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Overweight Farangs


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I think the key to handling these rather direct comments from Thais is to have a snappy and light-hearted retort that fits the situation. Decades ago I was in some late-night Sukhumvit coffee shop and overheard a girl ask a huge black American guy, "Why you so fat?" He laughed uproariously and said, "You gotta have a big ass to push a little dick, honey!" Don't try this in an upcountry restaurant, though.

A few months ago one of my staff looked at me intently and said, "Why do old people have hair growing out of their ears?" :o

I haven't figured out an answer to that one yet.

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I think the key to handling these rather direct comments from Thais is to have a snappy and light-hearted retort that fits the situation. Decades ago I was in some late-night Sukhumvit coffee shop and overheard a girl ask a huge black American guy, "Why you so fat?" He laughed uproariously and said, "You gotta have a big ass to push a little dick, honey!" Don't try this in an upcountry restaurant, though.

A few months ago one of my staff looked at me intently and said, "Why do old people have hair growing out of their ears?"  :o

I haven't figured out an answer to that one yet.

That is just priceless. :D:D

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If she didnt get hired, it was probably because how often she kept talking about her weight other than focusing on the interview. How annoyed i would have been interviewing her.

Well my wife was told when she was young she couldn't work as a nurse as she was fat...

so i guess it matters more to them then you think.

Personal appearance matters in Farangland but matters even more in Asia. :D

So true, but the nice thing is, it's much easier to change one's appearance here than in that other place... :o

And, it's cheaper to get rid of the "ugly" here than there. :D

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It's just an asian thing - when I was in India I asked for some sugar at a coffee stand - the vendor told me I didn't need sugar, I was fat enough already. Nothing is meant by it, I just laughed and left.

I did return later and petrol-bomb his stand though!

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I think it is plain to see that everybody, apart from the person that started this thread dosent seem to have a problem with Thais calling people fat. At the end of the day they are only stating the obvious

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Look, I rmember a great line from an article in the Phuket Gazzie...He fat ugly and his breath smells...I think I Lub him!

Brad Pit we ain't but my big baht makes me a hansum man...And since I'm not shy I get what I want in the room! Double Boom :o

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If she didnt get hired, it was probably because how often she kept talking about her weight other than focusing on the interview. How annoyed i would have been interviewing her.

Well my wife was told when she was young she couldn't work as a nurse as she was fat...

so i guess it matters more to them then you think.

Personal appearance matters in Farangland but matters even more in Asia. :D

So true, but the nice thing is, it's much easier to change one's appearance here than in that other place... :o

And, it's cheaper to get rid of the "ugly" here than there. :D

It's actually not always about money here, but it often is :D

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I think it is plain to see that everybody, apart from the person that started this thread dosent seem to have a problem with Thais calling people fat. At the end of the day they are only stating the obvious

Much in the same vein as Thais calling us "Farang".

Has no negative connotation.

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I think it is plain to see that everybody, apart from the person that started this thread dosent seem to have a problem with Thais calling people fat. At the end of the day they are only stating the obvious

Much in the same vein as Thais calling us "Farang".

Has no negative connotation.

Indeed boon at the end of the day were not children in a playground saying sticks and stones will break my bones surely the op has better things to worry about than getting in to fights with people that are having some fun stating the obvious and not meaning any harm by their comments.
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I think the key to handling these rather direct comments from Thais is to have a snappy and light-hearted retort that fits the situation. Decades ago I was in some late-night Sukhumvit coffee shop and overheard a girl ask a huge black American guy, "Why you so fat?" He laughed uproariously and said, "You gotta have a big ass to push a little dick, honey!" Don't try this in an upcountry restaurant, though.

A few months ago one of my staff looked at me intently and said, "Why do old people have hair growing out of their ears?"  :o

I haven't figured out an answer to that one yet.

How about, we grow hair in our ears as we get older as we have reach a certain wisdom level that alows us to filter out meaningless dribble and stupid questions? Said with a big smile of course! :D

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Give me a break mr. crossbones. On another thread you profess to being bigger, smarter, superior to all. If that were true, you wouldn't be crying about what other people thought about you, be it an insult or just a cultural euphemism.

How does it compare to when as a thai, i've been called worse things in the u.s. "chink, jap, slant-eyes" and so on. What choice do i have? Fight or ignore it. I choose the latter since it'd be degrading and pointless to deal with people of stupidity. Unlike you though, i don't think there are races or colors of stupid people. I don't label or libel a whole nationality based upon individual acts.

What a joke, saying you have to stay in thailand cause of your business. A bigger, smarter, superior person would find a better life for themselves, irregardless of the obstacles. Unlike you again, i don't make excuse for life's many challenges, i thrive. Piss and moan all you want, just shows how little you really are.

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I've found stayin' with the in-laws the most joyous of places to discuss my delighful fatty figure - I lost 15 kilos prior to one visit only for the mother in law to tell me i was too thin - and so keep her happy I put it back on again.

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I think the key to handling these rather direct comments from Thais is to have a snappy and light-hearted retort that fits the situation. Decades ago I was in some late-night Sukhumvit coffee shop and overheard a girl ask a huge black American guy, "Why you so fat?" He laughed uproariously and said, "You gotta have a big ass to push a little dick, honey!" Don't try this in an upcountry restaurant, though.

A few months ago one of my staff looked at me intently and said, "Why do old people have hair growing out of their ears?"  :o

I haven't figured out an answer to that one yet.

very simple, getting older the hair decide to leave your head and grow in the downdirection, so they just come out from your ears and from your nose.

At the end of the day you are not bald, the hair just moved downstairs!! :D

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smile, smile again....and have a good laugh. the first 2 questions i always get are ''how old are you & how much do you weigh''. my tiny professional wife works with a lot of single women....who all want to know.....about the big farang..hahaha...she just says the word ''big'', and smiles.

i play a good game of tennis......and this settled a lot of issues with my thai friends.

i guess my point is...dont be affronted by these personal questions...have a laugh and tell him/her how skinny they are...or some other silly retort.....

your fat..your fat...who cares...life is to short to worry about it... :o

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Well, if you are fat and someone points this out to you take it with pride as a compliment. :D

If you can't, slim down. :D If you cannot manage this either just accept being a fat loser. :D Denial gets you nowhere. :D

Lots of luck. :o

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O.K. If obesity is a disease which,when you eat a wafer thin mint and suddenly grow to 375 kg's., okay, maybe I feel soory for you. But when your roundness has come from 50 years of great living, swilling copulous amounts of the worlds finest beers, eating untold fine dishes, then surely your size is a tribute to your lifestyle; something to feel proud about. I remember back as a teenager when I weighed 38kg's, I used to get knocked black and blue by the ' fatties' of this world. No more. Now I'm one of them. Although at 5' 8" & 95 kg's I don't regard myself as that fat. It's just everyone else does so I play along with it.

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O.K. If obesity is a disease which,when you eat a wafer thin mint and suddenly grow to 375 kg's., okay, maybe I feel soory for you. But when your roundness has come from 50 years of great living, swilling copulous amounts of the worlds finest beers, eating untold fine dishes, then surely your size is a tribute to your lifestyle; something to feel proud about. I remember back as a teenager when I weighed 38kg's, I used to get knocked black and blue by the ' fatties' of this world. No more. Now I'm one of them. Although at 5' 8" & 95 kg's I don't regard myself as that fat. It's just everyone else does so I play along with it.

fatty! :D

The world is getting fat for many reasons, the obvious one is - eating to much of the wrong <deleted>.

In the PC world, you cannot call anyone fat or say "hey fatso" as you would be classed as insensitive. This is one of the problems with obesity!

Fat girls are now called "bootylicious" and rant on about "Im fat and Im proud" go Oprah go Oprah :D

At the end of the day, if you have a disease then fair enough, but if your fat because your eating crap - stop eating crap!

I come from a morbidly obese family, the whole family is HUGE, but my brother and I excercise regulary and keep the weight off... no excuses about "genes", we just do something about it. My dad died at 57 from obesity (heart gave out), my aunty died at 48 (heart gave out), so if I let myself go, it would probably happen to me. The people of this world are getting so weak and pittifull it makes me want to eat more to curb the sorrow :D

stop eating crap!, eat some fruit, vegetables, eat less carbs - if not excercising, have smaller meals and dont go on stupid diets.

If your fat and hate people calling you so, do something about it, instead of finding comfort with other fatties and all sit AROUND feeling sorry for yourselves..

Im Fit and Im proud! :o:D

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fatty!  :D

The world is getting fat for many reasons, the obvious one is - eating to much of the wrong <deleted>.

In the PC world, you cannot call anyone fat or say "hey fatso" as you would be classed as insensitive. This is one of the problems with obesity!

Fat girls are now called "bootylicious" and rant on about "Im fat and Im proud" go Oprah go Oprah  :D

At the end of the day, if you have a disease then fair enough, but if your fat because your eating crap - stop eating crap!

I come from a morbidly obese family, the whole family is HUGE, but my brother and I excercise regulary and keep the weight off... no excuses about "genes", we just do something about it. My dad died at 57 from obesity (heart gave out), my aunty died at 48 (heart gave out), so if I let myself go, it would probably happen to me. The people of this world are getting so weak and pittifull it makes me want to eat more to curb the sorrow  :D

stop eating crap!, eat some fruit, vegetables, eat less carbs - if not excercising, have smaller meals and dont go on stupid diets.

If your fat and hate people calling you so, do something about it, instead of finding comfort with other fatties and all sit AROUND feeling sorry for yourselves..

Im Fit and Im proud!  :o  :D

Thats quite possibly the most sensible post i've seen you make all week Torny... you feeling ok? :D:D

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the reason why they call you fat is because they are either jealous, mean, or just plain stupid.

many people I don't know call me cheap when I don't buy something from them. when they do this, I tell them they are poor. if they keep persisting with the name calling, I call them poor, and tell them that they will never get rich. they will stay poor even in the next life.

oh. and do this with a straight face. never show anger.

yes, these people who call others names may never become your friend, but then, the way I look at it - why would you want friends like that?

some people say this is a cultural thing? no, I don't think so. I have many thai friends who never do this. I think this is a habit exhibited by uneducated people. and not just in thailand, but all over the world.

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Thais do sometimes just say what they think even if it seems very rude to us. I was in an elevator at my apartment building once with an Isaan girl who was doing some work for me. A well dressed Thai female got in and looked at my Isaan friend and said in Thai, "What are you doing here?' Very rude in the West.

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Thais do sometimes just say what they think even if it seems very rude to us. I was in an elevator at my apartment building once with an Isaan girl who was doing some work for me. A well dressed Thai female got in and looked at my Isaan friend and said in Thai, "What are you doing here?' Very rude in the West.

Do you think it's possible the well dressed woman had no idea the Isaan women was with you and was just challenging from a security perspective.

Seems to be a lot of ignorrant, rude/obnoxious falang showing their true colors over the past few days, not to forget those who offer up sensible suggestive advice.

Would you question a stranger in the lift in your appartment building.

Neighbourhood watch Pal.

Funny ol world aint it

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Thais do sometimes just say what they think even if it seems very rude to us. I was in an elevator at my apartment building once with an Isaan girl who was doing some work for me. A well dressed Thai female got in and looked at my Isaan friend and said in Thai, "What are you doing here?' Very rude in the West.

Do you think it's possible the well dressed woman had no idea the Isaan women was with you and was just challenging from a security perspective.

Seems to be a lot of ignorrant, rude/obnoxious falang showing their true colors over the past few days, not to forget those who offer up sensible suggestive advice.

Would you question a stranger in the lift in your appartment building.

Neighbourhood watch Pal.

Funny ol world aint it

In the two apartment buildings that I have lived in, I would not have a clue if half the people I saw lived there or were visiting. :o

I'd bet my last satang that the "Thai" was looking down her nose at the "isaan" lass.

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an ex always used to call me "tut muk"...excuse the spelling.

i believe it means fat ass,

but as long as she was kissing it who cares??!

my experience for most people the truth hurts....for me i dont give a monkeys what anybody else thinks unless they are family or friends...the only people who may have a valid opinion!

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Thais do sometimes just say what they think even if it seems very rude to us. I was in an elevator at my apartment building once with an Isaan girl who was doing some work for me. A well dressed Thai female got in and looked at my Isaan friend and said in Thai, "What are you doing here?' Very rude in the West.

Do you think it's possible the well dressed woman had no idea the Isaan women was with you and was just challenging from a security perspective.

Seems to be a lot of ignorrant, rude/obnoxious falang showing their true colors over the past few days, not to forget those who offer up sensible suggestive advice.

Would you question a stranger in the lift in your appartment building.

Neighbourhood watch Pal.

Funny ol world aint it

In the two apartment buildings that I have lived in, I would not have a clue if half the people I saw lived there or were visiting. :o

I'd bet my last satang that the "Thai" was looking down her nose at the "isaan" lass.

OK Lets try and start with a whole new outlook or inlook. Up 2 u

You are a human, and neither Jesus, nor Mohammed, nor Buddha speaks for you. Take courage—you can live without a god.

Do not injure human beings or any animal; make reasonable exceptions.

When you see evil, make sure it is not in a mirror. Sometimes the enemy is us. Emotions are part of life. Feelings are good. Angry and fearful feelings are valid, but be circumspect.

Morality is about how you treat the life that has been given you—before you got asked. Once here, try to do some good and leave us a little better than when you arrived. There is no second chance.

Ideas are good. Some ideas are better than others. The best way to winnow is to seek evidence that supports an idea in a way that can be tested and evaluated. Covet not ancient ideas that contradict new evidence.

Love one another. Love is good, but trying. There is no god nor parent nor partner that loves you all the time, unconditionally. Keep not fantasies in your minds. Accept reality. Even when things look dark, there is lots of love around. Tap into it.

Sex is good. Have fun. Do not hurt another out of selfishness. Do not worry what sex others might have.

Honor thy parents, but remember they put their pants on one leg at a time.

There is great beauty in the world—on this Earth, in music, in the life around us. Take note for it and you shall be richly rewarded.

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Strewth, I didn't need a lesson in Theology or life skills MP5. I just say it as I see it. :o

On a friendly note Ok!

You Know you are too fat when your friends say

Why walk when you can roll.

chuchkok you have a sense of humor I detect there. Hopefully a little light heartedness will assist all of us.

It's the weekend.

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