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I am a Taiwan girl. I want to have breast enlargement. Please share your experience or opinions.......Please tell me more......I plan to do surgery this month :o

1. Is it good to have breast enlargement in Bumrungrad?

2. Anyone has actually have breast enlargement in Bumrungrad before? Share your opinion about the plastic surgery of this hospit.

3. Please recommend some good doctors in Bangkok.

4. BKK hospital / Bkk Nursing Hospital / Bumrungrad is better?

Which one is the most expensive and which is reasonable?[/size]

Why i see from other forum said, the Thai models didnt go to Bumrungrad for plastic surgery? Anyone can tell me the reason behind.

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Agree with Totster.

If your reason for this surgery is an attempt to make yourself more appealing to members of the opposite sex, I can only say that most men I have discussed this subject with, say they prefer women with smaller breasts vs. very large ones.

Please think about this very carefully, before you make a final decision.

Whatever your decision, we all wish you happiness and good health.

cheers :o

If your reason for this surgery is an attempt to make yourself more appealing to members of the opposite sex, I can only say that most men I have discussed this subject with, say they prefer women with smaller breasts vs. very large ones.

I alos agree with Totster.

I'd also like to add that most men I've discussed this subject with, say that they prefer women with real breasts rather than fake ones.

Unless you're completely flat chested and you want to do this to improve your self-esteem and thus your quality of life, please don't do it.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


In medical care always look for the best surgeon not the cheapest price. Price should be secondary. Find quality first. If the prices are lower you will need to find out why. Do not make a decision that you will regret later.

Bangkok Nursing Home is home to the Preecha Institute, among the best cosmetic surgery clinics in Thailand.

Piyawet hospital has a doctor Sadtha who is very well-known and has many famous patients in Thailand.


I think we shouldn't jump to any conclusions without knowing all the facts.

I for one am ready to submit myself to a group that recieves a photo of said user of her present breast to make an accurate conclusion.


I had breast enlargement at Piyavate with Dr. Satha. I have many friends who had surgery at many hospitals and knew which ones were good and not good. I went to 10 different doctors before picking the one I thought was best.

Most Thai women do not have cosmetic surgery at Bumrungrad. We find ot who the famous doctors and where they work.

I picked Dr. Satha because most of his patients were women. He had many famous patients. He had performed thousands of procedures. The results were very natural looking and not overdone.

I didn't want people to know that I had surgery. I had no chest before. I looked like a boy. Now it is very natural and no one guesses that I had surgery.

I speak Mandarin so if you want to contact me, Eunice, you can. I have taken several other of my friends to this doctor since then.

I am very happy with the results.


natural breast is the best! :D I don't know whether after your surgery have an side effect on your breast feeding later on. i think you better think carefully about this but any way its up on you. good luck. :o

If your reason for this surgery is an attempt to make yourself more appealing to members of the opposite sex, I can only say that most men I have discussed this subject with, say they prefer women with smaller breasts vs. very large ones.

I alos agree with Totster.

I'd also like to add that most men I've discussed this subject with, say that they prefer women with real breasts rather than fake ones.

Unless you're completely flat chested and you want to do this to improve your self-esteem and thus your quality of life, please don't do it.

What do you mean , they are all surrounded by skin , so it make them all real . Get them Huge !


I support big breasts. Although Im not based at Bumingrad hospital anymore, I would still like to see my peers work - post a pic after op and I will make a judgement call.


Dr Tornado :o


There is many more clinics then Bumrungrad.

A quick search on google will put you right. You should pick the best one and the one that done most times. People prefer to go to one that make it for ladyboys beucase they do alot of them. Also do you research before you go to the doctor to see what kind of things they are going to put in you. But Bumrungrad is a very nice but $$$$ to much times. :o

I am a Taiwan girl. I want to have breast enlargement. Please share your experience or opinions.......Please tell me more......I plan to do surgery this month :D

1. Is it good to have breast enlargement in Bumrungrad?

2. Anyone has actually have breast enlargement in Bumrungrad before? Share your opinion about the plastic surgery of this hospit.

3. Please recommend some good doctors in Bangkok.

4. BKK hospital / Bkk Nursing Hospital / Bumrungrad is better?

    Which one is the most expensive and which is reasonable?

Why i see from other forum said, the Thai models didnt go to Bumrungrad for plastic surgery? Anyone can tell me the reason behind.


Ladyboys and women have different sized frames and different expectations and desires. A doctor who performs surgeries on mostly ladyboys may not match the needs of a woman. Although more experience is generally better, it is also possible that a doctor does performed the same surgery badly many many times.

If I were you and coming from another country, I would make appointments at several different clinics. I would meet with several different doctors before making a decision. Don't trap yourself into having surgery with the first doctor you meet.

When you shop for a car, you don't buy the first car that is shown to you. Do your research. Know what questions to ask your doctor before you go.


I'll add my voice of caution to those who have posted before me.

I, like many men, prefer natural even if small. At least they won't droop or sag later in life - so in the end it will help you look younger for longer.

Further, it seems like a huge lottery to me. How do you know what you're going to get? I've seen so many that look just wrong - nipples not centred properly, sometimes it looks like they don't like each other, and are trying to hide under the armpits! Plus, I don't know why so many of them are just too big for the size of the rest of the body - so you end up looking like a couple of soccer balls tied to a stick!

And even if they look good when first done, they may get misshapen later - putting you in for more expensive and painful and dangerous surgery every year or two for the rest of your life for "maintainance"...

Then there's something else to consider - after you've got fake boobs, the only men who will be interested in you will be "fakes" themselves - only interested in your looks... What happens when inevitably your looks begin to fade? [like, maybe those boobs start to wander like I mentioned before...] Then you'll be finding yourself having to come up with more money - at a time when "Mr fake" has moved on to something younger or with a newer pair...


I am quite suprise to see so many kind replies to me. Thank you all of you even u agree to breast enlargement or not.

In fact, my boyfriend said your breast are nice enough. But to me, the other parts of my body is quite good. Standard height, slim but not thin, nice looking. Just one part is not good, my breast, A cup only.

I am quite unconfidence about it. But I know it is risky to do the surgery. I really fear the capsular contraction after the surgery. I want to have nice breast but dont want to lose money and come out with pain.

Please give me ur suggestion to me. :o

Then there's something else to consider - after you've got fake boobs, the only men who will be interested in you will be "fakes" themselves - only interested in your looks... What happens when inevitably your looks begin to fade? [like, maybe those boobs start to wander like I mentioned before...] Then you'll be finding yourself having to come up with more money - at a time when "Mr fake" has moved on to something younger or with a newer pair...

I have consider this point. Now guys like me cas of my pretty face and my charactor. Not because of my breast. so.........I really thank you for your opinion.

I dont want guys chase me cas of my big boobs. :o


I quite like the way all us guys think she is having a boob job for the benefit of us men. If you are having emotional or mental related probs about the size of your breasts seek professional advice, you may feel (oooh pun intended) that with the correct attitude towards your breasts you might not need to go to such drastic lengths as surgery. On the other hand if it makes you feel better about yourself and you feel it’s the right thing for you, go for it. But make sure it is for you not someone else putting the idea in your head as THEY like bigger breasts.

I am quite suprise to see so many kind replies to me. Thank you all of you even u agree to breast enlargement or not.

In fact, my boyfriend said your breast are nice enough. But to me, the other parts of my body is quite good. Standard height, slim but not thin, nice looking. Just one part is not good, my breast, A cup only.

I am quite unconfidence about it. But I know it is risky to do the surgery. I really fear the capsular contraction after the surgery. I want to have nice breast but dont want to lose money and come out with pain.

Please give me ur suggestion to me.

Please don't do it. It is true that many men prefer small breasts. And A-cups are just fine. :D In fact, one of my most memorable laisons was with a Japanese girl when I was younger who may well have been less than an A-cup if that's possible. :D

But she had a great attitude and isn't it interesting that she's memorable while so many others with bigger chests :D aren't.

It really is how you use what you've got; and 3 other things;

(1) Attitude

(2) Attitude

(3) Attitude

Looks are highly, highly overrated; the procedure will be expensive, and I don't believe it's safe

To be perfectly honest, my mother had it done when she was younger and claims that it ruined her health; I believe there was leakage but when putting any type of foreign body into yours, there are risks.

You might also want to consider depending on how they do the procedure that you might have decreased sensitivity in your nipples; also consider that if you have not had children that you may (hopefully :D ) want to breastfeed. And the health of your baby isn't worth compromising.

And your breasts may (probably will) get bigger after a child...



I am quite suprise to see so many kind replies to me. Thank you all of you even u agree to breast enlargement or not.

In fact, my boyfriend said your breast are nice enough. But to me, the other parts of my body is quite good. Standard height, slim but not thin, nice looking. Just one part is not good, my breast, A cup only.

I am quite unconfidence about it. But I know it is risky to do the surgery. I really fear the capsular contraction after the surgery. I want to have nice breast but dont want to lose money and come out with pain.

Please give me ur suggestion to me.  :o

My old girlfriend had the surgery and was more than happy with the end result. She did experience a lot of pain afterwards but once the swelling was gone she was very pleased. I understand that if your are a slight build already, that somewhat restricts the size you can accommodate. I wish you luck!

I am quite suprise to see so many kind replies to me. Thank you all of you even u agree to breast enlargement or not.

In fact, my boyfriend said your breast are nice enough. But to me, the other parts of my body is quite good. Standard height, slim but not thin, nice looking. Just one part is not good, my breast, A cup only.

I am quite unconfidence about it. But I know it is risky to do the surgery. I really fear the capsular contraction after the surgery. I want to have nice breast but dont want to lose money and come out with pain.

Please give me ur suggestion to me.  :o

I really think you should send us a pic and then maybe we could give you a unbiased opinion. :D

Do what you want to do, if it makes you feel good, go for it!


Then there's something else to consider - after you've got fake boobs, the only men who will be interested in you will be "fakes" themselves - only interested in your looks... What happens when inevitably your looks begin to fade? [like, maybe those boobs start to wander like I mentioned before...] Then you'll be finding yourself having to come up with more money - at a time when "Mr fake" has moved on to something younger or with a newer pair...

I have consider this point. Now guys like me cas of my pretty face and my charactor. Not because of my breast. so.........I really thank you for your opinion.

I dont want guys chase me cas of my big boobs. :o

Put me firmly in the PLEASE don't do it side. I HATE plastic boobs! My girlfriend doesn't fill out an A cup very well and it doesn't bother me in the least.

I think we shouldn't jump to any conclusions without knowing all the facts.

I for one am ready to submit myself to a group that recieves a photo of said user of her present breast to make an accurate conclusion.

:o yes, yes..I am on ur side too


Then there's something else to consider - after you've got fake boobs, the only men who will be interested in you will be "fakes" themselves - only interested in your looks... What happens when inevitably your looks begin to fade? [like, maybe those boobs start to wander like I mentioned before...] Then you'll be finding yourself having to come up with more money - at a time when "Mr fake" has moved on to something younger or with a newer pair...

I have consider this point. Now guys like me cas of my pretty face and my charactor. Not because of my breast. so.........I really thank you for your opinion.

I dont want guys chase me cas of my big boobs. :D

Put me firmly in the PLEASE don't do it side. I HATE plastic boobs! My girlfriend doesn't fill out an A cup very well and it doesn't bother me in the least.


my wife is from China (mainland) and she had the boops job in Europe, I told her many times that I was not asking for that .......

..... she was just feeling not well with herself when we are vacationing in Europe and all the girls have nice boops, also for her was difficult to buy a bra in my homecountry (even the size A)

She has the enlargment with the saline solution, just a 1 cm scar under both armpits, no one can notice it. The breast is now a full B (so not big, just very normal and natural for her size and tall), it's very natural both when you look at it and when you touch or kiss ...... SHE IS MORE THAN HAPPY, she is proud and she can now buy many dresses that were "funny" on her just before the surgery.

Unless you do someting in a funny way, like a porno actress, or a prostitute (just to attract clients and WAN KERS), the result is natural, long lasting and safe.

Another thing: this surgery is less than a commodity operation, every surgeon made hundreds of them, it's their "bread and butter". Don't buy a Ferrari (I mean the best surgeon) to drive 50 KM/H.

Just go in a good clinic, no need to take the best surgeon in the world to do something so easy. In Bangkok there are thousands of american teenagers coming here to do nose and boops...........

If you want it, go for it!! If your boyfriend wants it (you already said not) then don't do it.


PS. pretty weird you have to come to BKK to do this operation, since in Taipei there are plenty and the price is more or less the same (at least you can talk in mandarin and stay home resting for 1 week).

In the ospital you stay only 1 night, you get in in the late morning, the job is done in the afternoon and they want you to piss off the day after ......

a rubber bandage, no coffee, no alcohol, some cream for better elasticity of the skin ..... and a big smile on your face looking at you in the mirror :D


Then there's something else to consider - after you've got fake boobs, the only men who will be interested in you will be "fakes" themselves - only interested in your looks... What happens when inevitably your looks begin to fade? [like, maybe those boobs start to wander like I mentioned before...] Then you'll be finding yourself having to come up with more money - at a time when "Mr fake" has moved on to something younger or with a newer pair...

I have consider this point. Now guys like me cas of my pretty face and my charactor. Not because of my breast. so.........I really thank you for your opinion.

I dont want guys chase me cas of my big boobs. :o

My girlfriend was an "A" cup before she got hers done . She was lacking in the confidense department as well , now she is a C cup . Looks like she has bigger boobs than most . For you i would suggest a B cup since Asians tend to be a bit smaller frame and you will be happy with them .


If you decide to have surgery, put alot of effort into picking the right doctor. Go to several for consultations. If they are not upfront about the risks, go elsewhere. If you can talk to past patient at the clinic that is a big plus. There are plenty of not-so-skilled plastic surgeons. Some are not even adequately trained. Don't try to find the cheapest. Find the best.

Definitely make sure it is for you and not your significant other.

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