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Rainbow Shirts Out On The Streets Now!


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MCOT: People in multi shirt colours gather at Victory Monument, call on PM not to dissolve House, and Red Shirts to end protest


What victory are they celebrating? We've only reached the end of injury-time in the first half. There's still a long way to go and it's all likely to be settled on penalties at the end.

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I agree that the red mob need cleaning up. However, they are not such a small group. They have had bigger crowds than the yellows. The anti-dissolution protesters number about 500.

I don;t quite follow this notion that you need to have millions of people out on the streets to make a movement one that needs to be taken seriously one way or another.

Even the BBC regularly report protests in other countries as being 'large' when they are as small as 5,000 protesters in number.

I don't think we can have it all ways. The reds are numerous enough to cause chaos in central Bangkok and that's what counts. How to shift them though???

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THE NATION: Some 400 Facebook fans gather at Victory Monument

So following on by the same logic shown by other people, 400 people who use Facebook out of 300 million Facebook users have shown their displeasure at the red shirts' actions today.

OK, it's a daft interpretation as there are 1.2-1.5 million Facebook accounts in Thailand, some of which belong to the same users.

However, it is just as pointless as saying that only 10,000, 20,000, 50,000 people or whatever the number of protesters is on any given day, support the red shirts out of a population of 60+ million.

The fact is that there is a substantial number of people in red attire blocking the central shopping district of Bangkok and it's inconveniencing a lot of people at present. Therefore, even if there are only 10,000 of them, someone will have to come up with a good plan soon or the central shopping district will lose billions of baht more in the coming weeks.

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THE NATION: Urgent: Yellow shirts to hold a caucus on April 18 at Rangsit University to define their directions.

Red shirts, black shirts, rainbow shirts, yellow shirts, fake shirts .... I am honestly surprised anyone wants to wear a shirt at the moment. It's bloomin' hot out there again today.

I am not buying another yellow shirt. Last time we wore them at school on Fridays the material was rubbish and a bugger to iron. Made everyone where I work look like wrinkled bananas.

Edited by Sunderland
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They aren't celebrating, obviously. They are protesting the idea that a violent criminal mob (a tiny minority of the nation) can force down a legally elected government. Even more galling, this mob refuses to negotiate at all.

Legally elected you must be joking! The 'reds' have been pushed too far, they will not back down, and they are by no means a 'tiny' minority. What planet are you on?, or do you believe every bit of the biased bulls**t that is printed in the Nation?

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They aren't celebrating, obviously. They are protesting the idea that a violent criminal mob (a tiny minority of the nation) can force down a legally elected government. Even more galling, this mob refuses to negotiate at all.

Legally elected you must be joking! The 'reds' have been pushed too far, they will not back down, and they are by no means a 'tiny' minority. What planet are you on?, or do you believe every bit of the biased bulls**t that is printed in the Nation?

Hey! Don't knock the Nation. It's a great comic and it's good for cleaning the mirrors and scraping all the muck off my football boots onto.

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They aren't celebrating, obviously. They are protesting the idea that a violent criminal mob (a tiny minority of the nation) can force down a legally elected government. Even more galling, this mob refuses to negotiate at all.

Legally elected you must be joking! The 'reds' have been pushed too far, they will not back down, and they are by no means a 'tiny' minority. What planet are you on?, or do you believe every bit of the biased bulls**t that is printed in the Nation?

The present govt came from an election - fair and square. Totally legal.

Unfortunately for the red-shirts, however, due to democracy, their buddies Banharn and Nevin decided to join a make a new coalition govt along with the Democrats.

Obviously Barry has been listening to too much Jatuporn red-shirt B/S rhetoric about "democracy".

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They aren't celebrating, obviously. They are protesting the idea that a violent criminal mob (a tiny minority of the nation) can force down a legally elected government. Even more galling, this mob refuses to negotiate at all.

Legally elected you must be joking! The 'reds' have been pushed too far, they will not back down, and they are by no means a 'tiny' minority. What planet are you on?, or do you believe every bit of the biased bulls**t that is printed in the Nation?

The present govt came from an election - fair and square. Totally legal.

Unfortunately for the red-shirts, however, due to democracy, their buddies Banharn and Nevin decided to join a make a new coalition govt along with the Democrats.

Obviously Barry has been listening to too much Jatuporn red-shirt B/S rhetoric about "democracy".

Is that what all this nonsense is about? I thought it was about shopping rights at Central World :)

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They aren't celebrating, obviously. They are protesting the idea that a violent criminal mob (a tiny minority of the nation) can force down a legally elected government. Even more galling, this mob refuses to negotiate at all.

Legally elected you must be joking! The 'reds' have been pushed too far, they will not back down, and they are by no means a 'tiny' minority. What planet are you on?, or do you believe every bit of the biased bulls**t that is printed in the Nation?

There seems to be some kind of bizarre idea that all the UDD supportors in Thailand have to be in Bankok protesting. That they are a "tiny minority"

Does it not occur to the people who say things like this that for every red in the streets of BKK there are legions more at home working and taking care of

everyday business.....(well maybe just throwing water at each other at the moment, but home)....not in BKK. That seems like just common sense but it

seems not to register with some people. The ones in Bkk at just representatives of the movement and yes they are a tiny minority because the vast majority art still at

at home. Go figure.

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However, they are not such a small group. They have had bigger crowds than the yellows.

I suppose that's true if you go by UDD leader Veera's various proclamations of having 1,000,000 protesters at rallies on

February 20, March 12, and March 14 followed by claims of 3,000,000 on March 30, and a staggering 20,000,000 protesters for the April 3 rally.

And I suppose if that's true then they do have a significant say in how things should go, afterall, as at 20 million, the reds brought every third Thai in the whole country to the rally in Bangkok.

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They aren't celebrating, obviously. They are protesting the idea that a violent criminal mob (a tiny minority of the nation) can force down a legally elected government. Even more galling, this mob refuses to negotiate at all.

Legally elected you must be joking! The 'reds' have been pushed too far, they will not back down, and they are by no means a 'tiny' minority. What planet are you on?, or do you believe every bit of the biased bulls**t that is printed in the Nation?

Hey! Don't knock the Nation. It's a great comic and it's good for cleaning the mirrors and scraping all the muck off my football boots onto.

If you were in North America you could get the National Enquirer same same

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Rainbow crowds? Gay friendly groups!!! :)

That'll mark them as targets for the red shirts violence from the LCM51 group has they have and verbal ridicule from Thaksin as he has.

Edited by hpl
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Rainbow crowds? Gay friendly groups!!! :)

That'll mark them as targets for the red shirts violence as LCM51 group has and verbal ridicule from Thaksin as he has.

Yeah, the reds, all about freedom and democracy. Tell a big enough lie enough times and you get an angry brainwashed mob ready to overthrow a legal government with raw violence and intimidation. Of course, it doesn't hurt that they are PAID to be there.

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However, they are not such a small group. They have had bigger crowds than the yellows.

I suppose that's true if you go by UDD leader Veera's various proclamations of having 1,000,000 protesters at rallies on

February 20, March 12, and March 14 followed by claims of 3,000,000 on March 30, and a staggering 20,000,000 protesters for the April 3 rally.

Right, and when nothing goes your way hire a few unemployed sniper ex-military pro-Thaksin guys to pull a few shots at soldiers at Kok Wua junction. And at the same time, sniper a few of your very own red-shirt guys in the back of the head, and hope for the best that the army gets the blame for the cold-blooded murders.

Then, when your soldier/red-shirt killer sniper guys get caught on YouTube videos claim they were edited and posted by the government!

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Hey! Don't knock the Nation. It's a great comic and it's good for cleaning the mirrors and scraping all the muck off my football boots onto.

In a country with a poor selection of newspapers, the Nation is definitely one of them.

Edited by canuckamuck
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I'm at the point where discussing this is just pointless... anyone else? :D

Yes, dito :)

I don't always agree with either Loz or neverdie, but this time I'm all in...let's just have a beer, relax, stay outta everyone's way and enjoy a pretty nice life here in LOS. A previous post noted that it's too hot for a shirt anyway, now mine's off. No regrets. Live long and prosper. Mario299

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^ladyboys are part of the red movement - hence the red bra brigade! :D But wait they possibly couldnt be? :)

That would be an interesting interview to see what the relative feelings from each red group are regarding their mutual hatred for each other and how they feel about their Dubai leader's derogatory comments regarding gays.

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Rainbow crowds? Gay friendly groups!!! :)

That'll mark them as targets for the red shirts violence as LCM51 group has and verbal ridicule from Thaksin as he has.

Yeah, the reds, all about freedom and democracy. Tell a big enough lie enough times and you get an angry brainwashed mob ready to overthrow a legal government with raw violence and intimidation. Of course, it doesn't hurt that they are PAID to be there.

How many posts have you, JD and Animatic made for the yellows? I have not see any converts to your PAD cause yet!

I just hope that when the remnants of TRT are elected again for the forth straight election victory, that other minorities (espescially elitist minorities) respect the election.

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Rainbow crowds? Gay friendly groups!!! :)

That'll mark them as targets for the red shirts violence as LCM51 group has and verbal ridicule from Thaksin as he has.

Yeah, the reds, all about freedom and democracy. Tell a big enough lie enough times and you get an angry brainwashed mob ready to overthrow a legal government with raw violence and intimidation. Of course, it doesn't hurt that they are PAID to be there.

How many posts have you, JD and Animatic made for the yellows? I have not see any converts to your PAD cause yet!

I just hope that when the remnants of TRT are elected again for the forth straight election victory, that other minorities (espescially elitist minorities) respect the election.

I am not a yellow. Geez. Respect elections? Why should ANYONE respect elections in Thailand? Don't you get it. You support a violent mob overthrowing a legal government. That means an endless cycle of such chaos OR a totalitarian dictatorship of the left or right that REALLY would be like Burma.

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^already like Burma Jing that is what is trying to be prevented. :)

Nothing like Burma. That is pure red propaganda. Burmese generals would have mowed down the protesters with machine guns before they got even close to Bangkok, and you know that too. You are so naive. You seem to actually believe the poor Thai people will win some kind of liberation if the reds win. They won't win sheit. Who wins? The powerful elites associated with the red leaders, its all about power and money, and the poor people are being played for total suckers.

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^already like Burma Jing that is what is trying to be prevented. :)

Nothing like Burma. That is pure red propaganda. Burmese generals would have mowed down the protesters with machine guns before they got even close to Bangkok, and you know that too.

Trust me if abhisit could get away with this he would. Unfortunately their attempt failed miserably because the troops turned on each other.

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Rainbow crowds? Gay friendly groups!!! :)

That'll mark them as targets for the red shirts violence as LCM51 group has and verbal ridicule from Thaksin as he has.

Yeah, the reds, all about freedom and democracy. Tell a big enough lie enough times and you get an angry brainwashed mob ready to overthrow a legal government with raw violence and intimidation. Of course, it doesn't hurt that they are PAID to be there.

How many posts have you, JD and Animatic made for the yellows? I have not see any converts to your PAD cause yet!

I just hope that when the remnants of TRT are elected again for the forth straight election victory, that other minorities (espescially elitist minorities) respect the election.

Grandpops = another redhead whose been watching too much Red-shirt TV channel. Just like every other red-shirt - make the slightest negative comment about them and they attack you claiming you are a PAD yellow shirt.

The red-shirt mentality that anyone who is not with them is totally against them reaks of George W Bush's past propaganda.

If the red-shirts want their 'democracy' then they should allow others to be able to voice an opinion without having to be lambasted as a yellow-shirt elitist fascist, blah blah blah....

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