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Urgent! Need Help!

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We were driving in a rented jeep on Koh Samui and a scooter pulled out in front of us suddenly, while trying to turn off the road. (We were driving straight ahead, they were driving towards us in the opposite lane and were turning right off the road.)

We hit them but only softly because we weren't driving fast and had time to break. There was a man, a woman and a small child on the scooter. The scooter fell over and the man got a scrape on his leg, but everything else was fine, including the scooter and the car.

Before we knew it, he was on the phone, the ambulance was there and a bunch of Thai people were standing around him. No one was saying anything to us, but the guy was pointing at his scooter and his leg and said he wanted to go to the Bangkok hospital (the most expensive on the island). Then, everyone just drove off. We saw them take down the number of our jeep.

We weren't told to wait for the police, so after a while (since everyone else had gone), we just left. But a farang guy that was there told us that since we don't have a Thai driving license (only Australia) the accident will be considered our fault even though it wasn't.

We are worried that any minute the police will arrive and give us a giant bill for hospital bills and a new scooter, and want us to pay them a bribe. We are also worried that they did call the police and even though we waited and no one came, maybe they turned up way later. The Thai people could say we left right after we hit them and we will have no one to say that wasn't what happened.

What should we do? Should we leave Samui? What is the worst that can happen? What is most likely to happen?

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Contact the tourist police.

The tourist police can be found between ‘Big C’ & ‘Samui town centre’ on the ringroad (ie 500m from Big C on the same side of the road heading towards bophut traffic lights).

Emergency: 1155

Office (24hrs) 077 430016-7

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Could you answer a simple question please.

How could you understand a Thai speaking Thai. You don't speak the language do you. I know people that have lived here for years who would'nt have understood a word he said.

I have other questions but this one is of particulour interest.

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Now this probably isn't the correct thing to do but as it was a rented jeep i would take it back to the shop and say you have changed your mind and you dont want it anymore, if they notice any damage that may or may not have been caused by the incident apologise and pay what they want (within reason). Get your passport back or any other documents you may have left them then there will be no way of tracing you (unless you paid by credit card). Good luck!!

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This is a tough one... Do you do the "morally" right thing and go to the police yourself to explain the situation, however this is Samui...

Really, you should have an international driving license to drive here and insurance. If you don't then you shouldn't have been driving the rental truck in the first place.

If they hit you and your truck was on your side of the road then they are in the wrong. This is automatic and can be proven by pictures (I always carry a camera in the car in case of this)

Chances are 90% they don't have a Thai motorbike license.

However this is Samui. Personally if you don't have insurance and an international license or any witnesses then I'd leave Samui ASAP!

I know too many people who have been stitched up by these "accidents" the worst was a friend who swerved to avoid someone and hit the guy head-on on the other side of the road. My friend had a Thai license, full insurance, but because the accident had occured on the other side of the road, he was in the wrong. He had to pay out big time and I mean big time.

Good Luck,


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Could you answer a simple question please.

How could you understand a Thai speaking Thai. You don't speak the language do you. I know people that have lived here for years who would'nt have understood a word he said.

I have other questions but this one is of particulour interest.

Very suprised that the OP has'nt replied to some very helpful posts. Were that someone was involved in a situation like this, they would know what to do.

A sceptic would say this is a troll. No Thai EVER refers to Bangkok when talking to another Thai. They ALWAYS say Klung Thep. No tourist would EVER be able to understand a Thai telling others in his native tongue that info. In short you would not have had a clue what was going on would you

If i am wrong i apologise and the best of luck :)

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No Thai EVER refers to Bangkok when talking to another Thai. They ALWAYS say Klung Thep.

That's true when referring to the capital city Bangkok but not when the hospital is called Bangkok Hospital. As for a tourist not understanding, depends on how much they've studied and how many times they've been here. When I was a tourist, I could understand a large part of what was being said due to previous exposure to the language.

As for the law, it is illegal to move any vehicle involved in an accident until the police arrive, this includes scooters. As such, the ones on the scooter have also done a "runner" in effect.

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BANGKOK Hospital is called the BANGKOK Hospital it is not the Krung Thep Hospital, when Thais say the Bangok Hospital they say the "Bangkok Hospital" in the stupid sounding english that they speak because that is what it is called that is what its name is, if I am wrong I apologise and best of luck,

I apologise sorry I was wrong

Edited by maithai99
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No Thai EVER refers to Bangkok when talking to another Thai. They ALWAYS say Klung Thep.

That's true when referring to the capital city Bangkok but not when the hospital is called Bangkok Hospital. As for a tourist not understanding, depends on how much they've studied and how many times they've been here. When I was a tourist, I could understand a large part of what was being said due to previous exposure to the language.

As for the law, it is illegal to move any vehicle involved in an accident until the police arrive, this includes scooters. As such, the ones on the scooter have also done a "runner" in effect.

I asked the question to my staff and a friend before i posted, andthey all said without hesitation that the hospital would always be refered to as Klung Thep.

You are obviously a talented linguist becuse i know many intelligent foreigners that have lived here for ten years and could'nt have understood what was said.

I'm just saying that it is very dubious as is the total lack of response from the OP.

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Carmine you are an #$%%^ and should apologise- the BANGKOK Hospital is called the BANGKOK Hospital it is not the Krung Thep Hospital, when Thais say the Bangok Hospital they say the "Bangkok Hospital" in the stupid sounding english that they speak because that is what it is called that is what its name is, if I am wrong I apologise and best of luck, can you tell us what the thais call Tesco Lotus or Big C

And you should cut out the abuse, read my post properly, see that i did apologise if i am wrong, andget your facts right.

When Thai talks to Thai they always refer to it as Klung Thep Samui....or are they all just lying to me for the hel_l of it.

I don't think that food chains have nything to do with this and you clearly don't have the gift of the gabb so you are wasting your time and mine

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I asked the question to my staff and a friend before i posted, andthey all said without hesitation that the hospital would always be refered to as Klung Thep.

My apologies as I was wrong. I just went to the hospital website. In English it is called Bangkok Hospital but in Thai it is rohngpaiyabahn Krung Thep (Krung Thep Hospital). Carimine is correct and the poster who doubts it and can read Thai just look here > Bankok Hospital Samui. The top banner says what I posted.

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does somebody believe, a thai who claims to go to BKK Samui hospital on Samui, goes there without the name/address of the

one who will have to pay the bill there??

The hospital will not start any treatment without to be sure, that the bill will be paid.

And the Thai will not/cannot pay upfront.

OP did not say, that his personal informations were asked.

seems to be a Troll.

Edited by goldfinger
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The OP did say there was another Farang there that gave them some advice. It could well be that the other farang, who seems to know the drill, heard and understood what was said and it is possible that he heard the Thai version name of the hospital and translated the English version of the name to the OP, making the argument about the name and the question about the OP not understanding Thai, a dead question. Give each other some slack, for crying out loud!

As for why the OP hasn't posted, yes, some of the advice here was certainly aimed at getting him to RUN immediately. Maybe he he did. He did, after all, ask "What should we do?".

Edited by kandahar
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The Thai's look at this way. You are a falang and you do not belong in thailand so not belonging in thailand means if you were not there {which you shouldn't be because you don't belong} the "accident" would never have happend so it only stands to reason that you are at fault.

Oh......and the other reason is that all falangs are billionares so can afford to pay the poor Thai's damages...regardless of who is to blame.

Blame is also a very subjective idea or notion in Thailand and as with beauty, it is in the eye of the beholder.

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Although I understand you being worried, the main thing is not to panic and do what many posters on here are suggesting you do, which would end you in a hel_l of a lot more trouble than you're in at the moment.

Did you hire the jeep with or without insurance? If without, not to wise. If with, go back to the hire place with documents and explain the situation with a diagram. See if they will fight your battle for you. You could also involve the tourist police in your visit if you want.

The point about not driving without a Thai driving licence or International driving permit is of course technically correct. However I suspect that all hire companies rent out to clients of whom 98% have no local licence. These will include people like Hertz and Avis so I suspect the hirers that include insurance may have some recognized exception to this rule.

In my experience, there is a bizarre rule regarding accidents on Samui and that is that no matter whose fault it is, the biggest vehicle pays! However politely stand your ground regarding the details of the incident. I did it once and ended up paying nothing. This however did seem a miracle at the time!

If you are going to get hit with a pay off, let the vehicle owner or the tourist police negotiate it down for you if possible. Then bite the bullet, pay, and try and enjoy the rest of your holiday. Making a run for it could really get you into trouble if caught.


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The Thai's look at this way. You are a falang and you do not belong in thailand so not belonging in thailand means if you were not there {which you shouldn't be because you don't belong} the "accident" would never have happend so it only stands to reason that you are at fault.

Oh......and the other reason is that all falangs are billionares so can afford to pay the poor Thai's damages...regardless of who is to blame.

Blame is also a very subjective idea or notion in Thailand and as with beauty, it is in the eye of the beholder.

That may well be the truth in some cases. However, I met a fellow Farang in the hospital a few days ago that might argue this with you. He's still there and will be for some time. I also met the Thai who caused the accident that put this man in the hospital. The young Thai guy is adamant about taking care of the expenses the Farang has, and will, incur. He feels terrible about causing the accident, he feels terrible about the Farang losing a leg and and he is facing his responsibilities in an admirable fashion, including spending time in the hospital, making sure the Farang is comfortable and getting all that he needs. His one request was that the Farang transfer from the most expensive hospital in town to a cheaper one, which the Farang gladly agreed to do and has done, while still receiving good care.

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Here are some simple rules for driving on Samui (or even Thailand in general)

1.) Get a Thai motorbike and/or car license if you're going to drive on the island here. If you're not eligible for one at least get an International License from your country. 90% of the Thai's here don't have a license. Even though they say you're a Farang and you shouldn't be here so you're in the wrong, etc... At least if you have a valid license and they don't the law is on your side.

2.) If you're going to hire a car, hire from Budget or Avis, not from the local Somchai guy who promise you insurance. At least you will have proper insurance with them.

3.) Get some kind of accident insurance for yourself. So if you're in an accident and you're hurt, you can go straight to Bangkok Hospital

4.) Keep a cheap camera in your truck/bike so if you have an accident you can at least get some photo's of the whole scene.

5.) Never swerve to the other side of the road to avoid someone. I know this sounds awful, but if you hit someone on their side of the road, you're in deep sh*t - even if the guy was pissed and swerving all over the road.

6.) Personally if I was involved in something like this and it came to settlement stuff. I wouldn't use a local lawyer here. The local lawyer calls the other local lawyer and they work out a way of getting the most money from this. Contact a lawyer in Bangkok.

7.) If it was your fault, you're driving pissed/drugged up, driving like a dick with no license or insurance then you only have yourself to blame. You take what comes to you.


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No Thai EVER refers to Bangkok when talking to another Thai. They ALWAYS say Klung Thep.

That's true when referring to the capital city Bangkok but not when the hospital is called Bangkok Hospital. As for a tourist not understanding, depends on how much they've studied and how many times they've been here. When I was a tourist, I could understand a large part of what was being said due to previous exposure to the language.

As for the law, it is illegal to move any vehicle involved in an accident until the police arrive, this includes scooters. As such, the ones on the scooter have also done a "runner" in effect.

yes u can move any vechele if none is injured then exchange details. that is according to my book of law for foreigner written in 2006

and yes thai people refer to bangkok as klung thep. or sorry i always like to get 1 more. or klung the maha nakorn. the real name for bangkok is even longer. probably longer than the llongerst word in the english dictionary. Klung thep or klung thepo maha nakorn is in short form. lol i love thailand

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nothing is going to happen enjoy your holiday. unless there is any damage on your rented jeep but that is another matter between you and th rental company. if they wanted money they would have waited with u for the police to come. all they have is a number plate which obviously is not registered to you. probably not even registered to the rental compaany. think they would have more of a head ache with all the other accidents which are far more easier to obtain money out of than this minor tap.

also the police are very busy at the moment with son kran. if the thais really wanted money from u they would have waited with you till the old bill came. what can u do turn your selves in.

don't worry this isnt austrailia this arn't as orgamised here. if it wasn;t delt with there and then. then u r in the clear.

all these other posts about running away. those people are just winding you up. beleive me there will be a hel_l of allot more accidents in the next few days.

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What makes me laugh is all this talk about having driving licences....I hate to think how many of the ferangs riding rented motorbikes here at 80 kph, have never even ridden a bike in their homeland, let alone have licences for one.

HL :)

ps...agree with the last post entirely, if they didnt do anything at the time then they wont now.

Edited by happylarry
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the biggest vehicle pays!

Crap, you try arguing with a cement truck driver.

My sincerest apologies! I can quite understand that with your obvious communication skills you might end up arguing with anybody.

Have a lovely Songkran and try and avoid as much contact with others as you can.

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