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Isn't Water Playing Shoild Be Finished After Sunset?


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Tourists are ignorant of the rules, many Thais don't obey the rules - so you have 8 days, and nights, of water throwing. If you don't like it, stock up on supplies and stay at home.

Not everybody can "stock up on supplies and stay at home" for eight days and nights. Some people have to go to work, some people have no choice but to use their motorbike as their method of transport, do you consider it's unreasonable that they should be allowed to do so without facing the risk of serious injury just for the sake of giving some moron his/her second of fun.

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It was a fun day so wft people are complaining????

Absolutely correct, it's my right to soak people even if they don't want to take part in my interpretation of Songkran, if they are trying to get to work then that's their problem not mine. Nothing beats the adrenaline rush of managing to hit a passing motorcyclist in the eyes, if they actually fall off then that's a bonus, it's not my fault they cannot afford a car.

It's Songkran, lets have fun, lets hurt and p*ss off as many people as we can, that's what Songkran is all about - isn't it?

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It was a fun day so wft people are complaining????

Absolutely correct, it's my right to soak people even if they don't want to take part in my interpretation of Songkran, if they are trying to get to work then that's their problem not mine. Nothing beats the adrenaline rush of managing to hit a passing motorcyclist in the eyes, if they actually fall off then that's a bonus, it's not my fault they cannot afford a car.

It's Songkran, lets have fun, lets hurt and p*ss off as many people as we can, that's what Songkran is all about - isn't it?

I had a Volvo a few years ago. It was covered in water with white powder in. The sun baked it on to the car and it marked all the paintwork and etched into the glass windows. It took the garage three solid hours with a buffing machine to repair the glass damage. The painntwork took even longer to repair.

So, even though I was in a car, instead of my bike, I was still pretty annoyed. If I was living in the UK or the US and couldn't go to work because of the morons out there ruining everyone else's day or week what would my bosses say if I took the week off and stayed at home. As regards accidents, I am waiting to see someone throw water in someone's face when they are riding, then get hit by the bike as the rider loses control of the machine. I bet he would think it funny when he wakes up in hospital.

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8pm they still do <deleted>?

Obviously you have a problem. Get into the spirit. :)

No I don't agree. The idea was that after playing water all day you could clean up, dry off and go out for a meal or whatever. Nothing to do with having a problem or not nor anything to do with getting into the spirit.

It is a great fun day but like all good things it has to end sometime and sundown was always taken to be that time.

How many years ago was that?

My first Pattaya Songkran was in '96 and it went on 24/7.

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It was a fun day so wft people are complaining????

Absolutely correct, it's my right to soak people even if they don't want to take part in my interpretation of Songkran, if they are trying to get to work then that's their problem not mine. Nothing beats the adrenaline rush of managing to hit a passing motorcyclist in the eyes, if they actually fall off then that's a bonus, it's not my fault they cannot afford a car.

It's Songkran, lets have fun, lets hurt and p*ss off as many people as we can, that's what Songkran is all about - isn't it?

And don't forget that if you are rich, you can hire a tanker full of ice water, and really do some damage with the power pump. I saw that myself.

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8pm they still do <deleted>?

Obviously you have a problem. Get into the spirit. :D

The problem is stupid (mostly farangs) people that can not discern between the people that want to play and those that don't.

Aww maybe you're right, make Songkran 24/7 all year, forever. Last man standing :)

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8pm they still do <deleted>?

Obviously you have a problem. Get into the spirit. :D

You have obviously never had a bucket of ice cold water thrown in your face when riding a motorbike. Extremely dangerous.

Nor have you had a camera of mobile phone ruined because some idiot didn't respect you saying that you didn't want a drenching.


Exactly. And sadly it seems to be the dumb*ss falangs that are the worst offenders. :)

I disagree. In all the years I've been in LOS at Songkran there have been just as many Thais being "worst offenders" as farangs. In fact, go out into the country and it's just Thais.

Maybe farangs are more obvious in Pattaya. Try Khao San Rd if you want to see the Thais in action, where young Thai men go to smear powder over farang women ( perhaps not this year ).

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Yes it would be great for one or two days but eight is absurd. Add to that the fact that I am getting no water from the city to my house (presumably because there is a shortage!!!) and have to order by tanker at 15 times the price and Songkran becomes one overlong irritation.

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If someone sees fit to assault me whilst I go on my business during a reasonable hour where the water throwing madness should be over, then surely it is appropriate I exercise my right to retaliate and disable the attacker? Is pepper spray appropriate?

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Remember in my wild Sonkran Days, just 2 years ago, I stayed mostly around Soi Whitehouse. It was madness during daytime, but by 7 pm everybody stopped and you could go up and down that Soi without getting one drop of water thrown at you.

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It looks like the whiners on this thread missed their flight out of Dodge for the holiday. So stay in doors tell Monday. :)

Absoluty right, people have no right to go to work or go out to dinner because people want to exercise their, perfectly understandable, right to soak you, the fact that you don't want to partake is absolutly of no consequence.

Just remember you must do as your told and "stay in doors tell Monday"

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I almost slapped a stupid German woman last Songkran for for throwing water at me, at night, on my way out to dinner after telling her not to do it.

I love Songkran but some people are just really, really stupid.

I remember once on the last day, when everyone comes to town and it's really all on, a tourist woman came onto Second Rd all dressed up and walked along the road, Five minutes later she came back looking as though she'd been for a swim fully dressed!

I also remember a group of elderly expats came by the group of water "louts" that I'd joined in the evening, who proceeded to douse the old boys. Most took it in good heart, but one attacked me with his walking stick, despite the fact that I was the only one who had NOT wet them! ( I was able to fend off his attack with my tube gun. )

Another time I gave a light sprinkling to a tourist lady on Beach Rd, and she complained to a group of policemen nearby. I don't know what they said to her, but would imagine it went along the lines of "are you blind?". Needless to say she got no joy, and they got a laugh.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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It looks like the whiners on this thread missed their flight out of Dodge for the holiday. So stay in doors tell Monday. :)

Absoluty right, people have no right to go to work or go out to dinner because people want to exercise their, perfectly understandable, right to soak you, the fact that you don't want to partake is absolutly of no consequence.

Just remember you must do as your told and "stay in doors tell Monday"

Sounds good to me. :D

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It looks like the whiners on this thread missed their flight out of Dodge for the holiday. So stay in doors tell Monday. :)

Absoluty right, people have no right to go to work or go out to dinner because people want to exercise their, perfectly understandable, right to soak you, the fact that you don't want to partake is absolutly of no consequence.

Just remember you must do as your told and "stay in doors tell Monday"

Sounds good to me. :D

gotlost - come the revolution you will be the first against the wall with the pepper spray.

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This is Pattaya. We aren't talking about Thai behavior. We are talking about drunken British chavs and such like. Focus on the topic, kay?

now now Jing,you are talking stupid now.Do you know what a chav is,its not a big old fat bald farang(any country,inc yanks) that needs a power pipe cos he has a small dick.

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Songkran can be a wonderful time,but the high power guns HAVE to be banned.My brother,a few years ago got hit in the eye from about 10 foot and finished up in the hospital.The guy that did it finished with a broken nose and his eye knackered too,he went down like a sack of spuds,and fully deserved his beating.


I smashed his gun in a thousand pieces of plastic.

Would i do it again???

IN an instance,

Edited by somtampet
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Up in Buriram, some kids started on the 11th (mild throwing on side road in villages but nothing heavy). Yesterday we drove to Surin and it was pretty wild in the high streets, though we had to go looking for the action unlike Pattaya where its in your face 24/7. By 7pm everyone had pretty much gone home and stopped water throwing, ive noticed up Country and Bangkok after sunset people stop for the night unlike Pattaya....

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Up in Buriram, some kids started on the 11th (mild throwing on side road in villages but nothing heavy). Yesterday we drove to Surin and it was pretty wild in the high streets, though we had to go looking for the action unlike Pattaya where its in your face 24/7. By 7pm everyone had pretty much gone home and stopped water throwing, ive noticed up Country and Bangkok after sunset people stop for the night unlike Pattaya....

I am trying to gauge the best time to go out tonight (I'm on holiday) and NOT get wet as I want a night out and not be sat dripping in an A/C restaurant catching pneumonia!

Might be midnight then, oh wait most places are shut!


Why can't it be a couple of days?


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last year in pattaya

it was dry out after dark

except on the last day/night sunday the 19

i am expecting this monday the 19th to be crazy

i hope sunday night the 18th isn't too bad

in general the thais wont drench if you show your disdain, are eating or talking on the phone etc...

in general the farang use the time to assault you no matter what you are doing

just from my own experience

results may vary

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last year in pattaya

it was dry out after dark

except on the last day/night sunday the 19

i am expecting this monday the 19th to be crazy

i hope sunday night the 18th isn't too bad

in general the thais wont drench if you show your disdain, are eating or talking on the phone etc...

in general the farang use the time to assault you no matter what you are doing

just from my own experience

results may vary


Fantastic, I will pretend to be on my mobile phone until after the 19th!


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Tourists are ignorant of the rules, many Thais don't obey the rules - so you have 8 days, and nights, of water throwing. If you don't like it, stock up on supplies and stay at home.

Not everybody can "stock up on supplies and stay at home" for eight days and nights. Some people have to go to work, some people have no choice but to use their motorbike as their method of transport, do you consider it's unreasonable that they should be allowed to do so without facing the risk of serious injury just for the sake of giving some moron his/her second of fun.

I stayed home all day yesterday, only to leave the house @ 7.30pm & travel into the main town for a restuarant meal (by motorcycle) & I didnt see anyone throwing water/ice/anything.

I wouldnt dare do the same trip this morning :)

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If someone sees fit to assault me whilst I go on my business during a reasonable hour where the water throwing madness should be over, then surely it is appropriate I exercise my right to retaliate and disable the attacker? Is pepper spray appropriate?

It doesn't seem to work both ways. I dunked a Thai man's head in his own bathtub of ice water one night after he threw ice water at me and he got upset. He was really angry and threw some punches.

He didn't appreciate the dunking yet I should enjoy having ice water thrown at me at 10:30 at night. Go figure.

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last year in pattaya

it was dry out after dark

except on the last day/night sunday the 19

i am expecting this monday the 19th to be crazy

i hope sunday night the 18th isn't too bad

in general the thais wont drench if you show your disdain, are eating or talking on the phone etc...

in general the farang use the time to assault you no matter what you are doing

just from my own experience

results may vary

In your dreams baby. Last year there was plenty of night time action.

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Hundreds of people are killed each year by your "fun". The idea that moving vehicles are included is the cause of this. Throwing water at a speeding motorcycle with the intent to cause harm would result in jail time in any civilized country.

Hundreds of people. I don't doubt your number(s), but do you have details? Like where, nationality, causes, etc. From your post, it would look mainly like mo-si accidents. No one said people dying was funny.

"Maybe farangs are more obvious in Pattaya." Now that's funny.


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Up in Buriram, some kids started on the 11th (mild throwing on side road in villages but nothing heavy). Yesterday we drove to Surin and it was pretty wild in the high streets, though we had to go looking for the action unlike Pattaya where its in your face 24/7. By 7pm everyone had pretty much gone home and stopped water throwing, ive noticed up Country and Bangkok after sunset people stop for the night unlike Pattaya....

I am trying to gauge the best time to go out tonight (I'm on holiday) and NOT get wet as I want a night out and not be sat dripping in an A/C restaurant catching pneumonia!

Might be midnight then, oh wait most places are shut!


Why can't it be a couple of days?


I'm sure you can find someone to help you dry off. :)

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