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I'm very sorry to hear about the problems the OP is facing, but I thought I'd comment as no-one's took any notice of the OP's first sentence '.....and she won't talk about it.' Let's not forget marriage counselling! Thailand, especially Bangkok, has so many resources and opportunities to help you, just search on a search engine for your nearest. You can find many marriage and family therapists who have Western training.

And that's going to work with a woman who is hel_l bent on ripping him off!!

Jesus you love struck guys crack me up sometimes :)

She also won't talk. He has no idea what the problem is. He's married to a clam, unfortunately.


I have been dealing with essentially the same thing.

OP, I would bet a million baht she is cheating on you. That was my discovery after 10 years of marriage.

I am still with her, hard to believe, but we have 2 young children. I am trying to work through this.

That said, my money has been shifted to a different country, in to a new singly account. She is clueless to its location and can not access it.

Theoritically I could go on a gambling binge.... and poof there it went!

Any how, she can not easily file a divorce on you. So u will have all the time in the world to move and lock of assets. Once done, and u feel that u want a divorce, then by all means.... throw her to the streets.



My oldest, 5yr old, no longer will say "I love u dad." His mother has told him that she no longer "loves daddy" so he figures he should follow her lead. Head games....

But here is the deal folks. The way Thai laws are set up, you have a lot of time to get your assets ready for the big "D." You DO NOT have to get a divorce if you do not want to. The only way she can force a divorce is if you commit one of the 12 grounds of divorce. (look it up)

If u have not done anything wrong, you have little to fear. (that is unless she believes in contract labor)

Once u have every thing in order, than tell her "ok dear, I have tried, your wish is my comand, and u have made it abundantly clear that u want a divorce, so lets go to the court house."

By the way, if she has been keeping odd hours, get your self a GPS tracker and put in her car. They can be found for less than 4K baht. If u wat, you can hard wire them in, so it will charge as the car is running, and will run on battery power when the car is parked.

I wish us all luck


GPS Tracker for 4k. Cool.

I'd be more concerned about reprisals... I hear often, "Life is cheap in Thailand"

When things don't chime well, avoid the balcony.

maybe there should be a policy that newly weds must live in a bungalow for the first 5 years of marriage...

Considering the divorce rate for first time marriages in North America is around 50%, and second time marriages higher than that, ALL MARRIAGES ARE GAMBLE! I believe the divorce rate is much lower in Thailand, but that is just an average. There are many extenuating circumstances that change every relationship. Because a foreigner can NOT own land in Thailand, then EVERY purchase should be considered a charity of some sort. You'll never get close to full value back. I had two marriages in Canada and never did anything wrong, but that didn't mean I didn't get screwed in the divorce settlement. As it turned out, both women did me a favour by ending our marriage.

If you can't make amends with the woman then just walk away. Possessions are just things that tie you down. And, unless you haven't an income, and actually NEED the money from the settlement of the building on the property, then it's not worth fighting over. Take what you can pack in the car and drive away. As I've said many times in Thailand... accept that anything you invest in Thailand as a form of charity. Never invest in anything you can't just walk away from with few regrets. Your freedom is worth more than ANY financial crap.

When you get close to the end of your alloted days on earth, possessions mean absolutely nothing.

A very insightful and commonsense post which I guess we can all learn from.

Many years ago my late father said that if you have food in your stomach, a roof over your head and clothes on your back everything else is a bonus!

If living in Thailand or anywhere for that matter we all need an income. And one that that our g/f or wife cannot access!

Then if we need to move out we at least have some money to help us survive.


Iv'e been married to a Thai for 18 yrs.

I'm not the only one. However, I know more guys who have fallen fowl of the "when it goes wrong" its mine malarky.

The only way to go is to rent a property and get a piece of paper (drafted in Thai) saying that it's her house, paid for by your wife using her own money. She believes it's hers...lock stock and barrell.

Then just wait for the day she says " she love you no more, you bad and she want divorce.

Ask how we will split the house....and wait for the reaction...!!!!!!

Then leave and let her talk to the guy who owns it a couple of months down the line.....priceless.

Of course, to take of a true love. You simply leave a will leaving her everything. This way you've covered all bases.

Job done.

Find the village loan shark and borrow against the house.

Not a loan shark, just a licensed money lender (hehe, yeah, not the same same)... at this point the lender would tell you to bring the chanote and the person (the wife) who's name is on the latest line on the back of the chanote so that a contract could be drawn up.


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