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Images Of How Peacefully Some Of The Reds Have Been Protesting


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Can anyone tell me if it is ok to protest like this in your country (see attachments)? In the second picture, I wonder if you guys are thinking the same as me, that is, a foreign guy being punched in the face.

Well yes it is not a good thing...Although punching the right foreigners would be an improvement many times :)

Seems this group here beat on cops a lot too....

Mueng Gun





Yeah but they are not 'real' yellow shirts! they are red shirts dressed as yellow shirts! and the guy in the second photo is the 3rd hand weve all heard so much about!!

good for the goose and all that

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Don't know the context of the photo(s) - hard to say what provoked it or it was unprovoked.

You are dead right Brit...............maybe those pics show redshirt struggling for his own saftey after being attached. Pics dont always show the truth or what one wants them to show.

I have just come up from Samui, and reading the press etc., i had the idea that all of Bangkok was against the Reds. However last night on Sukumvit i witnessed small convoys of Redshirts passing by with bystanders actually clapping and waving and there was certainly no danger whatsoever towards farangs.

Perhaps we are being fed anti Red propaganda ?

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Oh well....

If i had my bluetooth thingy with me i could upload some 25 pics and a good 2 hours of video clips showing exactly the opposite..... my guess, 99.75% of the reds are indeed peaceful people, just a tiny fraction wants violence to occur - no different from the yellows there, it was precisely the same.

I went to their rally site at Rajprasong twice for the sole purpose of taking pictures, they even let me ride my motorbike right to the front of the stage, nobody in the crowd appeared angry or violent in any way, not even their security guys.

If it wasn't for their stupid leaders who are paid and commanded by Thaksin they would be just a friendly crowd of people, from my talks with some of them i know that a good many have no idea what exactly they are actually protesting for but all of them hope that whatever it is will make their life better.

I personally just can't stand the fact that this crowd of people is being mis-used by a few nutcases who do it for the money and their "dear leader" who is abroad and too scared to come back here in person.

I hope it will be over soon, that the ordinary protesters go back home, their leaders will rot in jail and Abhisit can finally get to do what a PM is supposed to do - run the country and start tackling the issues of those protesters, i am sure he would help them if given a chance.

Best regards.....


(edit: typo)

It looks to me as though you are "pushing the line" that the majority of these Redshirts are just plain stupid uneducated ignorants, being led by a small bunch of Thaksin supporters. I do not believe this . I do believe that they are ordinary people 'there but for the grace of god go i' who have had enough of being manipulated and used by the rich minority and just want a fair deal regardless of Khun Thaksin even though he was the most popular and considerate PM that they have ever had.

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None of its good, but medical reports show the army is using rubber bullets while the reds are using real bullets and M79 grenades. Not all deaths are due to weapon-inflicted wounds. One of the dead died of a heart attack. While more of the deaths are on the redshirt side, more of the injuries are on the Army side. That could be due to the armor worn by the army.

soure1 - the Nation

soure2 - the Nation

Edited by zaphodbeeblebrox
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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh well....

If i had my bluetooth thingy with me i could upload some 25 pics and a good 2 hours of video clips showing exactly the opposite..... my guess, 99.75% of the reds are indeed peaceful people, just a tiny fraction wants violence to occur - no different from the yellows there, it was precisely the same.

I went to their rally site at Rajprasong twice for the sole purpose of taking pictures, they even let me ride my motorbike right to the front of the stage, nobody in the crowd appeared angry or violent in any way, not even their security guys.

If it wasn't for their stupid leaders who are paid and commanded by Thaksin they would be just a friendly crowd of people, from my talks with some of them i know that a good many have no idea what exactly they are actually protesting for but all of them hope that whatever it is will make their life better.

I personally just can't stand the fact that this crowd of people is being mis-used by a few nutcases who do it for the money and their "dear leader" who is abroad and too scared to come back here in person.

I hope it will be over soon, that the ordinary protesters go back home, their leaders will rot in jail and Abhisit can finally get to do what a PM is supposed to do - run the country and start tackling the issues of those protesters, i am sure he would help them if given a chance.

Best regards.....


(edit: typo)

It looks to me as though you are "pushing the line" that the majority of these Redshirts are just plain stupid uneducated ignorants, being led by a small bunch of Thaksin supporters. I do not believe this . I do believe that they are ordinary people 'there but for the grace of god go i' who have had enough of being manipulated and used by the rich minority and just want a fair deal regardless of Khun Thaksin even though he was the most popular and considerate PM that they have ever had.

And by toppling the government unlawfully, all those wrongs will be righted? Dream on.

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Don't know the context of the photo(s) - hard to say what provoked it or it was unprovoked.

Brit ---- so stomping the guy on the ground is appropriate "if provoked"?

If he was the prick driving his Porsche into a crowd: yes. Without knowing the background we'll never know.

As I am somewhat aware of the facts of the porsche case verified by people who observed the entire stream of events, as I understand it will be presented with witnesses regarding insurance or court cases as this which a court will be likely to accept as fact given the lack of conflicting views from reliable eye witnesses.

1. The owner was in a car driving towards intercon, and wanting to make a right turn into the hotel

2. He was stuck approximately 50-100m away from the hotel for 2 hours with traffic not moving

3. As the lane of oncoming traffic was only with people, having waited 2 hours, he pulled over into the line of people and gently edged forward the remaining 50m approx, and people allowed him to drive through

4. At the point of then wishing to turn into the intercon driveway, the motorcycles parked on the roadside prevented him from driving through - not people - bikes

5. He foolishly revved his engine, hoping that they would understand he just wanted to pass a single line of parked bikes to enter the hotel. The owners of the bikes did not respond but rather appeared to take this as a threat, and started banging on his car and surrounding him

6. He then drove forward as he felt physically under threat, knocking a bike and then was surrounded and basically the car had the crap bashed out of it

At no point was anyone hit or did he drive into people. To get to that point, in fact he was actually driving through pedestrians at a very slow speed, exactly as we see cars driving down, now where is somewhere we can all relate, er, ok, Soi Cowboy (ok ok Sunee Plaza for the more adventurous).

His actions are technically a breach of traffic law; the illegally parked vehicles were in his way, but they were, in legal terms, there to be seen and he hit one or more of them at low speed.

Subsequent actions of the mob were anything but peaceful and are also a breach of law being both assault and vandalism. I doubt the red leaders will give up the doers.

This was used as a political statement by the reds - ironic being that the intercon is where the leaders were staying while their underlings sleep on the road.

Thank you for taking the time to clear that up. I always wondered why someone would go postal with an expensive car like that.

I certainly think we can all sympathize with the poor driver's frustrations. Normal Bangkok traffic stresses me out already. I can imagine being trapped in a red mob for hours just trying to go a few feet. He was far from a prick, as some people have labeled him. Sounds like a normal guy to me who simply trying to get to his destination. I hope that the red shirt pricks who did that to his car are identified from video and forced to pay for the full extent of the damages out of their own pockets. That 500 baht per day they were getting for protesting wouldn't seem like so much if they were forced to hand over 10 million baht for destroying a Porsche.

I'm sure his insurance will cover the damage to the motorcycles if we wanted to be completely fair about it.

I hope these lawless red shirted thugs are shut down soon. The good people of Bangkok have been far too patient with them. Anybody who thinks they honestly have a right to protest in this manner is seriously disturbed.

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Let's hope the honorable red shirts can go home soon once the govt resigns, house is dissolved and elections called. :)

Let's hope it is alot sooner than that.

Ok Britmav, I will play along. PM to call elections in 9 months. Now go home.

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