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Thai Army Says Planning Operation To Clear Protesters


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A majority of 100 would be 50.1% at the very least and as the "RED party" did not win even 40% in the last election I am not sure how they are the majority party. Explain please


Seats won. 2007

Reds: (233/480)*100 = 48.5%

Yellows: (165/480)*100 = 34.3%


Seats after coupTank-icon.png

Reds (189/475)*100 = 39.7%

Yellows (172/475)*100 = 36.2%

According to final results, the PPP won 233 seats, the Democrat Party 165 seats and Chart Thai 37 seats. For the Motherland got 24 seats, Ruam Jai Thai Chat Pattana 9, the Neutral Democratic Party 7 and Pracharat 5 seats.

On December 2, 2008, the People's Power Party, the Thai Nation Party, and the Neutral Democratic Party were dissolved by the Constitutional Court of Thailand for violations of electoral laws during the election campaign of the 2007 parliamentary election. magic_wand_icon_75_j.jpg

The party dissolves instantly ended the six-party coalition's rule, which was led by Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat until then. On January 11, 2009, a by-election was held to re-occupy 29 vacant seats; the results were in favor of the five-party, Democrat-led coalition, giving it 20 of the 29 seats.

Army imposes new constitution.

Edited by whiterussian
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If you're a farang in Thailand and not on the side of the Reds, then you're a traitor to everything the West has achieved in the modern era. You yellow, old-school, old-money supporters posting here would still be in the factory earning less than five dollars a day if it wasn't for socialists fighting for workers rights, true democracies, legal systems functioning equally for rich and poor, and universal healthcare and education. Thaksin is the catalyst for this uprising, whether he's good or bad. The Bangkok elite and their repressive rule is the cause - keeping the poor in their place with fear from every angle for decades. Farang! Stand up and fight for these PEOPLE's rights!

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This point you are trying to make is most certainly lost.

No, my dear.

The point I have made about "only 1 death caused by the PAD" stands and has been read by a lot of TV readers.

But as you might know (specialy for slow readers), it is no point to open a discussion whilst you know fairly well that it is forbidden to bring some people into the discussion.

Move the discussion to the Usenet (soc.culture.thai) and we will see how long you would stand on your high horse.

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:) going mad to read all this stuff, most of you US guys, you came from a free country, Thailand is not a fancy video-game, it is real, the reds are real too. Nobody wants to start the talks first, that is "kindergarten".

Not true. There's been multiple attempts by the Democrats to restart negotiations, all snubbed by the reds who have insisted on a 16 day or less house dissolution demand.

Re Ahhisit's fan page - was started many months ago, but until 2 or 3 months ago the number of fans was below 100,000. Looks like my previous prediction will come to pass :D

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If you're a farang in Thailand and not on the side of the Reds, then you're a traitor to everything the West has achieved in the modern era. You yellow, old-school, old-money supporters posting here would still be in the factory earning less than five dollars a day if it wasn't for socialists fighting for workers rights, true democracies, legal systems functioning equally for rich and poor, and universal healthcare and education. Thaksin is the catalyst for this uprising, whether he's good or bad. The Bangkok elite and their repressive rule is the cause - keeping the poor in their place with fear from every angle for decades. Farang! Stand up and fight for these PEOPLE's rights!

on second thought ... why bother responding beyond stating that you should expand your mind a bit and stop believing you have to choose sides. Clearly there is something wrong with anyone's thinking who supports what the Reds are doing to Thailand now and the same is true for what the Yellows did at the airport. It is one thing to support their position(s) but another to support their actions.

Edited by jcbangkok
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If you're a farang in Thailand and not on the side of the Reds, then you're a traitor to everything the West has achieved in the modern era. You yellow, old-school, old-money supporters posting here would still be in the factory earning less than five dollars a day if it wasn't for socialists fighting for workers rights, true democracies, legal systems functioning equally for rich and poor, and universal healthcare and education. Thaksin is the catalyst for this uprising, whether he's good or bad. The Bangkok elite and their repressive rule is the cause - keeping the poor in their place with fear from every angle for decades. Farang! Stand up and fight for these PEOPLE's rights!

How (the expletive) can you have free and fair elections when propaganda like this is doing the rounds? FYI the word below Abhisit and Suthep is "murderers".

Imagine such material being distributed during an election campaign in the UK or US?

Go listen to the average red shirt speech and see if you'd get away making similar statements on a stage in your home country.

Traitor indeed.

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OK--facts are facts

You might want to look up the word fact and understand it's meaning.

But now so what?

Well the reds are clearly the majority party,. This explains the last two coups (2nd done with the puppet court) that was ordered by the ruling elite.

A majority of 100 would be 50.1% at the very least and as the "RED party" did not win even 40% in the last election I am not sure how they are the majority party. Explain please

How do farangs play into this?

You have the ones who are logical and see that the reds, no matter how flawed, are on the moral high ground asking for rights for the poor.

Moral high ground? Threatening to burn down a city, throwing blood on peoples homes, kidnapping... rights for the poor? Perhaps you should talk the local village elders that cheat and steal from all these mainstream RED members on a daily basis...

I suggest in the future you make sure you are fully awake before you post...

Just how many PMs and parties should be banned by unelected courts before people protest?

Just look at the Rainbow PAD. Their man who was muscled into power behind the scenes is taking a bit of flak and they are out protesting. BUT, because they are protesting to try and save Abhisits bacon, they are exempt from SOE, allowed (encouraged) to gather outside army base.

Sauce for the goose.... If Anupong is to restore order in Bangkok, he can rid his base of this mob on his way to Rachprasong. Then, people may just believe the army are neutral.

The hi-so mob outside the army barracks were hilarious on the BBC. The journos were obviously bussed in to cover it by the propaganda chief-of-the-day and responded by showing them as the toffs they are.

Mr Angry threatening to organise leaders in the province, resplendent in his executive shirt and expensive glasses. It was like the Eton Debating Society going to Downing street to support Maggie during the mineres strike.

Stank of hi-class prejudice and was exposed as such. Not what they wanted to be shown.

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:) going mad to read all this stuff, most of you US guys, you came from a free country, Thailand is not a fancy video-game, it is real, the reds are real too. Nobody wants to start the talks first, that is "kindergarten".

Not true. There's been multiple attempts by the Democrats to restart negotiations, all snubbed by the reds who have insisted on a 16 day or less house dissolution demand.

Re Ahhisit's fan page - was started many months ago, but until 2 or 3 months ago the number of fans was below 100,000. Looks like my previous prediction will come to pass :D

What was your prediction? And thanks, I revisited his Hi5 page a few weeks back and saw it mentioned the FB page and assumed it was fairly new. When I went it was not too much beyond 100k. Just since my post about his FB it has added another 500 fans. LOL, I feel like I am waiting for the New Year's ball to drop to see it hit 200k ... about 450 more to go.

But again surprised, just out of competition, the Reds have not piled onto Thaksin's page. I think his went from about 10k to 20k in the same time Abhisit's has grown near a 100k.

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If you're a farang in Thailand and not on the side of the Reds, then you're a traitor to everything the West has achieved in the modern era. You yellow, old-school, old-money supporters posting here would still be in the factory earning less than five dollars a day if it wasn't for socialists fighting for workers rights, true democracies, legal systems functioning equally for rich and poor, and universal healthcare and education. Thaksin is the catalyst for this uprising, whether he's good or bad. The Bangkok elite and their repressive rule is the cause - keeping the poor in their place with fear from every angle for decades. Farang! Stand up and fight for these PEOPLE's rights!

How (the expletive) can you have free and fair elections when propaganda like this is doing the rounds? FYI the word below Abhisit and Suthep is "murderers".

Imagine such material being distributed during an election campaign in the UK or US?

Go listen to the average red shirt speech and see if you'd get away making similar statements on a stage in your home country.

Traitor indeed.

Mate. There are dead people from last saturday. They didn't commit suicide, and the Army didn't just turn up off their own bat. Somebody (and you will have to make your own mind up about this) ordered it.

If Suthep ordered it and peopled died, what else should we call him?

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If you're a farang in Thailand and not on the side of the Reds, then you're a traitor to everything the West has achieved in the modern era. You yellow, old-school, old-money supporters posting here would still be in the factory earning less than five dollars a day if it wasn't for socialists fighting for workers rights, true democracies, legal systems functioning equally for rich and poor, and universal healthcare and education. Thaksin is the catalyst for this uprising, whether he's good or bad. The Bangkok elite and their repressive rule is the cause - keeping the poor in their place with fear from every angle for decades. Farang! Stand up and fight for these PEOPLE's rights!

How (the expletive) can you have free and fair elections when propaganda like this is doing the rounds? FYI the word below Abhisit and Suthep is "murderers".

Imagine such material being distributed during an election campaign in the UK or US?

Go listen to the average red shirt speech and see if you'd get away making similar statements on a stage in your home country.

Traitor indeed.

Mate. There are dead people from last saturday. They didn't commit suicide, and the Army didn't just turn up off their own bat. Somebody (and you will have to make your own mind up about this) ordered it.

If Suthep ordered it and peopled died, what else should we call him?

He ordered them to restore peace. When police and military are fired and bombed the rules of engagement allow them to protect themselves. Sadly, they "may" have hit some folks not directly attacking them but simply assisting them. But if you are stupid enough to go up against armed authorities then I will not have too much sympathy for you but I do wish this could have been avoided.

What country do people who repeatedly refuse lawful (or not) police orders not end up getting hurt and/or killed?

Edit: the same question regardless if police or military since it is common for military to be called in when the police need assistance. In the US the military is sworn to protect the country both against foreign and domestic threats and the National Guard (the guys that are getting sent to Iraq/Afganastan) are called on from time to time to maintain peace during civil unrest.

Edited by jcbangkok
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:) going mad to read all this stuff, most of you US guys, you came from a free country, Thailand is not a fancy video-game, it is real, the reds are real too. Nobody wants to start the talks first, that is "kindergarten".

Not true. There's been multiple attempts by the Democrats to restart negotiations, all snubbed by the reds who have insisted on a 16 day or less house dissolution demand.

Re Ahhisit's fan page - was started many months ago, but until 2 or 3 months ago the number of fans was below 100,000. Looks like my previous prediction will come to pass :D

What was your prediction? And thanks, I revisited his Hi5 page a few weeks back and saw it mentioned the FB page and assumed it was fairly new. When I went it was not too much beyond 100k. Just since my post about his FB it has added another 500 fans. LOL, I feel like I am waiting for the New Year's ball to drop to see it hit 200k ... about 450 more to go.

But again surprised, just out of competition, the Reds have not piled onto Thaksin's page. I think his went from about 10k to 20k in the same time Abhisit's has grown near a 100k.

Not as many computers in farmers living rooms. Usually their houses are full of farming things.

But nice to show your elitist blindness with this post. Shows more the class divide than anything else.

Yellows being the elites, have more money, therefore more computers, therefore more facebook members.

You not related to Einstein by anychance are you :D

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:) going mad to read all this stuff, most of you US guys, you came from a free country, Thailand is not a fancy video-game, it is real, the reds are real too. Nobody wants to start the talks first, that is "kindergarten".

Hey 'greasergirl' you may need to wash yourself off in detergent.

They've already had talks and 'the reds' refuse negotiation or compromise ..they only offer their well documented terrorism as threat in the name of 'Democracy' 

It's not 'kindergarten', innocent dupes have ..and are possibly going to die.

Get back to your video game 

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If you're a farang in Thailand and not on the side of the Reds, then you're a traitor to everything the West has achieved in the modern era. You yellow, old-school, old-money supporters posting here would still be in the factory earning less than five dollars a day if it wasn't for socialists fighting for workers rights, true democracies, legal systems functioning equally for rich and poor, and universal healthcare and education. Thaksin is the catalyst for this uprising, whether he's good or bad. The Bangkok elite and their repressive rule is the cause - keeping the poor in their place with fear from every angle for decades. Farang! Stand up and fight for these PEOPLE's rights!

How (the expletive) can you have free and fair elections when propaganda like this is doing the rounds? FYI the word below Abhisit and Suthep is "murderers".

Imagine such material being distributed during an election campaign in the UK or US?

Go listen to the average red shirt speech and see if you'd get away making similar statements on a stage in your home country.

Traitor indeed.

Mate. There are dead people from last saturday. They didn't commit suicide, and the Army didn't just turn up off their own bat. Somebody (and you will have to make your own mind up about this) ordered it.

If Suthep ordered it and peopled died, what else should we call him?

Mate, there's an eyewitness account of a black-clad agent provocateur shooting at the reds then shooting at the army. The witness said he pointed this out to the red shirt guard but was told to <deleted>. (Let me know if you need a link, but I'm sure you've already seen it)

There's plenty of evidence to suggest a third party was responsible for the deaths, but the red shirts are having none of it. These are not ideal conditions for a "free and fair" election, by the standard of any western country.

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If you're a farang in Thailand and not on the side of the Reds, then you're a traitor to everything the West has achieved in the modern era. You yellow, old-school, old-money supporters posting here would still be in the factory earning less than five dollars a day if it wasn't for socialists fighting for workers rights, true democracies, legal systems functioning equally for rich and poor, and universal healthcare and education. Thaksin is the catalyst for this uprising, whether he's good or bad. The Bangkok elite and their repressive rule is the cause - keeping the poor in their place with fear from every angle for decades. Farang! Stand up and fight for these PEOPLE's rights!

How (the expletive) can you have free and fair elections when propaganda like this is doing the rounds? FYI the word below Abhisit and Suthep is "murderers".

Imagine such material being distributed during an election campaign in the UK or US?

Go listen to the average red shirt speech and see if you'd get away making similar statements on a stage in your home country.

Traitor indeed.

If you search the threads on TV regarding the drug wars you'll see Thaksin called a murderer many times. And Thaksin is slandered on TV regularly with impunity. But under the lash of Abhisit-military censorship the same words directed at any of the present administration is somehow off-limits. That really says it all.

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:) going mad to read all this stuff, most of you US guys, you came from a free country, Thailand is not a fancy video-game, it is real, the reds are real too. Nobody wants to start the talks first, that is "kindergarten".

Not true. There's been multiple attempts by the Democrats to restart negotiations, all snubbed by the reds who have insisted on a 16 day or less house dissolution demand.

Re Ahhisit's fan page - was started many months ago, but until 2 or 3 months ago the number of fans was below 100,000. Looks like my previous prediction will come to pass :D

What was your prediction? And thanks, I revisited his Hi5 page a few weeks back and saw it mentioned the FB page and assumed it was fairly new. When I went it was not too much beyond 100k. Just since my post about his FB it has added another 500 fans. LOL, I feel like I am waiting for the New Year's ball to drop to see it hit 200k ... about 450 more to go.

But again surprised, just out of competition, the Reds have not piled onto Thaksin's page. I think his went from about 10k to 20k in the same time Abhisit's has grown near a 100k.

Not as many computers in farmers living rooms. Usually their houses are full of farming things.

But nice to show your elitist blindness with this post. Shows more the class divide than anything else.

Yellows being the elites, have more money, therefore more computers, therefore more facebook members.

You not related to Einstein by anychance are you :D

Yellow red yellow red yellow red.... Is that all you see?

There's plenty of Thais of the same blood stuck in the middle who are sick of all this crap - you'll be hearing a lot more from them if this chaos continues.

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They are better conditions for free and fair elections that having all serious opponants of the Dems, barred, their parties disbanded and election courts set up to police canvassing, no outside monitoring etc.

FYI this is how the last fit up was conducted.

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If you're a farang in Thailand and not on the side of the Reds, then you're a traitor to everything the West has achieved in the modern era. You yellow, old-school, old-money supporters posting here would still be in the factory earning less than five dollars a day if it wasn't for socialists fighting for workers rights, true democracies, legal systems functioning equally for rich and poor, and universal healthcare and education. Thaksin is the catalyst for this uprising, whether he's good or bad. The Bangkok elite and their repressive rule is the cause - keeping the poor in their place with fear from every angle for decades. Farang! Stand up and fight for these PEOPLE's rights!

How (the expletive) can you have free and fair elections when propaganda like this is doing the rounds? FYI the word below Abhisit and Suthep is "murderers".

Imagine such material being distributed during an election campaign in the UK or US?

Go listen to the average red shirt speech and see if you'd get away making similar statements on a stage in your home country.

Traitor indeed.

If you search the threads on TV regarding the drug wars you'll see Thaksin called a murderer many times. And Thaksin is slandered on TV regularly with impunity. But under the lash of Abhisit-military censorship the same words directed at any of the present administration is somehow off-limits. That really says it all.

There's nothing stopping you right now posting all the anti-Abhisit nonsense you want on here without any prosecution, which you do - usually at these early late hours!

Your not suppressed in any way right now - get over it.

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They are better conditions for free and fair elections that having all serious opponants of the Dems, barred, their parties disbanded and election courts set up to police canvassing, no outside monitoring etc.

FYI this is how the last fit up was conducted.

Quick fix for that one would be to completely legalise vote buying in all its forms. Sound fair to you?

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So the headline at the top, saying Government ready for more talks with Reds means the machine guns will do the talking?

It is the red leadership under instructions from Thaksin who prefer petrol bombs to negotiations.

Jaw, Jaw, Jaw is better than war, war, war!

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If you're a farang in Thailand and not on the side of the Reds, then you're a traitor to everything the West has achieved in the modern era. You yellow, old-school, old-money supporters posting here would still be in the factory earning less than five dollars a day if it wasn't for socialists fighting for workers rights, true democracies, legal systems functioning equally for rich and poor, and universal healthcare and education. Thaksin is the catalyst for this uprising, whether he's good or bad. The Bangkok elite and their repressive rule is the cause - keeping the poor in their place with fear from every angle for decades. Farang! Stand up and fight for these PEOPLE's rights!

How (the expletive) can you have free and fair elections when propaganda like this is doing the rounds? FYI the word below Abhisit and Suthep is "murderers".

Imagine such material being distributed during an election campaign in the UK or US?

Go listen to the average red shirt speech and see if you'd get away making similar statements on a stage in your home country.

Traitor indeed.

Mate. There are dead people from last saturday. They didn't commit suicide, and the Army didn't just turn up off their own bat. Somebody (and you will have to make your own mind up about this) ordered it.

If Suthep ordered it and peopled died, what else should we call him?

Mate, there's an eyewitness account of a black-clad agent provocateur shooting at the reds then shooting at the army. The witness said he pointed this out to the red shirt guard but was told to <deleted>. (Let me know if you need a link, but I'm sure you've already seen it)

There's plenty of evidence to suggest a third party was responsible for the deaths, but the red shirts are having none of it. These are not ideal conditions for a "free and fair" election, by the standard of any western country.

If you still have the link handy, I would like to see it. I hadn't seen or heard about this yet. However, I did watch the video many times of the red shirt with the flag being shot in the front of the head as he turned to face the Red crowd ... not the military. So, unless there was an army guy shooting from within the red crowd, he was not shot by the military.

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From some previous posts (and I don't want to quote because it wastes space), seems like the Thai Electoral Commission can engineer any election result to suit their sponsors' requirements. If it's a result the old money doesn't like, find cause to declare fraud. If it's a result the old money doesn't like, call some by-elections. If it's a result the old money doesn't like, find another reason and get a bunch of old people waving yellow flags to besiege an international airport. A farce and a disgrace to the human race. How can the poor ever win with such obstacles?

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don't the Thai govt. understand that the world is watching, shaking their heads and laughing at them. Maybe they just don't care. Is there not One person in all of Thailand who knows how a govt should be run and how an Army should be run and how a Police force should be run. Not one person? Can you imagine ANY police force in the rest of the world, putting up with this stuff? In the U.S., there would be red shirts laying dead all over the street, or gassed and put in jail, or both, but not still operating like they are. What is wrong with these people?

That is in US and most countries.

In Thailand, they becomes Minister!!!

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:) going mad to read all this stuff, most of you US guys, you came from a free country, Thailand is not a fancy video-game, it is real, the reds are real too. Nobody wants to start the talks first, that is "kindergarten".

Not true. There's been multiple attempts by the Democrats to restart negotiations, all snubbed by the reds who have insisted on a 16 day or less house dissolution demand.

Re Ahhisit's fan page - was started many months ago, but until 2 or 3 months ago the number of fans was below 100,000. Looks like my previous prediction will come to pass :D

What was your prediction? And thanks, I revisited his Hi5 page a few weeks back and saw it mentioned the FB page and assumed it was fairly new. When I went it was not too much beyond 100k. Just since my post about his FB it has added another 500 fans. LOL, I feel like I am waiting for the New Year's ball to drop to see it hit 200k ... about 450 more to go.

But again surprised, just out of competition, the Reds have not piled onto Thaksin's page. I think his went from about 10k to 20k in the same time Abhisit's has grown near a 100k.

Not as many computers in farmers living rooms. Usually their houses are full of farming things.

But nice to show your elitist blindness with this post. Shows more the class divide than anything else.

Yellows being the elites, have more money, therefore more computers, therefore more facebook members.

You not related to Einstein by anychance are you :D

Well if Red Supporters are all poor farmers then they CERTAINLY do not make up the majority ... especially considering those in the South do not support Thaksin. I guess you confirmed the confusion about all the Red supporters who claim the huge support they have here in BKK.

Edit: PS 250 more to go before Abhisit's page reaches 200,000 fans.

Edited by jcbangkok
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If you search the threads on TV regarding the drug wars you'll see Thaksin called a murderer many times. And Thaksin is slandered on TV regularly with impunity. But under the lash of Abhisit-military censorship the same words directed at any of the present administration is somehow off-limits. That really says it all.

The misdeeds of Thaksin are extremely well documented, some have been proved in a court of law and many more cases are pending.

I'm quite sure if you can present 'documented and provable' misdeeds against Abhisit it will be displayed right here in black and white free of any censorship ! for all to peruse   


                                                     ".. that really says it all ".... 

                                                                ..doesn't it ?

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If you're a farang in Thailand and not on the side of the Reds, then you're a traitor to everything the West has achieved in the modern era. You yellow, old-school, old-money supporters posting here would still be in the factory earning less than five dollars a day if it wasn't for socialists fighting for workers rights, true democracies, legal systems functioning equally for rich and poor, and universal healthcare and education. Thaksin is the catalyst for this uprising, whether he's good or bad. The Bangkok elite and their repressive rule is the cause - keeping the poor in their place with fear from every angle for decades. Farang! Stand up and fight for these PEOPLE's rights!

Get real! We are just a supporter of PEACE, no color. Who wants to live in a place with civil war and with unruly barabaric people.

Do you live in Thailand?

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Abhisit's Facebook page is about to hit 200k fans.


I am so glad he moved to Facebook from Hi5

Right now he needs all the friends he needs.

I guess Suthep took him off his list the other day though.

i just signed up. :)

Proves nothing. I signed up. Love to see how he has aged since his soap star boy next door looks of last year.

So, by using a tried and tested formula and extrapalating the results. At least 50% of his followers signed up to see what kind of a fool he is making of himself on there.

Also, this sample (you and me) shows that 100% of his followers are Falangs who are irrelevant.

Edited by grandpops
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What non-communist / socialist country doesn't have a poor population or where the money is largely in the big cities? In America, more and more people are living in the cities than ever before. Why? Because that is where the opportunity is. I am confused as to why these poor farmers can make it down for a month+ of protests but can move down here and make a more richer life for themselves if they are so into money.

The current government has provided them with direct cash as part of a stimulus as well as making sure education and healthcare are free in addition to increasing payments to seniors. I do believe we have to help the less fortunate but at what point do you realize the handouts are not helping and simply results in people feeling they are owed more handouts?

I have not heard one Red Shirt leader talk of a plan to increase prosperity up there. Nothing about tourism, express train from BKK or anything else that would allow them to be more connected where the main hub of power and finances are. Bangkok is the largest city in the country and the capital and this should be no surprise.

Bangkok is also the place where one needs a college degree to work as a clerk at a mall making 200 baht a day. It is not an easy place to survive and it takes a lot to get ahead. Are the Reds not up for earning their own way?

This is actually all a moot point since the real issue here is simply Thaksin paying for this support and promises of free (so they thought) money and even more money if they are able to get his cronies back in power quickly while hurting his enemies.

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Abhisit's Facebook page is about to hit 200k fans.


I am so glad he moved to Facebook from Hi5

Right now he needs all the friends he needs.

I guess Suthep took him off his list the other day though.

i just signed up. :)

Proves nothing. I signed up. Love to see how he has aged since his soap star boy next door looks of last year.

So, by using a tried and tested formula and extrapalating the results. At least 50% of his followers signed up to see what kind of a fool he is making of himself on there.

Also, this sample (you and me) shows that 100% of his followers are Falangs who are irrelevant.

Actually you don't need to sign up to see everything. You only need to sign up if you want to post on the page. EVERYTHING can be viewed without becoming a "fan"

EDIT: If you did go to the page you will see there if VERY VERY VERY few white faces among those that are fans. Everyone who is a fan has their profile picture showing.

Edited by jcbangkok
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If you're a farang in Thailand and not on the side of the Reds, then you're a traitor to everything the West has achieved in the modern era. You yellow, old-school, old-money supporters posting here would still be in the factory earning less than five dollars a day if it wasn't for socialists fighting for workers rights, true democracies, legal systems functioning equally for rich and poor, and universal healthcare and education. Thaksin is the catalyst for this uprising, whether he's good or bad. The Bangkok elite and their repressive rule is the cause - keeping the poor in their place with fear from every angle for decades. Farang! Stand up and fight for these PEOPLE's rights!

Get real! We are just a supporter of PEACE, no color. Who wants to live in a place with civil war and with unruly barabaric people.

Do you live in Thailand?

Thank you ... why is it so many Reds feel that if you are not a supporter of chaos in the streets you must be a Yellow shirt. If things were no so tragic and real this situation would make a great comedy movie. Yellow, Pink, Blue, Red and Black Shirts?!?!? Officials running out of parliment hopping fences, the government going on TV to announce police are going to be making a raid an hour before it happens, great escapes from hotels, police and army running away .... It really is sad and tragic what is happening and sadly I believe if the Reds continue to act outside the laws there will be more deaths.

EDIT: I wonder how many more people might be willing to sympathize or side with the Reds if they didn't flagrantly do everything they could to instigate the government and force their hand to restore normalcy in the city and prevent a financial crisis after finally coming out of financial hard times.

Edited by jcbangkok
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