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Red-Shirts Blamed For Gunfights, Bomb Attacks

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Amarin Phachonyut:

"Tear gas responsible for chaos among troops at kokwoa intersection. The chaos triggered a misfire of M79 that drop in the command area instantly killed a commander and fatally wounded 3 others. LtGen. Walit lost his legs.

The troops in the front line thinking they were attack from behind turned around and started firing wounding 20 other officers.

After the mess, Prayuth held a meeting demanding other commanders support him in a coup. They all turned him down flat, and instead demanded he take responsibility for the mess."

From facebook udd

sounds like red shirt hogwash! M79 misfire?? M79 barrel is rifled and projectile must spin rapidly a certain number of times (sorry, forget count) before grenade detonator is armed. Maybe if it was fired directly in the air............

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quote thaksin:

He also pleaded to the military as well as the government not to perceive the red shirts as their enemy but rather Thai citizens just like the rest of the nation.

They paid taxes for all the weapons used against them.

Rather hypocritical when he neglected to pay his own taxes! :):D


Given the low income of the average Red Shirt, would they have to pay taxes at all? I know lots around here who do not.

quote thaksin:

He also pleaded to the military as well as the government not to perceive the red shirts as their enemy but rather Thai citizens just like the rest of the nation.

They paid taxes for all the weapons used against them.

Rather hypocritical when he neglected to pay his own taxes! :):D

actually if these protestors are the rural poor then they didn't pay taxes to buy the weapons. If on the otherhand they were Thaksin and SaeDaeng's ronins ... the other red leader's "guerilla forces" etc .. who knows what those guys get paid?


quote thaksin:

He also pleaded to the military as well as the government not to perceive the red shirts as their enemy but rather Thai citizens just like the rest of the nation.

They paid taxes for all the weapons used against them.

Rather hypocritical when he neglected to pay his own taxes! :):D

actually if these protestors are the rural poor then they didn't pay taxes to buy the weapons. If on the otherhand they were Thaksin and SaeDaeng's ronins ... the other red leader's "guerilla forces" etc .. who knows what those guys get paid?


Good link, JD....thanks!

This can all be stopped with the reds going home. Is risking your life really worth 500 Baht a day from Thaksin?

The money has gone up.

All my neighbours here in the Samutprakarn village had been promised 100.000 Baht per household if the reds succeed.

Registration for the daily wage and the end bonus at Imperial Samrong Reds office.

Neighbours are saying they will join the rally to take the 100k for the children's future education.

That guy is almost enough to make me believe in the devil.

Amarin Phachonyut:

"Tear gas responsible for chaos among troops at kokwoa intersection. The chaos triggered a misfire of M79 that drop in the command area instantly killed a commander and fatally wounded 3 others. LtGen. Walit lost his legs.

The troops in the front line thinking they were attack from behind turned around and started firing wounding 20 other officers.

After the mess, Prayuth held a meeting demanding other commanders support him in a coup. They all turned him down flat, and instead demanded he take responsibility for the mess."

From facebook udd

sounds like red shirt hogwash! M79 misfire?? M79 barrel is rifled and projectile must spin rapidly a certain number of times (sorry, forget count) before grenade detonator is armed. Maybe if it was fired directly in the air............

Got it. Desperate times for the reds - they've been branded as terrorists by the rest of the country now it seems.

Can a bullet fired into the air kill someone when it comes down?

Yes. I once watch of discovey (not sure mythbuster or what). The expericent drop a small nut (nut and bolt, not nut you eat, or nut like you) from a very tall tower. The effect is deadly.

So the argument that army merely shooting into the air will not kill anyone is nonsense. If future, if army needs to shoot into the air, why don't they shoot at 90 degree, so the bullet show back at them. With helmet on, the are more likely to survive.

<>No, not normally. In the 1920's the US Army did studies on a Florida lake where they fired 30 cal. rounds into the air from a floating platform to calculate the time it took to fall back to earth (water, in this case) and estimate the terminal velocity of the rounds. The bullets return velocity was about 300 fps and the conclusion was a falling round can cause injury but is unlikely to cause leathal injury. During the tests, 2 of the 500 to 1000 rounds fired landed on the deck of their boat causing about 1/4 inch (6mm) indents in the wood. Both rounds returned to earth backend first leaving a circular indent.

During the 1992 Suchinda unrest, a middle aged woman reported to a hospital with a bullet lodged in the top of her skull, but she was otherwise OK. After reading the US Army report, I assume she was hit by bullet fired into the air.

No weapons in this one. Just some peaceful protestors introducing themselves to some passersby at a BTS station.

Looks like the stocky guy with the woman said something while they were walking by. Not exactly the smartest thing to do even if the reaction was over the top.

This government (and I use the word 'government' jokingly) don't give a dam_n about the deaths, the protesters that died are the poor and the soldiers that died were probably the same, some poor conscripts from the north east. Abhisit needs to hang his head in shame this morning, then do the right thing and fall on his sword. He spouted nonsense about he will win 240 seats then did not have the balls to put that to the people. it is his desire to hang onto the power that he was given by the army that led to this, he knew he could not win it in an election.

I am ashamed that this man was educated in the UK, as soon as he left there and came to Thailand he straight away adopted the thai attitude of 'fuc_k you, I am rich'.

He has always been weak and always will be

Besides your language, which does not belong here, may I remind you that Abhisit came to power as a result of vote buying by the PPP. The reds squandered their chance to participate in the government or even rule the country. And now they cannot accept that they are in the opposition and try to blackmail the ruling government to step back. This is not a democratic way to deal with a government. The reds should go home and publish their opinnion and wait for the next elections.

Nation: Maj-Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol said Sunday that the so-called 'Ronin' warriors or underground warriors helped red-shirt protesters battle troops on Saturday. He admitted that the "unknown force" or "Ronin warriors" fired M79 grenades at troops and one M79 grenade landed at the tent of the commander of the operation, causing the troops to have no commander. "This caused the troops to have no commander and caused them to lose the battle," Khattiya said.

I see now we're getting a little closer to the truth. .. But I guess Khattiya is a 'fake red'. .. :)

Oh lest you forget;

Maj-Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol, known as Seh Daeng, an army specialist who has been suspended from duty, is one of the 17 people wanted under arrest warrants approved by the Criminal Court, police said.

This government (and I use the word 'government' jokingly) don't give a dam_n about the deaths, the protesters that died are the poor and the soldiers that died were probably the same, some poor conscripts from the north east. Abhisit needs to hang his head in shame this morning, then do the right thing and fall on his sword. He spouted nonsense about he will win 240 seats then did not have the balls to put that to the people. it is his desire to hang onto the power that he was given by the army that led to this, he knew he could not win it in an election.

I am ashamed that this man was educated in the UK, as soon as he left there and came to Thailand he straight away adopted the thai attitude of 'fuc_k you, I am rich'.

He has always been weak and always will be

Besides your language, which does not belong here, may I remind you that Abhisit came to power as a result of vote buying by the PPP. The reds squandered their chance to participate in the government or even rule the country. And now they cannot accept that they are in the opposition and try to blackmail the ruling government to step back. This is not a democratic way to deal with a government. The reds should go home and publish their opinnion and wait for the next elections.

Spot on but Mr. T will not allow the reds to simply go home. Now he has crossed the line. I'm not sure he realized how radical his minions were when he first started this mess. This Jatuporn fellow is a basket casecrazy.gif not to mention Dr. Weng crazy.gif. They are now totally out of control. It is now a do or die situation for Mr. T. Send in the paid mob at all cost. dam_n the torpedoes full speed ahaed. So what if a few hundred Thais get killed in the process as long as he gets his money back! Also these thugs know now they will be spending many years behind bars if they are defeated and rightly so. So they have nothing to loose and everything to gain by urging these poor sheep to blindly follow their every command. Sad but true.

This can all be stopped with the reds going home. Is risking your life really worth 500 Baht a day from Thaksin?

The money has gone up.

All my neighbours here in the Samutprakarn village had been promised 100.000 Baht per household if the reds succeed.

Registration for the daily wage and the end bonus at Imperial Samrong Reds office.

Neighbours are saying they will join the rally to take the 100k for the children's future education.

Can you please provide solid evidence of this? Please do not make statements with out proof. I am not trying to provoke arguement but lots of things are being taken out of context.

Another for the peaceful, unarmed protestors archive.

Sorry I don't get it. Isn't he in army uniform or something like that?

Take another look. He is dressed in total black. Not army issues. Remember where we heard about the guys in black?

In my school, when 2 boys fight, our teacher will punish the boy who put out the first punch.

I'll let you be the judge.


But now, through Sae Daeng's admission and photo evidence of his armed troops being present in the area, how do we know who fired the first round?

This can all be stopped with the reds going home. Is risking your life really worth 500 Baht a day from Thaksin?

The money has gone up.

All my neighbours here in the Samutprakarn village had been promised 100.000 Baht per household if the reds succeed.

Registration for the daily wage and the end bonus at Imperial Samrong Reds office.

Neighbours are saying they will join the rally to take the 100k for the children's future education.

Can you please provide solid evidence of this? Please do not make statements with out proof. I am not trying to provoke arguement but lots of things are being taken out of context.

Same here. Can you provide evidence of this? I am 100% against the reds but we need to back up what we post here for credibility. As I stated in a previous post, my wife's uncle is the head of the village here which has 250 guys in the red rally. She just called him to verify and he said he had no info on this.


Who are these militia firing M79 riffle towards riot police? I assume they are Reds?


The Reds Militia?


Reds shown collecting buillet's shell from the ground (M79 and M16 riffle bullets, I'm not sure). But if they have collected these shells in their vicinity someone must have fired them there, where the soldiers there before?

Several farangs are also seen in the video, looks like Bangkok tourist to me. Tsk, tsk, these guys are endangering themselves.

On the last part of the video that guy (wearing swimming googles) was basically saying that he saw a man wearing a black shirt shot the soldier to the ground (dead). He said that the soldiers did not shoot.

Could the guy he was referring to is the same guy on the photo above?


see more on: http://www.oknation.net/blog/canthai/2010/04/11/entry-5


Lucky they can expect a Royal intervention both parties should be able to respect before packing up. Every thing written and or said is easy but to be in Mr. Abhisit shoes right now is not at all easy because the reds came for other reasons than now what is their own recognition in Thailand power games.

4 soldiers dead and hundreds wounded....

If thailand had a professional police, with anti riot force to front the insurgents, special forces to quickly and clean arrest the red leaders, they had no needs for the intervention of the Thai Army.

But cops are too busy to count the baht made with their corrupted activities and to scared to face to face a mob.

In France the Anti Riot Forces (named CRS) are recruited amidst Police and professional soldiers at the end of their contract with Army: all the CRS are experienced, no young conscrit. They have a special training. It will not take so long to create such a Force in Thailand.

It is particularly important that People doing this kind of work are mature, responsible, well informed about laws, consequences of their acts.

It is amateurism to engage the Army.

It may not take long, but the fact is, they don't have it.

The police barely have any training in anything, and the general army have some training, but not enough.

That has been the case for years. Maybe something will change soon, but don't hold your breath (under any government).

The red leaders knew they would be up against the army. They knew the quality of the army. They knew that if the red shirts kept on pushing that this would happen. Yet they continued to push.

In my school, when 2 boys fight, our teacher will punish the boy who put out the first punch.

I'll let you be the judge.

and of course you going to have thousand of reply to say it's the fault of demonstrators, they break the law under the martial law... and have weapons and tons of bla bla bla for protect the government of liers who all the day they said they use rubber bullet and teargas... and finally said they use real bullet when we can count the peoples dead... and when 3 days ago the PM said he will take full responsability to give full power to army and police to restore order (clean demonstrators) from BKK under the martial law... but he is still in charge of this country... double lier last few days... so how you can trust this kind of politicians, both side have liers or propagandist and clash is the result...


The linked video here is one of the most mysterious ones I have seen to suggest that perhaps it was not the army doing the shooting.

Warning: before you click the link, be forewarned that this is very graphic.

The clip opens with the protestors moving forward, perhaps to confront troops. At 16 seconds, you see one of them shot in the head and fall forward. Notice where his skull and brains landed. He was shot from behind, and not from the direction that the other protestors were facing.


The linked video here is one of the most mysterious ones I have seen to suggest that perhaps it was not the army doing the shooting.

Warning: before you click the link, be forewarned that this is very graphic.

The clip opens with the protestors moving forward, perhaps to confront troops. At 16 seconds, you see one of them shot in the head and fall forward. Notice where his skull and brains landed. He was shot from behind, and not from the direction that the other protestors were facing.


That is a shocking and I daresay investigatively important video. It looks like the Thanong scenario I wrote about a few days ago. Dead Reds, no matter who is the assailant seems the goal. That's something they can sell to a mob. All the more important to collect those corpses. Shockingly sad.

The linked video here is one of the most mysterious ones I have seen to suggest that perhaps it was not the army doing the shooting.

Warning: before you click the link, be forewarned that this is very graphic.

The clip opens with the protestors moving forward, perhaps to confront troops. At 16 seconds, you see one of them shot in the head and fall forward. Notice where his skull and brains landed. He was shot from behind, and not from the direction that the other protestors were facing.


That is pretty gruesome what kind of round is that, that would do that to your head.

The linked video here is one of the most mysterious ones I have seen to suggest that perhaps it was not the army doing the shooting.

Warning: before you click the link, be forewarned that this is very graphic.

The clip opens with the protestors moving forward, perhaps to confront troops. At 16 seconds, you see one of them shot in the head and fall forward. Notice where his skull and brains landed. He was shot from behind, and not from the direction that the other protestors were facing.


That is a shocking and I daresay investigatively important video. It looks like the Thanong scenario I wrote about a few days ago. Dead Reds, no matter who is the assailant seems the goal. That's something they call sell to a mob. All the more important to collect those corpses. Shockingly sad.

That leads to my first foray into the "tin-hat" section of this forum ..... Is this one of the corpses that was stolen? If so would Jatuporn have a REASON to steal this particular corpse before a forensic dr has a chance to go over the body?

The linked video here is one of the most mysterious ones I have seen to suggest that perhaps it was not the army doing the shooting.

Warning: before you click the link, be forewarned that this is very graphic.

The clip opens with the protestors moving forward, perhaps to confront troops. At 16 seconds, you see one of them shot in the head and fall forward. Notice where his skull and brains landed. He was shot from behind, and not from the direction that the other protestors were facing.


He falls backwards. Looks like the bullet came from roughly the direction in which he was looking - which was sideways/backwards to the rest of his fellow protesters who are looking at the army. Very strange. But then bullets in urban spaces do strange things.

The linked video here is one of the most mysterious ones I have seen to suggest that perhaps it was not the army doing the shooting.

Warning: before you click the link, be forewarned that this is very graphic.

The clip opens with the protestors moving forward, perhaps to confront troops. At 16 seconds, you see one of them shot in the head and fall forward. Notice where his skull and brains landed. He was shot from behind, and not from the direction that the other protestors were facing.


That is pretty gruesome what kind of round is that, that would do that to your head.

One that has been flattened somewhat by ricocheting off a wall?

The linked video here is one of the most mysterious ones I have seen to suggest that perhaps it was not the army doing the shooting.

Warning: before you click the link, be forewarned that this is very graphic.

The clip opens with the protestors moving forward, perhaps to confront troops. At 16 seconds, you see one of them shot in the head and fall forward. Notice where his skull and brains landed. He was shot from behind, and not from the direction that the other protestors were facing.


I'll skip the graphics.

It is clear it wasn't the Army and in fact, already one of the Red's leaders (Saeh Dang) has acknowledged it was an outside group.

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