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Thai Anti-Riot Squad Cut Up By Soldiers In Black

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A neutral national unity government may be the best solution if these two parties and their supporters don't calm down soon.

- What exactly is a 'national unity' government?

- Do you really believe the red shirts ()meaning thaksin) would agree to that?

- Who appoints the members of a national unity government or in other words, whats the actual process to form a national unity government?

That just means the guys who can't stand each other,

then can't reach consensous decisions while within punching distance of each other.

It is not a recipe for a working government, but only a mexican stand off in suits.

With photo ops and occasional bouts of 'playing Chicken' with the lives of the populace as the cars.

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If it was army snipers in there, why were the front lines initially so unprepared? Why did the govt call a ceasefire just an hour into the attack? If the army wanted deaths why are they so hesitant to go in there again?

The govt has nothing to benefit from using agent provocateurs. The reds, however, do. And now we're witnessing an all-out attempt to pin this one on the army.

Left out the 3rd option that it was factions within the army responsible and specific targeting of Rambo/command structure. (who benefits from the power vacuum?) hmmmmmmmm So this well could have nothing to do with the Reds or the Govt. This would explain how they were aware of the plan and how to easily ID the command structure. So in essence use the protests as a cover of sorts and shift blame to the govt or red shirts.

What would be the point in using the current situation for one army faction to provoke another? The command structure I would imagine would of been very similar to the crackdown which happened last year. Also, as mentioned previously, this third party must of been monitored the army all day waiting to attack at nightfall.

Seh Daeng and co have been bragging for months about a counter-attack of sorts. This gave them the perfect opportunity, and he hasn't exactly denied it since.

All unedited evidence has also been broadcast on nationwide TV in a public announcement this evening, in all its gruesome glory. It will be very interesting to gauge the atmosphere in various offices tomorrow.


You don't have to like what I said, agree with it…or read it. In my opinion, Abhisit could have prevented the deaths on both sides by agreeing to dissolution of parliament and calling for elections…immediately. Elections are coming anyway and for me, the value of life is worth more than his nine month timeframe. And, being his decision as PM, I think he should take full responsibility for the outcome.

I think he used excessive force from the very start and I don't understand why the use of Snipers is so unimaginable. Do your family members and friends seriously believe that Abhisits military, capable of dropping tear gas from helicopters on the elderly and on women with infant children in their arms is incapable of using Snipers? And how would tear gassing old people and babies not be considered hatred? Also, every Army I can think of has Snipers… and this one decided to use everything in their arsenal except Snipers? I remember just yesterday, people were called crazy for saying that the Army may have fired live rounds at Redshirts…

There is an enormous amount of historical data concerning the use of Snipers for psychological effect. This is actually only one of the Snipers common battlefield uses. The desire for a demoralizing psychological effect is why I believe the Army could have used Snipers. This demoralizing effect was also their objective when blasting the psychological warfare music.


Psychological warfare

Due to the unexpected aspect of sniper fire, high lethality of aimed shots and frustration at the inability to locate and attack snipers, sniper tactics have a significant effect on morale. Extensive use of sniper tactics can be used as a psychological strategy in order to induce constant stress in opposing forces.

One may note that by many aspects (constant threat, high "per event" lethality, inability to strike back), the psychological impact imposed by snipers is quite similar to those of landmines, booby-traps, and IED's.

1) that is _YOUR_ very limited personal opinion. last days you posted grand panorama theories.

2) here's a link: facebook page _against_ house resolution went from ab 170,000 to 291,000 in _less than a week_! are these people & voices entitled to have a say in your compulsive interpretation of events? _they_ DO NOT WANT house to be disolved. what about that?


3) i read your posts. you seem to insinuate whoever disagrees with your opinion is a) either an addict to gov-mind-spin or :) incapable to access media. 555. (btw, i'm still waiting for a source of "independent" media you claim you've access to)

4) anyone ever told you a mind-state flooded by emotions ("capable of dropping tear gas from helicopters on the elderly and on women with infant children in their arms" etc) doesn't necessarily favor ratio?

5) in _your_ opinion, " Abhisit could have prevented the deaths on both sides by agreeing to dissolution of parliament and calling for elections…immediately." in _my_ opinion, Abhisit tries to break this vicious cycle of weak judiciary, corruption, disregard for "law&order" - & next coup. by trying to _establish_ some rules of civic rule&order.

6) btw, personally, ... but before being banned again...

You will have noticed that Thaksin apologists always focus on the early election gig.

The whole focus of Thaksin's red violence has been to force himself into a position of being able to control the army reshuffle decisions in the latter half of the year.

All arguments concerning the violence are made from that perspective.

Lying is fine for the greater strategy.

You can be assured that they will try to kick off again if their strategy does not make progress.

They have some nice friends to help them.

He's no fake red.

Only the arguments are fake.



Control of the army IS the ball game.

Especially with the foreseeable future change...

Control the army and you control the politicians,

enough to get your way as a politician and leader sans portfolio.

Thaksin may lose the possibility to take solid control

if he can't take Army List control in time for THIS years reshuffle.

Because too many of his Rooks and Knights have been moved out already,

partly side tracked and partly aged past expiry if he waits.

So no doubt elements with less compunctions and a personal upgrade path to win back,

are motivated remove some of the competition and their leaders competition.

Control of the army IS the ball game.

Especially with the foreseeable future change...

Thaksin may lose the possibility to take solid control

if he can't take it in time for THIS years reshuffle.

Because too many of his rooks and Knights have been moved out already,

partly side tracked and partly aged past expiry if he waits.

So no doubt elements with less compunctions and a personal upgrade path to win back,

are motivated remove some of the competition and their leaders competition.

We know that this is the ball game because not one of the forum red cheerleaders is brave enough to discuss the accusation.

Not one.

They point blank ignore it. Every time.


The only conclusion one can draw is that they are all working from the same script.

And have been instructed not to respond to this accusation.

Control of the army IS the ball game.

Especially with the foreseeable future change...

Thaksin may lose the possibility to take solid control

if he can't take it in time for THIS years reshuffle.

Because too many of his rooks and Knights have been moved out already,

partly side tracked and partly aged past expiry if he waits.

So no doubt elements with less compunctions and a personal upgrade path to win back,

are motivated remove some of the competition and their leaders competition.

We know that this is the ball game because not one of the forum red cheerleaders is brave enough to discuss the accusation.

Not one.

They point blank ignore it. Every time.


The only conclusion one can draw is that they are all working from the same script.

And have been instructed not to respond to this accusation.

A cynic might wonder, what offers are currently being made on the phone from Dubai, to the military-leaders, to induce them to swallow their pride & lost-face and welcome the fugitive back ? They've seen the (assasination by sniper) stick, now time for the juicy-carrots, to be liberally strewn to tempt them. :)

Control of the army IS the ball game.

Especially with the foreseeable future change...

Thaksin may lose the possibility to take solid control

if he can't take it in time for THIS years reshuffle.

Because too many of his rooks and Knights have been moved out already,

partly side tracked and partly aged past expiry if he waits.

So no doubt elements with less compunctions and a personal upgrade path to win back,

are motivated remove some of the competition and their leaders competition.

We know that this is the ball game because not one of the forum red cheerleaders is brave enough to discuss the accusation.

Not one.

They point blank ignore it. Every time.


The only conclusion one can draw is that they are all working from the same script.

And have been instructed not to respond to this accusation.

A cynic might wonder, what offers are currently being made on the phone from Dubai, to the military-leaders, to induce them to swallow their pride & lost-face and welcome the fugitive back ? They've seen the (assasination by sniper) stick, now time for the juicy-carrots, to be liberally strewn to tempt them. :)

The Generals should remember the old proverb about the skorpion wanting a frog to give him a ride across the river. Knowing the reputation of the skorpion, the frog was concerned for its safety. The skorpion said, "Why would I hurt you? I need you to be able to cross the river". The frog trusted the skorpion and halfway across the river, the skorpion stung the frog, mortally. The frog cried out, "Why did you sting me? Now we will both die". The skorpion replied, "You knew my nature when you took me on your back!".


Perhaps a really juicy carrot might tempt one to retire, to Switzerland or Montenegro or wherever, especially given the game-changing elephant in the corner ?


article from the epoch times. the reporter wishes to remain anonymous for security reasons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Inciting Further Violence

The red shirts, these protesters who claim to be fighting for democracy, appear to have been created through cash payments and propaganda.

Rumors abound of protesters being paid to attend demonstrations. And the UDD leaders are said to have been paid millions and millions of baht by former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.



You don't have to like what I said, agree with it…or read it. In my opinion, Abhisit could have prevented the deaths on both sides by agreeing to dissolution of parliament and calling for elections…immediately. Elections are coming anyway and for me, the value of life is worth more than his nine month timeframe. And, being his decision as PM, I think he should take full responsibility for the outcome.

I think he used excessive force from the very start and I don't understand why the use of Snipers is so unimaginable. Do your family members and friends seriously believe that Abhisits military, capable of dropping tear gas from helicopters on the elderly and on women with infant children in their arms is incapable of using Snipers? And how would tear gassing old people and babies not be considered hatred? Also, every Army I can think of has Snipers… and this one decided to use everything in their arsenal except Snipers? I remember just yesterday, people were called crazy for saying that the Army may have fired live rounds at Redshirts…

There is an enormous amount of historical data concerning the use of Snipers for psychological effect. This is actually only one of the Snipers common battlefield uses. The desire for a demoralizing psychological effect is why I believe the Army could have used Snipers. This demoralizing effect was also their objective when blasting the psychological warfare music.


Psychological warfare

Due to the unexpected aspect of sniper fire, high lethality of aimed shots and frustration at the inability to locate and attack snipers, sniper tactics have a significant effect on morale. Extensive use of sniper tactics can be used as a psychological strategy in order to induce constant stress in opposing forces.

One may note that by many aspects (constant threat, high "per event" lethality, inability to strike back), the psychological impact imposed by snipers is quite similar to those of landmines, booby-traps, and IED's.

1) that is _YOUR_ very limited personal opinion. last days you posted grand panorama theories.

2) here's a link: facebook page _against_ house resolution went from ab 170,000 to 291,000 in _less than a week_! are these people & voices entitled to have a say in your compulsive interpretation of events? _they_ DO NOT WANT house to be disolved. what about that?


3) i read your posts. you seem to insinuate whoever disagrees with your opinion is a) either an addict to gov-mind-spin or :D incapable to access media. 555. (btw, i'm still waiting for a source of "independent" media you claim you've access to)

4) anyone ever told you a mind-state flooded by emotions ("capable of dropping tear gas from helicopters on the elderly and on women with infant children in their arms" etc) doesn't necessarily favor ratio?

5) in _your_ opinion, " Abhisit could have prevented the deaths on both sides by agreeing to dissolution of parliament and calling for elections…immediately." in _my_ opinion, Abhisit tries to break this vicious cycle of weak judiciary, corruption, disregard for "law&order" - & next coup. by trying to _establish_ some rules of civic rule&order.

6) btw, personally, ... but before being banned again...

Yes, it is only an opinion, just like yours. I fully agree that what I posted is pure theory....does that mean it didn’t happen?

The red to non-red ratio must be 12:1 on TV…. most are one liner bandwagon trolls. Anything that goes against the master plan is attacked 12 different ways and is not welcome. Why have a forum if everyone needs to agree on everything?

Do you have proof that your facebook buddies didn’t open several accounts each? I wonder how many of that 291000 would be willing to get beat up, gassed, and shot at before joining your friends group. :)

Sorry, I can’t post links to certain news media because it is against the rules... this forum is based in democratic Thailand remember? As far as the emotional ratio you speak of, don’t tell me… go tell the women who were holding the babies. They would probably disagree with you, among other things.

I told you that I think Abhisit could have prevented all this and I told you why... deal with it. You know, there is another way he could have avoided all this mess. If he had been voted in by the people in the first place! He would have earned respect instead of demanding it.

Have a nice day!! :D


What I find interesting is that at 6.00-6.05 (and possible at more times) we can see the green laser pointer walking at stomach-height and shaking in the crowd, i.e. someone in the red crowd was the 'spotter of targets' (lose use of the term) for the later shots we could see in the other videos - anyone have time and patience to trace who could be wielding it?

Green & Red lasers are on sales all over Khao San road by many many street vendors. Go take a look yourself.


What I find interesting is that at 6.00-6.05 (and possible at more times) we can see the green laser pointer walking at stomach-height and shaking in the crowd, i.e. someone in the red crowd was the 'spotter of targets' (lose use of the term) for the later shots we could see in the other videos - anyone have time and patience to trace who could be wielding it?

Green & Red lasers are on sales all over Khao San road by many many street vendors. Go take a look yourself.

My word, you actually posted that.

I can't think of a more appropriate time to start playing with these lasers either.

If it was army snipers in there, why were the front lines initially so unprepared? Why did the govt call a ceasefire just an hour into the attack? If the army wanted deaths why are they so hesitant to go in there again?

The govt has nothing to benefit from using agent provocateurs. The reds, however, do. And now we're witnessing an all-out attempt to pin this one on the army.

Left out the 3rd option that it was factions within the army responsible and specific targeting of Rambo/command structure. (who benefits from the power vacuum?) hmmmmmmmm So this well could have nothing to do with the Reds or the Govt. This would explain how they were aware of the plan and how to easily ID the command structure. So in essence use the protests as a cover of sorts and shift blame to the govt or red shirts.

What would be the point in using the current situation for one army faction to provoke another? The command structure I would imagine would of been very similar to the crackdown which happened last year. Also, as mentioned previously, this third party must of been monitored the army all day waiting to attack at nightfall.

Seh Daeng and co have been bragging for months about a counter-attack of sorts. This gave them the perfect opportunity, and he hasn't exactly denied it since.

All unedited evidence has also been broadcast on nationwide TV in a public announcement this evening, in all its gruesome glory. It will be very interesting to gauge the atmosphere in various offices tomorrow.

And one last point - I'm waiting for a version of this clip with English language subtitles.

There are lots of convoluted theories on this thread. The way the body count is split should tell us something. France 24 has shown film of troops firing live rounds directly at protesters. The Minister has admitted that this was the case but has said it was to cover troops already under fire. The BBC states that a reporter saw live rounds being fired by troops and also published a teacher's eyewitness report of a fatality arising from a shot coming from the direction of the army. There is also the point that the soldiers put into the vanguard had a reputation and a track record. Yes, there seem to have been some nefarious behavior by men in black, but is anybody seriously arguing that some soldiers did not fire live rounds with lethal results? The Prime Minister and Deputy PM publicly expressed their anger at the lack of military action on the previous day and pressed the army to do its duty. What followed was a botched crackdown, and that is what most of the world's media have reported.

Abhisit pressed the army about not getting the job done the day before,

the army was routed at Thaicom and their weapons taken from the,.

ANY national leader would have commented on that unfavorably.

I question how France 24 can tell the difference between live rounds and plastic rounds?

They never explained how they reached this conclusion.

I believe it is bacuase the army only have in stock rubber bullets of a special shotguns; the army have never purchase rubber bullets for M16 & TAR21 capture in France24 clip, shooting horixontally into the protestors. Also, the sound of the riffle shot can be analysed, as real and rubber bullets make a different sound.



What I find interesting is that at 6.00-6.05 (and possible at more times) we can see the green laser pointer walking at stomach-height and shaking in the crowd, i.e. someone in the red crowd was the 'spotter of targets' (lose use of the term) for the later shots we could see in the other videos - anyone have time and patience to trace who could be wielding it?

Green & Red lasers are on sales all over Khao San road by many many street vendors. Go take a look yourself.

My word, you actually posted that.

I can't think of a more appropriate time to start playing with these lasers either.

Green laser beam are sold everywhere on Khao San. If there is no demand from the tourist, the vendors will be out of business already. However, lots of tourist like them, hence there is a flood of green laser on sales. If just google green laser and khao san, and gets hundreds of matches. Here is the one of the top:


"Anyway, Niras Bankoc hostel: Highly recommended, once again. Only a 20 minute walk from the "lively" Khao San Road (read: full of foreigners, street vendors trying to distract you with green laser beams and sell you something and random noisy chaos),"


What I find interesting is that at 6.00-6.05 (and possible at more times) we can see the green laser pointer walking at stomach-height and shaking in the crowd, i.e. someone in the red crowd was the 'spotter of targets' (lose use of the term) for the later shots we could see in the other videos - anyone have time and patience to trace who could be wielding it?

Green & Red lasers are on sales all over Khao San road by many many street vendors. Go take a look yourself.

My word, you actually posted that.

I can't think of a more appropriate time to start playing with these lasers either.

Green laser beam are sold everywhere on Khao San. If there is no demand from the tourist, the vendors will be out of business already. However, lots of tourist like them, hence there is a flood of green laser on sales. If just google green laser and khao san, and gets hundreds of matches. Here is the one of the top:


"Anyway, Niras Bankoc hostel: Highly recommended, once again. Only a 20 minute walk from the "lively" Khao San Road (read: full of foreigners, street vendors trying to distract you with green laser beams and sell you something and random noisy chaos),"

Is this seriously your defence? I think you still have time to edit the post.

I believe it is bacuase the army only have in stock rubber bullets of a special shotguns; the army have never purchase rubber bullets for M16 & TAR21 capture in France24 clip, shooting horixontally into the protestors.

If that was the case, the red shirts would be screaming about every chance they got. They aren't, which leads me to believe that this info is false. Besides, if they were firing into the crowds enmass with real bullets, we would have had a lot more dead.


Green laser beam are sold everywhere on Khao San. If there is no demand from the tourist, the vendors will be out of business already. However, lots of tourist like them, hence there is a flood of green laser on sales. If just google green laser and khao san, and gets hundreds of matches.


"Anyway, Niras Bankoc hostel: Highly recommended, once again. Only a 20 minute walk from the "lively" Khao San Road (read: full of foreigners, street vendors trying to distract you with green laser beams and sell you something and random noisy chaos),"


"Not that we haven't wasted any money here, the Thais have it worked out on Khao San, they get you drunk then sell you junk, genius. The street is full of clubs, pubs, and little vendors selling beers, you sit in the street on little stools drinking whatever beverages are available, chatting to whoever you might be sitting near. The surrounding roads and alleys are full of guys selling all sorts of novelties, fake I.D.'s, over sized lighters, ninja stars and samurai swords, all sorts of cool pointless stuff. I fell victim to the trap one night and woke up the next morning with a 'clockwork orange' t shirt that was also a fashionable bright orange and a hand held laser pointer with different disco settings."


"We arrived in Bangkok and took a cab to our homestay on Khao San Road... so far, so good. The homestay is great- we have a private room and bathroom with a/c, and the building is old but charming. It is also in an alley off the main party road so that as we speak, we can't hear the bad renditions of Thai bar singers singing Alanis Morisette and Jason Mraz. Earlier in the day, we tried to explore a little and walk around the area, but Bangkok is not so charming during the day. It was hot, dirty, filled with insane traffic, and often smelly. We're in the main tourist area, so on one hand, people speak some English, but on the other, they are all trying to sell you something. It's like going to Baja- you can't just walk in peace, or sit and talk to your friend without an interruption every minute to buy a wooden frog noisemaker or laser pointer. "


What I find interesting is that at 6.00-6.05 (and possible at more times) we can see the green laser pointer walking at stomach-height and shaking in the crowd, i.e. someone in the red crowd was the 'spotter of targets' (lose use of the term) for the later shots we could see in the other videos - anyone have time and patience to trace who could be wielding it?

Green & Red lasers are on sales all over Khao San road by many many street vendors. Go take a look yourself.

So makes it extremely easy to find one for your spotter to use.

Some decent binoculars and a hand held laser... on a stick

extending from one side. What you see, you can light up, and

via head set direct the shooter closer to it.

I believe it is bacuase the army only have in stock rubber bullets of a special shotguns; the army have never purchase rubber bullets for M16 & TAR21 capture in France24 clip, shooting horixontally into the protestors.

If that was the case, the red shirts would be screaming about every chance they got. They aren't, which leads me to believe that this info is false. Besides, if they were firing into the crowds enmass with real bullets, we would have had a lot more dead.

I agree with you. The army DID NOT fire into the crowds enmass. Please watch the clip again, there was no spraying. The army did say in the press interview that they shot "one shot at a time, and at no time, spaying ", which could kills hundreds.

Question is, could single shot mode kill a dozen people? On 2 solider was filmed many multiple "single shots".

And yes, the red shirts ARE screaming about every chance they got. However, they are censored. Hence they are bringing the protesters to the TV station, to ask them to show some of the clips by the RED. France24 clip is one of them.

I believe it is bacuase the army only have in stock rubber bullets of a special shotguns; the army have never purchase rubber bullets for M16 & TAR21 capture in France24 clip, shooting horixontally into the protestors.

If that was the case, the red shirts would be screaming about every chance they got. They aren't, which leads me to believe that this info is false. Besides, if they were firing into the crowds enmass with real bullets, we would have had a lot more dead.

I agree with you. The army DID NOT fire into the crowds enmass. Please watch the clip again, there was no spraying. The army did say in the press interview that they shot "one shot at a time, and at no time, spaying ", which could kills hundreds.

Question is, could single shot mode kill a dozen people? On 2 solider was filmed many multiple "single shots".

In the France24 video, the soldiers were shooting after being blown up by a grenade.

Is it possible, that any red protestor deaths/injuries in this area were only after the grenade incident?

So are you saying the lasers were most likely tourists mucking about, chantorn?

Yes. And Khao San tourist DO muck around. Forward to 3:45 in this clip. Please tell me that tourists are NOT mucking around.



I know you want to believe the army are the bad guys in all of this, but in my and many others opinion the guys in black (and the evidence appears to be mounting that this is the case) are the instigators of the trouble.

I'll say it again the first shot from the M16 may have been at the same elevation as the crowd, all the other shots including from the TA-21 are at an elevation well over the crowds head. Remember guys Bangkok is mostly flat. Pause the video and find yourself a point of reference in the background to represent horizontal - then look at the elevation of the rifles. I think these guys used incredible restraint not to respond to a grenade attack with overwhelming lethal force.

Appears to me they are live rounds.

Not many other countries would let a protest movement containing armed members stay on the streets for so long. Abhisit has every right to declare a state of emergency, impose curfew and shoot dead anyone carrying a weapon. Would not be breaking any international laws for doing so.

So are you saying the lasers were most likely tourists mucking about, chantorn?

Yes. And Khao San tourist DO muck around. Forward to 3:45 in this clip. Please tell me that tourists are NOT mucking around.

What about the M79's and the snipers? Where can I buy those on KSR?

Of all the theories surrounding what happened on Saturday I nominate yours for being the most ridiculous (I'm being polite).

Have you thought of joining the Royal Thai Police?

So are you saying the lasers were most likely tourists mucking about, chantorn?

Yes. And Khao San tourist DO muck around. Forward to 3:45 in this clip. Please tell me that tourists are NOT mucking around.

What about the M79's and the snipers? Where can I buy those on KSR?

Of all the theories surrounding what happened on Saturday I nominate yours for being the most ridiculous (I'm being polite).

Have you thought of joining the Royal Thai Police?

What I thought everyone had a laser sighted Super Soaker watergun to celebrate Sonkran? :)


Just because some tourist are demonstably brain dead,

doesn't mean that there were not lasers used for spotting targets.

And tourist or others who would actual shine a laser on an army guy in combat dress ,

is beyond stupid and is a Darwin Awards Candidate who who just wasn't inducted... yet.


A or The: "deputy chief in command of metropolitan police" is being held hostage by Reds. This came over my computer just a minute ago from a Thai friend.

No source yet to confirm this. Anyone heard anything?


Its hard to tell for sure, and with all these live reports the facts often get mixed up. But it sounds like the reds captured some of the police, and negotiated to release the police in return for them letting all 6 red shirt leaders who were in the hotel free.

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