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Uk Visit Visit For Thai Girl Living In Usa.

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A thai friend of mine (Female) living in USA wants to visit England for a week this summer for sight-seeing/holiday. We've filled in the online form and she has paid the fee and will be having her biometrics taken in 2 weeks, which gives us just under 4 weeks to get all the documentation together. She will be funding most of the trip herself but obviously I will be helping with food/accomdation/hotels etc..

I met her when I was in Thailand and I am going to USA in 1 month to see her.

So far i've wrote this list of what evidence I think she will need to send once she's had her biometrics taken.

Her passport.

One passport sized photo

Her Visa details for USA

The last 3 months of bank statements upto the current date)

Evident of Employment (Au Pair in USA documentation plus letter from host parent)

Evidence of her total monthly income (Pay slip)

A planned Itinerary of where we are going to go in England

Any planned flights or hotel details (i'll look for a couple of london based hotels, I know she wants to stay there)

Supporting letter from my parents inviting her to my parents home.

Cover document explaining the following: Explanation of your visit to England, Our relationship and how we know/met each other, Details about her job in USA and explanation why she will return to USA after her holiday to England, her financing of the trip to England and how we will be sharing some costs (explanation why i'm giving her £500)

Details of contact between us, phone bills, photographs, my flight details to visit her next month and MSN conversations.

Also I don't have much in the way of emails as most of our online chat is on MSN (we both leave it on all day) so what is the best way to prove time periods of talking on MSN? I don't want to send 7months of MSN chat as some of it contains personal information. Any idea on how to use this as evidence as currently it's in 1 long XML/text format.

Can anyone see anything i'm missing? Also the documents such as the letter from my parents and my phone bills, do they have to be original documents or can I scan them and send them to her via email to print?

Thanks again everyone.

Edited by Sawyer
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I can't help you on the MSN question, I'm afraid; maybe a techie will answer.

Usually original documents are required, photocopies and e-mailed scans can be too easily altered.

Your list looks fine.

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Do you think I should add my bank statements and Pay slips as we have stated on the online application she will be getting £500 from me, although she has more than enough money in her bank to cover the entire trip obviously we will be sharing some costs. :)

Edited by Sawyer
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You say obviously this and obviously that in your posts, just bear in mind that nothing is obvious to an ECO when they are considering an application, if the applicant wants them to consider certain aspects of the application, then they should most certainly include them in the application, probably the best place would be in the covering letters.

As 7by7 says the list seems fine, I assume she will be applying for the visa in the US.

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As theoldgit says, never assume that because something is obvious to you that it will be obvious to the ECO; they like to see hard evidence whenever possible, and the onus is upon the applicant to provide that evidence. If you are partly financing the trip then you should provide evidence of your ability to do so. Saying that you will send her £500 to help pay for it is not enough, you need to show that you have the £500 to send.

One factor very much in her favour is that she has a visa which allows her to live and work in the US. However, whilst I know very little about US visas, I have heard that many are single entry only. Have you ensured that her visa will allow her back into the US were she to leave?

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As theoldgit says, never assume that because something is obvious to you that it will be obvious to the ECO; they like to see hard evidence whenever possible, and the onus is upon the applicant to provide that evidence. If you are partly financing the trip then you should provide evidence of your ability to do so. Saying that you will send her £500 to help pay for it is not enough, you need to show that you have the £500 to send.

One factor very much in her favour is that she has a visa which allows her to live and work in the US. However, whilst I know very little about US visas, I have heard that many are single entry only. Have you ensured that her visa will allow her back into the US were she to leave?

Thanks for this, I will send my savings account details to show my current savings and 3 months bank details. That'll be where I am taking the money from for our shared hotel/food/sight seeing costs.

Also her Visa allows her to leave the country only for the first 13 months, she just has to fill out a form and send it to the Au Pair in America scheme. :)

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