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Troop Numbers, Tactics


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According to Wikipedia, (I know, I know, but it's a quick if unverified source), there are 306,600 active troops in the armed forces, with 200,000 reserves. Granted that a fair percentage are navy or airforce, (but are presumably trained in ground combat as well), that still leaves a high population available for Bangkok.

As the reds are heading for the ThaiCom headquarters in Pathum Thani, this site was obviously chosen not just because the reds suffered a rout there yesterday, but because it is far enough out of the city that reserve red "troops" from up country can join in, and then fight their way into Bangkok. This kills two birds with one stone, as they get their tv back, and they are able to swell their numbers in the downtown core.

As I see it, the main goals of the military today should be stopping the group that is leaving downtown from getting too far out, stopping the reserve reds from retaking the ThaiCom headquarters, and dispersing the remaining reds at Radjaphrasong. There are probably around 20,000 reds in Bangkok, (I don't believe their claims of 60,000+, many went home), and an unknown number waiting outside.

234 companies of military and police are staging checkpoints, but how many are in a company? I know that it varies by country and division, and can range from 70-250 personnel, so what is it in Thailand? Given my range, to could be anywhere from 16380 to 58500 personnel. Where are the rest?

Numbers always dominate in semi-peaceful protests, and the military and police leaders have used the old song of "there are too many of them for us to subdue peacefully" many times. If they can contain them to one area, why not bring in 5-10 personnel per protester and calmly remove them? The red shirts have advertised what their greatest fears are by showing fake footage of teargas and troop advancement. Why not employ a combination of teargas and the LRADs? As I see it, there are many options to subduing this peacefully without guns.

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Sorry Winnie, they lost the protesting card after all the violent threats and incitement to revolution they spouted on stage. :D They've also shown that they can't control all the branches of their movement, preferring to denounce those people as "false reds" after they do something that the core group has called for repeatedly. This is a peaceful protest in name only.

If they had kept to Phan Fa, and kept to the the entertaining stage shows and "love-ins" that began this, I would agree with you and say that military involvement isn't needed. But they've sadly crossed the line, and now need to be controlled. They have no one to blame but themselves as the government has been more than patient with them. Even Banharn has spoken out against their pig-headedness!

I'm not consulting :):D :D , I'm merely asking about what the plan for military movement might be as this progresses today.

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So it seems that the military and police are botching the situation at ThaiCom. Bad training? Bad leadership? A pro-red/anti-red disconnect between the military leaders and the troops?

Even with teargas and water cannons, they couldn't keep a line. Who trains these guys?


Maybe it's time to sack Anupong. He knows that he's going to retire soon, and he doesn't want to anger anyone or get blood on his hands. It's a good plan for a civil servant, but it makes for an ineffective commander.

Edited by Meridian007
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So it seems that the military and police are botching the situation at ThaiCom. Bad training? Bad leadership? A pro-red/anti-red disconnect between the military leaders and the troops?

Even with teargas and water cannons, they couldn't keep a line. Who trains these guys?

Serious questions about loyalty me think

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Yup, but the internet feed to the live broadcast I was watching just got cut, so maybe there will be some actions that the military doesn't want the world to see. I hope they remember that there are many journos there, and try to keep this from getting ugly.

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You are right about loyalty. Check out the soldier with the red scarf on. This was just posted from ThaiCom on someone's twitter.


not only loyalty, you cant really fight a mob without making and taking casualties. Maybe they did not have permission for that.

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Yes, it is probably a combination of restrictive/confusing orders, mixed with upcountry loyalties without understanding what their insubordination means for Thailand's security. Here's another that I found of the latter from today at ThaiCom.


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This is a very delicate situation for the Military because its very hard to ask brothers to beat up their fathers. Perhaps they can bring Southern army units to Bangkok who aren't pro-TRT/UDD

Soldiers aren't well paid and probably more than 50% are pro-Thaksin

That is the problem when you are trying to run a country without the approval of the majority :)

Edited by TheItaliann
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This is a very delicate situation for the Military because its very hard to ask brothers to beat up their fathers. Perhaps they can bring Southern army units to Bangkok who aren't pro-TRT/UDD

Soldiers aren't well paid and probably more than 50% are pro-Thaksin

That is the problem when you are trying to run a country without the approval of the majority :)

That's the problem when you are trying to run a country without the approval of a sizeable minority who have no respect for the law and no respect for democracy.

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