they don't have the support of the smaller parties anymore.

House Dissolution is the best way to solve this problem.

Dissolve the House.

Call for elections in 2 to 3 months.

Have International Observers in Thailand to verify the election !!!!!!!!!

(You can note the Coup appointed government / Elite refused at the last election to have International Observers in any active role. It was likely due to the pressure they put on PPP with spy squads and "education by the Army" programmes in rural areas).

The "Elite" Yellows would also attempt to prevent IO's coming in for any new election, its not in their interest to have free and fair elections AS THE PEOPLE would chose something that the Elite do not want.... again.

Do you really think the reds will allow international observers in their electorates? They threaten anyone campaigning that is not red. They wouldn't be able to do that if there were observers.

House Dissolution is the best way to solve this problem.

Dissolve the House.

Call for elections in 2 to 3 months.

Have International Observers in Thailand to verify the election !!!!!!!!!

(You can note the Coup appointed government / Elite refused at the last election to have International Observers in any active role. It was likely due to the pressure they put on PPP with spy squads and "education by the Army" programmes in rural areas).

The "Elite" Yellows would also attempt to prevent IO's coming in for any new election, its not in their interest to have free and fair elections AS THE PEOPLE would chose something that the Elite do not want.... again.

Do you really think the reds will allow international observers in their electorates? They threaten anyone campaigning that is not red. They wouldn't be able to do that if there were observers.

Can you please quote an example from the 2007 election held under basically Martial Law in many places, and under the Coup Government where anyone was threatened ?

Or is this just more "Yellow" newspaper nonsense stories ?

House Dissolution is the best way to solve this problem.

Dissolve the House.

Call for elections in 2 to 3 months.

Have International Observers in Thailand to verify the election !!!!!!!!!

(You can note the Coup appointed government / Elite refused at the last election to have International Observers in any active role. It was likely due to the pressure they put on PPP with spy squads and "education by the Army" programmes in rural areas).

The "Elite" Yellows would also attempt to prevent IO's coming in for any new election, its not in their interest to have free and fair elections AS THE PEOPLE would chose something that the Elite do not want.... again.

Do you really think the reds will allow international observers in their electorates? They threaten anyone campaigning that is not red. They wouldn't be able to do that if there were observers.

As PM, Abhisit can insist on observers can't he? I love how they put it that it would impinge on national sovereignty to watch the peculiar process of Thai democracy through Thai elections. It isn't as though the whole world hasn't got enough of an insight into the mess called Thai Democracy during the last couple of years anyway. Why not throw light on the most corrupt of all the processes?

If I remember wasn't there some kind of law restricting campaigning in a lot of the provinces during the last election. Wasn't it technically illegal to campaign against the constitution?

I think international observers are an absolute must for any Thai elections. I don't think that the reds would be in any place to not agree anyway.

The only way to solve the crisis is to bow down to the wishes of the ruling class.

Everybody go home.

Stop protesting.

Abhisit, Sondhi, the generals, they all have your best interests at heart.

Nothing to see here. It was all a big misunderstanding.

Or both sides could start acting like adults and discuss the real issues...


I ceased to believe it when her salary so rapidly went from 4000 to 8000 baht per month working for a wealthy Bangkok family.

Sorry to be cynical, but does anyone else have any anecdotal evidence of such increases in essentially minimum wage earnings?

Pretty close actually.. we start all our staff off at 7000 per month, after their three month probation if they are worth keeping on full time we bump them to 12,000. Mind you we are a business and not a wealthly family. Plus I would say that only 50 or 60% of our staff come from the N or NE. Mind you they all do send money home every month.


I think it needs clarifying as some people squirm that "Thaksin" is Elite as well so whats the difference.

The difference is here, the Yellow, the "EE" "Established Elite" are the old school, those that deem power is theirs forever, and nobody can challenge them for it or take it away from them. Kind of like "old money and new money".

The likes of Thaksin are the "new money". Business men who now represent more of what politics around the world is moving to, movers and shakers who show little respect towards the old money as they deem them lazy and living off what their ancestors did as opposed to working for they position.

Before anyone can claim any different I am at NO stage talking about those that cannot be talked about. This post is nothing to do with them.

So this is a battle between the "Established Elite" in Yellow, and the Politicians in Red.

The Politicians in Red have risen in power and strength as they have brought in populist policies to help the poor.

The Established Elite in Yellow are bemused by the peasant uprising and want to control the situation and bring it back to being what it always has been, them in control and thats it.

The answer lies in the middle somewhere. As much as TRT and Thaksin did some immoral things, the Yellow Elite have now done since 2007 even more immoral things and the situation is that both are now as guilty as each other, however one is trying to convict one whilst ignoring what they are doing is exactly what they are attempting to convict the other of doing.

The best way for THailand to mature is just to let it happen, let the people use their votes and just let it be.

The EE need to step back and just accept this is 2010 and not 1910.

People only learn by making mistakes, so let them make mistake and let them learn. The EE are unwilling to let control go but they must if the country is ever to move forward.

Dissolve the House and let their be elections within a couple of months.


ozzieman05 - well kudos to your wife mate. I appreciate her honesty and her view point. However does she think she would have gotten anywhere without your help? (this is not an attack so please do not take it that way)

However she must also know that many Thai(s) do not agree with her view point and she also must respect their views as equally as they would respect hers.

As PM, Abhisit can insist on observers can't he? I love how they put it that it would impinge on national sovereignty to watch the peculiar process of Thai democracy through Thai elections. It isn't as though the whole world hasn't got enough of an insight into the mess called Thai Democracy during the last couple of years anyway. Why not throw light on the most corrupt of all the processes?

If I remember wasn't there some kind of law restricting campaigning in a lot of the provinces during the last election. Wasn't it technically illegal to campaign against the constitution?

I think international observers are an absolute must for any Thai elections. I don't think that the reds would be in any place to not agree anyway.

I think it would be fantastic to have international observers. Through deciding the election rules and processes, the campaigning and the actual election. It would be the only way for everyone to really accept the results and stop using excuses if they lose.

But there would still be the inevitable "But the international observers were really supporting the <insert group here>".

The only way to solve the crisis is to bow down to the wishes of the ruling class.

Everybody go home.

Stop protesting.

Abhisit, Sondhi, the generals, they all have your best interests at heart.

Nothing to see here. It was all a big misunderstanding.

Or both sides could start acting like adults and discuss the real issues...

As many have stated in this forum, the ONLY issue is Thaksin.

Without Thaksin, all corruption, nepotism, poverty, strife, violence, disease, famine, drought, floods, and tsunamis disappear.

Without Thaksin, Thailand will be a land of perpetual peace and harmony, with social balance, adequate universal heathcare, respect and dignity for the poor, maturity, industry, fair, unbiased media, perfect infrastructure and free som tom for all.

What more should be discussed? Thaksin is the sum and cause of all things evil throughout the span of recorded history.

Eliminating him from Thai politics is the ultimate panacea.

As many have stated in this forum, the ONLY issue is Thaksin.

Without Thaksin, all corruption, nepotism, poverty, strife, violence, disease, famine, drought, floods, and tsunamis disappear.

Without Thaksin, Thailand will be a land of perpetual peace and harmony, with social balance, adequate universal heathcare, respect and dignity for the poor, maturity, industry, fair, unbiased media, perfect infrastructure and free som tom for all.

What more should be discussed? Thaksin is the sum and cause of all things evil throughout the span or recorded history.

Eliminating him from Thai politics is the ultimate panacea.

Finally you're talking some sense... good on ya mate

I think it needs clarifying as some people squirm that "Thaksin" is Elite as well so whats the difference.

The difference is here, the Yellow, the "EE" "Established Elite" are the old school, those that deem power is theirs forever, and nobody can challenge them for it or take it away from them. Kind of like "old money and new money".

The likes of Thaksin are the "new money". Business men who now represent more of what politics around the world is moving to, movers and shakers who show little respect towards the old money as they deem them lazy and living off what their ancestors did as opposed to working for they position.

Before anyone can claim any different I am at NO stage talking about those that cannot be talked about. This post is nothing to do with them.

So this is a battle between the "Established Elite" in Yellow, and the Politicians in Red.

The Politicians in Red have risen in power and strength as they have brought in populist policies to help the poor.

The Established Elite in Yellow are bemused by the peasant uprising and want to control the situation and bring it back to being what it always has been, them in control and thats it.

The answer lies in the middle somewhere. As much as TRT and Thaksin did some immoral things, the Yellow Elite have now done since 2007 even more immoral things and the situation is that both are now as guilty as each other, however one is trying to convict one whilst ignoring what they are doing is exactly what they are attempting to convict the other of doing.

The best way for THailand to mature is just to let it happen, let the people use their votes and just let it be.

The EE need to step back and just accept this is 2010 and not 1910.

People only learn by making mistakes, so let them make mistake and let them learn. The EE are unwilling to let control go but they must if the country is ever to move forward.

Dissolve the House and let their be elections within a couple of months.

So what do you call all the village elders up North that have been taking advantage of their people for decades, generations more like it? Would we call them EE? I mean they sure do have the power and the money and all the trappings of the Bangkok EE or do they not count simply because they are from the same region??

I think it needs clarifying as some people squirm that "Thaksin" is Elite as well so whats the difference.

The difference is here, the Yellow, the "EE" "Established Elite" are the old school, those that deem power is theirs forever, and nobody can challenge them for it or take it away from them. Kind of like "old money and new money".

The likes of Thaksin are the "new money". Business men who now represent more of what politics around the world is moving to, movers and shakers who show little respect towards the old money as they deem them lazy and living off what their ancestors did as opposed to working for they position.

Before anyone can claim any different I am at NO stage talking about those that cannot be talked about. This post is nothing to do with them.

So this is a battle between the "Established Elite" in Yellow, and the Politicians in Red.

The Politicians in Red have risen in power and strength as they have brought in populist policies to help the poor.

The Established Elite in Yellow are bemused by the peasant uprising and want to control the situation and bring it back to being what it always has been, them in control and thats it.

The answer lies in the middle somewhere. As much as TRT and Thaksin did some immoral things, the Yellow Elite have now done since 2007 even more immoral things and the situation is that both are now as guilty as each other, however one is trying to convict one whilst ignoring what they are doing is exactly what they are attempting to convict the other of doing.

The best way for THailand to mature is just to let it happen, let the people use their votes and just let it be.

The EE need to step back and just accept this is 2010 and not 1910.

People only learn by making mistakes, so let them make mistake and let them learn. The EE are unwilling to let control go but they must if the country is ever to move forward.

Dissolve the House and let their be elections within a couple of months.

In fact, had the Yellow EE just kept their noses out and not put in place a coup and all the troubles since, its quite likely Thaksin and the TRT would have been blamed for the financial crisis problems and would have been voted out in an election by now already.

However, the stupid Yellow have, rather than letting people learn and mature, interfered and created an even bigger problem than there was already.

The EE needs to stop meddling and let the people mature in the knowledge of Democracy, what it means and how important their vote is. Its not about education, its about experience.

House Dissolution now !! Its the only real answer.


The Abhisit regime came in existence through abuse of power by the military and then abuse of power by a court , both having no business banning a political party in any country that calls itself democratic . Those here who want to know how it is done in a real democracy can read about the story of Richard Nixon in the early 70s (then the president and the head of the republican party) . Basically in Thailand they fought one abuser of power (Thaksin) by perpetrating other abuses of power . Thaksin paid the price and now its the turn of Abhisit , fair and square .

Lets hope for the sake of Thailand that anarchy will not prevail and that Abhisit (or his relief ) can share power with the PTP in a governement of national unity or through a consultative body and bring about the changes that are so urgently needed while preparing for the next general elections

ozzieman05 - well kudos to your wife mate. I appreciate her honesty and her view point. However does she think she would have gotten anywhere without your help? (this is not an attack so please do not take it that way)

However she must also know that many Thai(s) do not agree with her view point and she also must respect their views as equally as they would respect hers.

Point taken and agreed

I can only say I hope so, but somewhere in the back of my mind I doubt it

She has yes changed in many ways, and I have seen her on many occasion stick to her grass roots and take a Thai under her wing that has come on hard times

I must admit I have always had trouble understand the female race, her being Thai just adds to the confusion

But in the end this is her country and we farangs are just guests

So right or wrong we really have no say

Maybe I made a mistake with her and should just keep this site to Farang, some take it serious so as a joke

In the end no one makes us stay on line

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