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Bangkok: Eleven Died From Gunshot Wounds

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They said that they were using plastic bullets, not blanks. There is a difference.


No problem.

Also, from the website that I have linked to:

The SJPRN bullet is partially brass-covered and is specially designed for automatic weapons, for which no modifications are needed

These as far as I can see, does not come in NATO 5.56 variant. And the plastic baton round commonly used for riot control is not these. Those are huge round thing that requires a different weapon to discharge those rounds. These rounds shown are used for indoor target practice so that when it impacts, it'll disintegrate completely as opposed to richocheting and leaving traces of lead and crap. These aren't meant for crowd control!! These will kill!

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Nothing suspicious about Thailand buying these weapons. Armies around the world upgrade from time to time. The M16 rifle is getting a little long in the tooth although it's still a very effective weapon.

The Australian army had FAL 7.62 L1A1 SLR's for many years, changed to Steyr F88's.

SAS will commonly use the Steyr or Colt M4.

The army had nothing to gain and everything to lose by shooting the Reds with live ammo. Too much foreign media around to get away with it.

The guys in black are the murderers ! I'll leave it to you to decide which side (if any) they belong to.


News in Australia confirmed that Japanese Reporter was killed by the red shirts not by the army and showed footage of his being shot from the back, while he was facing soldiers.

I think someone from the Red was firing at the soldiers and simply missed.

Irrespective of the facts-he is still dead-very sad

News in Australia confirmed that Japanese Reporter was killed by the red shirts not by the army and showed footage of his being shot from the back, while he was facing soldiers.

I think someone from the Red was firing at the soldiers and simply missed.

Irrespective of the facts-he is still dead-very sad

Do you have a written or internet source for that?


Prior to the release of some news, I did state in the threads that many wounds (entry & exit)were consistent with people being shot in the back. However, there can be a number of reasons for this, aside from the obvious. The type of ordinance used will be determined once the autopsies are complete. Plastic, rubber and regular ordinance all have different impact, and fragmentation and internal "bounce" characteristics once they hit something.

My long winded point is that patience is needed until the full autopsy results are released. We may all be surprised once bullet types are identified.

BTW, Anyone else notice that the person we would expect to be jumping for camera time has been very very quiet. Ever since Dr Porntip lost her credibility after backing the bomb detector she's gone to ground. Perhaps now we will have an unbiased investigation.

News in Australia confirmed that Japanese Reporter was killed by the red shirts not by the army and showed footage of his being shot from the back, while he was facing soldiers.

I think someone from the Red was firing at the soldiers and simply missed.

Irrespective of the facts-he is still dead-very sad

Do you have a written or internet source for that?

No, it was just shown in the news

Why take aim and wait for the correct moment to pull the trigger if it was not live ammunition.

Rubber bullet.

I have not heard of rubber bullets for M16.

Why take aim and wait for the correct moment to pull the trigger if it was not live ammunition.

Rubber bullet.

I have not heard of rubber bullets for M16.

Rubber rounds are available for the M16.

The Israelis typically use them in the occupied territories when they deal with the Palestinians.

they sure did!


surely they could tell if it was a sniper from the trajectory of the in/exit wounds on the bodies

You can see that the flag bearer was shot from behind as he fell forward after being hit...I didn't see any soldiers around him...he was also shot at fairly close range as the sound and the impact were almost instantanious...Two tours of SVN, Malaya etc....I know what a shot man looks like :):D

"Agents provocare" from the "not green" side for sure, cowardly, degenerates...

Which video were you watching? He fell backwards.

Also, there were far too many shots heard to be able to suggest which of the sounds related to the shot that hit him.

Have another look and comment again.

I agree, looks like he fell backwards to me. Also, what do you mean you didn't see any soldiers around him? He was virtually out of the frame when shot and the direction the shot came from was definitely out of the frame. It is just a guess, but if someone shot him at close range other protesters would have mobbed the shooter.

News in Australia confirmed that Japanese Reporter was killed by the red shirts not by the army and showed footage of his being shot from the back, while he was facing soldiers.

I think someone from the Red was firing at the soldiers and simply missed.

Irrespective of the facts-he is still dead-very sad

Army sniper who was high in a building and behind the red shirts and far away from where the clashes occurred.

News in Australia confirmed that Japanese Reporter was killed by the red shirts not by the army and showed footage of his being shot from the back, while he was facing soldiers.

I think someone from the Red was firing at the soldiers and simply missed.

Irrespective of the facts-he is still dead-very sad

Army sniper who was high in a building and behind the red shirts and far away from where the clashes occurred.

At the end of the day, it does not matter where the bullet came from. The man is dead and nothing will bring him back.

I know you are a red supporter, but no point pointing fingers, both sides are guilty. But again that will not bring back the dead on eiher sides, would it?!

Why take aim and wait for the correct moment to pull the trigger if it was not live ammunition.

Rubber bullet.

I have not heard of rubber bullets for M16.

Rubber rounds are available for the M16.

The Israelis typically use them in the occupied territories when they deal with the Palestinians.

Require special attachment for the M16 rifle.

Quote:"Rubber bullet" rounds for the M-16 and similar weapons are steel spheres

half an inch or so in diameter coated with a thin layer of rubber or plastic.

They are loaded, singly and from the muzzle, into a cylindrical tube attached

to the barrel of the weapon, and launched by firing a blank cartridge from

the rifle.

News in Australia confirmed that Japanese Reporter was killed by the red shirts not by the army and showed footage of his being shot from the back, while he was facing soldiers.

I think someone from the Red was firing at the soldiers and simply missed.

Irrespective of the facts-he is still dead-very sad

Army sniper who was high in a building and behind the red shirts and far away from where the clashes occurred.

At the end of the day, it does not matter where the bullet came from. The man is dead and nothing will bring him back.

I know you are a red supporter, but no point pointing fingers, both sides are guilty. But again that will not bring back the dead on eiher sides, would it?!

Quite correct dead is dead!! :) However we must agree the sniper does have a military background and is quite good at what he does. (unknown which side he supports or might well be neither side or a 3rd party that's yet to rear its ugly head)

News in Australia confirmed that Japanese Reporter was killed by the red shirts not by the army and showed footage of his being shot from the back, while he was facing soldiers.

I think someone from the Red was firing at the soldiers and simply missed.

Irrespective of the facts-he is still dead-very sad

Army sniper who was high in a building and behind the red shirts and far away from where the clashes occurred.

At the end of the day, it does not matter where the bullet came from. The man is dead and nothing will bring him back.

I know you are a red supporter, but no point pointing fingers, both sides are guilty. But again that will not bring back the dead on eiher sides, would it?!

If someone has been murdered determining who murdered them will certainly not bring them back to life, but surely it is important to determine who murdered them and their degree of culpability in that murder. Same goes for manslaughter or accidental homicide. It matters where the bullets came from and who fired them. It matters crucially.

News in Australia confirmed that Japanese Reporter was killed by the red shirts not by the army and showed footage of his being shot from the back, while he was facing soldiers.

I think someone from the Red was firing at the soldiers and simply missed.

Irrespective of the facts-he is still dead-very sad

Army sniper who was high in a building and behind the red shirts and far away from where the clashes occurred.

At the end of the day, it does not matter where the bullet came from. The man is dead and nothing will bring him back.

I know you are a red supporter, but no point pointing fingers, both sides are guilty. But again that will not bring back the dead on eiher sides, would it?!

Quite correct dead is dead!! :) However we must agree the sniper does have a military background and is quite good at what he does. (unknown which side he supports or might well be neither side or a 3rd party that's yet to rear its ugly head)

"The terrorists the government claimed [were there] are soldiers who do not accept the current administration, causing conflict within the army," Mr Natthawut said.

"They used the opportunity on Saturday to create unrest."

He did not identify them, or offer to help with their arrest.

News in Australia confirmed that Japanese Reporter was killed by the red shirts not by the army and showed footage of his being shot from the back, while he was facing soldiers.

I think someone from the Red was firing at the soldiers and simply missed.

Irrespective of the facts-he is still dead-very sad

Army sniper who was high in a building and behind the red shirts and far away from where the clashes occurred.

At the end of the day, it does not matter where the bullet came from. The man is dead and nothing will bring him back.

I know you are a red supporter, but no point pointing fingers, both sides are guilty. But again that will not bring back the dead on eiher sides, would it?!

If someone has been murdered determining who murdered them will certainly not bring them back to life, but surely it is important to determine who murdered them and their degree of culpability in that murder. Same goes for manslaughter or accidental homicide. It matters where the bullets came from and who fired them. It matters crucially.

As you can from everyone here and other supporters of either side, everyone points fingers at their opposition.

In a mess like this, i doubt it would be possible to find out the truth and even if someone did, the side that ends up being at fault will not accept it and try to put the blame back. sometimes, there is no win-win and somethings just have to be left alone to prevent more conflict

News in Australia confirmed that Japanese Reporter was killed by the red shirts not by the army and showed footage of his being shot from the back, while he was facing soldiers.

I think someone from the Red was firing at the soldiers and simply missed.

Irrespective of the facts-he is still dead-very sad

Army sniper who was high in a building and behind the red shirts and far away from where the clashes occurred.

At the end of the day, it does not matter where the bullet came from. The man is dead and nothing will bring him back.

I know you are a red supporter, but no point pointing fingers, both sides are guilty. But again that will not bring back the dead on eiher sides, would it?!

Quite correct dead is dead!! :) However we must agree the sniper does have a military background and is quite good at what he does. (unknown which side he supports or might well be neither side or a 3rd party that's yet to rear its ugly head)

Do we have any clear indication who was behind the assassination attempt on Sondhi? Could this perhaps be the same group? Just asking.



Terrorists on camera friends with red shirts: nationmultimedia.com/home/2010/04/13/politics/Anti-riot-squad-cut-up-by-soldiers-in-black-30127131.html

Camera man shot down from red shirt side: bangkokpost.com/news/local/174561/slain-camerman-may-have-caught-third-hand-killers

Red shirts killed Thai army commander with M79 fire: nationmultimedia.com/home/Ronin-warriors-fire-M79-grenades-at-troops-Khattiy-30127000.html

Film: nationmultimedia.com/specials/nationvdo/showvdo.php?id=2880&cateid=13

LINKS add www.


News in Australia confirmed that Japanese Reporter was killed by the red shirts not by the army and showed footage of his being shot from the back, while he was facing soldiers.

I think someone from the Red was firing at the soldiers and simply missed.

Irrespective of the facts-he is still dead-very sad

Army sniper who was high in a building and behind the red shirts and far away from where the clashes occurred.

The very LAST thing the army could have possibly wanted was a dead foreign reporter. And snipers have high-power scopes and very accurate weapons.

Try again.


If someone has been murdered determining who murdered them will certainly not bring them back to life, but surely it is important to determine who murdered them and their degree of culpability in that murder. Same goes for manslaughter or accidental homicide. It matters where the bullets came from and who fired them. It matters crucially.

As you can from everyone here and other supporters of either side, everyone points fingers at their opposition.

In a mess like this, i doubt it would be possible to find out the truth and even if someone did, the side that ends up being at fault will not accept it and try to put the blame back. sometimes, there is no win-win and somethings just have to be left alone to prevent more conflict

Whether or not one or the other side will accept the truth is irrelevant. If it was the military then it should be shown and known. It it was Sae Daeng or some other rouge formation it should be shown and known. This doesn't require consensus from both sides. The idea that murder should be swept away in the hope that doing so will prevent further conflict is wrong and simply sews the seeds of further conflict and unaccountable murder.

Whether or not one or the other side will accept the truth is irrelevant. If it was the military then it should be shown and known. It it was Sae Daeng or some other rouge formation it should be shown and known. This doesn't require consensus from both sides. The idea that murder should be swept away in the hope that doing so will prevent further conflict is wrong and simply sews the seeds of further conflict and unaccountable murder.

I do agre with you and in ideal world that would be right. HOWEVER look no further then this board

You already have people putting up their opinions.

1 says it was army snipers, another says army snipers know better and do not benefit from it.

Lets assume it was Sae Daeng and his group, how do you prove it? Also have to remember Sae Daeng is an ex military and most likely used the same weapon.

You see in this particular case nothing can really be proven unless someone has a video of the sniper and the actual moment of the shot.

And as you can see even the discussion about it, already sparking new arguments and conflicts

^art of a sniper - create mass and utter confusion. It seems to be working on TV too! :)

LOL, so are you saying that after all Thai military managed to get it right and actually properly train the soldiers? LOL, that would be nice for a change


If you have a murder case one of the first things you start to do is look for who has a motiv to kill. In most cases thats a good way to start. (havfe I read tom many criminal books?) :)


Army sniper who was high in a building and behind the red shirts and far away from where the clashes occurred.

The very LAST thing the army could have possibly wanted was a dead foreign reporter. And snipers have high-power scopes and very accurate weapons.

Try again.

Not the first time that soldiers mistook a reuters journalist for a civilian and shot him dead.

That is what soldiers are good for, killing people. Soldiers are murderers.

If you have a murder case one of the first things you start to do is look for who has a motiv to kill. In most cases thats a good way to start. (havfe I read tom many criminal books?) :)

Good point.

Well the initial report said "foreigner shot in the chest, for telling soldier to f..k You"

in then was clarified that it was Japanese reporter.

1.How and Who knows what was actually said to the soldier?

2.I really find it hard to see Japanese using this kind of language

3. Unless you speak with the guy, how would anyone know he was in fact Japanese and not Thai, not being racist here, but it was night and person is Asian, really no way of knowing Thai or Japanese.

It then later was clarified that Japanese reporter was shot from the back, indicating someone from the red shirts or an army sniper or the rogue group.

Who has the motiv from what we have seen or heard? Army?-for what?. Government? again why? Red shirts?-no reason, does not achieve anything.

Rogue group to keep the conflict and point fingers-most likely, but again this is just a speculation.


^well I think the big give away would be the huge vid camera the journalist maybe lugging around.

The Reuters Reporter was targeted or he just caught indiscriminate firing (wrong place\wrong time) and was unlucky.


Army sniper who was high in a building and behind the red shirts and far away from where the clashes occurred.

The very LAST thing the army could have possibly wanted was a dead foreign reporter. And snipers have high-power scopes and very accurate weapons.

Try again.

Not the first time that soldiers mistook a reuters journalist for a civilian and shot him dead.

That is what soldiers are good for, killing people. Soldiers are murderers.

In a large number of country"s military service is compulsory and Thailand is one of them. So all the people having to do military service are murderers???

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