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Wolfie .... from you!!!

Some sense of humor, just a little bit also from an old fart like you??

Come on, we just found a new nazi guy who lives in Thailand and hates Thai people, let's get wild with him, he is not going to last very long, let's make him happy of his white skin plenty of yellow/redish pimples .....

Let's make him feeling slim (even if he is obese), let's give him some sense of brit superiority on this III world country ......

Let's get some fun, today in the office is so boooooring!!!

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The situation in the UK is now ridiculous

We have to employ blacks, pakistanis and other such people who are generally rude and lazy. We are not allowed to keep our own culture, practice our own religion in our own schools. Its not allowed to make someone feel as an outsider - for instance saying to an immigrant "I find your behaviour rude, its not the correct way to bahave in this country" is considered very racist. Personally when I live in another country I try to assimilate with the culture as far as possible.

The situation now, we have many muslim communities who generally dispise the English people - the streets arent safe. As an English Brit many rural ethnic areas are out of bounds. You simply wouldnt go there, we are being outnumbered.

######ing Pakistani, arabs, Turkish.

I hope one day to have England free from all those lazy people, because England never in its history went into a country imposing rules as in a colony.

In actual fact, the reason there are so many Pakistanis in the U.K. is because however many years ago, WE were the ones who were too lazy to work in the corner shops etc... So we welcomed them to do the jobs for us, naturally they brought their families and had children and the rest is history.

And we have alienated them, not the other way round, which is why there is so much racial tension and violence.

England is a very territorial and now even more insecure country and I don't like it either.

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jd IF YOU REFER TO ME, please come down to this planet and read since when I'm member on this forum, then just vomit the milk and take me to have a beer :D

Yeah right Adolf! :D

Don't blame your lack of comprehension of the english language on Duke69.

He was clearly making an ironic post.

Jay Dee you're so stupid that you had someone to explain my ironic approach to the English Superhero.

Jay DEE you look to me familiar, is it you the one on MY AVATAR?? :o

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jd IF YOU REFER TO ME, please come down to this planet and read since when I'm member on this forum, then just vomit the milk and take me to have a beer :D

Yeah right Adolf! :D

Don't blame your lack of comprehension of the english language on Duke69.

He was clearly making an ironic post.

Jay Dee you're so stupid that you had someone to explain my ironic approach to the English Superhero.

Jay DEE you look to me familiar, is it you the one on MY AVATAR?? :o

Flame all you like guys... :D

Try posting something on topic for a change... :D

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Soapbox warning.

[sOAPBOX]Well, the same thing is happening all over Europe now - hitherto largely insular countries at a "safe" distance from the rest of the world, extending the ideals of the French Revolution to everybody instead of 'white males with enough dosh' only, has started to receive an increasing flow of immigrants. The ethos is based on equality for all.

There are even affirmative action policies, aimed at facilitating the integration of minorities into the work force and power positions. As I understand it, the thought behind these policies is as a sort of payback for justices suffered. The thought as such is well intended. The reality is different though. It's not fun to be surpassed by somebody with less merits than yourself when applying for a job or an education. It's never fun when it gets personal. But let's not forget what brought this about, either.

To justify colonization, a new ideology had to be invented with it as well, Kipling wrote his 'White Man's Burden' to sum up the excuse for conquering foreign lands - to assume the role of the benevolent ruler, teacher, the civilizer... because the white race was better, and the natives were 'half animals, half children'... and with this as an excuse, slaves were bought and sold, used and abused. A clear double standard was developed. One standard for us where we are equal, one standard for the rest - the 'half animals, half children'.

But the truth is, colonization happened for economic reasons. So did slavery - a child can see it. Most Brits did not give a mongoose's arse about the education of the Indians and the Burmans, or a wildebeest's willie about the well-being of the Zulu or Xhosa. Neither did the Dutch about the Indonesians, the French about Indochina, or Sweden/Denmark about their colonies in the Caribbean and the Subcontinent.

It was all about trade, exploitation and natural resources. A race for money and power.

The second world war, and in particular Japan's rise to power showed other countries the West was not that superior, that it was possible to challenge them. So they did. And the card house ideology fell, like card houses usually do, unless glued by super-glue.

Now this comes back to bite the West in the bum. But the fact is, the education level and wealth in the West today is what has has enabled its cultural dominance. And this wealth would not have been possible without colonization, which for hundreds of years went against all concepts of decency the West itself was run by.

We cannot just pretend it never happened. Either we go the path of Darwinism and say 'the strongest wins', or we stand by the concepts of equality and equal opportunity for ALL. I think the latter is still better. [/sOAPBOX]

Now where's that Gin tonic? :o

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Well I have to say that when I first came here I really loved Thailand and the Thai people. I went out of my way to help the people here, I set several Thai friends up with online export businesses these became sucessful websites earning over $50,000 per year in total (I dont benefit from this). Since becoming wealthy my thai friends turned on me - refused to have anything to do with me. The thing is the idiots didnt realise that I own the domain names, which now point to competitors websites :o

Since living here on and off for about 5 years my attitude towards the Thais has changes somewhat.

I now have a love/hate relationship with the Thai people. I now have a fairly successful business here which means its not in my interest to leave. I try to exist here by having little contact with most Thai people.

As my nick suggests, I am pissed off with the world - not only Thailand


I do think that we are smarter than Thais, we have something to offer them. They should open up to us and our ideas before they fall totally behind or before the Chinese take over the country. I think that we should be treated with a certain amount of respect - at least as equals. This isnt the case here - I feel some of you may be kidding yourselves.

I prefer to vent my frustrations in a relatively harmless way on a Thai Expat forum - people who don't like Falangs shouldnt come here. Its much less offensive.

Anyway back on topic.

So back in the PC world, we can do none of these things. We can't express our opinions, we cant even express our opinions on an anti political correctness thread without having some idiot accusing you of being a Nazi. On the other hand we have to deal with fellow Falangs who have been here so long they feel they can win an arguement by pointing out you are overweight or making some stupid comment dismissing your opinions because you made a few spelling mistakes in your post.

Wolfie .... from you!!!

Some sense of humor, just a little bit also from an old fart like you??

Come on, we just found a new nazi guy who lives in Thailand and hates Thai people, let's get wild with him, he is not going to last very long, let's make him happy of his white skin plenty of yellow/redish pimples .....

Let's make him feeling slim (even if he is obese), let's give him some sense of brit superiority on this III world country ......

Let's get some fun, today in the office is so boooooring!!!

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Well I have to say that when I first came here I really loved Thailand and the Thai people. I went out of my way to help the people here, I set several Thai friends up with online export businesses these became sucessful websites earning over $50,000 per year in total (I dont benefit from this). Since becoming wealthy my thai friends turned on me - refused to have anything to do with me. The thing is the idiots didnt realise that I own the domain names, which now point to competitors websites :o

Since living here on and off for about 5 years my attitude towards the Thais has changes somewhat.

I now have a love/hate relationship with the Thai people. I now have a fairly successful business here which means its not in my interest to leave. I try to exist here by having little contact with most Thai people.

As my nick suggests, I am pissed off with the world - not only Thailand


I do think that we are smarter than Thais, we have something to offer them. They should open up to us and our ideas before they fall totally behind or before the Chinese take over the country. I think that we should be treated with a certain amount of respect - at least as equals. This isnt the case here - I feel some of you may be kidding yourselves.

I prefer to vent my frustrations in a relatively harmless way on a Thai Expat forum - people who don't like Falangs shouldnt come here. Its much less offensive.

Anyway back on topic.

So back in the PC world, we can do none of these things. We can't express our opinions, we cant even express our opinions on an anti political correctness thread without having some idiot accusing you of being a Nazi. On the other hand we have to deal with fellow Falangs who have been here so long they feel they can win an arguement by pointing out you are overweight or making some stupid comment dismissing your opinions because you made a few spelling mistakes in your post.

I totally understand where you are coming from, you will get criticized online and then you open up a bit because it's so easy to forget that so few people don't realize that nobody is born with their opinions and that life has moulded them that way... Then you'll get criticized for being too open!

That was a good post though, and in my opinion more than proof that you are not a troll or a Thai basher, just somebody who feels he's had his feeding hand bitten, and not without fair reason.

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Well I have to say that when I first came here I really loved Thailand and the Thai people. I went out of my way to help the people here, I set several Thai friends up with online export businesses these became sucessful websites earning over $50,000 per year in total (I dont benefit from this). Since becoming wealthy my thai friends turned on me - refused to have anything to do with me. The thing is the idiots didnt realise that I own the domain names, which now point to competitors websites :o

Forgive me but I didn't read past this bit. Are you trying to suggest that domain ownership will in any way screw their business efforts? You realise its a small matter for them to force you into a rights battle with ICANN? Do you really know how the internet works?

Your ethnocentric attitude shows you up as one of the ignorant types you so look down on. The first clue an intelligent man provides is that he is aware fully of the possibility that he and his own may not be the best or most good in the world. So what if you had some bad experiences, they've clearly affected you in the worst way and in doing so you let them defeat you instead of learning from them and improving to avoid the same happening again.

I understand you may feel inadeqate thanks to (if your story is true) being taken advantage of. To put it in a way you would understand; this means the Thais in question are smarter, better and 'bigger' than you;

They won, you lost.

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That was a good post though, and in my opinion more than proof that you are not a troll.

Your comment = very PC

But, why should Crossbones care whether you think he's a troll or not?

It wasn't me who ever thought he was, but many members see a post they disagree with and suddenly shout "Twoll, twoll! There be twolls in these parts!".

I know I do when I see you online. :D:o

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And dont make comments about my business when you have no idea about the nature of it.

If you set up a site selling advertising, your customers dont pay the bill you have every right to sell advertising to their competitors.

Well I have to say that when I first came here I really loved Thailand and the Thai people. I went out of my way to help the people here, I set several Thai friends up with online export businesses these became sucessful websites earning over $50,000 per year in total (I dont benefit from this). Since becoming wealthy my thai friends turned on me - refused to have anything to do with me. The thing is the idiots didnt realise that I own the domain names, which now point to competitors websites :o

Forgive me but I didn't read past this bit. Are you trying to suggest that domain ownership will in any way screw their business efforts? You realise its a small matter for them to force you into a rights battle with ICANN? Do you really know how the internet works?

Your ethnocentric attitude shows you up as one of the ignorant types you so look down on. The first clue an intelligent man provides is that he is aware fully of the possibility that he and his own may not be the best or most good in the world. So what if you had some bad experiences, they've clearly affected you in the worst way and in doing so you let them defeat you instead of learning from them and improving to avoid the same happening again.

I understand you may feel inadeqate thanks to (if your story is true) being taken advantage of. To put it in a way you would understand; this means the Thais in question are smarter, better and 'bigger' than you;

They won, you lost.

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Thanks Scamp,

I have had my hand bitten, and yes I am bitter. The only thing I have lost here is my trust in people. I think I am a good judge of character, but in Thailand nothing is what it seems!

My postings are a bit irratic, as I said I have a love/hate relationship with Thai people (and nothing inbetween!). I find venting my frustrations somewhere keep me from going mad - sorry to take over your thread.

Part of the initial attraction of Thailand was the lack of PC, rules, regulations and other nonsense. I felt I could say what I like here, reserving judgement, being able to do more or less what I like without upsetting people. My attitude has certainly changed.

Couldn't we have a miserable a-hole topic forum to give a voice to people like myself? I could make all my posting there, and use an alter-ego to post here when I am in a more positive mood!

Well I have to say that when I first came here I really loved Thailand and the Thai people. I went out of my way to help the people here, I set several Thai friends up with online export businesses these became sucessful websites earning over $50,000 per year in total (I dont benefit from this). Since becoming wealthy my thai friends turned on me - refused to have anything to do with me. The thing is the idiots didnt realise that I own the domain names, which now point to competitors websites :o

Since living here on and off for about 5 years my attitude towards the Thais has changes somewhat.

I now have a love/hate relationship with the Thai people. I now have a fairly successful business here which means its not in my interest to leave. I try to exist here by having little contact with most Thai people.

As my nick suggests, I am pissed off with the world - not only Thailand


I do think that we are smarter than Thais, we have something to offer them. They should open up to us and our ideas before they fall totally behind or before the Chinese take over the country. I think that we should be treated with a certain amount of respect - at least as equals. This isnt the case here - I feel some of you may be kidding yourselves.

I prefer to vent my frustrations in a relatively harmless way on a Thai Expat forum - people who don't like Falangs shouldnt come here. Its much less offensive.

Anyway back on topic.

So back in the PC world, we can do none of these things. We can't express our opinions, we cant even express our opinions on an anti political correctness thread without having some idiot accusing you of being a Nazi. On the other hand we have to deal with fellow Falangs who have been here so long they feel they can win an arguement by pointing out you are overweight or making some stupid comment dismissing your opinions because you made a few spelling mistakes in your post.

I totally understand where you are coming from, you will get criticized online and then you open up a bit because it's so easy to forget that so few people don't realize that nobody is born with their opinions and that life has moulded them that way... Then you'll get criticized for being too open!

That was a good post though, and in my opinion more than proof that you are not a troll or a Thai basher, just somebody who feels he's had his feeding hand bitten, and not without fair reason.

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Thanks Scamp,

I have had my hand bitten, and yes I am bitter.

SO consider your rants on here.

This is not a Venting forum neither i bash thais forum.

I won't stand for further racist remarks. :o

next time your on holiday

Call it pollitically correct :D

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Forgive me but I didn't read past this bit. Are you trying to suggest that domain ownership will in any way screw their business efforts? You realise its a small matter for them to force you into a rights battle with ICANN? Do you really know how the internet works?


But alas, you are wrong.

Not a single non-multinational company has yet won a fight against another equally sized company. The cases you might be ferering to are almost all (apart from Madonna vs a catholic school) Multinational companys vs smaller companys or individuals.

You see people, in the real world, once you become big enough, you are always right.

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Scampy has dem ol Thailand Blues again, momma and is bitter about having to go back to "Blighty".

Steady on, Scamp.  Thailand will still be there when you're ready to go back... :o

I don't miss Thailand, I still like Thailand very much but I was there for three years and did everything I could do, so why go back?

There are many other wonderful countries out there and the friends I have made I will bump into again at some point I'm sure, just as I am sure that I will return to Thailand for a brief holiday at some point.

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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Scampy has dem ol Thailand Blues again, momma and is bitter about having to go back to "Blighty".

Steady on, Scamp.  Thailand will still be there when you're ready to go back... :o

I don't miss Thailand, I still like Thailand very much but I was there for three years and did everything I could do, so why go back?

There are many other wonderful countries out there and the friends I have made I will bump into again at some point I'm sure, just as I am sure that I will return to Thailand for a brief holiday at some point.

I thought you was only here for a year Scamp?

Anyway, think there is loads to do in Thailand that you haven't experienced yet, but I'm with you on this one, since your free and have no real ties here why not go and see a bit more of the world, I know I would and am thinking about it now, call it itchy feet. :D

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but I was there for three years and did everything I could do, so why go back?

I thought you was only here for a year Scamp?

He was, it was one of those "one year openended tickets thats good for 3 years" :o

Very common on quantus airlines

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