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Where To Shop For Wine?


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I like this thread... but I'm left feeling a bit depressed. After living in Thailand for 5 years, all of the nice posters here have just confirmed what I already believed to be true: Wine just isn't cheap here in the Land of Smiles. There are a few specials to had, but if wine is decent, it doesn't last long. And, wine in a box is very mediocre (at best), though it is affordable.

Are there any other *good* options that are readily available for reasonable prices? That Cantine Ronco sounds internesting, but no one knows were to find it in the big city. What brands do you tend to go for, triplegee?

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Villa market at 33 suk has the best range of reasonably priced wines i think (500-800b). The Wolf Blass is nice as is Lindemanns - still double what you would pay in Europe for same wines tho. I still buy an occasional box of mont clair from Tesco/Carrefour for cheap and nasty drinking sessions. still havent managed to do a full box in one go, but im trying!

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Please note after you've drunk the 6.5 bottles and your feeling a bit sleepy, you can blow into the bag to inflate it and use as pillow so you don't need to take the long walk to bed. :D

Been there, done that. You can also inflate the bag, then sit on it and make farting sounds. Impressive :)

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if your willing to buy a case or two better deals can be had if you buy from the wine wholesalers, ie bangkok beer and bev, italthai, italasia ect.you can score free samples as well if your buying regularly from them.

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Also - 5 lt box of Mont Clair (South African) red or white is 950bt in Tesco, BigC, Carrefoure, Makro.

To be fair they are a bit on the rough side and even the red needs to be chilled to be drinkable. I'd say they are equivalent to Italian or French table wines in quality. OK after the first couple of glasses.

utter garbage

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Wine connection also sells decent wines at decent prices. They have tons of branches. The one at K-village near Emporium also serves good food. Try the lamb chops. They also sell Belgian beer cheaper than other places.

I had one of the best steaks in my life at their Patong branch last year, at about 400 baht. Great wines too!

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